Depressed Fairy

Chapter 512 Cause and effect follow the old rules, good fortune is in the first element

At the moment when the threads of cause and effect trembled, Chen Yuan clearly felt that the torrential force that enveloped the black lotus incarnation was trying to condense the fate of his incarnation and pull it into the dense spider web of cause and effect!

Following the spider threads, Chen Yuan's will continued to rise, gradually integrating into the spider web, and then he saw countless figures, countless events, countless pasts and... countless futures!

The long scroll that comes from the past and goes to the future is entangled inside and outside with dense spider webs of cause and effect. Every person, every thing, every organization, every country, every catastrophe... all these things are actually... There are traces of context to follow! It’s hard to break free and change!

"This...everything in this world is actually determined by cause and effect! There are even people who can calculate five hundred years in advance and determine the fate of a thousand years!"

Surprised, Chen Yuan immediately noticed that the torrential force was trying to assimilate him and reject him at the same time!

"If you don't blend into the spider web of cause and effect and become a dog in the river of fate, can you only leave this world?"

He narrowed his eyes, and then he noticed that there were four or five wills wrapped around the black lotus incarnation, which contained various emotions such as doubt, confusion, fear, hostility, etc.!

"From this point of view, for this world, I am the biggest variable. If I am not included, I will be eliminated! Of course, the biggest problem is that I am an outsider. I have no foothold in this world. Even if I am discouraged and disqualified, If you have a high enough level of cultivation, you can guess my whereabouts without seeing me! After all, Lu Lin has made it clear that there are outsiders in this world. In the past, the cultivation level of outsiders was not high..."

After feeling that his information was at risk of being exposed, Chen Yuan was not anxious or confused. Instead, he smiled and said: "In this situation, if it were in the past, even if I had the causal power to change the past like Changhe Dianmo, but in this kind of fate In the established cave, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and there is almost no way to fiddle with it, but now..."

Black Lotus Chen Yuan raised his right hand and spread his palm, and a dark flower bloomed in his palm.

There seem to be several divine treasures hidden in the flowers, and they also contain thousands of humanities. There are voices of humanity appearing in them, and a faint breath of time is entwined in them!

At the same time, Chen Yuan sat in the depths of the Dongxu Sea and squeezed the seal with his hands. The time mirror appeared in his chest, and a moonlight filled with rich power of time gushes out. Following the connection between the soul and spirit, it appears directly in the black lotus incarnation. in the body——

At the core of this incarnation, a twelve-grade black lotus bloomed. It was a projection of the soul that condensed a lot of power, and was connected to Chen Yuan's original soul.

At this time, the moonlight poured out from it, followed the meridians, and poured into the dark flower in the palm. Then it was transformed into the black lotus with a flick of the finger, breaking through the layers of fog and obstacles, and entering the long river of history!

"The long river is filled with ink, and the past is like the wind!"

The magical power originating from the Mirror of Time was exerted by this incarnation. As expected, the dark flower fell into the long river like a drop of ink and began to flow upstream, infecting the river water and leaving traces. In that distant past, it left a mark for Chen Yuan. The next trace and inheritance!

Many fragments of the past appear around, reflecting the past history. However, some of them are shrouded in light, clouds, mist, water, etc., making it difficult to see clearly.

"This should be those large sects, or some cultivation forces who are good at Xuanming Yishu, who have covered up their past. Although they can tear the shield, it will be exposed immediately, and the gain outweighs the loss. Having said that, these concealing powers Many of the sources are filled with the aura of time. It seems that they are not only the work of people in the world, but also traces left by the past. Could it be the handiwork of those who ascended to where? "

As he was thinking about it, countless threads of cause and effect gathered from all directions, densely shuttling through the long river, entangling each event and person in the past. The ripples spread and enveloped one place, leaving no room for the black flower to penetrate. space.

"Sure enough, it is the place of cause and effect. It is airtight. All living beings and organizations in the world are inextricably linked to the past. They are connected by cause and effect. There is almost no room for interference. If they are forcibly integrated, I am afraid that they will be Many powerful people who can detect the threads of cause and effect are alarmed, and even touch the heavens of this world, causing the most direct rejection and attack from heaven and earth!"

