Dressrosa, near the East Blue coastline port.

Chen Qi and the others have arrived here.

“Luffy hasn’t arrived yet?”

“Trafalgar didn’t know when he was gone!”

“What are these two captains doing? ?”

At this time, a powerful breath came from behind them.

When Bartolomeo looked back, he immediately freaked out.

Headquarter Admiral Fujitora Issho is chasing–

Near the center of the street, Bastille Vice Admiral loudly asked Den Den Mushi about the situation: “Hey! The person responsible for supporting the East Blue shore Marine is not moving at all?”

Den Den Mushi replied on the other side: “Report! Troops have been incapacitated! And the soldiers’ rifles, swords, tomahawks, knives, etc. are gone, all Everything that can be used as a weapon has disappeared!”

Hearing this, Bastille Vice Admiral became a little anxious: “en? What’s the matter?”

Den Den Mushi another One side: “Reporting to Vice Admiral, the specific reason is still unclear. The Battleship docked at the port seems to be connected by something and cannot sail at all. In addition, there are some soldiers who have fallen to the ground!”

The Bastille is immediately on fire: “What do you idiots do for food! Are you going to watch the criminals who gather on the East Blue shore escape? Hurry up and take measures for me!”

“Belong to, the subordinates are doing their best!”

This is of course because of the Dongtata clan. In order to help Chen Qi escape, they secretly confiscated all Marine’s weapons and equipment. As for the connection between Battleship and Battleship, of course it is because of Captain Leo’s ability to “sew fruits”. Since Marine can’t even find a saber, those connecting threads can’t be cut.

Luffy took Rebecca to the destination and ran all the way to the East Blue port.

He saw Admiral Fujitora stalemate with Chen Qi and the others.

“Spread it! Thousands of cherry blossoms!”

Chen Qi read the words of Shijijie, his blade shattered like a cherry blossom, hiding the sky and covering the earth towards Fujitora. Come up.

Fujitora had already sensed it, and when he pulled out the stick knife, a cold light of the forest appeared: “Gravity·Induction!”

With a wave of the stick knife, the gravity on the ground seemed to be Immediately strengthened dozens of times, the warriors in the arena behind Chen Qi felt as if they were pressed, almost unable to move, Chen Qi [千本英]’s thin blade also fell to the ground.

Chen Qi can feel that Fujitora is more difficult to deal with than Doflamingo.

Luffy came back when the two sides were in a stalemate.

Trafalgar · Luo dealt with some things and happened to be back.

“Wow! Luffy Senior!” Seeing Luffy, Bartolomeo exclaimed in excitement, “Run faster! Jump directly onto the boat! Avoid Fujitora in front, from the top of his head Skip! Chen Qi Senior and I are here to cover!”

Old Cai also shouted: “Everyone, get on the boat now! Straw Hat and Luo are here!”

“Everyone is here, everyone, run away!”

Huh? Is Straw Hat here? At this time Fujitora also felt a familiar breath.

“Rubber rubber elephant gun!”

Didn’t expect, Luffy, a guy with a rib, didn’t hide or run deliberately. He was directly attached to Busoshoku Haki’s third fist. It hit Fujitora’s body.

This time, everyone could not help but dumbstruck.

Chen Qi covered half of his face: “This idiot!”

After beating people, Luffy still has a righteous expression: “Anyway, I will defeat you in the future. Now I can’t wait any longer. Why do you have to turn around and run away when you meet Admiral? This rule-breaking was over two years ago! Whether you are Marine Headquarter, Yonko or whatever, if you don’t beat you all up, I will always Don’t want to be Pirate King anymore!”

Speaking, he rushed up again.

Fujitora used a sword to fight against him, and his fist collided with the sword, and the sound of’dingdong’ was endless. But the opponent is Admiral, and after a few rounds, Luffy feels a loss of strength.

“Forget it, who made this idiot our captain?”

Although Chen Qi thought it was the most appropriate to escape now, the captain felt that he wanted to stay and fight. He had no choice but to obey his will.

“flash step!”

After a flash, Chen Qi disappeared in place.

“Chen Qi?!”

The cold air is drifting around, and Chen Qi’s knife has changed form.

“Sit on the frosty sky! Binglunwan!”

“Ice Dragon spinning tail!”

When Chen Qi swings his sword, all around The water vapor immediately condenses into an Ice Dragon, whizzing towards Fujitora.

“Gravity Blade!”

Fujitora also swung his sword when he saw it. The frozen Ice Dragon cracked immediately, and then it shattered.

“The captain and the mate have started, how can we stand by?”

When Zoro saw this, he pulled out his sword and prepared to go up and help out.

Bartolomeo tried to dissuade: “No, Zoro Senior, let’s stop fighting, you have to take care of the situation here!”

When the two sides are almost deadlocked , Another group of people rushed up on the other side of the port.

“Chenwan, Lucy, you are ready to die!”

“We will chase you one to the sea!”

This sudden group People flocked to Fujitora to make Fujitora not knowing what to do.

“Stop! Chen late! Lucy!”

“Lucy, don’t run, return Rebecca Princess to us!”

“Hurry up and stop , Your soul is pale!”

The citizens of these all are Dressrosa, they actually knew the truth about Luffy’s abduction of Rebecca. At this time, they came out because they deliberately wanted to stop Fujitora.

Marine will not attack civilians, especially when there are civilians around him.

Fujitora retracts the knife back to its sheath.

He is not a fool, knowing that these civilians came out to help him deliberately.

Although he was stopped, he was not at all regretful in his heart.

Although he can’t see it, he really wants to see what Pirate looks like.

For the first time, he felt that justice seemed to be not only on their side.

Under the cover of these civilians, Chen Qi Luffy and the others got on the ship one after another.

Because the Sonny was not here, they boarded the main ship of the Admiral Orumbus, the Jota Maria.

This ship is so big that it is more than enough for the giant warrior Helding to stand on the deck and run.

Luffy looked up at the ship with a big mouth: “Okay, so big!”

Olumbus greeted everyone: “Please get on board as soon as possible. It’s burning eyebrows!”

The giant warrior said to Chen Qi and Luffy: “Magic sword, Straw Hat, I have four partners who are giant mercenaries. One day, five of us People will unify all Giant Races and bring back [Pirates], who once shocked the world!”

Luffy smiled and said: “Really? If you fight, then it must be a strong enemy. . In other words, we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future, right?!”

When we heard the giant warrior, Usopp’s eyes flashed a light of reverence: “[Pirates], Dorry and Brogy uncle, then But the glory of the times, Luffy—”

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