Depressed Fairy

Chapter 513: Ask Xuanjun, observe the deep space with wisdom; stay in life, Tianzhou

Chapter 513: Ask Xuanjun, see the deep sky with wise eyes; stay in the fate grid, the sky boat and the planet sea


Chen Yuan collected his thoughts and had no intention of hiding anything. After all, the other party had told him directly about the Heaven-Connecting Method, and also said that he would provide supplies and relics. So of course he did not have the Dongxu Seal involving the entire human race. Hidden truth.

Then, he will tell what he saw and heard after stepping into the jade monument.

Unexpectedly, the young Xuanzun waved his hand: "I guess, your true self is still in the ban at this moment, and you want to consolidate your realm, right? The ban of Dongxu has been involved for nearly ten thousand years, involving all aspects, the cause and effect is too heavy, even if it is I heard it rashly, and I don’t know what kind of situation I will encounter due to the involvement of cause and effect. If something goes wrong and the temporarily returned life dies early, a lot of things will be ruined. "

cause and effect?

Chen Yuan nodded, seeing that Xuan Zun wanted to say more, but he flicked his sleeve, stretched out his hand, and revealed the jasper crystal ball: "Senior, do you know what this thing is?"

You don't let me speak, but I can't let you speak smoothly.

"Oh? These seem to be the remains of the Jing Clan among the ancient clan." Xuan Zun narrowed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about Chen Yuan interrupting him. However, when he saw the object in the other person's hand, his expression suddenly changed: " Where did fellow Taoist get this thing?”

Chen Yuan was stunned: "Jing Clan?"

He didn't expect that the other party actually knew each other, and this was really an answer beyond his expectation. After pondering for a moment, Chen Yuan asked: "What are the characteristics of this clan, and how does it compare to the Jie clan?"

"The Taikoo clan each has its own characteristics. The Tribulation clan is related to the catastrophes in the heavens and the world. In fact, it is responsible for disasters and plagues, and it is mainly distributed in the time period of our Human Era. However, Jing is different. It is said that its active age is much older than ours. The two eras of humanity are much older, and there may be seven or eight eras in between. This clan is named after crystal, but it is in charge of stagnation and freezing. It is said that it has the ability to still and contain all the phenomena in the world. !”

"Still the heavens and the worlds? They are indeed an outrageous tribe." After Chen Yuan sighed with emotion, he informed Xuanzun that he had set foot in the gap between the two realms and saw the altar.

"...At that time, I saw that everything around me was normal, but the altar was normal. I immediately knew that the altar was not normal, so I took out the thing inside, which was this crystal ball."

He didn't say where he came out and fell into the crack, but looking at Xuan Zun's appearance, he could naturally guess it.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yuan simply told the story of seeing that eyeball, without mentioning where he met it.

But Xuanzun smiled and said: "You should be talking about the Eye of the Starry Sky, but I know this thing. It is said to be a legacy of the Qianyuan ethnic group, but it is not from the Taikoo ethnic group. It is also recorded in our humane records, and it is called 'Nai' Shen' belongs to the Naishan tribe, but because of his characteristics, he was hunted down, enslaved and enslaved by the Taigu tribe, and his population continued to decline. In our final records, he can only be called the Naishan tribe. "

"Such an eyeball is actually a race?" Chen Yuan was naturally surprised.

"You have seen many monsters, ghosts and sprites, or even twisted ethereal spirits. They all had era civilizations in the past, so what's so strange about this eyeball clan?" Xuan Zun said. , but the smile on his face grew stronger: "However, you should have heard that this clan is unusual."

"Otherwise, the Taikoo clan would not have been captured and enslaved." Chen Yuan then asked, "Senior, what is so special about this clan?"

"It is said that if the Shen clan gathers together in one place, it is said that they can assimilate and transform, turning into a being that even the Taikoo clan cannot contend with. However, these are all rumors and have never been seen in books. In addition, the clan is scattered and scattered. There is no way to know." Xuan Zun shook his head and then changed the topic, "A single Starry Sky Eye has many wonderful uses, one of which is to gather the clear energy of the sky!"

"What is this?"

Xuan Zun replied: "It is the Eye of the Starry Sky, which is needed to naturally open up the realm of the cave. In addition, this Eye of the Starry Sky can also purify cultivation and solidify the universe..." Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at Chen The crystal ball in Yuan Zhang.

Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat as he thought of the imprisoned Cave Realm!

Vaguely, there was a thread that the two of them found out.

"Please pack this thing away. If the Eye of the Starry Sky has the opportunity to study it and finally figure out how to actually use it, whether it is to refine it or use the method of symbiosis to control it, there should be many ways to do it." A great help." Xuan Zun's expression was very solemn: "From what I understand about the Eye of the Starry Sky, as long as you can tame it and use it, you can save a lot of tediousness and time in the process of developing the method to reach heaven. Driven by the words of the starry sky, a lot of resources can be saved, and even if you gather the treasures of heaven and earth and increase your foundation, you can also improve the absorption efficiency! "

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts." Chen Yuan nodded, recalling the appearance of that eyeball, he also felt a bit weird. He didn't expect that such a terrifying thing could have such a rich origin.