Chen Yuan was not surprised by this. After all, it was a causal world where even the past and the future could be determined. It would be strange if traces were left so easily.

"However, with my current background, realm and conduct, I can resist the backlash of cause and effect and forcibly imprint my own traces on it. However, this involves great risks, and this dark flower condensed with magical powers Most of it is consumed in fighting the threads of cause and effect. Not only is it easy to be exposed, but the remaining power is scarce, and the imprint left in the past is very slight and superficial. It is easy to be seen through, and it may not be able to let me in. This world has a complete identity.”

In a flash of thought, he controlled the dark flower and passed through the threads of cause and effect. He did not fight against it, but instead looked for a way forward in the gaps, constantly going upstream and heading further into the past.

This would undoubtedly cost him a lot of attention in the past, but with Chen Yuan's current cultivation level, it was almost unaffected. He soon traveled backwards for three hundred years and took in many fragments of past history along the way.

Although it is a fragment, it is not coherent and has no beginning or end in many places. It seems that it is impossible to see the complete incident, especially a large part of it is still shrouded in fog and light, but it is enough to give Chen Yuan a general idea. Understand the power system, realm levels, and general background of this world.

"The overall practice method is the same as that of the outside world. It is roughly the same as building the foundation, refining qi, golden elixir, and soul. The highest level of cultivation is to be a Hedao Immortal! Although there is no merit, judging from many fragments, Combined with the Tao-protecting techniques, magical weapons, and magical weapons, the power is also very impressive!”

"But the key to the problem is that to become an immortal in the outside world, you need to be consistent with a certain avenue in the starry sky, and be led to ascend to a certain world. For example, when I joined the Tao and ascended, I was almost trapped by the twisted realm of nothingness. However, people in this world are not pulled after they join the Tao, but they can stay in this world. However, they also have the concept of ascension. It seems that they will become flying immortals after they surpass the level of true immortals in the Tao, but they don't know how to fly! Where to go.”

"In addition, the historical evolution of this world is not unusual. Immortals and mortals are separated, and there are dynasties in the mortal world. The immortal family will not easily get involved unless they go down the mountain to experience calamity in times of turmoil. Now there is a unified dynasty down here. Just now When it turns from prosperity to decline.”

In addition, the biggest gain for Chen Yuan was that he noticed that those dense, almost ubiquitous silk threads were not continuous.

"Most of the threads of cause and effect come from the past, wrap around the present, and then go towards the future. They are continuous and have many branches, entangled with each other, and become more and more complicated. But there are also some threads that have one end floating in the long river. The middle, the past, or the future are interrupted!”

As he thought this way, his eyes gradually focused on a few broken threads of cause and effect.

These threads also involve a lot, and are entangled with many things and people in the past, but they are often weak in follow-up. Most of them are entangled with things in the past. After being broken, they cannot extend into the future!

Chen Yuan controlled the dark flower, selected three broken causal threads that were entangled together, and slowly approached.

These three threads are entangled together. They come from the past and are entangled with many things and people. Among the things entangled by them, there are still many things that are covered by mist and shrouded in glory. Obviously, some people are covering them up. But the closer we get to the rupture, and the closer we get to contemporary times, the less these fogs become.

In view of this, Chen Yuan obtained sufficient information from an unobstructed place.

"It's a sect whose inheritance has been cut off!"

With a sudden thought, he concentrated on exploring and searching for its root.

Under the sweep of Chen Yuan's powerful spiritual thoughts, although it was shrouded in fog, some information was still found from a scale and a half claw.

"The Blood Demon Sect is a branch inherited from the ancient blood demon path. There were two unrivaled demon kings who caused several catastrophes. In the end, the righteous path and side sects worked together to annihilate them. The sect's inheritance was cut off. In order to eliminate demons, All the related books, disciples, etc. were also burned, killed, and a lot of them were destroyed physically and mentally, so the follow-up can only interrupt the cause and effect, and it has little involvement with other aspects..."

He frowned and narrowed his eyes.

"If you entrust this dark flower here, you don't need to spend too much. You can leave a mark on the past and have a legal identity. You don't have to worry about being rejected by the cause and effect of this world. But such a remnant of the devil's sect will probably be destroyed as soon as he appears in this world. If you want to be the enemy of the whole world, there is no need to do anything.”

