Depressed Fairy

Chapter 431: Careful without fear, everything is arranged with ease


The pretty woman narrowed her eyes and looked in the direction of the sound. She saw Chen Yuan in gray Taoist robes.

Part of his body has not yet fully manifested. It is an illusory breeze, but it is intertwined with black energy, revealing his body shape.

Seeing his appearance, the red fox in the bead immediately jumped up and down excitedly!

"It's finally here! Pindao knows it! Although he didn't pay much attention to those eight sects back then, he finally incorporated them into Qishan Heretics and became part of his own power. How can he suffer this disadvantage?"

As for the rhetorical question in Chen Yuan's words, the fox was rational and did not struggle with it, nor did he try to answer it.

In contrast, most of the eight sect members under the high platform were a little surprised when they saw Chen Yuan's appearance, but there were also a few who showed surprise.

However, no matter what thoughts are in my heart, I can't express them when my mind is restrained by the magic method.

"Chen Shiji?"

Compared with them, the bright woman was much calmer. She flicked the beads in her hand and smiled softly at the fox: "Don't take chances, be honest with me."

Then, looking at the black energy wrapped around Chen Yuan's body, he smiled sweetly and said: "I wanted to sneak in here, but I was discovered by the energy of Prince Mingmo, so I exposed Xingzang? However, your concealment skills are really good Yes, you can hide it from the Hundred Heart Demon and the Destruction Demon and get straight into this place."

After a pause, after seeing Chen Yuan's body condensed, he stretched out his hand to grab the black energy wrapped around his body. The woman shook her head again: "Don't waste your efforts. This Mingmo Prince Qi is one of the differentiations of the Demonic Supreme Qi. As long as a person has practiced demonic techniques, he will not be able to get rid of it as long as he is contaminated.”

She looked at Chen Yuan and said seriously: "Since we dared to come here to ambush you, we were naturally well prepared. Even though we knew that you had left your own cave and could not borrow the power of the cave here, we still made great efforts. …”

Here it is!

Before she could finish her words, she heard a clatter, and a ring of light surged in Chen Yuan's palm, trapping the black energy wrapped around his body. He tore it off and held it in his palm.

"There are indeed some secrets. I almost didn't realize it until I got here, so I was exposed. Otherwise, I would have walked up to you just now and slapped you down with a palm. This energy is obviously derived from the magic way of refining the heart, but it doesn't have any obsession. , killing intent and malice, so it is difficult to detect. Fortunately, it does not have too much lethality, otherwise I would suffer a loss this time. But having said that, if it is really capable of killing, there will be malice and murderous intent, so it will be long ago. will be noticed by me.”


The bright woman's words stopped abruptly. Her eyes widened and blood surged in her eyes: "How could you strip away the prince's aura? So easily?"

"What's so difficult about this? Although this energy can resonate with demonic skills and penetrate past causes and effects, it's not difficult to peel it off if you meet someone who knows how to do it. I have at least nine ways to peel it off. In addition... …”

Chen Yuan stepped forward, walked into the hall, looked at the woman on the high platform, and said: "The two you are talking about, one has red hair and the other is wearing armor? That's strange, knowing that I am in the mortal realm. Facing five, six, seven or eight merits, he still won the victory, but only sent two merit demons to ambush and block him. Who are you looking down on? "

The more he talked, the anger in Chen Yuan's heart grew stronger. He couldn't help but recall that at the beginning of his recovery, in the Divine Treasure of Creation, he had clearly displayed various methods in the northwest to frighten the heroes. As a result, he went east to the Middle Earth. When I go to a place, there are often blind people provoking me, which is really annoying.

After all, there are restrictions on the dissemination of information in the Divine Treasure. Due to the level of productivity, there will be many information islands. This is somewhat excusable, but the one in front of me clearly knows where he is coming from. He even followed the clues, found this place, laid a trap, and led himself into a trap, but in the end he only prepared these people?

"Huh?" The bright woman showed surprise again, then flicked her slender white fingers, her eyelids twitched slightly, and then she showed an angry look, "So, these two have been conquered by you! It's really disappointing. !”

She pinched the bead in her hand and smiled again: "You don't have to worry, Daoyou Chen. Although they are both meritorious, their methods are different. The Baixin Demon and the Destruction Demon, even among the meritorious demons, have different methods." Similarly, the tendency of demons and the fundamentals of the full moon are also different. These two methods are also outstanding in the realm of merit, and they plan the ambush in advance, which should be very sure, and there is no intention to look down on fellow Taoists. "

She stood up and stretched her muscles. There was a "crackling" sound all over her body, which was connected to some powerful force in the void. The aura on her body became deeper and deeper, and blood lines slowly appeared on her body.

"Although the scene is somewhat different from what I expected, since we have encountered it, we should show it and make it happen." She bowed slightly and said with a condescending smile: "The little girl is dewy, and she has become the top female of the Five Demon Sects. "Young Master, I came here this time because I heard that my Taoist friend is also a member of my demonic path, so I came here specifically to recruit you."