Opposite him, Xuan Zun suddenly turned his head.

Chen Yuan's mind moved, and the White Lotus Soul in his body trembled slightly, resonating with several fantasy gods, and he actually caught the ripples rippling in the air.

"Someone is communicating with this Xuanzun through the air?"

Understanding this, he couldn't help but squint his eyes and guess the identity of the other party. After all, as soon as they met, this passing heroic spirit released the magic technique, isolating the inside and outside, how could someone easily send a message in?

The young Xuanzun obviously noticed the change in Chen Yuan's expression, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and then said: "Have you noticed the saint's message?"

"Sage Taixuan?" Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously raised his hand to make a seal.

"Sages also value you very much, but with their status and position, they are more involved in the cause and effect connection, so they will not rashly meet or contact you to prevent others from calculating you when calculating them." At this point, Xuanzun said self-deprecatingly: "Only dead people like me in the past, whose cause and effect are now severed, are most suitable to connect with you."

If this was said before, Chen Yuan could only understand it, but after experiencing the cause and effect of the cave in the jade tablet, he immediately felt a little empathy.

Xuan Zun did not linger on this for too long, and then said: "Also, judging from the direction you are heading, are you going back to the inheritance road?" He shook his head: "No need to go back, that place is not much help to you now. However, for the remaining people, there is still a lot of help, so after discussing with several saints, they decided to leave the inheritance world for a while, so that the contemporary heroes can use it to improve, and also let people like us who have passed by stay for a while." After a pause, he took the initiative to mention the lost genius in the arena's treasure: "That group of people still have thoughts about you, although most of them are not They were shocked, but there were still a few who still didn't believe in it and wanted to compete with you. "

Speaking of this, he laughed: "With your current realm, these guys should not be your opponents, but they come from the nodes of the past, and are witnesses of those annihilated and dusty times. They are also anchors. Letting them continue to exist will actually help you touch the relics of the past era when you travel in the void. "

"Oh?" Chen Yuan was surprised. He didn't expect that this Xuanzun, or the saint behind this person, would think of him to this extent. If he really practices it, I'm afraid his own son will be no more than this.

But what's the reason?

Is the Tongtian Zhenfa really that important?

Or is there another reason?

Xuanzun seemed to have sensed Chen Yuan's thoughts, but he still did not say the Era Dao Fruit explicitly, to prevent Chen Yuan from hearing this and interfering with his mind, which would backfire. Instead, he said, "Of course, everything has its cause and effect. Since you want to use the lost Tianjiao as an anchor and a primer, if you really get the legacy of the past, then you should come back here and have another fight with them, only then it will be complete." Chen Yuan did not hesitate and nodded, "If there is really a gain, it should be so." At this time, another ripple came from a distance and entered Xuanzun's ears. His expression changed slightly, and then he said to Chen Yuan, "When creating a method, the merits are in the present and the benefits are in the future. Moreover, this kind of thing is the most testing of the momentary perception. Over time, the perception changes, and there are variables, so there is no time to delay." He waved his sleeves, and a magnificent sky boat flew out of his sleeves. At first, it was the size of a palm, but in a blink of an eye it became a huge monster. On it, yellow turban warriors and spirit puppets came and went, extremely busy. "This Zhenhai Tianzhou is a magic weapon I made when I was young. It is engraved with 108 prohibitions using the Tiangang Disha method. It is not much different from those acquired spiritual treasures. It can easily cross the starry sea, and it can even shuttle between yin and yang, virtual and real. It is extremely mysterious. There are many formations to protect it, and it can also be moved in the void. It is also safe. Let me share it with you." Xuanzun said with a bit of urgency: "The location of the ancient corpse that you asked about before has been included in the star map. It is on this Tianzhou. In addition, there are several locations of the former Yuan Dynasty ruins. , are also listed in it. If you want to comprehend it and use the full Tongtian formation, you can go and explore it one by one. "He thought for a while, and added: "There is also a spark communication device on the Tianzhou. If you are in danger, you can contact us in time. Moreover, there are many arrangements in it. If we get some resources, we can also use this boat to pass them to you in time. "After saying that, Xuanzun turned his hand, and a platinum token appeared on his palm. There was a relief of a Tianzhou on it, which was exactly the same as the Zhenhai Tianzhou hanging beside the two people, and it was lifelike. "This is the token of the companionship, which is the origin of this treasure. If you refine it, you can become its master." He threw the token to Chen Yuan with a flick of his hand, "I have erased my will from it, and you can refine it at will. When you go to explore the former Yuan ruins, no matter which one, it is either located in the corner of the starry sky or in the abyss of the starry sea. The road is long, and even if you keep traveling with the Great Cave Heaven Teleportation Array, it will take a lot of time. For example, the ancient corpse is located. From the cave, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least 20 years to travel. But if you take this boat, it will only take one year." "Travel for 20 years?" Chen Yuan's expression was calm, but he couldn't help but jump when he heard this. He knew that the 20 years mentioned by Xuanzun would probably still require the help of teleportation arrays, starry sea mounts, and even ordinary starry sea flying boats. If he really relied on his own magic to travel, it would definitely take longer! Seeing that he seemed to be hesitant, Xuanzun said, "Take this thing. We are looking forward to your great success. The ancient clan is watching you covetously outside, so there is no time to hesitate. Therefore, the faster you collect resources along the way, the better!" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Xuanzun for a long time before nodding. "I dare not refuse the gift from the elder." As he spoke, he took the token, and with a thought, the white lotus light appeared in his palm, and he completely refined the token, and everything inside and out was clear. "Since the senior has such good intentions, how can I refuse it? To achieve the skills, you really have to seize the time when your mind is strong, and it is not good to interrupt or delay."

