Depressed Fairy

Chapter 534: The thought of backhand draws, which makes people's hearts unpredictable

As Chen Yuan spoke, under the shocked gaze of the ghost master, he stepped in the air and came to the sky. He raised his hand and wiped his face, and then returned to his original appearance, facing the nine immortals from a distance.

"The third ancestor of sound transmission!?"

Chen Yuan's words immediately caused an uproar among the crowd.

"Are you the third ancestor of the sound transmission?" Even the expressions of several immortals, including List Zi, changed suddenly, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Especially the list was even more horrifying - Chen Yuan's black lotus incarnation, although its composition and power were different, and its temperament was slightly different from the original body, it was generally similar, especially its appearance and the original body were exactly the same. This Hongmeng celebrity recognized his origin and saw that he was the "person practicing asceticism in seclusion" that he and his junior sister had seen that day.

"It turns out that this person is actually the third ancestor of the Sound Transmission!"

Not to mention these seven immortals, even the "Lian Jian" had his eyes widened at this time, looking at the enemy that suddenly jumped out in front of him in disbelief. He recognized the appearance of turning into ashes. After all, he had eaten it. How many times have you lost money!


"How come he appears at this time!?"

"Lian Jian", who was full of confusion, even looked around subconsciously, and saw the mountains full of righteous monks, including himself and the nine immortals from the side sects of the righteous path. He couldn't understand it for a moment!

"This person has acted out of necessity every time before. Therefore, Yanbi claims that he is low-key, cautious, and doesn't like to stand out. If he really has such a temper, knowing that there are so many cultivators here, and still gathering against him, how can he do it? Taking risks personally? This is completely inconsistent with what he said!"

At this thought, "Lian Jian" suddenly realized that he was afraid that he had been deceived by the other party and believed the other party's words, so that he would suffer a big loss!

"My magical power of retroactive transformation has been used too much in a short period of time, and it has reached its limit. If it fails this time, I will have to leave this era. Taizu will be blamed by then, and it will be difficult to explain!"

"How brave! How arrogant!"

Among the people, only the red-browed ancestor did not change his expression from beginning to end. When faced with Chen Yuan's appearance and attack, not only was there no surprise, but he showed a sneer: "Do you really think that after cultivating one or two great magical powers? Can you really do whatever you want?" As he said this, he pressed the seal with his hand and began to use the Xuan Gong!


The whole world was boiling at this moment, vitality, spiritual energy, cloud energy, water vapor, vitality, death energy... all these were like ignited boiling oil at this moment, roaring and strong, turning the originally calm sky into a whirlpool. There was a great stir!

The entire overhanging peak was shaking, and parts of the mountain began to crack, causing many green plants to shrink. All living things that flourished due to the Immortal Sword Intent were frozen at this moment, showing signs of decline!

Not to mention that many monks in the mountain, even a famous cultivator who was on his way outside the mountain, were all forced by the huge pressure at this moment!

"How awesome! Is this the method used by the Red Eyebrow Ancestor!?"

"What a magical power! No wonder he is known as the best in the world!"

"It's just the momentum, we can't bear it. What if this is...ah!"

Suddenly, screams and screams of terror occurred one after another everywhere. One monk spat out blood and fell to the ground, his face extremely ugly!


Several overhanging mountains collapsed completely, bursting out with destructive and shattering power!

Something's wrong!

Each of them looked horrified, realizing that the situation was strange.

If this kind of formation was really done by the Red Eyebrow Ancestor, how could he seriously injure himself and others and destroy his own dojo?

Amidst everyone's doubts, the energy from the sky gathered together and turned into a thousand-foot sword light in Chen Yuan's palm. He swung it and slashed straight to Xuanfeng Mountain!

"Since you are a swordsman, why don't you just take a look at my sword."

That dazzling sword light seemed to split the entire sky into two. Before it touched the overhanging peak, an overwhelming sword intent fell down. It was much stronger than the immortal sword intent just now. Even if every monk on the mountain had the intention to resist, , defense, and even emptying their minds, they were still rushed into their hearts by this sword intention, and after it expanded, all their thoughts were squeezed until they almost disappeared!


The sword wind fell, and half of the hanging peak collapsed completely!

"Voice Demon, you are too arrogant! Do you really regard the world's heroes as nothing? How dare you use such cruel methods! You, the Sound Transmission Pavilion, were once a major sect of the side sect and a member of the righteous path, but now you are so vicious. As expected, you have fallen. If you enter the devil's path, I will eliminate the devil and defend your path today!"

The ancestor of the red eyebrows did not expect that Chen Yuan not only dared to show up, but also dared to take the initiative to provoke. However, he also noticed the terrifying power of the other party that surged like a sea. Then a powerful ripple of supernatural power erupted from his body, directly turning into a The sword that returns all things to their origin roars out along his sword finger!

In an instant, everything in the world seemed to come to a standstill, and the hearts and minds of everyone present were captured by it. Even the abnormalities and injuries on the body were extracted by a mysterious force, turning into wisps of sword intent, which converged in the sword light. Among!

The thought of all things returning to their origin and all transformations!

This sword clearly casts the thoughts of the person who agrees with it together, forming a sword that reaches the sky!

