Depressed Fairy

Chapter 184: You offended the Taoist priest and still want to leave?

"Xu Yanzi? Me?"

The gray-clothed Taoist looked at the man in front of him who looked exactly like "himself". He didn't know yet that the real owner had come to visit him, and he was extremely frightened for a moment.

The woman in black was surprised and confused: "What's going on? How did it come so fast? Where is the swordsman?"

"Swordsman is a good opponent. If he didn't come here because of orders, but just to compare notes, he might even leave a good story." Chen Yuan said calmly, peeking into her thoughts.

The woman in black was shocked: "Are you..."

The gray-robed Taoist's eyes widened!

Before the woman could finish speaking, Chen Yuan made a seal with his hand and asked: "One of you is a Xuyanzi who has become famous recently. He suddenly appeared and caused a commotion in the city. Although it looks like a jade tree in the wind, an immortal spirit, a rich and handsome man, , but you seem to have jumped out of a stone! What is your origin? And you, are you planning something secretly? Do you belong to some mysterious organization?"

As he spoke, a faint bright yellow mist emanated from Chen Yuan's body. In an instant, it filled the surroundings and followed his words, wrapping around the bodies of the gray-clothed Taoist and the black-clothed woman.

Invisibly, there is a strange fortune that is blessing the two of them!

"You want to turn us into puppets of luck and death?"

Suddenly, the Taoist in gray was shocked and noticed the change in his own luck!

He originally practiced the method of gathering energy to replace life, and he was most sensitive to changes in luck. Even though most of his cultivation was destroyed, the paint on his body was still intact, and he still had a keen sense. He could not detect it, but he was Because of this, I am even more afraid!

The look of the woman in black changed and she remained calm on the surface as she said, "Taoist Master Xu Yanzi, this time it is indeed me, Meng Lang, without your permission..." As she spoke, she backed away slightly.

"You have offended the Taoist priest and still want to leave?" Chen Yuan glanced over and waved his sleeves with a smile!

The woman's expression suddenly changed, she pinched the seal in her hand, and her whole body erupted with a jet-black light, exuding an ominous aura!

"Huh?" A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Yuan's eyes, "This aura... is a bit interesting, and is it borrowed from other people's aura? It's dark and ominous, leaning towards the demonic path! Today I am supposed to suppress the demonic path!"

The woman's eyes were blurred for a while, the light on her body disappeared, and she lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Chen Yuan retracted his long sleeves and pointed the dream pen at the gray-clothed Taoist opposite, whose face changed greatly. The latter also instantly fell down and fell asleep.

"Some people jumped out to cover me. It's hard to refuse such kindness. How can we waste it? Having said that, the Dingyuan small world's skills are full of surprises. It seems to be unsystematic and unconstrained, but there are many The magic of flying horses and antelope horns! How did you come up with this method of seizing people's luck, turning them into painted skins, and intercepting people's hopes? It's worth discussing and learning from me, a twin brother! !”

With emotion, he held a person in one hand, walked out of the window, and stepped into the air.

There were already a lot of people gathered outside the pavilion. They were already full of doubts when they saw the captured Xuyanzi suddenly appear. Now when they saw him coming out with another "Xuyanzi", everyone was confused.

"Two false talkers?"

"The person being carried looks very weak. He must have been imprisoned for several days, but..."

"I'm confused. Which one is true?"

With the discussion among the people, some people have already guessed the reason.

But many misunderstandings also arose.

"Now, everything makes sense."

Among the crowd, a slightly slovenly young Taoist squinted his eyes, flicked his fingers, and thought in his mind.

"The one who was originally captured was a fake, and the real one was hidden outside. The real Xuyanzi probably gained a lot from the previous battle at the Zangming Palace, and even got the legendary fairy treasure, and has been carrying on Refining... No, the treasure of the Immortal Family cannot be refined by ordinary monks. He is probably suppressing it, or using other methods to borrow power..."

