You Niu Shan, the peak!

When Yu stepped away from the sword tower and returned to the peak of the mountain, Yu Haoran wanted to thank Qian Shuhao.

Because when encountering the old man using a black ball ball sneak attack, he has seen Qian Shuhao’s intention to help.

It was only because he used Poison Pill to control the Self-destruction of the black saliva in time, and for the time being there was no danger of life, he forcibly stopped the move to help.

He will always remember this feeling in his heart, but also need to express his gratitude in person.

But at this time, the sword tower behind him suddenly burst into dazzling purple rays of light, so that if he had reached the mouth, he could swallow it forcibly.

Subsequently, he followed the peak and watched the increasingly bright sword tower of purple rays of light.

“Purple light is dazzling, the sword list is born!” Looking at the increasingly dazzling purple rays of light, and gradually condensing a list of powerful sword energy, Qian Shuhao glanced at Yu Haoran and couldn’t help but sigh Road.

“Senior Qian, what is the sword list?” Qian Haoan sighed, and Yu Haoran asked immediately with interest.

Because in the memory of his previous life, he has never heard of any news from the sword list.

“The so-called sword list refers to a list condensed by the rules of the sword tower, which records the strength rankings of all those who entered the sword tower for the first time since the sword tower appeared in Shuangniu Mountain in the southern region.”

Until the rules of Heavenly Dao are perfect, the cultivation environment of Heavenly Profound Continent is getting more and more difficult, let alone the powerhouse of the quasi-Martial Venerable realm, and there are very few martial artists who can break through the Martial Saint realm.

This has also led to the fact that very few talented martial artists at the monstrous talent level have been able to break into the 14th floor directly when they first entered the sword building for more than XNUMX years, let alone the XNUMXth day that inspired the birth of the sword list. -layer.

Therefore, in addition to the seven top sects and the inheritance family of tens of thousands of years, there are records of Jianlou Jianbang, the entire Heavenly Profound Continent knows that there are few sword lists.

Yu Haoran, a second-rate sect Hundred Chi Sect, didn’t know the existence of Jianlou Jianbang was normal.

The reason why Qian Shuhao was able to understand the existence of Jianlou Jianbang also benefited from the fact that the top sect and inheritance families valued his innate talents in Kendo. In order to draw closer to each other, he intentionally disclosed it to him.

After hearing Qian Shuhao’s explanation of Jianlou Jianbang, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a surprise in his heart. It was the birth of Jianlou Jianbang at this time. I am afraid that it has everything to do with it.


nodded confirmed Yu Haoran’s guess, Qian Shuhao looked at him with admiration.

“It’s because of your first amazing performance in Jianlou that the Jianlou Sword List was born.”

“And it seems that nearly a century has passed since the birth of the sword tower sword list.”

Speaking of which, Qian Shuhao’s eyes turned to Purple Qi rays of light, gradually converging, gradually revealing the ranking of the sword list, and continued to speak with a touch of envy.

“Moreover, based on my general understanding of Jianlou Jianbang, your ranking at this time is definitely in the top XNUMX.”

Just the top one hundred!

Yu Haoran was slightly disappointed to hear Qian Shuhao’s speculation about his final ranking in the Jianlou Sword List.

However, when he saw a lot of Kendo powerhouses in Heavenly Profound Continent, he was either unknown or ranked himself lower, and disappointment was immediately replaced by surprise.

Fifty people!

This is his ranking in the Jianlou Jianbang.

The Kendo powerhouse, ranked 49th, is exactly the land of the Void Jade Palace Earth Palace.

And like Houcai, a flying flower and a fallen leaf, seeing the famous Kendo Powerhouse, such as Hong Ximen Yu, for a hundred years, he didn’t even enter the list.

After the surprise, Yu Haoran was immediately attracted by the top words of the sword list.

First place Heavenly Sword!

Second place sword!

Third person sword!

But behind Heaven and Earth’s three swords, they were all covered by a layer of purple rays of light, and he couldn’t see the name behind the ranking, which made him wonder.

“Senior Qian, Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, and Human Sword each represent a famous Senior?”

Turning his head to look at Yu Haoran, and then looking up at the top three rankings of Jianlou Jianbang, Qian Shuhao was silent for a while, then explained.

“Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, and Human Sword are three kendo geniuses born of adhering to kendo.”

“The three talented innate talents in Kendo have surpassed the highest definition of innate talent in the world and reached the legendary level of Godland.”

“Sword darling!”

Upon hearing Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, and Kendo innate talent possessed by Human Sword, Yu Haoran’s mind immediately appeared with the four words of the sword’s darling.


nodded, Qian Shuhao turned his head to look at Yu Haoran, said with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

“At Grandmaster, I have been in Kendo cultivation for XNUMX years. I have seen countless geniuses in Kendo, but no one can outperform you in Kendo.”

“So when you first broke into the sixth 14th-layer of the sword, I thought you were one of the three swords of Heaven and Earth.”

“But a pity!”

Without adhering to Kendo luck, he became one of the three swords of Heaven and Earth. Although Yu Haoran was also a little disappointed, his mind was attracted by some information that Qian Shuhao just explained and revealed.

Because through the information just now, he can vaguely guess who the so-called Heaven and Earth people’s three swords are.

But further confirmation is needed.

“Senior Qian, what is the ranking of Jianlou Jianbang?”

“The level of the first pass, the performance in Kendo when you pass the pass, and your luck in Kendo!”

The information on the ranking of Jianlou Jianbang is not a secret, as long as you can know it clearly, so Qian Shuhao did not introduce the hidden details.

“It must be them!” Yu Haoran sneered to himself after hearing Qian Shuhao’s explanation of the ranking of Jianlou Jianbang.

Later, he suddenly remembered that the Tower Spirit had been fighting with himself for luck before he fell asleep, and a more evil plan came to his mind.

“Senior Qian, why does Jianlou Jianbang not have your name?”

After a period of digestion, the people at the peak finally accepted Yu Haoran’s final ranking on the Jianlou Sword List, and began to look for people they were familiar with. Finally, they found that Qian Shuhao, who had the nickname of the sword idiot, was not on the Sword list. The crowd at the scene was very puzzled.

His Uncle Ling from Ling Xiaoge asked directly.

“This Qian came to the Sword Tower in Shuangniu Mountain sixty years ago. When the first breakthrough, the cultivation base only had Martial Sovereign Grade 7 Peak, and eventually only reached the XNUMXth floor of the Sword Tower.” Not at all because of the sword Lou Jianbang does not have his own ranking, and any expression of disappointment on his face reveals Qian Shuhao with a smile.

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