Dressrosa, under the arena.

“Tank! Forget it, it’s up to now…”

“King Rick Your Majesty, I was also the soldier of the kingdom!”

“Me too!”

Some of the people who fell have echoed King Rick.

At this time, the sound of “Gragra” came all around.

“Wow! What happened? The toys are all moving!”

“Aren’t they all broken?”

Look at the broken toys They moved one after another, and everyone couldn’t help being shocked.

Others who are not Dressrosa are surprised: “The former Dressrosa soldiers salute him along with their toys. What is going on? Isn’t King Rick being spurned by people?”


The Fishman Hack on the side is holding Den Den Mushi and doesn’t know who he is talking to.

At this time, a ball of mucus the size of a human head fell from the ceiling onto Old Cai’s head.

“Ah? What’s it this time?!” Amidst everyone’s astonishment, Old Cai was directly absorbed into the air like a trick.

I don’t know how long it took, when Old Cai woke up again, he found that he had become an orangutan toy with gongs and drums…


Dressrosa, the big garden.

“This is a long time ago…” Dongtata Old Patriarch Gan Qiao told everyone about the previous history, “We Dongtata people went to sea to find our own national resources. Was caught by large humans and was on the verge of extinction…”

“However, at that time, the king of the neighboring country Dressrosa proposed a model that would give us’resources and safety’ in exchange for a small amount of our labor. Treaty. The king at that time was Donquixote Pirates, and the period until now 900 years ago is the darkest part of the history of the Dongtata tribe. The books left behind record the brutality of the Dressrosa royal family at that time, really like demons. …”

“(Dongtata’s) ancestors were forced to labor in the underground where no one knew, while the large people used the wealth produced by the Dongtata tribe on the ground to be extremely extravagant. After that. I don’t know what happened in the blank for a hundred years. Eight hundred years ago, Dressrosa gave birth to a new king, that is, King Rick…”

“I heard that the little Human Race in the past In the past hundreds of years of treatment under the ground, King Rick shed tears and deeply confessed his guilt to his ancestors. After that, he took further actions to compensate the ancestors… as long as they lived. Necessities, no matter how many are taken at will, and we don’t need our labor…”

“In order to achieve this promise, the king used’what the fairies did’ as an excuse to brilliantly appease the stolen Citizens, let the legend of the “fairy” be passed down like this! The ancestors felt the kindness of King Rick, and through continuous efforts, this land has been inadvertently turned into full of vitality, and beautiful flowers bloom everywhere…”

Straw Hat and the one-legged toy continue to listen to him telling the history of the Dongtata tribe.

And the more Gan Qiao patriarch said, the higher his emotions became: “This is the friendship between our Dong Tata tribe and Rick Wang Family inheritance from generation to generation! But after 900 years, the blue sea turned into Mulberry fields, Doflamingo, the last descendant of Donquixote’s family, actually returned to Dressrosa, and let us have that unbearable history staged! My daughter, Mancheri, has already been arrested by him for 500 compatriots!”

“We must not let such a miserable time come again!”

“Woo ao ao ao!!!”

“We did it!”

Gan Qiao said impassionedly, and the following people were excited.

“Just so, the arrival of Doflamingo will be harmful to Dontata!” Captain Leo added.

Usopp provoked thumbs up and pointed at himself: “I think so too!”

Little people: “Ooo! You deserve to be a hero!”



Franky cried like a mental illness: “wu wu wu, King Rick is really A good person, so kind to this kind of insect-like race!”

The villain who heard this was immediately upset: “Who do you say is an insect!”

Franky added: “It’s the kind of beneficial insects…”

The little people turned into anger and laughed: “Ah, then it’s okay!”

Robin look Looking at the one-legged toy, he said, “But Mr. Captain, the female sword fighter in the arena in the Den Den Mushi video is miserably scolded for being King Rick’s granddaughter. People here don’t seem to like King Rick… “

Usopp: “I think so too.”

One-legged toy explained: “An incident happened on that day ten years ago, and King Rick was lost overnight. People’s trust, everyone didn’t know the truth about that. The king actually knew that he wanted to protect Dressrosa in the end! Doflamingo wanted to eradicate King Rick’s clan, so I took King Rick’s bloodline Rebecca and fled for a long time, but In the end I was caught…”

“She is now being insulted in the arena. As long as I can protect King Rick’s credibility and Rebecca’s life, my life will always be No! I bet everything on this battle!” Usopp showed a look of astonishment: “I remember the pain of that day all the time! After turning into a toy, maybe she has something Don’t remember, I’m…Rebecca’s father!”

Everyone:? !

[The bloodline she is carrying is also destiny! 】

The bullfighting arena, zone D is still in fierce competition.

“Don’t run away anymore, you run away with a wool!” A big player yelled and kept attacking Rebecca.

The host explained: “Rebecca fled in embarrassment, and Lorringe Logan, who was constantly chasing after her, stared at her like a prey!”

The audience is not willing anymore. .

“It’s so despicable, Rebecca!”

“Fight me!”

“Go fight and bleed!”

“Stop running away, Rebecca!”

“You hateful woman!”


The big garden.

Everyone also watched the bullfighting arena in the Den Den Mushi video.

Usopp asked the one-legged toy: “You said you are her biological father, if it is true… because she is the granddaughter of King Rick, could it be said that you were when you were not a toy? …”

The one-legged toy did not answer his words, but said: “It all started from that day…”

Usopp’s sharp-mouthed fangs, Yelled: “Answer my question!! Hey, putting it that way you are King Rick’s…”

Only the one-legged toy explained: “No, maybe it’s from more It started a long time ago, from when the woman named Monet entered the palace…”

Usopp slightly startled, and then asked: “Monet you mentioned is the bird in Bank’s restricted area. Female?”

The one-legged toy still did not directly answer their question: “In the past ten years, the changes here have been very big, because that night, they came to the palace of Dressrosa…”

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