Depressed Fairy

Chapter 183 Are you called Xu Yanzi?

"The Lord of West Whale Island is really domineering, but also a bit decisive and ruthless. When I first had a conflict with him, and in the subsequent battle with the Golden Armored Immortal Envoy, he showed a cultivation level that did not exceed the Golden Core realm. As a result, This person who doesn’t play by the rules is just a half-step god-refining monk! It’s probably because he really couldn’t leave the island. Otherwise, he would have taken time out of his busy schedule to come here.”

Deep in the dense forest, Chen Yuan sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath. The sword energy from the stars scattered everywhere and converged on him one after another.

"My words are not to make this person give up his thoughts, but to provoke him. I know too little about this person. Not to mention that the information about the Lei family has not been delivered, even if it is really in my hands, it involves such a person, then The file may not be able to describe it clearly. Taking advantage of him being unable to take the initiative, the only way to find out is to lure out a few more of the opponent's subordinates, and then cut off his wings, beat a few more, vent his anger, and..."

Chen Yuan's message was not to resolve the conflict. Since people of Taoism and status want to fight, of course they won't be able to be explained in one or two sentences. Even Huang Liangdao can't explain it with his mouth, let alone such a powerful person from the Immortal Family. able? Therefore, what Chen Yuan has to do is to keep the other party in the open as much as possible. Since he can send a half-step Lian Shen, even if he cannot do it himself, the people sent over may not be much worse.

"Now it is basically certain that the practice ideas of the Gouchen Realm and the Dongxu Realm are different. In comparison, they are more out of touch and unsystematic, and there is no unified standard of practice. But because of this, even those with low Taoist practices The skills also have merit, such as the woman in the palace that night, and this little sword cultivator today..."

In a flash of thought, he opened his palm, and a crimson sword intent flew out.

"It is the sword of the emperor to bring the princes into submission and serve the world; within the four realms, all obey the king's orders; it is the sword of the princes; it cuts off necks and collars at the top, and cuts the liver and lungs down below, it is the sword of the common people. Although that little sword can repair your brain, you can think of it There are many, but the talent is really not low. He wants to defeat the princes and hide the emperor in the common people's sword. He uses luck as the front and the dynasty as the sheath. Of course, for me, this set of swordsmanship is the most exquisite. , in fact, it’s not about the pattern, but about its main content.”

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword intent!

The palm force was swallowed up, and the redness was completely shattered, leaving only a little bit of residual intention.

"I don't lack swords, but the meaning connected with luck is worth using, like this..."

He threw away the remaining will in his hand.

The remnant intention immediately fell behind him and combined with the sword lights from the stars that gathered together, quickly accumulating.

Different from the situation in the Palace of the Void King, this time Chen Yuan used the Ten Thousand Swords and Stars deduction method again. It was not a temporary state, but borrowed the remnants of the previous time, combined with the temporarily created aura, as well as the energy of inner demons and fairy spirits. He can cross two levels and use Yin Shen magic!

But such a forcibly cast spell is incomplete just like the incomplete Great Sumeru Seal.

After this use, the residual Yun disappeared a lot. If you want to use it next time, you have to look at your luck.

However, as the remnant intention joined in, the sword light intertwined with it, and combined with the spiritual light that was about to dissipate, slowly built a halo behind him!

Immediately afterwards, the residual intention began to spread into Chen Yuan's consciousness again, and it was even more connected to Chen Yuan's luck and destiny!

"I am a dejected and unqualified person, and everything I wear is a vest of destiny. The combination with my fate is not stable, and I cannot retain these sword intentions and aura. However, although my incarnation has not yet taken shape, it still adheres to the principles of a suspected immortal. The things it refers to have some meaning of eternal existence and coexistence with heaven..."

As soon as his thoughts changed, the remaining thoughts seeped into the ground, and in an instant they were connected to the mist!

Suddenly, the halo behind him suddenly shook, and a feeling of blessing, strengthening, and amplification grew on Chen Yuan!

"Yes, with a little operation, the increase will be nearly doubled. If used with full strength... Although the incarnation magic weapon has been refined, it cannot be used for the time being because it involves the residual finger. It needs to be cultivated for a while. During this period, you can rely on This thing came to borrow power from afar, no, the incarnation is also me, this is not borrowing, it is just a transfer..."

As he thought about it, his heart skipped a beat and he looked towards the city.

"By the way, there are still some trivial matters that need to be dealt with."

After the thought fell, Chen Yuan stood up, took advantage of the wind, and headed straight to the city.

Not long after he left, a white crane suddenly fell down, turned in the sky, and turned into a boy. He looked around for a moment, then looked at the ground, showing fear and then doubt.

"The sword intent of the swordsman is so terrifying! It lasts for a long time... But I came so fast, how could I miss it?"

Thinking about it, a thought suddenly came to his mind and he got a new order.

"What? It was the swordsman who died? So the owner of the remaining sword spirit is that Xuyanzi? What? The invitation was sent to Xuyanzi instead? This happened too fast... Well, since it is the order of the immortal , The boy should obey and catch up." After saying this, he turned into a white crane again and flew towards the capital of Zangming.

"The fighting seems to be over, let's go over and take a look!"

At the edge of the dense forest, many people gathered here. They were all people who had previously thought that a treasure was born, but were shocked by the aftermath of the sword-qi battle and hurriedly avoided it.