"The top female queen of the Five Demon Sects?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and saw that the woman did not panic at all when she heard that the two demons outside had died. Instead, she remained calm and composed. He could not help but narrow his eyes.

"Could it be that the two people before were just a cover-up? In fact, this woman has a hidden agenda..."

He suddenly realized that when the world of earthly fate had not yet taken shape, there were many restrictions. Immortals higher than the realm of merit could not enter at all. The Dongxu world seemed to have a similar situation, so that only the dead immortal of the underworld dominated.

But Gouchen Realm is the resurrection of the dead realm, and the way of heaven is incomplete and has no restriction at all.

Once there is no restriction, it is hard to say what kind of existence will come in.

"The Demon Lord once told me that once one reaches the level of tranquility but has not experienced the baptism of the cave, his realm has great flaws. The most obvious one is that his own weight is extremely heavy, which is almost equivalent to carrying a heavy weight all the time. If a realm is in the body, except for the realm where the heaven is controlled by oneself, if one rashly goes to other caves, the place where he is is unable to bear its weight. Once he sets foot on it, there will be signs. "

Because of this, Chen Yuan left the mortal world and returned to Gouchen. With his current methods, he could deal with the Qingjing Immortal. Even if the situation was unfavorable, he could still make strategic changes.

"But if you don't keep it all, there are even more weird methods and objects, which are controlled by this woman! After all, the Five Demon Sect is a large sect across the star sea that can be compared with Zixiao Palace!"

His expression became serious: "I will take it seriously and go all out!"


A terrifying aura condensed behind him, and the Eight-Armed Heavenly Law was accomplished in a blink of an eye, and then under Shui Lu's stunned eyes, he took action first!

"Now that we have to take action, there is no possibility of hesitation. Naturally, we have to take action first!"

Boom boom boom——

The void trembles, and the way of heaven appears!

"Brother Gilt, please don't feel unhappy. This is not a trick, but a prudent move."

Above the clouds and mist, Gu Ke led his two nephews to stand on the clouds, watching the changes in the atmosphere in the mountain hall, and said: "I have obtained the information. The one who came here this time is the Bishuitan." The female queen is ranked among the five magic armors."

"Five Demon Armor List?" Xing Shui looked surprised, "Those are the figures who stand out from the disputes among the demon sects that are like self-raising poisons! They would actually send such a person here!"

"This is normal. The Heavenly Demons in the Quiet Realm are all great figures. It is impossible to be transferred here because of such a thing. But if they are not powerful enough, how can they deal with Fellow Daoist Chen? They are barely qualified for the Five Demons Armor List." The gold-plated Tan shook his head, "But if you are just a top-ranking female monarch, you have underestimated Daoyou Chen. Even if you are supplemented by four or five meritorious demons, and you ambush and create traps in advance, you may not be able to hurt Daoyou Chen. On the contrary, Might piss him off!"

"Do you have such confidence in the Chen family?" Gu Ke looked at Gilt Tan in surprise: "The Five Demons Armor List is not only the top figure in the realm of fortune, but also in charge of some kind of secret weapon. , or it is a magic weapon that reaches the sky, or it is simply a spiritual treasure, and what's more, it has the means to communicate with the pure demons! If such a person comes, it will be difficult to resist as long as the cultivation level is not in the realm of tranquility, not to mention the release of the blessed demons! Wherever he goes, he is the overlord, how can he be so easy to instigate? "

After a pause, he continued: "Chen Shiji has condensed a world of heaven, and he may be able to achieve peace in the future, but that is only a matter of the future. But right now, if he dares to leave his cave easily, he may be influenced by the authority of the heaven in the mortal realm. Wei Li has gone to his head. If we can't let him be frustrated and wake up for a moment, then no matter how many concessions we make and how many benefits we give, he will feel that it is natural. How can we win over or include him? Is there any truth in this? You want me to teach you?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of red blood suddenly rose into the sky from the house in the distance!

One path, ten paths, a hundred paths, a thousand paths!

On top of the blood, ferocious faces sprouted, with teeth and claws dancing, flying in the sky. They all had their own intelligence and exuded a terrifying sense of oppression. Each one contained the power to crush the Yang God and extinguish the true fire. !

"The Way of the Blood Demon! The map of the Hundred Scenes of the Blood Way! This is the magical power of the ancestor Qingjing Xuanxue! This person from the Demon Sect who took action is his descendant! He can mobilize this old demon Qingjing"

When he saw this scene, Gu Ke immediately gathered his thoughts back: "The Hundred Scenes of the Blood Path is to refine a person into a demon, then ignite the real fire, and then use the body to draw it, gather it inside, and turn it into a drop of blood! Every trace of blood Drops are equivalent to a Yang Shen Demon! If one is released at will, it may overturn the ground and corrode the cultivator. Even an immortal will be taken advantage of by the Blood Drops and be contaminated. If you are a fairy, you will be in trouble!"

