Depressed Fairy

Chapter 119 Come on, let me see the situation clearly

Wushan Villa, ten miles outside Jiangzuo City, is indeed a village.

Chen Yuan stood on the top of a hill and looked over from a distance. What he saw was fertile soil, fertile fields, and continuous houses. There were tenant farmers farming and village warriors patrolling.

"Jiangzuo is the capital of Daning. No matter whether it's in or outside the city, every inch of land is valuable. It's no wonder that such a place is suddenly designated. It's no wonder that even Guitianzang's disciples feel an undercurrent and want to send him out. Exploring.”

On the way here, Chen Yuan got more information from Zhu Jingtong. He learned that Wushan Villa had suppressed all the forces in Jiangzuo, attracted the attention of all parties, and made unpredictable comments.

"This villa seems ordinary, but it actually coincides with the foundation of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. It was chosen ten miles north of the city to strangle the dragon veins, seize the earth vein nodes, and extract the spiritual power of the earth veins to build a large formation. Even if someone rushes in based on their cultivation , I can get in, but I can't get out. It's best if I can reach a consensus with this group of people this time. If I can't, the worst case scenario is that the calculation is wrong, and the other party also has a trump card, which I can't match, so I have to retreat. Preparation for running away.”

Chen Yuan could see clearly, so even though he found the place, he didn't rush there. Instead, he took out the offerings and gifts from Zhongyue City, arranged them, and then sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

During this period, several groups of people entered Zhuangzi one after another, but Chen Yuan remained unmoved.

When night fell, his body trembled, and the Star Demon jumped out of the Niwan Palace. It took him a cup of tea to circle the sky for more than ten miles and set up formations before he returned to his body again.

"In this way, we can attack when we advance and defend when we retreat. With my backup in Jiangzuo City, Dajiangzhong and Zhongyue City, I can escape and leave in the worst case. I no longer have any worries and can freely negotiate. ”

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yuan stood up, glanced at the dense forest in the mountain col in the distance, and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

In the mountain col, there were several figures lurking carefully, observing the situation of Wushan Villa.

"Senior brother, there are more people coming to this Villa today, and almost all of them are respectable martial arts masters! Wushan Villa is struggling with so many people, and they are still under the imperial city. What do they want to do? Why doesn't the imperial court care about them?"

"This group of people has a big agenda, but we are just spying and reporting it. As for how to deal with it later, that has nothing to do with you and me."

In Wushan Manor, the silver-haired Shui Jinggong was welcoming several guests who had traveled a long way.

There were two people coming, one was a monk wearing loose robes, with kind eyes and white eyebrows falling down. He was the elder of Xuanji Pavilion, known as the Sheep Monk; the other was wearing brocade clothes and satin, holding a fine steel cane. The old woman is Ding Po from the Qingcheng Sect.

"I have seen Mr. Shui Jing. There is murderous intent hidden in this villa at every step. It is really extraordinary. If someone wants to sneak in, there is no way to escape." Seeing Mr. Shui Jing, Monk Sheep bowed and stood up straight. After that, he fiddled with the rosary beads in his hand. Each rosary bead was crystal clear and emitted a bright light under the firelight.

Shui Jinggong smiled and said: "You only saw the first floor, but you didn't know that I also captured a few land gods, locked them underground, and connected them with the thoughts of the mortals in this village. No disturbance can escape the reaction! In addition, In addition, I have also compiled a set of thirteen red-blooded jins from the methods of exerting force that I have learned from this world. If combined with insect poison and secret methods, hidden dangers can be eliminated silently!"

Madam Ding interrupted unceremoniously: "Mr. Shui Jing, I'm here, but you still have to find out Chen Shiji's attitude about the round-up you proposed. Only then can I make a decision! This offended me for no reason. I, the Qingcheng Faction, don’t want to do anything about people.”

"Don't worry, you two, I have already planned this matter." Shui Jinggong was not angry, but said with a smile, "Let's talk about it after we go in. The other two families have arrived and are waiting inside." He turned around and led the way. The two of them walked towards the manor until they arrived at a private courtyard.

Ma Zhen from the White Crane Sect and Elder Wen from the Xingzhai Sect were waiting inside. When they saw Monk Yang and Po Ding, they all stood up and saluted.

The sheep monk naturally returned the favor, but Granny Ding just snorted coldly.

When the two of them were seated, Shui Jinggong sat on the main seat and was served tea, melons and fruits.

But Monk Sheep suddenly asked: "When the poor monk came in, he saw that in addition to tenant farmers and village warriors, there were also many people from the world. I don't know where they came from."

Shui Jinggong glanced at Elder Wen.

Elder Wen coughed lightly and said: "This is the manpower recruited by my junior brother. He has plans for the future of Daning and plans to take root and operate here. He plans to teach these people some upper realm techniques and cooperate with the bloodline restriction. Create a Xingzhai Villa in this lower realm.”

Seeing the surprised expressions on everyone's face, he added: "I, Xingzhai, have established Taoism in the spirit of articles. In fact, I don't like those methods of oppression and slavery. This gathering of warriors and monks is only the first step. Later, we will also bring out sect classics, The essence of the article is to educate the world, so that these people can obtain the true morality of heaven and earth, and reshape their body and mind. In a short time, everyone in this world will become a heartfelt supporter of our eight sects. "

Monk Sheep praised: "Teaching with etiquette, restraining with laws, subtly changing customs, this is the right way."