Then I saw the stars changing and the bloody light breaking through the sky. The more I looked at it, the more frightened I became, and the more I looked at it, the more powerful it became!

At this moment, seeing that everything was calm and peaceful, the Crown Prince of Dragon Palace couldn't help but want to find out.

"Your Majesty, the situation is unclear, so let's wait and see how it changes!" Prime Minister Gui hesitated for a moment, then reminded him.

"What? You still don't believe what I said before?" Aoling had an angry look on his face. He pointed at the forest, "Is that location just now the place I'm looking for recently? Is there someone hiding inside? But we are all Haven't you found it? My father is silently accusing me, and my brothers are ridiculing me openly and secretly, but you all know it..."

"Old minister, I already believe it! But even if the news of the fight just calms down, if there is any residual repercussions, it is not something we can bear. We hope that the prince will tolerate it for a while." Prime Minister Turtle said in a sincere tone, "So many I've been looking for it all day long, and it won't take long for those previous misunderstandings to disappear as soon as the news comes out."

Aoling hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Prime Minister Turtle breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he still had something to say. With such movement during the fight, it was hard to say who would win and who would lose...

At the same time, the entire Tibetan Capital City has fallen into huge chaos!

"Dead! All dead! There is going to be chaos! There is going to be a big chaos! Your Highness! At this time, you must stand up, otherwise our Zangming Kingdom will be doomed!"

Eunuch Cao stumbled into the eldest prince's mansion.

Ever since the eldest prince said those words a few days ago, the inside and outside of the mansion had become increasingly calm, but at this moment, the silence was broken by Eunuch Cao's shout.

"Mr. Cao, why are you so anxious? Who is dead?"

The eldest prince was watching the strange scene outside the city from the pavilion. When he heard the noise, he hurriedly got down and saw Eunuch Cao, who was sweating profusely and panting.

Seeing that the eldest prince was fine, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then howled: "They are all dead! His Highness Seventh, His Highness Ninth, His Highness Eleven... the royal heirs, almost all are dead!"


The eldest prince was stunned for a moment, with a solemn expression on his face, and grabbed Eunuch Cao's collar: "Explain it to me clearly!"

"I don't know the reason! But suddenly, they all vomited blood and died! Many of them were bleeding from their orifices. It's miserable! It's terrible!"

"All dead?"

"Not only them, but also the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, and the noble families... are all dead! The person who took action was too cruel and ruthless! So decisive! Your Highness, you must not let anything happen to you. !”

"All the civil and military officials? Could it be because of the vision just now..." The eldest prince suddenly turned his head and looked outside the city. The vision that reflected half of the sky had disappeared. "But this kind of method must have been done by the Xian family. Who can have such hatred against me, Zangming Country, could it be..."

He suddenly thought of someone.

"Quick! Prepare a car for me! Forget it, I'll go directly there!"

After that, he picked up his skills and left quickly, heading straight to the north of the city!

Outside the building where "Xuyanzi" was imprisoned, many people had gathered, all of them dressed in fine clothes and with sad faces!

"It must be that demon! He was caught by the Great Immortal. He was unwilling to give in and used demonic methods to harm our relatives!"

"I know I was wrong! Please show your respect, Master!"

"Oh, I don't know if it has anything to do with him, but that Kenshin-senpai is still here. Please make the decision for us, senior!"

For a time, there was a lot of disturbance.

The thin young man who was guarding the building upstairs carefully peeked out and was startled when he saw people everywhere.

"Why are so many people here? They also said that a close relative was killed and they asked Master Kenshin to make the decision. What happened?"

"Hmph! What else can be done?" The gray-clothed Taoist transformed into a cow falcon smiled coldly, "Here comes the trouble you've been waiting for! Do you really think Xu Yanzi is so easy to handle?"

The skinny boy turned to look at him and spat: "Trouble? You're still trying to put yourself on the line. What trouble is there? It can stump Master Kenshin... Ugh!"

In the middle of his words, a bloody gash suddenly appeared on his neck, and blood spurted out!

The Taoist priest in gray clothes was startled and then calmed down: "Why are you here now?"

The woman in black put away her nails, put down the boy's body, and said coldly: "After that person caught you, he just left you here without paying attention. It was clearly a trap. Who would step in for no reason?"

The gray-clothed Taoist sneered: "Then why are you here now? Is it because the true Taoist is here? He lured the Sword Heart user out?"

"You intercepted that person's past paintings, and you can sense them yourself. Why do you need to ask me?" The woman in black took two steps forward, with a flash of cold light on her hands, and cut off the restraints, "Hurry! I don't know who is stronger among the two. Who is weak, and I don’t know when the troops will be withdrawn. I sneaked into the building and triggered the restriction. If I were killed, I wouldn’t be able to escape! "

As she spoke, she secretly thought: If this person's skin wasn't useful, why would I take this risk?

"I know! The Lord has indeed not given up on me!" The gray-robed Taoist stood up with difficulty.

At this time, a voice came from the window——

"I asked why the disaster did not unfold during the refining process. It turned out that someone blocked the disaster for me."

The two people in the room were startled, and quickly turned their heads to look, followed by the dead souls!

Chen Yuan stepped into the air and walked into the house under the surprised and suspicious eyes of everyone outside the building and the eldest prince in the distance.

After looking around, his eyes rested on the Taoist in gray.

"Is your name Xu Yanzi?"

Catching up...

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