Depressed Fairy

Chapter 430 The Tao is tempered to suppress the external demons, and the Dharma has eight arms to op


As the strange sights and sounds came, the young man Tu Xiang and the young girl Qu Yan who were following Chen Yuan each screamed and covered their ears. Their faces were frightened and their eyes were confused. They fell into the devil in an instant. In the dreamland.

They had tried their best to follow Chen Yuan, and because they felt that Chen Yuan was around, they relaxed their vigilance, so they just met each other and fell deeply into it. After a few breaths, they were filled with demonic thoughts.

"I still haven't practiced enough. It's so easy to follow the path. I still have me by your side. If there is no one, just this time, it will be the day of death!"

Faced with many illusions, Chen Yuan just whispered, then pointed his fingers forward into a sword!


A little spiritual light burst out, turning into ripples and spreading out, instantly dispelling the heavy fog, revealing two figures.


One of the two people is wearing a bright red robe, with long fiery red hair, standing in the wind, looking majestic, tall, with a long beard hanging down his chest; the other is wearing a gray armor, with a helmet covering his face, and a jasper inlaid between his eyebrows. He was carrying two long swords behind his back, and faint smoke was constantly emitting from the cracks in the armor all over his body.

The red-haired man had a look of surprise on his face: "The magic trick of confusing the mind was broken in just one face-to-face meeting? He is indeed an amazing talent! If you let it go, I'm afraid we won't be your opponent in more than ten years!"

"You inner demons just like to go through these twists and turns. He has already refined the way of heaven in a cave. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a Qingjing Immortal. If you don't take advantage of this person's unknown power and leave the cave where he belongs without permission, take him away. Stay, wait for him to understand, huddle in the realm and wait for peace to come, what else do you and I have to do?" The man in armor sneered and pulled out the two long swords behind him, "Get out of the way, or let a certain family do the killing? Bar."

The jasper between his eyebrows shone brightly, and the green smoke continued to seep out from the gaps on his body, gradually intertwining into a blurry outline behind him. This outline held a dark full moon in his hands, and a strong domineering aura spread out. .

Ford Demon!

The red-haired man frowned, but did not retreat. Instead, he raised his voice to Chen Yuan: "Master Chen, do you know why we are here? I am here to not only call for punishment, but also to show you the way, otherwise you will not achieve success." The catastrophe caused by the Lord of Cave Heaven will break out soon! By then, you will have no chance to achieve the state of tranquility and will fall from the middle path! "Do you understand that there is also a circle behind this person? The moon rises, misty and unreal, like a dream!

A feeling of oppression pours out, lingering in all directions, and in conjunction with his words, it wants to shake Chen Yuan's mind!

Two Ford Demons!

Such a lineup is enough to level some cave-heaven realms. Now they are lying in ambush in front of the mountain, deliberately waiting for Chen Yuan to arrive, which shows that they are determined to win!

But as soon as this person finished speaking, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him. Chen Yuan did not retreat but advanced, attacking directly in front of the two of them.

"Why do I need to know? To understand?"

After his voice fell, he raised his hand and waved. A flash of light flashed, and the black and yellow energy condensed into a stroke across the sky, enveloping the red-haired man and the armored man!

"Combined magical powers, black and yellow circle of reincarnation."

Within the bright yellow light, both of them were in a trance.

"Little trick!" The armored man still sneered, waving two long swords one after another, "Destroy the Demonic Sword Way! Destroy this technique!"

Two green sword lights burst out, but they did not point at Chen Yuan. Instead, they collided with each other and dispersed into countless small smoke, which then spread everywhere.

destroy! destroy! eliminate!

In an instant, the connection between the bright yellow halo and Chen Yuan was severed, and then the foundation of its own existence was shattered!


A small half of the Dongzhou continent was affected at this moment and completely shattered.



The armored man and the red-haired man suddenly woke up and opened their eyes!

Although the bright yellow ring has dissipated, not to mention the Dongzhou Continent, even the Banqi Mountain in front of it remains the same.

"Are we asleep? No!"

Under the mask of the armored helmet, two eyes burst out with dazzling light!

"We were forced into a dream! If someone hadn't destroyed the opponent's magical power in time, I would have fallen into this person's magical power and couldn't extricate ourselves! It's really scary, no wonder, no wonder we can achieve what we are today in two hundred years. Dao Xing, even in the situation where the heroes were surrounding him, intercepted the way of heaven in a cave! "

He had just understood this truth and suddenly looked back, only to see that he and the red-haired man had suddenly fallen into the control of a big hand, with stars twinkling in that hand!

