Depressed Fairy

Chapter 140 Refining real lead in the Crystal Palace

"It's just a bluff." There was a mocking look in the huge eyes, "It's just a remnant soul. Since you know that I am the demon myself, how dare you do this?"

"If it is a complete demon and a demon-transforming formation has been arranged in advance, not to mention me, even if a few of my comrades are encountered without preparation, we will all have to retreat together, but..."

There was also a hint of ridicule in Chen Yuan's voice: "Are you a complete demon? A person who relies on the true fire of his life to survive, how can you have such a big tone?"

Chen Yuan's knowledge of the way of the demon is limited, but he knows the changes in reality and reality of the real fire. Now facing that terrifying will, he has confirmed his suspicion!

This demon is not complete, it is the incomplete will derived from the true fire of the demon!

"What did you say?!"

The anger came out from the darkness and turned into turbulent ripples, constantly impacting Chen Yuan's will!

"You use thousands of demonic thoughts to erode the human heart and the divine way, and indirectly erode the heavenly way through the human way and the divine way. You condense the black mud of the demonic path in the heavenly way, and take away the power of the heavenly way bit by bit. If you are a real devil, why bother to do this? effort!"

"Shut up! Remnant Soul!"

The eyes in the darkness burst into endless rage!

These rages were real flames, as black as ink, as if they could distort space, wrap Chen Yuan's consciousness, and pull it into nothingness!

"You will fall into the eternal nothingness for me and wander in the endless illusion! This body of the corpse king that has been tempered for thousands of years will be taken over by me! This body is suitable for my use! And you are nothing. !”

The illusion is like a deforming mirror, reflecting Chen Yuan's face, changing back and forth between the white-haired young man and the black-haired young man, slowly twisting, and finally turning into a golden figure!

Shinto incarnation!

But the next moment, the incarnation was engulfed in flames!

"Without this incarnation made by chance, you can't even touch the heavenly way in this world, and you can't use the spiritual light of the divine way! You can't even deal with the god-transformation monks in the Gouchen world!"

In the flames, another golden pill appeared, and then the flames burned and the golden pill shattered!

"Without this outer elixir that you have worked so hard to refine! You can't even maintain the life of the Corpse King and can only perish in the world!"

The flames jumped, and this time a pale boy appeared, with a face full of panic and fear, and his whole body was burned by the flames!

"Without this Corpse King destiny, you wouldn't even have a chance to gain a foothold in this world! Without these, what would you have left?"

Deep in the darkness, there seemed to be countless voices laughing! Shouting! Insulting!

"Let's go! Let's go! The evil outside the world!"

"You rootless, soulless and spiritless ghost! Get out of our realm!"

"Leave! You loser dog!"

The once tyrannical power seemed to be moving away from Chen Yuan little by little, and endless malice assaulted his consciousness.

But in the face of this intense offensive, Chen Yuan did not panic. Instead, he got a glimpse of the truth from the words of Tianmo Cannian and from the attack on Taoist heart.

Deep in his consciousness, a bit of mirror light and moonlight appeared.

"Without the outer elixir, without the incarnation of the divine way, without the mysterious body of the corpse, without the immortal body of the soul, without the foundation of Dongxu, without the foundation of the divine treasure, without everything else, so what? I am Chen Yuan, Searching for the path! Even if the immortal body is gone, the soul has retreated, the skills are incomplete, and the cauldron is incomplete, it will not change!"

Every time he spoke, the light became stronger!

Finally, light shines everywhere!

The brilliance is like a sharp sword, piercing the darkness and tearing apart the nothingness!

His consciousness returned to the white-haired ancestor!

With a scream, a black smoke rose from the bottom of Chen Yuan's heart, and when he was about to leave, he grabbed him, held it in his hand, and formed a ghost face.

"You think I didn't notice that the incarnation of Shinto was eroded by the devil? The reason why I didn't exclude it was not that I couldn't do it, but I stayed here specifically to find out."

With the magic in his hand, stars were turning in his eyes, and he could see through the secrets of the river.

"The way of heaven can accommodate billions of people. I failed to overcome the tribulation for some reason. The three broken souls and seven souls fell into this world. I am a complete outsider. I have lost the protection of the immortal body of the Yuan Shen and the destiny. Blessing, his mind was confused, and he was confused by the arrogance of Taoist ancestors. He saw several bodies but refused to take them. According to his destiny, his soul should have been extinguished, his true spirit was extinguished, and he fell silently to the bottom of the valley, but because of Chen Shiji's body Falling down, it was a blessing in disguise that he gained his status as the Corpse King and was accepted by this world!"

Chen Shiji killed his biological mother. He was hated by the Zheng family and disliked by the Marquis of Jingyang. He rose up in the battlefield and was sent to the northwest to die. He had evil in his life and finally died a brutal death. He was born as the seed of the corpse king. But in the gap between his death and not becoming the Corpse King, there was a short period of time that was not integrated into the three realms, five elements, and the fate of all things!

During this short period of time, Chen Yuan entered his body, refined it into a hut, and transformed his body into a hut. After nine turns of the mysterious corpse, he obtained the fate of this world. He was no longer rejected by heaven, only then could he walk out of the valley and rise all the way!