His fingers became faster and faster, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"...The vision outside the city just now must be related to this person, otherwise the time would not be so close! So, the bloody situation in the city just now was also controlled by him? Those people hold great power and involve every aspect of this country! In other words, each person can be said to represent a period of national destiny! But with such a serious killing and the backlash of fate, even if he did not die suddenly, he would definitely be rejected by heaven. His body was in decline, and most of them died unexpectedly! How can you be so relaxed and happy in this bloody place?"

Suddenly, he groaned, the smell of blood was in his mouth, and he understood clearly in his heart.

"There's someone else!"

But not everyone is as transparent and skillful as him.

"Did the captured lie tell a lie? That's why he was captured so easily? So, my royal family and important ministers from all over the city were killed and injured. Could it be that he was still humiliated by all parties after knowing that he was being impersonated? The Zhendao People's Congress Killed all these people in anger? "

In the crowd, the eldest prince, who was protected by his guards, was filled with unspeakable shock and fear!

Seeing Chen Yuan grabbing the two of them and about to fly away, he didn't know where the courage came from and shouted: "Master Xu Yanzi, is the blood in the city at your hands?"

"I really don't like taking the blame." Chen Yuan lowered his head and glanced down. Seeing the strong purple luck on the speaker's body, he knew that this person was related to the royal family. "I noticed the bloody smell in this city when I came. It is everywhere. , related to Guo Zuo. Many people died suddenly, mostly due to spells. If you really want to find out, you should think about who these dead people have been in contact with recently. "

The eldest prince's heart trembled. He suddenly thought of some recent rumors and his heart sank. He couldn't help but ask: "Can the Taoist Master give me some..."

"That's your business, what does it have to do with me!" Chen Yuan laughed and took the two people away on the cloud.

As soon as he left, a group of people were left behind in the wind!

The high disciple of West Whale Island had been drinking and having fun with dignitaries and celebrities from all over the world in the past few days. This was not a secret, but was widely publicized. The purpose was to nourish hope and build momentum. It is said that talking and laughing have great scholars. , there is no white Ding in his dealings, the more popular he is, the more people he will follow!

"Almost all of the noble and high-ranking officials have had banquets with the disciples of the Sword Heart Envoy, and... they have all made blood alliances!"

The eldest prince's face is getting more and more ugly!

Sometimes, this matter is like a layer of window paper. No one mentions it, so it cannot be touched. Once it is uncovered, it will be there no matter what you think. The more you think about it, the more logical it becomes. There are even many things that have never been seen in the past. Attention to details can be confirmed!

"But why would he do this? What good would it do to him? I can't figure it out! Could it be that Xijing Island wants to interfere in the Northern Territory? Interfering with Zangming Country? If so, he shouldn't be killed..."

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

Eunuch Cao hurried over at this time, squeezed in front of the crowd, and reminded: "Son of a rich man, you can't sit down in the hall! Follow me and leave quickly! The situation in the city is unclear! Can't you stay here any longer?"

Seeing that the eldest prince still had something to say, he lowered his voice and reminded: "The head of the Lei family is still under house arrest, and the entire Lei family is still in prison! At this time, nothing can happen to you!"

As soon as he said this, the eldest prince understood immediately!

He was originally on good terms with the Lei family and could barely be considered a party, but he was actually at odds with King Jinru.

However, these are things of the past. Now let alone King Jinru, even the original king, even the clans with a slightly closer bloodline, and even the relatives of the emperor have all been brought to bear. What kind of power struggle and eighteen dragons compete for the heir apparent? All the drama disappeared.

But new problems also emerged——

"If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come. It's true and false. The most important thing is that there are signs that the swordsman may have been defeated! Of course, the specific situation has yet to be verified, but Xuyanzi There is no doubt that the Taoist Master will survive! This means that the Lei family..."