The eyes of the armored man's mask condensed, and he felt that there were signs of being suppressed both physically and mentally. Once he had the idea of ​​taking action, endless warning signs grew in his heart, so he said: "This must be the magical power of the Hand of the Stars that Chen Shiji has used! This The magical power can destroy extraordinary beings and control souls! Why don’t you take action! You are a person from the inner demon curse, and it’s really unbelievable that you have fallen into someone else’s dream-inducing magical power.”

"You were so conceited just now that you fell into such a situation, and yet you came to find me again!" The red-haired man also had a look of surprise on his face, but after hearing this, he still made the seal with his hands!

In an instant, his eyes were dark, and his body collapsed, turning into an invisible and qualityless thought, breaking the barrier between reality and reality, infecting this space, and then disturbing Chen Yuan's body.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it changed, a starry sky was formed out of thin air, incorporating these inner demon thoughts!

"This is?"

As soon as the idea of ​​​​the Hundred Heart Demon came up, he felt great fear, as if he was being targeted by some natural enemy. Before he could make any move, ferocious faces appeared from the depths of the starry sky, opening their big mouths and swallowing... These thoughts!

"The inner demons are evolving!"

A fatal sense of crisis emerged in his heart. The demons in his mind were frightened and he did not bother to explore the reason, so the demonic thoughts evolved into all kinds of things. But then every thought stung, as if being torn apart by life and trying to get out of his control.

In shock, he finally understood!

"According to the records, Chen Shiji mastered the magic of the demon sect, and even used it to defeat the original demon. The sect originally thought that this person did not master the original demon, but the blood demon's method, and even used it to control the gate of yin and yang reincarnation, It is deduced from communicating with thousands of ghosts and dead spirits that this person may have practiced the path of death demons such as corpse demons, Yin demons, and underworld demons. But now it seems that the foundation of this person's path in the demon path is clearly our heart. The way of the devil!”

While screaming, he hurriedly put away his demonic thoughts.

In the practice of magic, there is often a principle, that is, practitioners of the same path are like natural enemies. The higher ones not only have natural personal pressure on the lower ones, but also have a food chain-like structure. Those with low realms will often become Qualifications for advanced practitioners!

Now, the Hundred Heart Demon has fallen into this situation!

"Destroy the Demon! Stop hiding your hands! This person is also a curse of the inner demon! Hurry up and fight! Otherwise you and I will be trapped in this place! Only by resisting this person and delaying time can we have a turn in this battle!"

While he was talking, he also wanted to use other means to break free, but as soon as he had the idea, countless thoughts were like being burned by fire, the stinging pain was unspeakable, and he screamed again and again!

"Huh? The inner demon curse?" The armored man seemed startled, and then he seemed to understand something, "So that's it! He was born in the Shenzang affiliated to Gouchen, and came into contact with the legacy of the demon Rahu! No wonder! No wonder he can do it twice A hundred years of achievement of merit turns out to be the luck of the devil! In this case..."


The two swords in his hands collided, making a crisp sound, and dense lines appeared on the blade, which quickly spread across the sword body, and then broke into pieces!

The jasper between his eyebrows turned red in an instant, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, rising continuously!

"A certain family will show their true skills. Chen Shiji is willing to fight a certain family for 300 rounds!"

"I don't want to."

In the dark starry sky, Chen Yuan revealed his figure, and the eight-armed dharma image behind him suddenly flipped his hand!

It turned out that he did not use the Star Mahamudra at all, but used the Dream Pen to confuse the two of them from the beginning. At the moment when they were stunned, he used the law of heaven to control the two of them, suppress their magical powers, and disturb them. The thoughts caused them to have all kinds of delusions.

At this moment, with a flip of his hand, he first calmed the two of them, and then at the moment when the armored man was about to explode, he lit up a solemn palace blooming with brilliance!

Lingbao, Xuwang Palace!


As soon as the words were spoken, the palace fell, and the Hundred Heart Demon, who was extremely weakened by restraint, howled first, and then was pulled and suppressed into the palace!

"Damn it! Due to a moment of negligence, the magical powers and magic weapons that have been tempered for thousands of years are of no use at all. I am not willing to accept it! I am not convinced! I..."

"Just wait, if you can escape with your life and keep your true spirit, isn't it better than anything else?"

As soon as Baixinmo entered the palace, his unwilling howling was interrupted by a voice.

The voice originated from deep inside the palace. It seemed like a figure suppressed by infinite radiance and roasted by fierce fire. It was sneering: "You feel that you have not used any means, so you are unwilling to be angry. But you don't know that being suppressed by this palace is just a narrow escape." , If we really use our methods to annoy the evil star outside and let him treat him seriously, it will be a death without a life! "

"Who are you!?"

Bai Xin Mo felt a chill in his heart, and just as he was asking, he felt an endless pressure falling on him, completely suffocating him, making it difficult for him to even think.

Outside, the armored man waved his two swords, constantly breaking the power of suppression, and shouted: "Chen Shiji! Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have a spiritual treasure!"

