Depressed Fairy

Chapter 535: Belief in lies and fall into despair, seeing the Peach Blossom Land and entering the ev

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I fell into that man's trick!"

"Lian Jian" was riding the sword light at full speed. Looking back now, I finally realized the key to the problem!

"What he said about himself being low-key and cautious was just to create suspicion and to tell the truth! The purpose was to deceive others! This caused people to misjudge and think that as long as they bypass this person and do not directly stimulate them, they can arrange a strangulation... "

The more he thought about it, the more angry, regretful and resentful he felt!

"This person is really insidious! He doesn't know my magical powers at all, but he still instinctively deceives. He is obviously used to misleading others! He is digging holes for others all the time! It's ridiculous, I didn't do it before I didn’t expect that I would be deceived by him and end up like this!”

"Lian Jian" was cursing secretly, but suddenly there was a warning sign in his heart!

He didn't need to make special calculations at all. His spiritual perception was slightly delayed, and there was a sharp stabbing pain, like a burning flame, like a sword slashing!

"It's the Chen family who is catching up! But why so fast! Although those immortals in the monument are inherently deficient, with the help of the large array and magic weapons, as well as the methods of stimulating potential that I secretly taught, they will not be able to delay even a few breaths of time. Stay!”

Here it is!

Just as he was thinking about it, several of the body-circling magic weapons surrounding him were shattered one after another!

"I'm chasing you! It's too fast! No, the righteous immortals have been defeated, including the three most powerful people. This time there are already gaps in the alliance between good and evil, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve what we want! And even if we unite all the Fang may not be able to suppress the Chen family. If he catches my proxy body, he may even extract the source! The situation is over, it’s just..."

Thinking of the danger of the situation, the strangeness of the situation, and the laws he was burdened with, the "Lian Jian" gritted his teeth, raised his hand to form the seal, and layers of time ripples suddenly appeared on his body, and his eyes were instantly It was full of bloodshot eyes, and there was blood flowing out of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

But the next moment!


With a scream, blood marks spread like cracks on his body surface, and spread all over his body in the blink of an eye. A mysterious force descended, wrapping his body, and the chaotic air flow rotated in front, like a path leading to a distant world. Cave...

In a trance, his eyes traveled through time and saw a branch of time. It was the scene where he once again forcibly used the magical power of retrospection. Not only did the substitute body that stored the origin collapse because of this, but even his own magical power of retrospection would be released from within his body. Precipitate, condense into magical crystals, fall into the turbulent flow of time and space, go to a certain time and space, merge into the god of one person, and achieve that person's amazing journey!

In the end, all traces of his ancient lord will fall apart from the inside out and no trace will remain!

Realizing this, "Lian Jian" trembled all over, came back to his senses, and realized the danger. How could he dare to use his natal magical power again?

But then the magical weapon behind him was broken into pieces, and the cold air came over him, and there were warning signs in his heart. There was also a powerful force, falling like the top of a mountain, and it was about to fall on him. Even the light of his flying sword was affected, and it was bumpy and scattered. How much desire dissipates!

At the critical moment, "Lian Jian" finally made a decision. When he turned over and pointed, one hundred and eight sword lights burst out!

In that sword light, there are seventy-two immortal sword energies, which generate all things in the world and cover the world. With the push of time, all things are derived and even condense into a small world of divine treasure!

The remaining thirty-six sword energies are unpredictable and bizarre. They seem to contain endless hidden secrets, and many ghosts appear. They outline a vast scene in the small world of Shenzang that is about to take shape!

The world of immortality, the scenery of all things!

"The Sword of Eternal Life, all things are derived!"

His sword was a serious swordsmanship, and the foundation contained in it was even deeper than the All Things Returning Sword shown by the Red-browed Ancestor just now!

Chen Yuan, who was following closely behind, was surprised when he saw it, but then he raised his hand a little, and two Shenzang projections fell down. They were still opposite and contradictory projections, intertwined and turned into a ferocious sword light, and there was even a fierce sword light in it. Contains a touch of the power of time!

This ferocious sword light roared out, and the two forces of positive, negative, and contradictory collided with each other, and then burst out a breath of destruction, directly smashing the world of immortality that was about to take shape!

The violent force was even more powerful, and it all bombarded "Lian Jian"!

Here it is!

"Lian Jian" was immediately thrown out like a kite with a broken string, but at the last moment, he still stretched out his hands, and a strange line appeared on his forehead, and then flew out, landed behind him, and turned into a fan. The dark door!


The door opened slightly, and the rolling wave of time mixed with the dark misty air of reversal seeped out, covering his body, protecting the present, searching the past, solidifying the future, and becoming invincible immediately!

Despite the impact of the rest of the force, the person remained motionless!


