Depressed Fairy

Chapter 474: Crystal Fruit on the Demon Peak, Destruction Flower in the Black Water Pool


The wind is howling and the dark clouds are moving!

The big hand formed by the gathering of wind and clouds directly changed the celestial phenomena, falling straight down and causing roars in all directions!

"This...the evil spirit on the mountain has finally taken action!"

The head of Xiliu Village darkened his face after seeing such a scene. Although Chen Yuan came here this time, it can be said that he had bad intentions. Not only did he smash their cottage, he also swept away many members, and even forced her to give in in the end and snatch the secret treasure used as bait. With his villainous style, he is not a good person at first glance.

But no matter how evil they are, they are still members of the same clan, and they have shown extraordinary fighting prowess. If they can be won over, or even surrendered, and with the help of their force, there may be a way to change the situation of the clansmen.

But the evil demon on the mountain is different. The evil demon is full of the purest malice towards humans like them. It is extremely evil! Due to her life experience, she and her father had come into contact with the servants of evil spirits, and she vaguely discovered that those evil spirits did not regard human beings as life at all, but as playthings!

"Well, compared to that... Even this kind of evil person looks pretty, even though he does look pretty good."

Sighing, she shook her head, feeling deep sadness.

Not only for myself, but also for the ethnic group, and for the whole world.

The world of gods and martial arts is afraid of falling into boundless darkness. Their generation can still barely maintain their morality. But without the inheritance of books and being trapped by many evil sacrifices, to what extent will the human race in the future degenerate? Ru Mao and drink blood? Those are probably all good things, but in the worst case, they might even be worse than beasts.

"Master, what's going on?"

From the side, a slightly weak voice came: "That senior just now, isn't he in any danger?"

The boss looked back and saw Sun Jie's face.

Although she already knew that the evil man who came this time was related to Sun Jie, considering the previous situation and the fact that the evil man did not actually harm anyone, she could only sigh secretly, shook her head and said: "It's the devil on that mountain. , No matter how high your martial arts cultivation is, it is useless.”

"What!" Sun Jie's face changed drastically, "Why is the boss so sure? Maybe..."

"When I was young, my father once saw an immortal who came from heaven and was swallowed up by the demon on the mountain!" The headmaster said in a sigh, "No matter how strong this warrior is, how can he keep up with the immortal?"

"Even immortals..."

Sun Jie's face was pale, with despair in his eyes, and he looked at the roaring black hand in the distance!

In a trance, the charming figure like a god was looming in the dark clouds, even if he was just looking at it from a distance,

Not only Xiliu Village, but also many villages, towns, cottages, Wubao, etc. further away, all noticed something strange in the sky at the same time. The older ones among them immediately recalled what they had experienced in the past. Some of them have faces of despair, some have excitement in their eyes, and some have both fear and longing!

"The Mountain Demon God! After thirty years, he finally appears again!"

"The power of the devil is unmatched by anyone in the world! Not even an immortal can!"

"The reappearance of demon gods often brings years of disaster. What's the reason this time? Outsiders? They will only make our lives more difficult and desperate!"

"The way of heaven?"

Under the dark clouds, it was as if the world had changed!

Everything was shattered, leaving only Chen Yuan alone.

And there is a mighty force brewing in him!

"Between the will of heaven and earth, we share the same hatred and sympathy for each other?"

Feeling the residual thoughts of Heaven contained in his chest, Chen Yuan was thoughtful.

His Heavenly Dao Dharma Appearance and Heavenly Dao True Body are not directly refining Heavenly Dao and integrating it into himself, but a state of coexistence and mutual benefit. Because there are Dharma Appearance and Heavenly Dao True Body as the carrier of the Heavenly Dao power, even if he leaves the cave where he is, he will still be there. Able to exert power consistent with the way of heaven.

Similarly, because he carries the essence of Heavenly Dao and integrates his destiny into Heavenly Dao, even though he is separated by the starry sky and living in two places, Chen Yuan can still sense the will of Heavenly Dao from a distance, and the two Heavenly Dao can also pass through it. The extension of one's own heavenly power has received a lot of feedback.

They naturally felt that the way of heaven in the world of gods and martial arts was being forcibly twisted and enslaved by a force!

The charming woman smiled coquettishly and pressed her hands gently, as if she were playing with the water in a lake. She was light and casual, but her big hands stirred up the heaven and earth, as if she wanted to erase this whole world together with Chen Yuan!