"Junior brother? It turns out to be Mr. Zhu, and the Zhu family is the largest family in Xingzhai. However, this situation has not been sorted out yet, so we are thinking about how to manage it in the future," Ding Po said coldly, changing the subject. Looking at Mr. Shui Jing, "Please stop chatting. I'm not here to listen to such trivial matters. What did Chen Shiji say?"

"I'm about to explain this to you," Shui Jinggong sighed, "Yu Xuangan and others went to Zhongyue and paid a visit, but they were all turned away. The number one person in the world must have noticed something. This Staying behind closed doors actually shows your attitude.”

"If you don't drink a toast, you will be punished with a drink," Elder Wen snorted coldly, "Then there is nothing to hesitate about, as long as you see the real seal!"

Po Ding sneered and said: "The old woman also read Chen Shiji's life story. The first half of his life was sparse and ordinary, but he got the name of General Zhenwu and went to the northwest. His behavior changed greatly. He was extremely tough and victorious in every battle. Invincible! If you want to attack him, you must consider the consequences carefully. If you fail to defeat the tiger, you must fight back!"

"This is not the time to back down," Elder Wen frowned, "I have information here that Chen Shiji has noticed our existence from Liu Qing's incident, but Liu Qing was suppressed and killed by him, so he despised him. It only fuels the arrogance! If we don’t let him know the huge gap between us, I’m afraid he will get lucky! So, if he is tough, we must be tougher!”

Granny Ding said coldly: "Didn't you think that joining forces to deal with a native from the lower world would hurt your dignity?"

Elder Wen's face turned red, he snorted coldly and said, "You are not the only one who has read Mr. Chen's life!"

"Haha, I'm scared." Granny Ding was full of ridicule.

Seeing that the conflict between the two was about to break out, Monk Sheep clasped his hands together and whispered: "Amitabha, I also hope that Duke Shui Jing can explain his plan. I, the Xuanji Pavilion, will use calculations to establish the Tao. When the poor monk was on the road, he divined a hexagram for himself. , is a dangerous sign, indicating that the matter is still somewhat uncertain, and it is difficult for the poor monk to make a decision immediately if he does not understand it clearly."

"You don't need to worry," Shui Jinggong said with a smile: "I called you here just to explain this matter clearly and to act together to avoid danger." He turned his head and said to a young man by the door: "Strictly "Please tell me the situation."


The well-dressed young man standing in the corner came forward, bowed his hands to several people, and then said: "The place of trial chosen by my uncle is actually not in the villa, but in the Jingyang Marquis Mansion!"


This sentence made everyone's expressions change.

Yan Mu said calmly: "Chen Shiji's secular identity is the eldest son of Marquis Jingyang. Recently, he has accepted the family's request and will return home. That will be the time for us to come forward and interrogate him. ”

"Is it inappropriate to choose his territory?" Elder Wen asked, obviously hearing this plan for the first time.

"I have been very close to the Hou's Mansion recently. Several of my colleagues have made friends with each other. They have gained the trust of Marquis Jingyang and the other princes, and they have also made arrangements in the Hou's Mansion." When Yan Mu said this, he changed the subject. "Although this man is the eldest son of Marquis Jingyang, his relationship with Marquis Jingyang is not close, and there is still a rift between the two parties. This is because Chen's aunt died early, and Marquis Jingyang intended to support his second son after his marriage. Sending Chen Shiji to the northwest was with the intention of letting him die."

When Ma Zhen heard this, he was shocked and said: "Rebirth from a desperate situation, rising against the odds! This is a sign of the son of destiny. This Chen Shiji is probably the person favored by the heaven in this lower world! I, the White Crane Sect, establish the Tao with Qi, and for these The growth and decline of luck is extremely sensitive. If Master Yan’s intelligence is correct, then he will either not take action. Once he takes action, he must go all out, otherwise if he can’t kill him, he will soon grow stronger and in turn overwhelm us!”

Elder Wen patted the table and said coldly: "No matter how powerful he is, if we all attack together, he will never be able to fly!"

"It's not necessary to take action, but to use the opportunity to let him understand the situation!" Shui Jinggong shook his head, "If it doesn't work, take action again."

"Oh? Do you want me to understand the situation? What situation? The situation of the Eight Sects from Beyond the World invading?"


A young Taoist priest appeared at the edge of the pool in the courtyard and spoke calmly.

Among the Taoist masters in this courtyard, there are four golden elixirs and one spirit transformation, but no one can see where he came from! Everyone was shocked for a while.

Chen Yuan walked towards the hall in a hurry.

"There is no need to go to Jingyang Marquis Mansion. Come, let me see how you can help me see the situation clearly."

"Are you Chen Shiji!?" Elder Wen suddenly stood up from his chair, "How dare you come here? No, how did you get here!"

"Now is not the time to worry about this! If he dares to come to your door, he has made his attitude clear!"

Shui Jinggong's expression was solemn, and he took a step forward suddenly, with blood gushing out from all over his body, and he burst out with surging momentum!

"Do it!"

Because I was delayed for something, and because I felt uncomfortable in my heart, I was a little late...

Send first and change later...

Tomorrow my son will be one year old and he will have to get injections and a physical examination. He has to go to bed early today, so I'm going to do it first.

Tomorrow, try to update early——

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