One after another, illusory figures came from all over the world in an instant. They were the projections of the sword intention left by this ancestor all over the world. They were practicing different sword intentions. At this moment, they gathered like an illusory sea, supporting this A sword intent!


The next moment, two sword lights collided together!


A pitch-black crack burst out between the two sword lights. The fierce wind howled and dispersed from the collision point. The intertwined and changing divine power spread out in a mighty way, sweeping across thousands of miles of land in the blink of an eye!


Then, the Sword of Return of All Things burst into pieces!

The sword light in Chen Yuan's palm actually smashed the red eyebrow ancestor's sword light with invincible force, and then fell towards several immortals!

"How is this possible!?" The red-browed ancestor finally changed his face. "The power of this magical power is already at the level of an ascended true immortal! How can you have such means?"

"Are you surprised? I haven't exerted any force yet."

Chen Yuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of the ancestor of the red eyebrows. A pair of cold eyes conveyed a cold meaning, which directly imprinted on the heart of the ancestor of the immortal sect, making the ancestor of the red eyebrows tremble in heart and shake his mind. The cold-as-iron Taoist heart even had the thought of retreating and regretting, but he soon came back to his senses!

"The devil's tricks! You really..."

Unfortunately, when Chimei came back to his senses, Chen Yuan had already taken action, using Black Lotus as the medium, and the projection of the Void King Palace came suddenly, not only shattering the entire hanging peak, but also knocking Chimei Ancestor on the spot who tried to resist with his magical powers. The dust was smashed and it fell straight down!

Suddenly, the world shook!

Countless monks flew up from the collapsed hanging peak.

Young Master Nanchu's face was full of horror. He first looked down at the fallen old man, and then looked at Chen Yuan with a horrified look on his face: "How is that possible! The ancestor of the red eyebrows is the number one person in the world, a man who suppresses the era, but... actually... Just one face to face..." Then his eyes stung and he quickly looked away!

"Sure enough, he has cultivated the supreme mysterious method!" Kan Ruyi was even more shocked, but there was excitement in his eyes, "I don't know what kind of magical power this sword technique and sword intention are, and they are the same as those of the Lianjian Immortal Ancestor." Compared with the Immortality Sword Intent, who is higher and who is lower!"

When the rest of the people dispersed, they were either excited, surprised, or afraid...

But the bamboo-drinking monk was sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus, rising into the sky, clasping his hands and whispering: "Winning or losing at the moment is not a victory, and it is difficult to distinguish cause and effect."

Next to him, Kan Ruyi, who heard this, asked: "What the Master said is that the immortals have back-ups? By the way, there is also the so-called blood relative who transmits the sound..."


At the same time, when Chen Yuan was gathering the projection of the Xuwang Palace, he suddenly noticed that countless threads were entangled between heaven and earth, trying to completely bind him on the spot and suppress him with cause and effect!

"Sure enough, that red eyebrow is involved in the path of luck and is one of the key figures in the so-called Yunxiao Sword Sect's great rise. If he is suddenly defeated and suppressed by others, it will definitely cause an imbalance of cause and effect and lead to many disasters. Fortunately, I am dejected and disqualified. , you can avoid one or two, and you also have a plug-in with you, which can absorb cause and effect..."

Just as he was thinking about it, another sword energy rose into the sky from the opposite side!

"Everyone! Let's leave the right and wrong between us to deal with the big devil in the future!" Behind the sword, seventy-two long swords were flying in the sky. "The top priority is to suppress this devil!"


"Don't let Uncle Red Eyebrow be chased by this demon!"

"Fellow Taoists, the rest of the matter will be discussed later. Since we are together today, we should join hands to suppress the demon!"

The other immortals responded one after another!

In an instant, colorful brilliance shone in the sky, illuminating half of the sky, and then seven figures each stretched their magical powers and greeted Chen Yuan.

Correspondingly, the righteous Lianjian just now fell behind everyone. Although he also held the sword art in his hand, the sword light burst out, wrapping his body, and then turned into a sword light, heading straight towards Fly to the sky!


List Zi and others noticed the change and were stunned for a moment, with faces full of shock and confusion!

And those monks who were fleeing in embarrassment were dumbfounded, almost forgetting where they were, and felt a blank in their hearts!

"Lian Sword Immortal Ancestor...ran away!?"

Even Kan Ruyi is dumbfounded and confused!

Suddenly, a long laugh shook the sky!

"There is indeed a problem! But since you are in front of me, how can you escape?"

Chen Yuan walked in the air, calmly changing the seals, and once again used the black lotus incarnation as a medium to manifest the five fantasy gods behind him.

"Five realms closed down!"

After the thought fell, Shen Zang destroyed the shocked Seven Immortals' magical powers, collected them, and even assimilated and refined them!

"Damn it! What kind of magical power is this?"

"The winding paths lead to secluded places, and all things are nameless! This is the way to create the world!"

"not good!"

With a cry of surprise, Chen Yuan flicked his long sleeve, and the five realms spun like a top, turning into a ring, trapping the seven immortals, and put them into the divine treasure on the spot. Then he raised his hand to grab the dumbfounded ghost master, and took advantage of the situation. Sweep, and all the causal threads pouring down will be collected into the ghost's hole!

Then he patted his sleeves, looked in the direction of Lian Jian's escape, and took one step forward!


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