Depressed Fairy

Chapter 532: Using the body to cultivate the sword of immortality, cultivating the true body of the


The Holy Spirit Son showed surprise, and then carefully looked at the monk in front of him for the first time, and said: "Senior Brother Nanchu just called you fellow Taoist..."

"Just ask the poor monk to drink bamboo." The monk grinned and said: "As for other humble names, there is no need to mention them. This name was given by the immortal ancestor three days ago."

"Fellow Taoist can actually receive a title from the Immortal Ancestor?" Sheng Shengzi was even more surprised, "It seems that you, Taoist Taoist, have a close relationship with the Immortal Ancestor and the Immortals. No wonder you know about the Red Eyebrow Ancestor. However, he If the old man can really suppress the third ancestor of Chuanyin, why has he not done anything until today? "

"A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength!"

The bamboo-drinking monk put away his smile at this time and said seriously: "It is precisely because of standing still and preparing in every possible way that we can achieve success in one go! What's more..." He suddenly smiled again, but his voice was much lowered, "What's more, then The third ancestor of Chuanyin seems to be powerful, but in fact he is just a chess piece on the surface. There are other people playing the chess. The reason why several immortals maintain this banquet of slaying sounds is actually to leave the stage for the people behind The person will continue to use it, revealing more flaws, so that he can be taken down in one fell swoop later!"

"so smart?"

While a group of people were having a conversation, a voice suddenly came from the side. It was a man in black robes with a handsome face. He looked about thirty years old, but his aura was like an abyss and seemed unfathomable.

Behind this man, there was another man, dressed in white dark clothes, but he was skinny, with sunken cheeks, like a tuberculosis ghost, and his body exuded a strong aura of plague, death, and yin. It's just that he also exudes an intimidating aura. When people see him, they can't help but feel sick and cold. It seems that if he can't control it, he will become seriously ill and die on the spot.

The man in Taoist robes had obviously heard the conversation between several people, and was sighing at this moment: "The third ancestor of the sound transmission can be regarded as a top figure hundreds of years ago, and he has been practicing Xuan Gong in seclusion for so long. He can even think about it with his toes. The person who came here was unkind and well-intentioned. I don’t know how much background and trump cards he had to get out of the mountain. How could such a person not be taken seriously by the red-browed ancestor? I wonder what is worthy of him in the eyes of that ancestor? Take it seriously, who is the so-called mastermind? You know so much, do you have any clues?"

The bamboo-drinking monk turned his head to look at the person, his eyelids twitched, and then he shook his head with a smile: "The poor monk is just a small person. Most of these things are hearsay and guesswork, so it is impossible to be accurate. That big person's How can we know our true thoughts?”

The black-robed Taoist shook his head and said: "This is not true. You didn't behave like this just now." However, he did not pursue the question. Instead, he changed the topic and asked: "Actually, I don't have any thoughts about the big shots. How much interest, in contrast, is the bloodline of the so-called third ancestor of Chuanyin, which makes people want to explore more. I wonder what the origin of this person is, but I have never heard of such a person."

The man behind him, who looked like a consumptive ghost, stopped talking when he heard this.

"This is not something we can know." The bamboo-drinking monk still shook his head, "The young monk just heard it."

"Who are you two?"

Next to him, Mr. Nanchu realized how extraordinary these two people were, and hurriedly came up to salute, then quietly tested his heels.

"I can't wait for the casual cultivators. I hear the excitement here, so come and join in." The Taoist in black said casually, but he didn't even intend to tell him his name.

At this time, even Kan Ruyi, who had the least experience in the world, realized that there was something wrong with these two people.

The bamboo-drinking monk even narrowed his eyes. This monk, who was just a passerby at first, seemed to have thought of something. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his head and looked up at the sky!

A ray of sword light streaked across the sky like a meteor and fell straight into the deep mountain where the peak was hanging.

Wherever the sword light passed, an artistic conception of vitality and all things competing appeared. The vegetation all over the mountain burst out new shoots at the same time, green leaves grew, spread green, and then hundreds of flowers bloomed in a variety of purples and reds!

"The Immortal Sword Technique! This is the Immortal Ancestor of the Lianjian!" Someone in the crowd immediately exclaimed, "How long has it been? The Immortal Sword Intention he proposed a few days ago has actually been successfully cultivated!"

"Eternal Sword Intent?"

Kan Ruyi's face was filled with surprise, and she turned to look at Mr. Nanchu and the Bamboo Drinking Monk beside her.