With a flick of his finger, the restrictions covering the surroundings and isolating the inside and outside were lifted. He took one step and reached the sky boat.

The huge hull was like a city. The warriors, puppets, and monsters inside and outside were shocked and felt something in their hearts. They stopped what they were doing and bowed to Chen Yuan, saying "Your Majesty."

Chen Yuan couldn't help but be surprised when his spiritual thoughts swept over every aspect of the Tianzhou, inside and out.

"There is actually a sacred treasure inside. The so-called Tianzhou is clearly a cave where you can wander! However, this cave is really empty..."

"This thing fell with me at the beginning, and now it has returned from the long river, naturally clean." Xuan Zun seemed to know what Chen Yuan was surprised about, and said with a smile: "Now, this thing has been refined by fellow Taoists. In the future, if you gain the charm of heaven and earth and are enveloped by the light of the era, you will be able to stabilize this thing. Even if I return to silence, I can still keep this sky boat, which can be regarded as leaving a little thought on the way. If you like it, you might as well lead it into the divine treasure and gather people together to make the boat more mysterious."

Chen Yuan smiled sarcastically when he heard this, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I'll say goodbye now."

"See you later."

Xuan Zun responded with a courtesy, and then watched the day boat set sail, shatter the boundary membrane, and go straight into the void!

In the distance, there were sensations everywhere in the underworld, and they were trembling everywhere. Even the people in the inheritance of the divine treasure were feeling bright in their hearts, and they vaguely guessed that it was related to the Lord of the Earthly Fate Realm!

"Sure enough, he has a firm heart and is decisive! No wonder he can achieve such great things!"

After the thought fell, he suddenly raised his head and said: "Now that Fellow Daoist Chen has set sail, all the people who have been arranged to protect him must be in place to prevent it from backfire! My heavenly boat is indeed close to the treasure, even the cave and sky will collapse. We can all defend ourselves, but we are also afraid of people plotting against us. The saying is, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.”

After a pause, Xuan Zun lowered his voice: "Furthermore, Your Majesty mentioned just now that the Lord of the Void Realm has made some changes. His son is an adulterer. There is no guarantee that his father is not a problem. Moreover, the Realm Lord has a mysterious origin and has been reincarnated in many ways. , the origin is a mystery.”

After the words fell, a figure in white appeared from the void and said calmly: "The Master of the Void Realm is in charge of the avenue of distortion, chaos and nothingness. He is only one step away from Taixuan, but his fate coincides with that of Master Chen. It is destiny. The two are destined to confront each other. Even if I kill the Void Son now, I can't change it. Instead, there will be more variables in the future. Instead of doing this, it is better to let them settle the cause and effect in the human starry sky while everything is under control. This can also be used. It has made up for Daoyou Chen’s disillusionment.”

"I don't care about this, after all, you can't lose the big for the small!" Xuan Zun is still emphasizing, "If you don't keep up with the relevant protection, even if you have a depressing fate, you will still be in danger! I am afraid that the ancient clan will figure it out!"

"Don't worry." The man in white said, raising his hand and pointing into the distance, "I have made arrangements to use the starry sky as an array to cover up Daoist Fellow Chen's fate! Anyone who dares to speculate is asking for trouble!"

Xuan Zun looked along the finger, his eyes passed through the two realms of yin and yang, and fell into the starry sky. He saw 3,600 stars rotating slightly, connected to each other, turning into a large formation, and covering it!

In the world of jade monuments, within the mountains.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the magic is brilliant!

And that man was sitting on the top of the mountain, watching his disciples fighting swords, while he was distracted and making calculations.

In one hand, he held the golden book of fortune that had just been sent to him by his disciples, and in the other hand he pinched it repeatedly. The aura was flowing around his body, his soul was resting in the void, and his mind was sensing from afar, following a little light of cause and effect, as if Like peeling off a cocoon, he was exploring the immortal monk who suddenly popped up not long ago, and it seemed that he had caught some clues.


The golden book trembled, and his spiritual energy surged. He followed this vein and went upstream, rushing in the long river. Soon he saw a vague tall palace gate, which felt vaguely familiar. He was waiting to investigate in detail, and suddenly Warning sign is coming!


Suddenly a burst of starlight flickered in the void of his soul, and then endless brilliance fell down!

"not good!"


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