Depressed Fairy

Chapter 141 Flowers bloom again

The sky is filled with dark clouds, and there is no light from the sun or the moon.

Between heaven and earth, there is a strong icy atmosphere.

In the human world, countless sorrows and anger spread in chaos.

In the realm of Shinto, a famous mountain god was instantly transformed into a demon. He bared his teeth and claws, and lost all reason! In the mountains and fields, countless monsters screamed, lost their human form, and turned into beasts!

"Is this a big demon coming to this world?"

Halfway up the mountainside of the Immortal Platform, General Feng, who was supported by the black wind, looked up at the sky and suddenly covered his chest. There was a black light flickering in his eyes, but starlight suddenly appeared in his eyes, suppressing the blackness.

Immediately afterwards, he saw black clouds covering the Void King Palace and beginning to penetrate inside!


Cracks appear on the surface of the palace!

In my ears, I heard the sound that resounded throughout the world!

"Chen Shiji! It all depends on the Xuwang Palace to restore your cultivation in your previous life! But you can only show off your power in that palace! I will suppress this thing! Let's see how you can use it!"

Everyone in heaven and earth heard this!

"Is this sign of the collapse of heaven and earth really a sign of annihilation? But Master Chen is fighting against it!"

"At this moment, only Fellow Daoist Chen is trustworthy!"

"Lord Destroying the Tiger! I hope Lord Destroying the Tiger will protect us!"

In the chaos of heaven and earth, many people's thoughts of sustenance rose up after this sound and gathered towards the Shengxian Platform!


On the surrounding mountain roads, there were sudden screams, but it was the twenty-seven souls of the past that were being corroded by demonic thoughts. In the blink of an eye, they lost their human appearance and their bodies were twisted.

However, as the star array shone brightly, the entire Ascension Platform suddenly shook, and the twisted demonic thoughts turned into black water, gushes out from the mountain, and was repulsed!

Those eroded souls of the dead were immediately liberated and restored to their original form!

"These people who passed by were actually buried with evil thoughts!" Old General Feng looked solemn when he saw this scene.

"Chen Jun has completely refined this immortal platform. Even if the world-destroying demon comes, it cannot shake it!"

The white-clothed young man walked slowly over, his whole body shrouded in a layer of glazed light, and thousands of surging demonic thoughts were sealed within his body.

"Fellow Taoist, what are you doing?" General Feng turned his head and was immediately startled. In his field of vision, inside the body of the young man in white, there was also a terrifying demon that was roaring and struggling, constantly gathering and dispersing, but He was restrained by a glass cage.

"I am no different." The young man in white shook his head, "This is our fate. For the rest of my life, I will walk around the world and collect the evil thoughts scattered all over the world one by one, so as to clarify the universe. Of course..."

He smiled: "The premise is that this world will not be completely destroyed by the great demon in the sky!"

"Sure enough, it is a catastrophe that will destroy the world!" After hearing this, General Feng looked at the sky again.

Darkness has enveloped the sky.

Everything is lonely.

When the cold wind blew, he felt dejected in his heart and said with a wry smile: "I originally promised that I would survive the catastrophe even if I was still alive, but this situation is really not something I can fight against."

The young man in white said, "Why should the old general blame himself? Although this disaster has affected the whole world, it is also an opportunity. If Chen Jun wins, he can cure the chronic diseases of the world and get rid of all kinds of hidden worries."

After hearing this, General Feng felt moved and asked, "You seem to know a lot?"

The young man in white smiled and said nothing.

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of the eight elders in front of them, making Ma Zhen and Po Ding even more frightened.

"Even the Qishan archives never mention such a situation! Instead, there is a similar scene in the myth of Chen Benbuzhou, which seems to be the arrival of the demon into the world and the decline of all things!"

"So that's it! The demons and inner demons are just a feather of the devil! Because the Book of Fate revealed that the life and death of my eight sects was imminent, they rushed to seek medical treatment for their illnesses, and they did not hesitate to spend nearly half of their knowledge to find this hidden treasure. World, in the end, the so-called disaster was caused by us!" Monk Sheep's face was heavy, his fingers flicked, and all kinds of mysteries came out of his heart!

Boom boom boom!

Deep in the sky, the demon soul's face is arrogant and arrogant!

Virtual flames rose in the black clouds, and a piece of magic light subdued Xuan Palace!


The fire was scorching, and the Xuwang Palace seemed unable to withstand it. The surface was cracked everywhere, and glowing cracks appeared.

"Hahahahaha! How can you, a dead corpse with a broken soul, be an enemy of me! Die!"

Deep in the sky, laughter shakes all directions!

The billowing clouds and mist gathered, turned into big hands, and grabbed at the Xuwang Palace!

"After sealing you off, I will refine this world into a great elixir. Even though it is not the full work, it can still make up for 70%, and then I can erode the Gouchen world!"

This scene can be seen everywhere in the world.

The world is turned upside down, as if it will follow that palace and fall into the clutches of the devil.


Seeing this scene, not only everyone who knew Chen Yuan, but also the twenty-seven souls of the dead on the Immortal Platform, all changed their expressions drastically!

They have realized that in this catastrophe, the Taoist in the palace is the last hope!

"This palace must not be sealed off by this world-destroying demon!"

I don't know who shouted, and the dead souls turned into ghostly lights, soared into the sky, and flew towards the depths of the sky!

"Noisy! How dare a dead soul like an ant take action?"

