Depressed Fairy

Chapter 475: Divine Martial Destruction, True Soul Revealed, Heaven and Earth Change Opening


The entire Shenwu Cave shook, and destruction and collapse appeared in every corner of the earth!

Shatter, shatter, collapse!

This cave that has been damaged to the point of aging and weakness is full of cracks at this moment, and it is already looking like it will be destroyed!

Above the stars in the cave sky, the black mist that originally isolated everywhere began to spread uncontrollably, sweeping everything in the world!

All souls howl!

Not only the human race, but also the beasts that struggled to survive in such a difficult environment, and the many ferocious alien species that were spawned in the chaos of the black mist, all felt the signs that the cave was about to be destroyed, so when they reached their end, they were even eroded by the black mist. , fell into the most painful situation!

All these things, with a strong impact at this moment, were fed back to Chen Yuan's heart!

"Dongtian, destroyed?"


Chen Yuan's five senses were impacted by violent power. The power originating from heaven and time exploded. Even with his current physical strength, it was a bit unbearable!

Almost instantly, the seal on Chen Yuan's hand changed, and the three-headed and six-armed Tiandao Xuanhuang true body appeared again. At the same time, the Tiandao Faxiang pounced forward, wrapped up his true body, and then moved towards the true body. penetration.

The combination of the two heavens instantly pushed Chen Yuan's combat power to an extremely terrifying level. There was even a breaking sound coming from the void, which seemed to break some kind of peace!

Here it is!

But even so, the violent impact still left shallow marks on Chen Yuan's body!

"This is... the overwhelming power of the entire world! And not only that, it is also mixed with the corrosive power of time!"

As he was thinking, the shadow of the Time Mirror and the Primordial Mirror appeared at the same time, freezing the current time and sealing off this space!

Time and space stopped at this moment!

The cave sky, which was about to collapse, was also frozen in the starry sky at this moment!

But the power of the entire world brought tremendous pressure, and cracks appeared on both mirrors at the same time!

Chen Yuan was startled, raised his two arms, and grabbed two mirrors. The power of heaven originating from his true body and Dharma image was poured into the mirrors. It also originated from the foundation of the world and was blessed on the mirrors. Finally, he could barely maintain this Two mysterious ancient mirrors.

But the terrifying pressure of the world's collapse is increasing rapidly!

"Even if time and space is frozen and it is only limited to this star field that surrounds the Divine Martial World, it will not last long. There is still up to seven breaths left!"

His thoughts were running like electricity.

"It's not difficult for me to escape. The thief hiding here has already touched the space. It must be the road leading to the void. When time and space are frozen, I can escape completely, but this world will be completely destroyed! Even after the passage of time, there should be billions of creatures in this entire cave, right? They are all going to be annihilated in the anger of that ancient clan!"

Although the time was short, and he was shocked as soon as he showed up, Chen Yuan was able to figure out what happened and make a rough guess with his spiritual thoughts.

He turned around and escaped from the surging impact.

At this moment, both the fragments of heaven and the turbulent flow of luck have completely solidified, but there is only a breath of time left, still gushing out, but most of it is drawn by the time mirror and poured into it, making the entire ancient world The aura of the mirror gradually increased.

Regardless of this, Chen Yuan landed on the edge of the black coal that had changed beyond recognition. He looked down and saw a flower of destruction.

He was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"This flower almost gathers all the time, luck and heaven in a cave. In the end, the chaos is shattered. Even I can't pick it from it, unless the realm can be higher, but it is too late now... huh?"

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, he heard a faint call, and then he looked up.

On the ancient mountain peak that has gone through the vicissitudes of time, a vague shadow is looming.

"Who are you?"

The shadow flashed and arrived in front of Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan took a closer look, but he still couldn't see clearly. It was like looking at flowers in the fog. He couldn't help but be shocked and surprised by the realm of this figure.

"I don't have much time. I can only save it for a moment. I can't explain it to you in detail. Since you are a human monk, you have mastered the law of time, you also have the aura of heaven, and you have compassion for the gods and spirits in your heart. Since You are the only one to choose! Now that Shenwu Heavenly Dao has collapsed, only the rhyme remains, but the essence is available for you to refine your true body. I only hope that you can get the remnant of Shenwu Heavenly Dao and the last fragment of the Dao Fruit prototype. , can give this magical creature a way to survive!"


Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and before he could answer, the phantom suddenly fit in and swooped!

Even though Chen Yuan had two layers of heavenly protection, he was unable to resist the shadow and could only let the shadow rush into his chest!

Rather than blocking it, it is better to say that the two layers of heaven sensed the goodwill of the shadow and did not stop it, but instead pulled it over!

Boom boom boom!

Chen Yuan's five senses roared!

In an instant, he understood the origin of the phantom.

"Shenwu True Soul!"

The next moment, a supreme martial spirit burst out in his body, pulling the chaotic power of the cave from all directions, and even the essence of the cave contained in the flower of destruction, began to converge towards Chen Yuan!


The next moment, his true body, the mysterious body that had been refined with a side of heaven, was shattered everywhere!

The terrifying power of the world begins to flow through the flesh and bones!

His physical body began to undergo further transformation!

Thunder flashes and the void trembles!

As Chen Yuan's physical body further collapsed and reorganized, an eternal aura filled the air from his mysterious body. The mysterious body that originated from death actually began to transform in essence!

At the same time, in the ancient ocean of time, a ripple appeared, gradually trembled, and expanded toward the distance!

Just when Chen Yuan accepted the inheritance of Shenwu True Soul, gradually mastered the third power of heaven, and his physical body further transformed, transforming towards a completely unpredictable physical realm, the one who shattered the fruit of time and gave Chen Yuan the coveted transformation The Jie clan has stepped into a dark passage in the void.

However, when Chen Yuan's body shattered the void and time was reversed and shattered, this void was also directly affected, causing this void passage to instantly twist and shatter!

"How can it be!?"

The handsome man's face suddenly changed greatly, and he fell out of the broken passage. In an instant, he made a seal with his hand, and a series of misty ripples immediately covered his body, shrouding him into a chaotic egg, moving with the ripples of space, as if to Falling into the depths of the void.

However, there is a little power of time extending from it like a thread, dragging the chaotic egg slowly forward along the void passage bit by bit.

In this way, after three months, the egg finally escaped from the ripples of the void, and then shattered instantly, revealing a handsome man with a pale face and weak breath.

There was still fear in his eyes. He raised his head and glanced not far away. He saw a strange token hanging in the empty void. He breathed a sigh of relief. Then he seemed to remember something and counted it with his fingers. , his expression changed slightly.

"Three months! Did he actually sleep for three months this time? Fortunately, before the time seed was completely consumed, he finally returned to the beacon channel."

After calming down the panic in his eyes, the man was still a little frightened. However, after taking a long breath, he gradually calmed down and recalled the past, but still had lingering fears.

"Such changes actually directly affected the time mark. It was definitely not caused by the collapse of the cave. Could it be that the human monk who suppressed Zihong used some trick to suppress the situation at the last moment?"

As soon as he thought about this, his expression became more and more unstable, but then he shook his head.

"Even if I have a trump card, there is no way I can survive the fragmentation of time and the world. I will definitely die. It's just that I suffered a big loss this time, but I can't regain my position. It's a pity that the holy fruit, Damn it! Oh, let’s meet up with the others now.”

After dispelling all the distracting thoughts in his heart, this person could not help but think of this opportunity. He was so heartbroken that he could not control himself, but he still had to get rid of the distracting thoughts. Then he pressed the seal with his hand, and his whole body turned into a black rainbow light, which went straight through into that token.

The token shook, and after absorbing the black light transformed by this person, it led him to a strange long scroll. In the long scroll, there were countless scene fragments, flashing like snowflakes.

This person seemed to be walking through a blizzard, passing through layers of snowflakes, and finally he rose up and left this strange space, landing in a courtyard, where he felt like he was sitting on a stone bench.

In front of him was a stone table, and two people were already sitting on it. One was dressed in black, had a long beard, and a high hat, with a calm expression. The other was a tall, fat, and wealthy man. , he had a mustache, was dressed in luxurious clothes, and was smiling with his eyes narrowed.

"Suwei, you're finally here," the rich man looked at the handsome man who suddenly appeared in front of him. Not only was he not surprised, but he glanced at the sun in the sky, "It's a cup of tea later than it should be. It seems like Didn’t the fruit of time grow smoothly?”