Mr. Nanchu took a deep breath and said meaningfully: "This Lianjian Immortal Ancestor has also been blessed with good fortune, great spiritual wisdom, and growing power in recent times! Three months ago, he and others were patrolling I had an enlightenment in my heart when I was in Southern Xinjiang, saying that I felt the mystery of life when I looked at the towering trees in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and realized a kind of immortality state, and I wanted to turn it into a skill to cultivate the sword intention of immortality..."


"The sword inspires the common people, and the meaning reaches the Senluo." Kan Ruyi looked at the mountain full of life and exclaimed: "It took three months to realize such sword intention? It is really incredible. However, it is no wonder that I haven't seen this immortal ancestor for a long time. It turned out that I was going to learn the art of swordsmanship.”

Mr. Nan Chu said: "It is also because of the absence of the ancestor of Lian Jian that many changes will occur in the execution of Yin led by him."

"Let's go." The Bamboo Drinking Monk suddenly said, "Since the Lianjian Immortal Ancestor is here, we should go as soon as possible." After saying that, he left first.

Mr. Nanchu narrowed his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly looked shocked.

"Could it be..."

Immediately, he didn't bother to talk to the two mysterious monks of unknown origin. After saying goodbye, he took Kan Ruyi and left in a hurry.

"This man is so weird." As soon as he left, the sick man suddenly said: "He was clearly very wary of you just now and wanted to investigate, but he suddenly left in a hurry. He is really fickle."

The black-clothed Taoist smiled and said: "He is wary of me because I have a strange origin and a high level of cultivation. He can't see through it. He is worried that someone from the devil's way has sneaked in and ruined the situation."

The consumptive ghost frowned and became even more puzzled: "Since you were worried, why didn't you ask before leaving? Could it be that people in this otherworldly world do things as they please?"

This person is clearly the ghost master. He left the blurred world and his foundation became more and more dry, which is why he became like this.

The black-robed Taoist accompanying him is of course the black lotus incarnation of Chen Yuan, but his appearance has changed slightly.

When the two of them appeared here, they naturally got the news from the mouths of the three immortals guarding the forbidden area. They knew that this was a grand banquet held for the "Revival of the Sound Transmission Pavilion". It was held once every month and gathered people from all over the world. Originally, It was for the purpose of exchanging knowledge and suppressing the magic of sound transmission. However, after a few months of development, all these things had already become slogans. Instead, this place became a large gathering for exchanging information and participating in spiritual practice.

"They have been able to practice to this point, and they all have their own paths. How can they do whatever they want?" Chen Yuan listened to the ghost master's question, but shook his head and said: "The reason why they gave up and didn't ask is nothing more than that there are more important things to do. It’s just a matter of choice.”

"Something more important?"

Amid the ghost master's doubts, Chen Yuan raised his head and looked deep into the hanging peak, his eyes shining brightly.

Not only did he see the strong fortunes coming from all directions, but he also knew that this place might have become a place where the fortunes of all parties in the Jade Monument World gathered, especially the currently prosperous Yunxiao Sword Sect and the March Sword Alliance. There are many key figures here.

But apart from that, there is also a hazy black air that gathers and disperses in the depths of the overhanging peak.

If it were an ordinary monk, even if he saw it, he wouldn't feel anything, and he might not even be able to detect this strange aura. But to Chen Yuan at this time, this dark aura was like a firefly in the dark night. It's hard to ignore.

"Rebellious and misty spirit? I have only seen this thing in places related to the ancient clan."

He withdrew his gaze and thought in his mind: "If the Taikoo clan intervenes here, then many things will make sense at once. Moreover, according to the original logic, the seal of Dongxu is shaken. If the Taikoo clan does not intervene, it will be weird! However, there is Taixuan Sage sitting outside, how did these Taigu people get in? Their methods and status are probably very important!"

At this thought, Chen Yuan was not surprised but overjoyed: "I have arrested a few here, but there is no one with high status. Then we will interrogate each other, so that we can compare each other and get the real information! Moreover, these so-called time The other ethnic groups have come and bothered me again and again, and they have been disrespectful. How can I be on the defensive all the time? It’s time to find an opportunity and take the initiative.”

After the thought fell, he collected his thoughts and walked away.

Behind him, the ghost master looked stunned and said: "Where are you going? Are you going to attend some kind of banquet to kill the sound? That is aimed at you! I thought you were just here to investigate information."

Chen Yuan shook his head and didn't look back: "Exploration? Wrong, I'm here to sweep away the dust in my heart, to see all the internal and external cause and effect, virtual reality and true body. It's rare for a person to come so completely, it's time to come on stage and harvest!"


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