In the teahouse facing the street, the eldest prince sat behind the table, listening to the reports of the people in front of him.

Now, nearly half of the royal family has been killed or injured, especially the former emperor's direct lineage, with only one dead person left. Therefore, the originally very harsh clan members Ling and Zongzheng have long lost their original arrogance and even rushed to the throne. The eldest prince was urged to ascend to the throne, and the few surviving ministers, almost all of whom were in charge of secret service agencies, were relatively well-informed. They came to report at this time, and the eldest prince soon became aware of the problem.

Lei family!

Just like the eldest prince sitting on the bench will not be valued by the sword boy, no one of the children of the Lei family who have been arrested has the opportunity to make a blood alliance with the sword boy.

Therefore, after a round of storms, it was this family that was initially in turmoil that preserved its vitality in the caged land. Moreover, the relationship between the Lei family and Chen Yuan is already well known to everyone, so...

"No wonder, when I first met the brothers of the Lei family, I saw that they were very lucky. Now almost all the important surnames in the entire Zangming Kingdom are dead. Even the royal family of the clan has lost their connections. On the contrary, the Lei family is well preserved and must be strong. It will replace them in the future. It's not impossible. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and yin and yang interchange. Sure enough, the human world is the immortal world, and the world of mortals is cultivation. If you continue to practice according to the ideas of the little sword cultivator, you may be able to sum up a set of skills from the ebb and flow of this... …”

Regarding these changes in luck, Chen Yuan did not need to deliberately identify them. He just glanced at them and saw the changes in fluctuations and he already knew it.

At this time, suddenly a voice came from behind——

"Taoist Master Xuyanzi! Taoist Master, please stay!"

Chen Yuan pressed his head on the cloud, looked back, and saw a white crane fluttering its wings.

The white crane hurried all the way, and when he saw Chen Yuan finally stopped, he was obviously relieved. He turned around and turned into a boy, coming over to salute.

"It's not good to say anything. It's unlucky to say please stay." As soon as Chen Yuan spoke, the boy was stunned, and then asked: "You have been chasing me all the way. You have been following me from the forest outside the city. What happened?"

"It turns out that the Taoist Master has known about it for a long time." Boy Baihe gave a wry smile, glanced at the two people in Chen Yuan's hands, then took out a thin piece of jade from his arms, and said, "The boy is here to give it to the Taoist Master. Invitation."

"Invitation?" Chen Yuan frowned, "I don't remember any of my friends who are getting married or having a funeral."

"The Taoist is joking." Boy Baihe shook his head and then patted his head. "It was the boy who was negligent and did not report his family first. The boy is the gatekeeper of the Immortal Residence. This time, he was invited by the Taoist on the order of the Immortal. Participating in the banquet of the Immortal Mansion.”

"Shou Xianju Immortal? A banquet in the Immortal Mansion?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, then shook his head, "I can roughly guess some of the context, but I am neither on the Immortal Genealogy, nor am I interested in any Immortal Mansion. , so I won’t answer this post.”

"Taoist! Taoist, don't make things difficult for the boy! If you can't send the invitation, the boy will be punished when he goes back!" The boy became anxious when he heard it, and reported the news: "Oh, yes, the Taoist is I don’t know the benefits of participating in the Immortal Palace! Aren’t you collecting the Five Elements Spiritual Treasures? As long as you participate in the Immortal Palace’s banquet, you will get what you want!”

Chen Yuan's expression changed immediately. He narrowed his eyes and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Five Elements Spiritual Treasure? What do you mean by this?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of roaring and collapse came from Tuoxuan Mountain!

The first update will be posted first and then revised. The second update will be around 8:30, or before...

Also, I recommend a good book by a friend: "My way of raising Gu is very scientific"

Introduction: "We can guarantee that every Gu insect is born through scientifically verified and reasonable breeding methods. It has relevant authoritative certificates and is an important part of the cultivation sequence of human civilization!"

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