Ten years ago, Dressrosa Palace, the king’s bedroom.

When King Liku (King Rick) Liku Dold III was about to go to bed, he saw a person lying in the bedroom window on platform!

It is Donquixote · Doflamingo!

“Who are you?!” King Liku couldn’t help asking.

Brother Ming smiled wickedly: “Don’t make any noise, don’t shout! I am Donquixote · Doflamingo, as the orthodox of Dressrosa, now I am back!”

Look at Liku Wang He said: “Recently, I heard Pirate named’Donquixote’ and I really care about it.”

Brother Ming said bluntly: “Yes, your uneasiness is correct. I officially used to A member of Donquixote Pirates…”

King Liku continued: “I heard that you hijacked a transport ship dedicated to Celestial Dragon’s tribute gold from various countries, and threatened to become Shichibukai.”

Brother Ming laughed: “Furafuro! Those guys are having a headache and don’t know what to do with me! They are really hurt for my existence who doesn’t fear Celestial Dragon. My brains! Now that you understand my position and strength, it’s easy to say… Give me 10 billion Beli, and I will sell this country to you, King Liku!”

Regarding Doflamingo’s lion’s big mouth, Liku Wang slightly startled: “Dressrosa simply doesn’t have that many money!”

Brother Ming said: “Originally, I didn’t need to give you such an opportunity. I just grabbed it. That’s it, the time limit is before dawn tomorrow! I have to help from abroad! This is a test of the king, don’t tell everyone about my existence.”

That night, after Brother Ming left, Liku Wang called an emergency meeting.

Guard Captain: “Can’t you choose to fight? King Your Majesty?!”

King Liku resolutely refused: “Absolutely not! The fight sounds grand-sounding, but the essence is just killing. This is not what a human should do! Dressrosa has not had a war for eight hundred years. This is the proof that I am not a beast. We must not fall into the wild! Since we are human, we must never kill!”

“There is no time, everyone will immediately spread out to various towns! If you have to collect 10 billion Beli, if you can’t do it, the entire Dressrosa will be very troublesome! Doing so may lose everyone’s trust for a while, but it is only a few minutes away. Only hours!”

“After everything is over, I will make compensation for everyone with sincerity! There is no other way apart from this! Lies or cleverness won’t work!”

Guard Captain questioned: “However, there are simply no rich people in Dressrosa. Try to reclaim it when the time limit is reached! This will affect everyone’s fate!”

In order to keep Dressrosa alive, the guards are all Dispatched.

At the time, Captain Lepant was also there.

Lepante dismounted and said to everyone: “Give all the cash in town here!”

People in town: “Hey! What happened?”

“If you do this, King Your Majesty will not sit back and watch!”

Lepante was a little anxious: “This is the king’s order! We have no way to explain, nor Time is up!”

At this time, all the images of Dressrosa are lit up, and the person inside is King Liku.

He knelt down to everyone and asked everyone to lend him money.

The king’s kneeling moved everyone, and everyone gave generously.

But then, something more unimaginable happened.

King Liku actually rode a horse on the street with a sword, slashing and killing people wantonly, crying while slashing.

I don’t know why, he feels that his body does not listen to his commands at all!

On a high guard tower, Doflamingo smirked and watched what happened below: “Not enough! Let this place be surrounded by fear and deterrence! When they start resenting King Liku from the bottom of their hearts It’s time for the hero to appear!”

Doflamingo directed and acted in this play ten years ago, and then played the hero, successfully ascending to the throne of Dressrosa.

Back to now.

In the big garden, one-legged toys told everyone about these things ten years ago: “Dressrosa fell into Doflamingo’s hands overnight.”

Usopp almost To cry: “It’s so touching, it’s a nightmare to hear this!”

Robin said: “Doflamingo, what a cunning man.”

Franky added It was crying and tearful: “Ohhhh, no…unforgivable, Doflamingo!”

Dong Tata patriarch Gan Qiao also sighed: “We believed what happened to King Liku. Everything came into contact with Brother Ming rashly, and that’s why we ended up here. We were so ashamed that we couldn’t believe in King Liku all the time!”

Usopp continued: “This is really too lethargic. People are sad. The king you admire so much is willing to bear these deaths?”

One-legged toy: “No, King Liku… is still alive! Doflamingo valued the Princess dimension at the time. Ola’s ability, so Princess put forward the conditions.”

[At the time, Violet cried and said to Brother Ming: “If you promise not to kill father, I will be yours!”]


“She is still alive as a subordinate of Brother Ming! She became a cadre of the family and was renamed’Violet’!”

Usopp startled: “A cadre? Putting it that way, Thanks to this Princess, King Liku is only…”

One-legged toy is a little melancholy: “Yes, she must be somewhere in this country now, but the pain the king has suffered over the past ten years has hurt us It’s impossible to imagine that His Royal Highness Viola must be in the same pain…”

“Anger, fear, tears…how on earth did she spend these ten years? Also, that night King Liku suffered less pain from the guards who were also controlled by Brother Ming?”

Robin: “Hey? Didn’t I hear that all the guards died that night?”


The one-legged toy continued: “Some people were killed, but some people acknowledged allegiance to survive in Doflamingo.”

Hearing this, Franky looked indignant:” What? They actually became traitors?!”

One-legged toys: “I have always believed that they must have made a difficult and lasting choice.”

Franky tears again Flowing more than: “It’s really like this ? I can’t cry anymore! It’s all like this, wu wu ~”

One-legged toy: “The guards who were killed, the guards of the acknowledge allegiance, but even if you add them all together, the number is still a little less. “

Franky puzzled: “What are you talking about?” “

One-legged toy explained: “I mean even me, there must be some missing memories, Flander, I let you see it on the street just now? “

At this time, Franky remembered that a toy dog ​​came over and bit a woman’s trouser leg and said that she was her husband, but the woman didn’t remember anything…

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