"However, there have never been so many coincidences in the world. When I needed it most, it was an arrangement by a certain existence that I found myself in this situation!"

He pointed out.

"It is the way of heaven in this world. In order to get rid of the fate of being eroded, he specially sent luck to me and took the initiative to let me enter this world! The reason is to expel you, who is also an outsider! The devil's thoughts, Rahu!"

Ahead, the empty hall suddenly showed cracks like a mirror.

"You may have been the heavenly demon Rahu, but the real fire was sealed by humans, and the demonic body sank and evolved into the Rahu realm. From then on, you planned to erode the heavenly realm in this world, hoping that one day you would sacrifice the blood of hundreds of millions of living beings and turn it into resurrection materials!"


Invisible fragments fell, revealing the twisted thing entrenched deep in the palace!

It was a pool of black flesh and blood, stuck to various parts of the palace, with a little scarlet light flowing on the surface.

In the center of the dark flesh and blood, are those evil eyes. These eyes exude strong surprise and malice, and eventually turn into strong murderous intent!

A stream of black water shot towards Chen Yuan, each containing the evil thoughts of countless creatures!

The evil thoughts actually eroded the past time in this hall, infecting the monks in the past time, causing their thoughts after death to gather together and turn into the demonic Yang God, showing many figures!

Every figure casts magical powers!

"Could this idea of ​​summoning the dead and using magical powers come from you, a remnant demon?" Patriarch Chen Yuan sat cross-legged in the air, with illusory flowers spread out under him, and nine haloes of light flowing behind him. He pointed his hand, The halo turned into nimbus and scattered everywhere. Within the nimbus was the starry sky of death, dead silence and emptiness, lifeless, swallowing up those figures one by one!

The dark flesh and blood trembled, and the black mud surged inside, outlining several huge figures, which were vaguely consistent with certain laws of heaven.

Many of the inherent laws and rules in the palace began to fail, and even the concepts of up and down, front and back, left and right, inside and outside began to become confused!

Patriarch Chen Yuan touched the center of his eyebrows, and starlight burst out from three hundred and sixty acupoints!

"Zhoutian Xingchen Sword Light Technique!"

In every sword light, there is the purest thought of destruction, which is not affected by the changes in the law, cuts off the changes, and pierces the black mud and flesh!

Boom boom boom!

Blood and flesh boiled, and dark anger burst out, burning in all directions!

On the way Chen Yuan walked, the light hiding the projections of the realms was eroded by the flames, and the chaos and weirdness inside became more intense. Countless twisted thoughts seeped out, merged into the dark flesh and blood, and outlined strong demonic thoughts. To make the formless black mud temporarily aggregate into a demonic body!

Patriarch Chen Yuan moved his hand, and nine light wheels were suspended above, turning into nine red suns, blooming with endless starlight!

Starlight is pervasive, seeping into thousands of cracks in the realm!

In each realm, the layers of dark demonic thoughts melted quickly like snow in the scorching sun!

In an instant, every crack in the realm bloomed with light, layer upon layer, intertwined, lighting up this dark palace!

The crystal white light shines everywhere, and the Xuwang Palace seems to have become a palace made of crystal!


As soon as the dark flesh and blood condensed into an outline, the place where it adhered to the palace sizzled, black smoke and white mist emerged, and the outline quickly collapsed!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Black mud dripping!

Blood-red eyes opened everywhere, with anger rising in each one. Black flames wrapped the flesh and blood, shrinking back from all parts of the palace!

"Damn it! I haven't eroded this palace yet, and I haven't alienated the way of heaven yet!"

The demon's residual thoughts roared angrily, turned into a black tornado, left the crystal clear crystal, and hung outside the palace!

Black clouds are rolling in, and evil thoughts are heavy!

The dark lines in the depths of the sky quickly expanded and merged with the black mud and flesh!

A terrifying and huge distorted face emerged from the depths of the sky, like heaven appearing, revealing a ferocious face!

"I have eroded this world and turned half of the way of heaven into demonic thoughts! I am the way of heaven!"

The majestic voice contains evil magic, and evil thoughts breed in the hearts of those who hear it, and all things and phenomena tend to be distorted!

Everywhere in the world, people's hearts are evil and their desires are overflowing!

Chaos everywhere!

Even great masters like Sun Zhengyao and Prince Ping were restless and full of distracting thoughts. Another will was born and awakened in their hearts!

But the devil's remnants didn't care about disturbing the world, and endless anger and resentment poured out towards the Xuwang Palace! His voice and his thoughts resound throughout the heaven and earth!

"Chen Shiji! It all depends on the Xuwang Palace to restore your cultivation in your previous life! But you can only show off your power in that palace! I will suppress this thing! Let's see how you can use it!"

Black clouds enveloped the Xuwang Palace!

In the palace, Patriarch Chen Yuan was neither happy nor sad, sitting cross-legged on the illusory flower, his body wrapped in rays of glazed light.

"Demon Cannian, the essence is still chaos after all. From the moment you leave this palace, the outcome is doomed!"

Spreading his hands, the fine gold on Chen Yuan's body gathered and turned into a fine iron box again, but there was no flame inside.

He opened his mouth, and a pure white flame flickering with starlight flew out and merged into the box.


Spent another day shopping for building materials.

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