Depressed Fairy

Chapter 531 Leaving hometown with an open mind to accept cause and effect, entering the mountains to

"Is this...the aura of demonic energy?"

Next to him, a dense ghost energy suddenly appeared, and then the ghost master stretched his muscles and bones, stood up again, exuding the aura and momentum of a true immortal level.

However, compared to the time in that blurred world, the aura of the Ghost Lord has dropped a lot, and he can only barely maintain the status of a true immortal. He feels an extreme weakness that goes deep into the bone marrow all over his body. Those who are different from that original The power of incense and fire that supports his true immortal status is naturally isolated and cannot affect this place.

Because of his weakness, even if he was not targeted, the ghost master still felt the threat of the demonic energy at this moment. Just the aftermath caused his already precarious status to be further loosened!

But at this time, the Ghost Lord no longer had the idea or will to fight with Chen Yuan. After all, the methods shown by the other party were really amazing. He was suppressed and banned in an instant!

Moreover, because of the close connection between the natural spirits and the heaven and earth, the ghost master deeply felt that deep in Chen Yuan's will, the essence was as thick, broad and profound as the way of heaven!

So, when he came back to his senses and noticed that he had actually been taken out of the blurred world and came to the fairyland outside the world that he said, the ghost master was not surprised at all.

At this time, he was not surprised to see Chen Yuan once again using demonic methods. Looking at the three sword immortals who were restrained, the ghost master gradually calmed down.

"It seems that this outsider who has ravaged our world is still a dominant figure even in the fairy world outside the world! Huh?"

Suddenly, he noticed something strange about the world here. It seemed that countless slender threads were wrapping around him, trying to wrap him up!

"What are these? Are they also the methods of this outsider?"

He was horrified, and pressed the seal with his hand, trying to activate his innate magical power to repel those threads. However, he did not expect that because he was far away from the world where he was born, this power did not explode. Instead, it left because of the power. Not getting a response caused a hole to appear in his body!


The next moment, countless threads of cause and effect, like cats smelling fishy smell, swarmed in and went straight into the hole!

The ghost master was shocked, and the ghost aura on his body became stronger and stronger. On the contrary, the remaining incense smoke dissipated a lot, but other than that, there was not much difference.


At this time, Chen Yuan, who originally didn't care about the ghost master's revival, suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned to look at him, and the brilliant light surged in his eyes, which directly allowed him to see through the strangeness in the other person's heart——

A chaotic black hole suddenly appeared in the ghost master's body, as if it was not among the five elements. It took in all the cause and effect that entangled his body and formed a ball!

"Is He going to gather cause and effect and not touch himself?"

With doubts in his heart, Chen Yuan suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"I wonder if He can only gather things related to himself, or if all causes and effects come together, they can be swallowed up by Him? If it's the latter, it can save me a lot of trivial matters."

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan's eyes fell on the three immortals again.

"Now it's complete."

Noticing Chen Yuan's gaze, the three immortals had different expressions.

One of them took a deep breath.

"Your Excellency, Patriarch of the Sound Transmission, you seem to have misunderstood."

After experiencing the initial shock and being eroded by the demonic energy, the thoughts of these three sword immortals were obviously affected by some kind of impact, and they could not even control their emotions and thoughts. But after all, they have experienced a lot, seen big storms and waves, and their status is not false. Even if they are threatened by the devil, they will not completely lose their position.

"We are not here to target you." Banxin Sword Master calmed down his thoughts, stood still, and cupped his hands towards Chen Yuan, saying: "Since you entered the forbidden area, visions have followed. Even before a year has passed, it has spread to eight hundred miles of mountains and rivers, causing many changes in the world, so someone needs to be in charge, and I am not trying to plot against you!"

"There's no need to talk about trivial matters." Chen Yuan raised his hand to stop the other person's words, "Just tell me who initiated this situation for me and how far it has gone? And..."


He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Is there any big news? There are three immortals guarding even here, let alone other places? There must be a lot of people making arrangements, right?"

"Now this banquet of slaying sounds has already changed its flavor."