In the sky, the demon soul is revealed. When you open your mouth and blow, the demon flame falls and will burn all the souls!

Right now.


Everything in the world suddenly stopped.

The purple-clothed Taoist stepped on the green light, separated from the black fire, walked out slowly from the damaged palace, came to the immobilized demon flame, and flicked his finger!


Heaven and earth move again!

The demonic flames rolled back, the darkness disappeared, turning into pure white, and hit the demonic soul head and face!


The demonic thoughts screamed, and the world shook!

Countless gods and treasures are in chaos.

Mo Nian was furious: "Remnant Soul! I am the way of heaven! Do you dare to defy heaven?"

"Heaven-defying? This word is quite old. Nowadays, who hasn't mentioned the authority of heaven?"

The purple-robed Taoist smiled softly and looked to his left hand. An illusory flower bloomed in his hand.

The flame is the petal, and the brilliance is the flower.

The Word of Humanity.

The beauty of humanity.

The flower of humanity.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Heaven and earth resonate!

Deep in the sky, above the nine heavens.

The incarnation of Shinto grabs the void!

Rays of divine light gathered together and were caught in the hand.

The incarnation cupped its hands toward the sky, fell on the wind, and merged into the white flower.

Countless thoughts of sustenance came from all directions and entered the flower.

"not good!"

In an instant, the demon soul was filled with endless fear, and countless demon claws grabbed at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan turned a blind eye and said with a smile: "If it weren't for the help of you, the devil, who smashed the Void King's Palace and destroyed two magic weapons, with my current illusory soul and false true fire, I really wouldn't be able to refine these two things. ”

He waved towards the shattered palace.

The palace instantly disintegrated and turned into two rays of light, which also entered the flowers!



Everywhere in the world, in the hearts of gods who were tortured and tamed by demonic thoughts, the purest thought rose up and pierced countless demonic claws!

The demon soul roared angrily, spitting demon fire from its mouth, and every demon thought was filled with inner demons, and flew towards Chen Yuan!

Good luck!

Dang Dang Dang!

The phantom of the broken bell swayed, quelling the demonic fire that filled the sky!

The shadow of the half-destroyed cauldron fell, destroying endless inner demons!

The demon soul was startled, and then he understood: "You deliberately ordered me to destroy the Palace of the Void King and refine the two magic weapons? Now you are burning your destiny to maintain the illusion? You are crazy! In this way, you can Even if I am sealed, I will be reduced to my original ending, and I will no longer have the destiny to stay in this world!"

"You came from the great world, and I came here to avoid disaster. We are all strangers in this world. Since the way of heaven is convenient for me, naturally I should not be left behind after you leave." Chen Yuan held up the flower and raised his hand with a calm smile. : "Moreover, this world will eventually have its limit. If you are trapped in a corner, even if you survive silently, it will be useless."


The demon soul on the stage hesitated for a while, feeling the terrifying pressure gathering in Chen Yuan's hand, and began to shrink inward, as if wanting to retreat.

"After all, it's the devil's remnant. Don't you know that there is no turning back when you shoot your bow? Now that you have done it, how can you give up halfway, unless you are like me and like to prepare your retreat in advance."

Chen Yuan smiled and shook his head, flicking the flowers in his hand into the sky.

"However, I didn't leave myself a way out this time."


The space between him and the demon soul suddenly shattered.

The flower actually stopped in the middle.

Demon Soul said in a seductive voice: "What's the benefit of your doing this? Today, the Tao is divided, why don't you and I take one side and dominate this world together? This Shen Zang is about to be upgraded, and in the future it will be a complete cave world! Now like this, We are all the same, so how can we tell the winner? If we remain in a stalemate, we will take advantage of others!"

"The way of heaven accommodates all things in this world. You and I each have a side. It is indeed difficult to determine the winner, but what if there is an outside force joining in?" Chen Yuan said, suddenly reaching into his chest with one hand, and grabbing it like this!


A little flame was held in his hand.

The sharp screams resounded throughout the world!

The shadow of a fire phoenix disappeared in a flash!

"The remnants of the fire phoenix? No, this flame..."

The expression of the demon soul above the sky changed drastically!

"Light is like a spark of fire. If it is nurtured by time and shade, it will always have the potential to start a prairie fire. Although the fire in my chest is not powerful, it is enough to break the balance."

The flames illuminated Chen Yuan's face, and he sacrificed the flames without hesitation!


The demon soul didn't even have time to shout out his name!

Chen Yuan paid no attention to this. He looked at the sky, as if his vision had reached an endless and distant place.

A bit of disillusionment appeared on his body. His white hair drifted and gradually turned black. The purple robe slowly disappeared, revealing a gray color. Then he looked back, as if he was waiting for something.

Above, white flowers fall into black clouds.



The light tears apart the sky!

The crack swallows the demon soul!

Chen Yuan's figure was also submerged in the light, and then strong winds swarmed down from the sky and blew all over the world!

Mountains shift, rivers reverse flow, cities collapse, and coasts change!

At this moment, the entire realm of Shenzang changes silently, and the eternal mark is being engraved in this realm!

Violent ripples radiate from the realm to the outside world!

swish swish——

Amidst the strong wind, a small gourd trembled and rolled out from the dense grass on the edge of the top of the Shengxian Terrace.

A remnant soul that suddenly dispersed flowed out of it, slowly outlining the human form, with a star shining among it.

He looked at the horrific scene between heaven and earth, his face full of horror and fear!

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