"Under the law of heaven, everyone is just an ant."

However, Chen Yuan caught some clues in an instant.

"You want to imprison and break a space, and capture me while seriously injuring me? According to this person's intention, you want to use it as nourishment, to feed the seeds of time? It is really cruel and evil! A complete villain style, I As a member of the human race and an agent of heaven, we cannot tolerate such existence!"

After the thought fell, he no longer suppressed the aura of heaven on his body, stretched out his hand, and grabbed it out!

"You probably don't know much about the way of heaven."

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, the law of heaven unfolded behind him, swallowing up the already broken surrounding scene, and directly refining a piece of the land. This area seemed to come alive, extending in an instant, and many surrounding cottages were transformed. , the city were pushed into the distance, and then turned into the thick soil of Kun Dao, then roared up, and turned into a big hand, shining with a black and yellow aura, soaring into the sky!


The next moment, the big black hand and the big black hand collided!

The violent collision set off a terrifying and violent storm, which blew straight out, shattering the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away, and disintegrating countless rocks and trees!

But the next moment, this shattering and disintegrating power was also absorbed by the great force and merged into the black and yellow hand. The already fierce and terrifying big hand actually increased its power by another three points!


The charming woman was slightly startled, and then her expression changed.

"The power of heaven? How is it possible? Almost all the heaven in this realm has been corrupted by disasters, and its essence has been almost drained by the seeds of time. There is only a little empty shell left, and it is still refined for us. Even if someone can mobilize it The remaining power of heaven cannot compete with me! Could it be that this newly arrived human monk possesses the treasure of heaven?"

Just when her thoughts were turning and she was thinking about the cause of the accident, a strong warning sign suddenly erupted in her heart!


Just as the warning sign broke out, the black cloud's big hand solidified, and then the black and yellow big hand below shone with colorful brilliance, like stars, and then exploded completely!

The power of destruction directly shattered the black cloud's big hand, exposing the power of heaven contained in it. Then an eight-armed dharma form appeared in the chaos. Among the three faces of the dharma form, the one representing the inner demon The face suddenly opened its mouth and sucked in!

Suddenly, all the broken power of heaven was swallowed up!


The power of heaven that was connected to life after being refined was taken away in one fell swoop. The charming woman groaned, her aura suddenly fluctuated, and it weakened a lot, but immediately after that, she felt furious in her heart!

"How dare you resist!? It's just..."

Before she could finish her thoughts, she heard a voice next to her.

"Judging from this collision, although you can mobilize the power of heaven, it is only to this extent. Your own cultivation level cannot even perfectly control the power of heaven. You only rely on the method and external forces to forcibly refine and control it!"


The charming woman was startled, and when she looked back, she saw the gray-robed Taoist who was just below!

Chen Yuan didn't talk nonsense to her at all. While talking, the seal on his hand changed, and the Heavenly Dao Dharma behind him suddenly took shape, and then he directly used the great magical power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

As the death energy surged, the entire space was immediately enveloped, and the many connections hidden in the space became clear at this moment, allowing Chen Yuan to directly travel through life and death, reality and reality, and seize the space passage connected to this place.

"This saves me the trouble of asking for directions and finding the way."

Chen Yuan looked indifferently as he looked at the charming woman opposite who was grinning ferociously. He saw waves of black ripples rippling across her body, triggering many catastrophes in all directions, internal and external, virtual and real, and condensed into more than a dozen rays of catastrophic light, shooting towards him. Just raise your fist!

In his body, the condensed power of Gou Chen Tiandao suddenly erupted, but it was not completely released. It just gathered on Chen Yuan's fist like running water, and he punched it out!


Eliminate all evil! The extraordinary does not exist!

The dozen or so rays of calamity were directly smashed into pieces under the bewitching woman's unbelievable gaze, turning into strands of air and spreading out.

Chen Yuan didn't stop for a moment. The Dharma Master behind him stretched out his finger, and the power of time in the time mirror burst out, turned into a sharp sword, and pierced the woman's chest!

Her aura faded instantly, the power of time in her body suddenly became chaotic, and her foundation was shaken!

"How is it possible! The power of time? Do you know the weaknesses of our clan and have you experienced the realm of caves and voids?"

The woman's eyes widened, but then Chen Yuan dropped his fists more than a dozen times, and with the blessing of many great magical powers, the Xuwang Palace fell, and with thousands of roars, she was sealed!