Among the clouds and mist, hanging peaks loomed.

Two figures soared into the clouds and mist, like two streams of light, pointing directly at the mountain peak in the clouds.

A man wearing a white robe, extremely handsome, with a long beard, carrying a sword on his back, walking in the air, is the true disciple of Zhengqi Mountain, one of the three sects, Young Master Nanchu, talking to others.

The other man traveling with him had sword-shaped eyebrows and bright eyes, a face like a crown jewel, but he was an extremely handsome young man. However, he was wearing a moon-white Taoist robe. He seemed to have a gentle expression, but he could not hide the arrogance between his eyebrows.

His name was Kan Ruyi, and his Taoist name was Sheng Yunzi. He originally became a Taoist monk in a small sect Taoist temple, and he was extremely talented. He was then found by Master Luyun of the Yunxiao Sword Sect, and it was discovered that this person was the one of the Four Saints of Twin Spirits. One of them took various detours to get into the door.

At this time, Kan Ruyi asked lightly: "I am a newbie here. I just heard that the founder of Chuanyin Pavilion is a great demon. He is a great threat and has caused headaches for many true immortals. In order to gather two strategies, he With this banquet of slaying the sound, I heard that there were many outstanding figures in the Taoist movement, and there were also remnants of the sound transmission who tried to sneak in, but they were all caught. How could it suddenly change?"

Young Master Nanchu sighed and said: "Junior Brother Shengyunzi is a new entrant, and he is not very clear about the teachings..."

But before he could explain clearly, Kan Ruyi interrupted: "I have not entered the academy, I am just a registered disciple. I only inherited the Taoism and Feijian of the Sword Sect's predecessors, and did not change the sect."

"Junior brother, I have long heard that your temperament is well-deserved." Mr. Nanchu was not surprised, but the topic changed, "I heard that you made a three-part agreement with Master Luyun, one of which was to listen to the announcement but not the tune. I will respond to the order of the mountain gate, but why do you want to come to this banquet of killing sounds now? Those ordinary minor cultivators and casual cultivators are afraid of avoiding this matter."

"After cultivating for a while, I was unable to move forward behind closed doors, so I naturally asked for help from outside." Kan Ruyi didn't care at all. Looking at Qionglou Yuyu in front of him, a smile finally appeared on his indifferent face: "What's more, this execution The host of the Sound Banquet is the Seven Immortals! They gather almost all the essences of the three sects and four sects, and they are willing to give lectures. Where else in the world can we find such a holy place?"

While talking, the two stepped into the palace building!

Suddenly, the scene in front of me suddenly changed. There was actually a cave inside, a paradise filled with birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. There were figures lingering in the air, flying into the sky and escaping to the earth, or changing places, all rushing towards one place.

Young Master Nanchu looked puzzled and found a familiar Taoist friend to ask.

The person who was stopped by him was a monk. Hearing this, he said: "Today, the Red Eyebrow Immortal Lord has arrived in person! It is said that he has captured an important figure in Chuanyin Pavilion, and may be able to hide the third demon ancestor of Chuanyin Pavilion. Lead him out!"

"It's actually the Red Eyebrow Patriarch who has come in person!?" Kan Ruyi's face suddenly changed, and he clearly showed joy, "He also came to open a forum to teach? In the entire world, there is no one with a higher realm and higher Taoism than him! If If I can get his guidance, I will definitely have a way.”

Mr. Nanchu said with a curious look on his face: "Who can lure out the shrunken turtle who claims to be the third ancestor of the sound transmission?"

Hearing this, the monk grinned: "Of course it is...his descendant's bloodline!"

"Descendant bloodline?" At this time, even Kan Ruyi looked surprised, "How is this possible? If he really has descendants, how could he not know about it for hundreds of years?"

"It's not for us to know the specific reason for this." The monk said, clasping his hands together, "I just know that with the Red Eyebrow Ancestor and the bloodline chess piece there, the so-called third ancestor of the sound transmission is not a problem at all, and can be suppressed with a backhand. "


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