Dressrosa, inside the palace.

Princess said so, but the maid next to him is still very repulsive: “But he is a Pirate after all, who knows what she will do?”

Rebecca doesn’t care at all. What they said: “It’s great that you are here, I always wanted to thank you well, by the way, what about Chenwan?”

“We encountered some things and he was with everyone No problem. Also, are you really willing? Soldier’s business?!”

Luffy said like this, as if he had hit Rebecca’s sore spot.

Luffy continued: “He plans to never see you again!”

Hearing this, Rebecca’s face showed a very sad look: “Lucy, I received He believes, Mr. Soldier, he seems to have been alienating me all the time-he seems to have been ignoring our relationship all the time. Why is this because I said something excessive? Dad didn’t he want to be with us Life? Is he thinking that I’m troublesome?”

Luffy still said loudly: “Where do I know, think about it for yourself! I have to leave this country, so I just come to ask you if you Just be willing to do this!”

Rebecca directly cried: “impossible! How could I be willing to do this?!”

“Then you want to come with me?” Luffy said seriously.

“en! I’ll go!” Rebecca resolutely said.

At this moment, Viola rushed in with a team of soldiers: “Rebecca, Straw Hat, wait a minute!”

Rebecca took a look at her: “Viola Aunt, please don’t stop me, I’m a very important thing!”

With that, Luffy broke the window directly, took Rebecca on his back and left.

There was a riot in the palace.

A soldier rushed into the king’s great hall in a panic: “Your Majesty, King Liku!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Rebecca Princess She was taken away by Pirate!”

When I heard this, King Liku turned pale with fright: “What? Pirate, a contestant in the bullfighting arena?”

“No, it’s Straw Hat Luffy!”

This incident soon spread throughout Dressrosa, and the citizens on the street also came out.

“Rebecca Princess was taken away!”

“The prisoner is Straw Hat Luffy, he must be ransom!”

Host of the Arena Gaz was also shocked when he heard: “How is it possible? How could Lucy do such a thing? This is too unscientific, but even then I like you very much!”

The citizens next to him heard Gaz’s words and immediately burst into anger: “What are you talking about, Gaz?!”

Marines couldn’t sit still when they heard the news, Maynard Vice Admiral rate Soldiers came: “Look, it’s because you trust Pirate to keep him in the country, that’s what happened! I ordered to chase’Straw Hat’ immediately and rescue Rebecca Princess!”

“As you bid!”

Luffy not at all fled, some Marine and citizens saw him jumping from one roof to another with Rebecca on his back.

“The suspect has been found! The sniper team pays attention, be sure to aim and fire!”

Marine sniper team Captain said.

These people are snipers, the marksmanship is first-rate, but they fell to the ground before they pulled the trigger.


“What’s the matter? Marine actually fainted?” The citizens cry out in surprise one after another.

Seeing this situation, the Bastille Vice Admiral in the distance seems to not knowing what to do: “Is it Haoshoku Haki?”

The messenger said: “No, everyone It seems that they are still conscious!”

Bastille is still calm: “Anyway, they will flee from the east port, immediately transfer the Battleship over, and all the troops will be assembled!”

“As you bid!”

Luffy is like a monkey, carrying Rebecca back and forth on the roof, and those Marines who have not been stunned are still chasing: “Straw Hat, stop for me!”

“Who would stop! Idiot!” Luffy rushed, and said to Rebecca, “After putting you on the hill, I will go and lead them away. After that, I will rely on you. Now people all over the country want to protect you. If they find you, they will definitely take you to the palace!”

Rebecca looked grateful: “Well, I know! Really Thank you so much, Lucy!”

“Hehehe! Nothing, don’t take seriously!”

Below, not only Marine and the king’s guard, but even the citizens take it I took up a weapon and wanted to’protect’ Rebecca Princess: “Catch Lucy!”

“Save Rebecca Princess!”

“Pirate really is Pirate, we When you and Chenwan are heroes!”

“We will never trust Pirate anymore—”

On the other side, in Cyrus’ hut, Cyrus It’s already packed.

He is going to leave this country.

Before this, he fabricated the false news that Rebecca mother and Prince were married.

He did this for Rebecca’s happiness.

Because he feels that although Rebecca is a Royal Family, he has been insulted for ten years.

So he wanted to leave and let her enjoy the happiness she deserves as a Royal Family.

He is gone, and no one knows that Rebecca is the biological daughter of his own civilian.

But when he opened the door, he was dumbfounded.

Because the biological daughter is gasped for breath standing in front of her: “I, I don’t allow you to lie!”

Although I am very happy to see my daughter, but for her In the future happy life, Cyrus fiercely thought: “Did you mean that letter? I used to be a worthless man. I know fights every day, and no matter how good the reason is, I have killed people. , So—”

“What are you talking about!” Before Cyrus could finish speaking, Rebecca interrupted him, “I don’t care about your previous experience, I only know You are my father! I am Cyrus’s daughter!”

As soon as these words came out, Cyrus, a tough guy like steel, also shed tears.

“I don’t allow you to lie!”

[No matter what, I will always be by your side! 】

Rebecca cried and yelled: “Just as you promised me before, guard by my side! Mr. Soldier!”

Cyrus also cried and cried. Weeping: “I, can I really be your father?”

Rebecca: “Well, we will live together from now on!”

Cyrus cried with excitement–

Dressrosa, the palace.

Viola received a call from Rebecca and couldn’t help but sighed, then got up and walked towards the great hall of the king.

Viola said to Liku: “Royal Father, Rebecca, he has not returned to the palace.”

Liku: “Viola, is this still the case? “

Viola: “Well, that’s what she meant. It’s the second time in my life to be asked like this.”

King Liku heard This remark, instead of feeling sad, but laughed heartily: “Is that so? Sure enough, there must be a daughter if there is a mother!”

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