His expression became serious: "It seems that we have to take action in advance, otherwise we will not seize the opportunity to take action and let the Lord of Chenyuan Cave Heaven be infected by the blood droplets and become a demon. It will be self-defeating."


A faint buzzing sound came from his body. Gu Ke turned over his hand and took an ancient long bow. Then he slowly raised it, aiming at the thousands of bloody lights raging in the air, and said lightly: "If you want To break this magical power, you need to hit it with one strike, and then you need to find the source of the blood demon. My two nephews will protect me. I must concentrate on it and not be distracted. "

"Uncle Master..."

Suddenly, Xing Shui said with some uncertainty: "I noticed that the demons in the blood path are all confused..."

Her technique is based on the softness of water. When water moves, ripples are created, and she can sense thousands of changes through the air.

"The drop of blood is like the incarnation of the devil. No matter what kind of monk you were in life, once you become a demon puppet, you will only have chaotic instincts and confused thoughts. It is normal." Gu Ke interrupted the other party, stretched his bow and pulled the string, and breathed loudly, A sharp aura emerged from the void and converged on the bow, slowly outlining the shadow of a long arrow.

"But..." Xingshui said anxiously: "Although the thoughts transmitted by the group of demons are chaotic and disordered, they are not empty, but full of fear and horror! They... They are running for their lives! They want to escape from the flag mountain!"



Gu Ke was stunned when he heard the words. Before he could ask, he heard a roar. The already severely damaged flag mountain collapsed again. The house and hall turned into powder in an instant, and an eight-armed figure tore through the void!

Weird! Tyrannical! Great!

A chaotic sense of oppression emanated from the figure, and then the eight-armed figure raised his hand and stretched out, grabbing the flying blood light and pulling it suddenly!


Countless blood lights shattered, and the central part was pinched together to form a slender figure. Who else could it be but the demon queen Shuilu?

"Chen Shiji! How dare you--"

A cry of derision came out of her mouth, and then it turned into a scream. Her body instantly disintegrated and turned into countless blood and water. Only a demon soul was caught. Then a towering palace emitting dazzling light appeared and sucked her into it!


A gust of wind blew, and the eight-armed figure dissipated with the wind. The towering palace quickly shrank and was put into the sleeve of a gray-clothed Taoist.

Then, the Taoist was aware of something and looked up at Gu Ke and others.

Suddenly, a biting cold and an unspeakable sense of fatality burst out in Gu Ke's heart. He subconsciously retracted his bow and arrow. When he looked again, he saw the Taoist shook his head and smiled, then nodded to the gilded Tang behind him, and then turned into a breeze and fell into the mountain.

Gu Ke just woke up from his dream at this time. He felt incredible in his heart and whispered: "Is this person, is this person Chen Shiji?"

"Yes." Liu Jintang also sighed, "Since we see Taoist Chen here, he and Xu Yanzi should be the same person, but..." He looked at his uncle and smiled bitterly, "A good opportunity to make friends has been wasted. Taoist Chen must have seen our plan, alas!"

Xingshui also looked at Gu Ke with a resentful expression.

In her opinion, Taoist Chen is so powerful, and the uncle must have made a wrong idea. Her brother already had a friendship with Taoist Chen. If he had warned him in time, he could have gotten closer to him, but it turned out to be like this.

"This doesn't make sense!" Gu Ke frowned and shook his head, as if he was defending himself, or trying to convince himself, "If it was Chen Shiji, who had only been the master of the cave for less than ten years, how could he have such means? Just now, when he looked at me, it felt like he was meeting his uncle. It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense!" "It doesn't make sense anymore, it has already happened." Liu Jintang calmed down, "In a few days, when I find a chance, I will go to apologize." "It doesn't make sense!" At the same time, Chen Yuan, who fell into the mountain, Holding a bead, he also frowned: "The Five Demon Sects made a big fuss, sent a message to me, and ambushed me in advance, but this is the result? I thought that the female demon had some skills and should be a strong enemy, but she was suppressed so easily! If I hadn't stopped quickly, I'm afraid even her soul would have turned into ashes! That would completely cut off the clues! Is there a trick here? Is there someone hiding in the dark?" Thinking of this, his mind was like the wind, sweeping around in an instant, and then his brows frowned more and more. After pondering for a moment, Chen Yuan suddenly thought of something else. "Yes, I have to ask someone who knows the inside story before I can make a decision!" After thinking about it, he flicked his finger, and the bead flew out and exploded in the air. A fiery red fox turned over and fell down, and then moved like the wind, and came to Chen Yuan, hugged his thigh: "Fellow Daoist Chen, you are finally back!" It's another day of pressing the line... ()

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