Chen Yuan's heart trembled, and he felt something vaguely, so without stopping, he raised his hand and pointed a sword!

When his cultivation has reached his level, magical powers and techniques are no longer limited. The seemingly ordinary sword fingers and sword light contain the power of the five fantasy gods, and are also mixed with the magical power of time and inner demons!



The sword light is invisible, split into shadows!

But before the sword was in the middle, it was distorted by a strange power of time, and even flew towards the door behind "Lian Jian"!

However, Chen Yuan was not surprised by this. The moment when his differentiated sword light was about to touch the door, he turned the seal!



The projections of the five gods exploded!

The power of time and inner demon thoughts are mixed in, giving birth to push!

Although it is the projection of the Utopian God, under the influence of many factors, it bursts out with the terrifying power of a small world exploding!

The wave of destruction roared and hit that door!


A crack appeared on the door, and then it began to shake violently. The crack in the door that was originally open suddenly cracked open and was pushed a few more times!

But this time, Chen Yuan's will mixed in the sword light also seeped into it.

Suddenly, an indescribable strange feeling came, making Chen Yuan feel like he was transcending all things, transcending the times, transcending perception, and surpassing his predecessors!

His heart skipped a beat. He manipulated this spiritual thought and looked deep into the door. He actually saw a strange scene. It seemed like countless books were placed on the bookshelf, and it seemed like balls were floating in the ocean. There are many dark shadows lingering in the distance.

Roaring, fighting, and whispers came from afar!

"Could this be..."


Suddenly, with a soft sound, the door closed and turned into runes again. The "Lian Jian" was retracted to the forehead in a slightly hasty manner. Then with a flick of the finger, countless thick causal threads eroded by the reversed misty air shot out from all directions. !

Chen Yuan's consciousness also seemed to fall from an infinite height and beyond the era in an instant!

He seemed to wake up suddenly.

"This strength is really unexpected. It is obviously beyond the strength of the current version of the Jade Monument World. Moreover, these methods of causing cause and effect and deducing disasters through time are clearly not from the Sword Immortal Sect, or even from this world. Taoist methods! Then your origin is about to come out."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yuan threw aside the black causal thread wrapped around his arm without contaminating himself, making the "Lian Jian"'s eyelids twitch.

"Sure enough! I have noticed a few times in the past that although many causes and effects can bless you, they are difficult to penetrate. Your fate seems to be strange!" Taking a deep breath, "Lian Jian"'s expression became solemn, and he tried to suppress it. There was panic in his eyes, but his face was as pale as paper, "Your fate is really full of chaos, and it can be considered an anomaly! No wonder you can achieve this!"

"How many times before?" Chen Yuan captured important information from it and asked with a smile: "What? This is not the first time you and I have fought? But I am not familiar with your aura. I should have never met you before. But, what’s the reason for this, are you willing to explain it to me?”

Having said that, Chen Yuan had a general guess in his mind at this moment. Although it was only a short-term confrontation, the opponent's preparations were extremely complete. They seemed embarrassed, but they were organized. With the initial decisive escape behavior, it was as if they were ahead of schedule. It’s the same as predicting his own methods!

"Since this person is from the ancient clan, his magical powers are related to time. Perhaps he has the ability to predict..."

Thinking in his heart, Chen Yuan also knows how big a threat this can be. Since he is so calculated and concerned about himself, if he cannot be cut off, it will definitely become a big trouble!

Not to mention……

Thinking of the shocking glimpse in that door just now, when he looked at the other party, his eyes were filled with eagerness and expectation!

Because Chen Yuan vaguely realized that the person in front of him was probably his chance!

A transcendent era, an opportunity and gateway to truly explore the location of the Ancient Clan, the existence of the Ancient Clan, and even the entire starry sky and countless eras!

No matter what, this person must be captured!

On the opposite side, "Lian Jian" also realized his gaffe, but he also understood that now that he was unable to use his natal magical power, even if he summoned his own body here, he might not be able to reverse the situation!

"Because this Chen family is very likely to be just an incarnation! Even if defeated, the person he has to face may be a more terrifying one! Therefore, if you want to make a comeback, there is only one way!"

As soon as he thought this, a look of determination appeared on his face. He used the power of ancient time to move his body, barely avoiding the interference of Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts, and raised his hand.

In his hand, he held a bloody jade Ruyi!


With a pinch, Jade Ruyi shattered on the spot!

Countless demonic energy swarmed out from it, and streaks of blood streaked through the air, transforming into a huge formation!

In the world, thirteen places suddenly trembled violently, demonic light appeared, and demonic energy soared into the sky!

The three demon sects who were hiding, as well as the generations of demon kings who had been sealed in the past seven thousand years, all woke up at this moment!


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