In front of the sword tower!

“Boy, you die for me!”

As soon as Yu Haoran walked out of the sword tower through the south gate, and when he was coming in and taking a breath of fresh air, he heard a loud-looking drinking in his ears. !

The natal sword that appeared in the hand instantly put on a defensive posture, integrated into Divine Soul’s wishful bell to form a 2nd defense, and Yu Haoran immediately responded nervously to the sneak attack.

But when he saw that the black ball from sneak attack was still the black ball of Grade 7 Grade XNUMX, while secretly relieved, he took out a Poison Pill directly from the storage ring, and then bounced Poison Pill towards the black saliva. .

“explode for me !”

When the black ball was less than two meters away from Yu Haoran and collided with Poison Pill, the old man of Cangshan was loudly shouted.

“Not good !”

Seeing that the old man in Cangshan actually broke into the 14th-layer of Jianlou VI because of Yu Haoran’s success, and used the black mouthball sneak attack with shame and anger, Qian Shuhao disobeyed the principle of Ming Zhe’s body protection, and after a bad thought, he rushed to the sword Lou intends to make a siege.

But the pace just started stopped in an instant.

Because of the black saliva ball that was thrown towards Yu Haoran’s head, not at all, because of the self-destruction of Cangshan’s violent drinking, he fell into Yu Haoran’s hand obediently.

“If anyone in this world has the deepest understanding of black saliva, I have Yu Haoran who claims to be the second, and no one dares to be the first!” Looking at the black saliva that fell into his hands, Yu Haoran said slightly arrogantly.

But not only did everyone at the scene not have a hint of resentment, they felt that his words were just too modest.

Looking up at the old man with a sudden change in his face, Yu Haoran said glumly.

“Old fellow, although I don’t know who you are and why you’re sneak attacking me, but since you have provoke me, then the sword tower is your corpse.”

Subsequently, he directly threw the black saliva ball to the old man in Cangshan.

Looking at the black saliva ball thrown at him, the old man in Cangshan couldn’t help talking.

Since it is the original black saliva, then the old man of Cangshan knows the formidable power of the fourth-order Grade 7 black saliva, knowing that he can absolutely not resist the poisonous after the black saliva Self-destruction, and he wants to speed up quickly. Escape the sword tower.

But he forgot one thing. When using the black saliva to attack Yu Haoran, the black saliva had the thoughts and breath left by his driving.

The black saliva ball integrated into Poison Pill suddenly seemed to have its own consciousness. Beyond the expectations of everyone on the scene, it directly crossed the limits of time and space, and appeared on the top of the old man in Cangshan instantly, and then Self-destruction started.


Although the formidable power of the black saliva Self-destruction can not directly hurt the old man in Cangshan, the toxic substance contained in it is enough to kill him.

What’s more, the integration of the special Poison Pill has caused the poisonousness of the black saliva to mutate. Not only the toxicity of the corrosion life is more intense, but also the pain caused by the corrosion process is directly magnified more than ten times.

Listening to the black saliva Self-destruction forming the painful howling of the old man in the black mist Cangshan, the eyes of the people at the peak showed no patience and pity, and some just sneered and happy.

“Boy, please, please hurry up and give old man a treat!”

Looking at his own flesh and blood has obviously been corroded, but a special energy still protects his own Divine Soul who knows the sea, so that he not only can’t die happily, but also continues to endure dozens of times of pain.

The old man Cangshan who also knows the poisonousness of the black saliva ball knows that the mutation produced by the black saliva ball comes from the Poison Pill.

Therefore, eager to end this terrible old man in Cangshan as soon as possible, can’t help crying out.

“Tell me, why are you attacking me?” Slowly walked towards the old man in Cangshan who was shrouded in black mist. Yu Haoran took out a Detoxifying Pill and asked with a somber expression.

“You successfully broke into the 14th-layer of Sword Tower VI, which made the old man embarrassed in front of everyone, and he will not be able to set foot in the sword tower in the future, so when the shame becomes angry, the old man will take a sneak attack on you.” The elderly Cangshan explained quickly.

“In Grandmaster, old man Cangshan is not lying!”

Being able to break into the 14th-layer of Sword Tower VI has fully proved Yu Haoran’s amazing innate talent in Kendo, taking into account his innate talent in Pill Dao and Formation Dao, and the speed of improvement of the cultivation base.

The enemy Martial Saint powerhouse knows that in the future Yu Haoran must be a peerless swordsman who can influence the situation of Heavenly Profound Continent.

Therefore, after the elderly Cangshan explained the reason for the sneak attack, he immediately spoke and confirmed that he hoped to establish a good relationship with Yu Haoran.

Taking a look at the enemy Martial Saint powerhouse and glancing at the black mist formed after Self-destruction, Yu Haoran frowned.

As a powerhouse of the Martial Venerable realm, it is normal to take care of your face, and to get rid of sneak attack in anger and anger.

However, the old man named Cangshan mentioned by Martial Saint powerhouse has made him vaguely familiar, as if he had heard of it in previous lives.

“Boy, hurry up, hurry up and give the old man a joy!” Seeing Yu Haoran who was suddenly silent, the elderly Cangshan who could hardly bear the pain, couldn’t help reminding.

“I finally know who you are!”

The words of the reminder revealed a hint of instinct and arrogance, which made Yu Haoran suddenly think of Void Jade Palace’s style when he acted arrogantly, and then thought of the withered old man who was encountered at the Guangling City auction some time ago, and finally remembered the old man of Cangshan origin.

Old man Cangshan is like a powerhouse secretly cultivated by Void Jade Palace, like old man withered, in order to handle some inconvenient things for Void Jade Palace.

And the reason why he used the black ball to attack himself, slap face is just a reason, the real reason is that he wants to replace Zhuo Yucheng to take revenge.

“Boy, what do you mean?” The old man Cangshan inquired, holding back the pain.

“Elderly Cangshan, maybe others don’t know your true origins, but never thought about hiding me from Yu Haoran.”

Facing the elderly Cangshan’s questioning, Yu Haoran replied with a sneer, put away the Detoxifying Pill just taken out, then took out another Detoxifying Pill, and directly dropped it into the poison mist.


Improving the pain several times in an instant, making the howl of the old man in Cangshan even more painful, but also could not help asking.

“Boy, what did you just do?”

“It’s nothing, just added some condiments, so that you can enjoy the most inhuman pain in the world.” Yu Haoran replied with a sneer.

“Why do you treat me?” Asked Cangshan, puzzled.

“Because you and the withering old man are from the same force!”

When stepping out of the sword tower, Yu Haoran gave reasons why he had tortured him this way.

In this regard, the elderly Cangshan, who already knew that he had revealed the intention of sneak attack, did not continue to ask for help, and could only continue to alleviate the pain caused by the highly toxic through the terrible howls.

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