With this thought, he gathered his spiritual thoughts and controlled the dark flower to continue moving against the current. Anyway, we already know the principle, then all we have to do is choose a suitable target.

"However, according to common sense, most of the organizations that can cut off the cause and effect will be after the sect has been wiped out, and the relevant connections have to be erased, and even the records will be covered up. Except for the demon sect, I am afraid it is really hard to find... Um?"

Chen Yuan was still thinking, when his spiritual mind suddenly swept across another broken causal thread, but this time there were more broken threads, there were actually seven, all originating from a fragment of time. In addition to these seven broken threads, there are two thick causal thread segments wrapped around it.

However, compared with those past fragments that are entangled and airtight, although the two causes and effects here influence each other, and the ripples cover a large area, they still leave a lot of gaps.

When Chen Yuan discovered the contents, his heart moved.


"Fellow Daoist Chen."

Just when the Black Lotus incarnation took charge of the Flower of Darkness and traveled through the history of other worlds, the White Lotus incarnation, who was about to arrive at the place of inheritance, also met the young Xuan Zun who was coming straight to him.

After the passing venerable met Chen Yuan, he looked him over, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, on your initial accomplishment of the Mysterious Skill. This method of incarnation outside the body is really exquisite!"

When Bai Lian and Chen Yuan heard this, they looked suspicious: "Xuan Zun can actually see it at a glance? It seems that it may also be exposed in other realms."

"Fellow Taoist, you are worrying too much." Xuanzun shook his head and said seriously: "I have seen you before, but if I can't tell you apart now, it's all in vain."

After saying this, he suddenly made a seal with his hand, and the wind suddenly rose around him, and the clouds and mist gathered, covering the surrounding area, isolating the inside and outside.

Chen Yuan was not anxious and stood in the sky as if waiting.

The young Xuanzun released his hand seal at this time and said: "I dare to ask my friend, but...condensed a method to reach the sky?"

"A way to reach heaven?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, "Isn't it a way to fake heaven?"

Xuan Zun said: "The technique only belongs to oneself, can only be passed on by fate, and cannot benefit the ethnic group. That is a fake technique. If it can be passed down to all generations, reveal the essence of life, and promote all phenomena of Senluo, then it is the true method."

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment and replied: "Thanks to the teachings of several predecessors and some opportunities, I have indeed opened up a method, but it is not yet perfect." "It's right that it's imperfect." The young Xuanzun narrowed his eyes and smiled: "If there is no support from the resources, it is purely relying on the mind to pull, unless you can communicate with the source of the starry sky, it will take countless years." "The source of the starry sky?" "It is said to be the source of all extraordinary power and the root of all creation! We can use magic and supernatural powers, and all things in the starry sky have many great powers, which are all due to the power of creation! However, this source of creation has long been isolated from the human era." The young Xuanzun shook his head and did not say who did it, but the answer was self-evident. "Creation..." Chen Yuan's heart moved, and suddenly thought of a name. But Xuan Zun did not stop, he continued: "So if you want to perfect a Tongtian method, you must have enough luck and resources, but don't worry, if you can comprehend the Tongtian method, the entire human race will benefit, and we will also help you with all our strength. Not only will we collect the resources you need for the method from all over, we will also tell you where the relics of the previous era are."

"Relics from the previous era?"

"They are ancient relics left over from other eras before the Human Era." Xuan Zun explained briefly, "Almost all those that contain the great source of luck in our Human Era are restricted, so we can only find those left over from before the Human Era. 's remnants. But..."

After a pause, he thought of something and changed the subject: "After all, the things of the previous Yuan Dynasty are very old and often contain the power of time, which is consistent with the concept of Dongxu in our human world. Now in the starry sky, Dongxu has fallen into a ban, and the relics of the previous Yuan Dynasty are no exception. Therefore, there is a part missing, or in other words, there is a part that cannot be touched. For example, the ancient corpse I mentioned to you has a side that is difficult to touch, as if it is lost in another world. "

"Huh? A part of the ancient corpse is like lost in another world?"

When Chen Yuan heard this, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind!

However, before he could grasp the thoughts brought by this flash of inspiration, Xuanzun had already asked about something.

"Daoyou, you should have touched Dongxu, right?"


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