Chen Yuan took his hand, and the second hand of the Eight-Armed Dharma Image fell directly, and the power of heaven contained in it suddenly exploded, blessing the Xuwang Palace!

The world is bound to heaven, the source of King Xu!

The hall suddenly shook violently, and its power actually increased a few points. Under the blessing of heaven, a strange field exploded, as if it separated the sub-dimensional world and opened up another small cave!

A new cave that follows the rules of the mortal realm!

In this cave, the laws and rules are all different. Chen Yuan can control them at will. In just one moment, he completely suppresses the magical power of destruction used by the double swords and the armored man, and wipes them all away!


The jasper between the eyebrows shows cracks!


The mask on his face suddenly shattered, revealing a face as handsome as a woman!

"Qingjing is too empty, the vastness is overwhelming!? How is that possible! You have only been refining the way of heaven for seven years, how can you be promoted to Qingjing!?"

But Chen Yuan had no intention of answering. Another arm fell down, blessing the hall, and the dual heavens appeared. The armored man screamed, and the magic armor that protected him dimmed instantly. The flesh inside was shattered inch by inch, and all the bones in the body were broken in the blink of an eye. , the soul inside has become a bit dim!

After being severely injured, he could no longer resist and was suppressed into the palace.

"I have gone through all kinds of hardships along the way, and I have been able to seize the opportunity in the path to seize the realm of mortal world, stand at the peak of merit, and practice the laws of heaven. If I still have to fight you for 300 rounds and drag it for a long time, my upgrade will not be in vain. "

He waved his hand to close the Void King's Palace, followed the Dharma Prime Minister's arms to stretch out, picked out this piece of alienated heaven and earth, and then slowly dispersed.

The surrounding area reappeared like half a flag mountain, but the person blocking the way was no longer there.

What seemed like a fierce battle before was actually controlled by Chen Yuan from the beginning to the end. In just a few breaths, the two demons were sealed off and no news could be spread.

"The tranquility is too empty, and the vastness is abundant. As expected, we have to find a way to understand the mystery of this quiet realm. We can't just know the name and then do business based on the name."

Recalling the words of those two people, Chen Yuan thought thoughtfully: "However, if these two people are really from the Five Demons Palace and plan to ambush me here, then there may be something wrong with the painstaking letter sent by my disciple Fu Yin. It's not like this unlucky kid was captured again and fell into bad luck, right? It's really boring to have this same scenario happen again and again. Besides, when I rescued him, he didn't understand it yet, and now he has cultivated it. After decades, it would be unreasonable if it still falls into the hands of others. But then again, since it is a trap, the situation in Qishan Mountain Gate is definitely not good at this moment. "

He waved his sleeves to dispel the remaining demonic energy. With a flick of his finger, the confused boy and girl beside him were sent thousands of miles away. Then he turned around and turned into a breeze, falling towards Qishan. .

In the mountains.

A fiery red fox is trapped in a transparent bead, and the bead is held by a white hand.

The owner of the hand was a bright and beautiful woman. She was leaning on the bench, looking at the disciples of Qishan Villa who were being killed by the secret method below the high platform, half-smiling but not smiling.

"You are still unwilling to reveal the origins of Xu Yanzi? Do you really think that I would care about his thoughts and not kill anyone?" A charming and lazy voice came from the woman's mouth, and she smiled like a flower: "Even if Chen Shiji and Xu Yanzi are really One person, he can hold up the sky with one hand in the mortal world, but he may not be able to turn the tide here. "


Before all the disciples of Qishan could speak, the fox in the bead cursed: "You dare to make false claims about the Taoist Lord. You don't know how to live or die! He knows that he is a poor Taoist. His eyes can't tolerate sand, and his ears can't hear evil." It is said that those who do evil will either die or be injured, and even the best ones will have to be suppressed for decades before they can barely save their lives!"


The woman chuckled softly, the sound was so refreshing that it made all the disciples lose their vitality and blood, and they were filled with fear. Some of the low-cultivation ones were even trembling!

"Then I'll wait and see. It's just that my Five Demon Sect has never underestimated him. Even if he left his cave, he also ambushed many people this time. When he is captured, I will let you personally identify him..."

"Fox, are you saying that I am small-minded behind my back?"

A voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Although Mr. Chen is used to keeping a low profile, he is often not as knowledgeable as others, and he even thinks that he is still somewhat open-minded. How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?"

at the same time.

On the outskirts of Naqishan Mountain, Master Guca, who was sitting cross-legged and resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, counted his fingers, and then groaned, and then said: "Just now, there was a little demonic thought transmitted here, I It is also difficult to predict the changes in Qishan. The Lord of the Chenyuan Realm must have fallen into the trap of the Demon Sect and is being besieged, which is when we set off!"


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