"We have fought many times before and after. I have more or less grasped the characteristics of your Jie clan. What's more, one of them has already been caught and is being studied in depth. There is also a mixed-race beside him. Now you have a new one. The experimental product will be smoother in the future. No, there should be someone else hiding on that mountain besides you, right?"

At the last moment when the woman was imprisoned, Chen Yuan chuckled and said heart-wrenching words, then raised his hand and grabbed it, tearing away the darkness, black clouds, and black wind that covered the sky and the earth like a scroll, and then rushed away. He glanced in the direction of Xiliuzhai, then raised his hand to grab the ripples in the space and disappeared without a trace.

In the distance, the Shenwu people who were still in a state of shock because of the demon god's appearance all had their eyes widened and their minds went blank!

They had just seen the billowing black tide and the monstrous power of the demon. Then the ground surged, and a black and yellow hand appeared from the soil, defeating the legendary ferocious demon!


The head of Xiliu Village was in a trance. First he was frightened, and then he seemed to understand something, and his face suddenly turned red!

"We the human race! Our Shenwu human race and the Shenwu world can be saved!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Where did this freak come from! Zihong was defeated and banned after just one confrontation! She has refined a part of Shenwu Tiandao and is fighting at home!"

On the top of the mountain where the cold wind was howling, a handsome man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes, and then looked down at the dark pool at his feet. His eyes passed through the layers of obstacles and fell on a crystal clear in the depths. On top of the fruit.

This thing has pitch-black roots that are deeply embedded in the mud at the bottom of the pool, and are connected to the earth, spirit, and energy veins of the entire cave.

"This person seems to be very familiar with us and other Tribulation tribes. He has also mastered the power of time and is a great threat to us! Could it be that he is an ancient human monk who has returned from the battlefield of time? So he has a complete practice system? That is not true Wonderful!”

His eyes were fixed on the fruit, his expression ferocious and twisted.

"It's almost there! As long as there is a little more time, the heavenly way of this world will be completely absorbed, turned into the nourishment of time, and the fruit of time will be achieved, so that this holy object will be completely mature. As long as it is swallowed, the power of this heavenly way will be , it can become my own! Maybe it can allow me to touch the realm of Taixuan!"

The more he thought about it, the redder the man's eyes became, filled with anger and helplessness.

"This opportunity is very rare. Such a good thing cannot be our turn at all. Only now, when the war situation is so urgent and the Humanity Era has been drained to only 20,000 years, and even several venerables are unable to escape, can we be allowed to do so." When I pass through the gate of the era and arrive at this unstable time, I happen to encounter a cave where the star soul has awakened, but... there is no time! Zihong is not this person's opponent, and I will not be an exception. Here, even if you try your best, you may still be suppressed!”

After thinking about it, a look of madness and violence gradually grew in his eyes!

"Forget it! Although the inferior human race has no way of swallowing the Time Fruit, and the unripe fruit is highly poisonous, but this time, I have to go back. After all, it is not mine! Instead of staying here, drift away If I don’t reach my clan in the future, it’s better to destroy it here and take everything away!”


The dark sky suddenly became distorted, causing ripples in space.

The handsome man raised his head and glanced up, then with a sinister smile on his face, then took a step forward and fell into the Tan. The power of time in his body flowed and collided, creating strange brilliance and sparks, which gathered in his palm, and then he patted the crystal fruit. past!

"I can't get it, and neither can anyone else. And the culprit who caused my final loss will be completely annihilated in the destruction of heaven, time and heaven!"


When the palm fell, the fruit was completely shattered by the strange power of time, and then it bloomed like a flower, releasing waves of ripples!

The man's figure dimmed instantly, and he followed the path he had prepared long ago and fled towards the cave.


Above, the space shattered, Chen Yuan stepped out, and then his expression changed slightly.

"The aura that I was locked on just now disappeared and escaped? This is really new..."

Just as he was thinking about it, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and then his expression changed. He lowered his head and looked down. What came face to face was the roaring waves and chaotic luck!


The laws of heaven and the true body of heaven resonated almost instinctively, allowing Chen Yuan to roughly understand what was happening in front of him, and he was stunned.

"This... the Heavenly Dao of Shenwu Cave exploded!?"

In the next breath, his figure was swallowed up by the surging tide of time and the violent fate of heaven!

In the aura of destruction, two bronze mirrors quietly appeared.


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