The handsome man Xuwei was silent for a moment, looked at the long-bearded man and the rich man in front of him, and whispered: "Shou Chong, Jueren, you left when Zihong and I planted the Seed of Time, not only because of this cave. Is it because the virtual world was swept away by Taixuan of the human race? "

The wealthy man Jueren was still smiling, but he opened his eyes slightly, with a cold light in his eyes: "Human Dao Taixuan swept away the dust, and all the bans and restrictions that we had imposed on the Dongxu Realm in the past were swept away. . Even if time turns around and the ban returns, it will be at least three years later. But now that the Dongxu ban is loosened, it means that the human race has found the key to practice time that was extracted. If we don’t arrive in time, we will not know the path. The human Dao Taixuan will set up a time barrier so that no one can get in."

"Even now..." the long-bearded man guarding the insect also spoke, his voice was slightly shrill, "If we didn't show the way, how could you, who was drifting in chaos in the void, get there? You can I know that it is now impossible to enter or exit this cave world. Even we have to hide our bodies and use this human body as a shield. As for what you said, why didn't you plant the seed of time in the first place? , isn’t this obvious?”

He chuckled: "Do you think that the venerables who have traveled the long river, held the wheel in their hands, and have gone through many reincarnations will really give you such loopholes? At this critical juncture, the human race may counterattack and regain the threat to our holy race. ability, leaving such a loophole?”

Xu Wei's expression suddenly turned ugly, and there was a fierce look in his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, but I know a little more than you." Shou Chong's expression also turned indifferent, "Where do you think the soul of heaven in the divine martial world came from? He was originally a Taixuan of human nature, and he was fighting When time was taken away by the Supreme Grand Ancestor, only the remaining soul was left, but it still refused to give up. Not only did it not dissipate, it also returned to the human starry sky and became a star guarding Dongxuan. Therefore, from now on, the palm of the hand is really powerful! In the beginning, your goal was impossible to achieve!"

Xuwei immediately said angrily: "Since you know this, you don't say anything! But you use other excuses to get away!"

Several ripples burst out from his weak body, twisting the courtyard.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." Na Jueren said with a smile: "Brother Xuwei, you were so fanatical at that time that you set up a situation so that we could only choose one of two, or comply and become an accomplice with you and others. , or you can only stay away. What's the use of saying this then? "

As he spoke, he stretched out his big chubby hand and pressed it forward, which directly calmed the surrounding ripples and evened out the distortions, restoring the courtyard to its original state. Then he reminded him with a serious word: "Brother Xuwei, please don't. I blame my brother for not reminding you that this cave is full of dangers. In the past three months, not only did the human Dao Taixuan sweep away the dust, but also someone unknown used his methods from afar to sort out the underworld. Having followed the path of inheritance has attracted many quiet and self-proclaimed people from the human race. If you come here so recklessly, it will be bad if you attract someone's attention. "

"The way of inheritance?"

Xu Wei was stunned for a moment, feeling his own weakness, and then looked at his two companions who were unpredictable. He suppressed the anger in his heart and asked: "You mean, the human race Taixuan will extract the concept of the cave that is sealed here. Come out and enter the path of inheritance? But how is this possible! At the beginning, several saint clan ancestors jointly blocked this realm! What's more, this path of inheritance is passed down by our saint clan and taught to the reincarnated clan members. Dharma door!”

As he spoke, he remembered the part of the words again: "What are the human beings doing here? They have all missed the realm!"

Jueren said: "The human race Taixuan has made great efforts! They have been fighting with us for many years, and even the strongest ones among them have experienced the erosion of the years, followed several reincarnations, and learned the way of inheritance. The method is not unexpected, and this inheritance method is not only beneficial in the last step, but also has rewards in the front. Isn’t it the best opportunity for those incomplete Qing Jing? "

"The tranquility of humanity has also been brought here for inheritance? Does the human race have this background?" Xuwei said first, then his expression suddenly changed, "They want to put all their efforts into failure?"

Jueren squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "No matter what their plans are, they will definitely gather the seeds of human destiny this time, which is the essence of their human inheritance. If they can catch all these seeds in one go, it will be enough to shake their foundation! Maybe they can't pass it. How long will it take for the Saints to completely extract and crush the Human Era!"

Xu Wei shook his head and asked, "Just me?"

"Of course it's not just us." Jueren laughed, "Other clans have arrangements in Dongxu. Since our saint clan won the bet back then, how can we not do it? Let's wait until they are all talented!"


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