Depressed Fairy

Chapter 118 Too scared to come?

Chen Yuan walked quickly. After leaving Zhongyue City, he confirmed the general direction and walked downstream along the river. He soared when he encountered mountains and crossed over water. In just one day, he left the boundaries of Zhongyue County and entered the east. Yueshenyu is just...

"This map is really outrageous. It's just a hair's breadth away!" Putting the map in his hand into his bag, he looked at the raging river branches in front of him and the forks on the ground, and frowned, "Have a rest first. Use the Shinto incarnation to identify the direction, and if you see pedestrians and ask again, you can almost determine the location. At worst, it will be the same as before, find a carriage and spend some money, but the speed will be much slower. "

Although Chen Yuan's Shinto incarnation cannot leave the boundaries of Huashan Mountain and cannot set foot in other areas, it can reach the nine heavens and look up high in the sky. He can see the miniature landscape of mountains and rivers and can identify the landforms.

However, he has never traveled in this world in the past. Even if he could see the vast land, he would have to have maps to mark the cities and correspond them one by one in order to identify the direction and location.

"Before, we either had Sun Zhengyao or the others as guides, or the journey was short and we were not aware of this problem."

It would be a great injustice if he, the great founder of the family, was in trouble and missed his plan because he got lost.

Crunch, crunch...

Just as I was thinking about it, there was suddenly the sound of rutting.

Chen Yuan looked back and saw a gorgeous car with a large carriage pulled by two horses.

"Just in time."

Seeing the person, Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and wiped his face, slightly disguising himself, and planned to go over and ask for directions. However, he took two steps closer, listened to the breathing in the car, and his heart moved, and he vaguely guessed the origin of the person in the car, but... Not intending to stir up trouble, I just asked the coachman: "May I ask my husband, which way should I take to go to Jiangzuo City?"

The driver was an old man in his fifties. He was stunned when he heard this, and then frowned and said: "If you want to go to Jiangzuo, the fastest way is naturally the waterway. The two passengers in my car are also going to Jiangzuo, but they plan to go there." Turn to the waterway from Huacheng Pier and take a boat there.”

Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation and asked, "How many days will it take to get to Jiangzuo by boat?"

The old man then said: "If the weather is good and He Bo is in a good mood, it only takes one day to get started. Even if there are twists and turns, it will only take two days at most."

"One or two days is not too slow, thank you very much." Chen Yuan arched his hands and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a man's voice came from the carriage: "This little brother is also going to Jiangzuo? It just so happens that we are on the way. If you don't mind, why don't you ride with me in the same carriage?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for a reply.

A clear female voice came from the carriage: "My brother, I saw you walking in the wilderness. I guess you are a martial artist and want to ask some interesting facts about the world." At the end, she added: "We have a very strict family education, but we yearn for it. Martial arts heroes, after a long time, are curious about everything they see. And I heard that the scholar said that when the road is rough, draw your sword to help, and those who are away from home should help each other. "

The old man driving the carriage also said: "Young master and young lady are both good people. Since I invited you, why don't you go with us? There are only a few steps to go anyway."

"In that case, I'm sorry to bother you." Chen Yuan nodded and opened the car curtain.

There is a lot of space in the carriage, with coffee tables and bookshelves, and the four treasures of the study on the coffee table.

A man and a woman sit on either side of the coffee table.

The man is dressed in Confucian clothes, with red lips and white teeth, and is very handsome, especially his eyes, which seem to be hiding stars; the woman is dressed in an ordinary skirt, but has a pretty face, big eyes, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, revealing two dimples.

When the man saw Chen Yuan, he stood up slightly, cupped his hands and said, "I'm Zhu Yun, this is my sister-in-law Zhu Junshu, what do you call me?"

"My name is Chen Fushi." Chen Yuan returned the greeting and gave a false name.

Zhu Yun asked curiously: "Little brother, I see you are not old. If you dare to walk alone, you must have someone to rely on. Which sect are you from? What are you doing in Jiangzuo City?"

"I don't have a sect, I'm just a casual cultivator. I heard that Jiangzuo City is a prosperous place in the world. I went over to see the world and take care of some personal matters." Chen Yuan said half-truthfully, using his eyesight and the Golden Eye Technique, It has been seen that the whole body of this man and woman has full strength and powerful essence. They are in the realm of the Great Perfection of Refining. Moreover, the twelve essence orifices in the body are complete, and they can explode with stronger strength than people in this realm. !

That's right, these two people are really outsiders!

"Rogue cultivator? That little brother's talent is really not low." Zhu Yun praised.

Chen Yuan deliberately restrained his aura at this time and returned to his original nature. Even if the Zhu family brothers and sisters came from outside the world and had the means to detect, they could only vaguely detect that the young Taoist had some foundation, so he gave a polite compliment.

Zhu Junshu asked enthusiastically: "Since you are a casual cultivator, you should be proficient in the affairs of the world, right?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "I have been cultivating in the mountains, and I may not know more than you."

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other with disappointment.

At this time, after the carriage had been driving for a while, another voice of inquiry came from outside. The voice was rough but full of energy.

"Old man, a certain family wants to ask you for a bowl of water, how about it? After walking for a few days, all you drink is wild water from the mountains. It's very uncomfortable. I take the liberty to ask, don't be surprised."

Before the old driver could answer, Zhu Yun opened the curtains, took a look, and said, "This strong man looks very human at first glance. Why don't we come up and share the ride? Not only is there water in my car, but there is also fine wine."

"There's still wine! Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!" The man laughed and opened the curtain.

But he is a man with a leopard head, ringed eyes, and a full beard, with a strong back and a strong waist.

He had a familiar temperament. He picked up the wine bottle handed by Zhu Yun and took a sip. He announced his family name and said that he was from the Dongcheng Sect and his name was Guitianzang: "My master has an old relationship with the elders of the Haoran Sect. I heard that he was from the Dongcheng Sect. There was a commotion over there, so I asked a certain family to go take a look, but I was informed halfway that the crisis in Dongyue had been resolved, but there was an undercurrent in Jiangzuo City, so I asked a certain family to go take a look, alas, what a busy life! "

I wish my siblings a listen.

Zhu Yun said: "The strong man also went to Jiangzuo, what a coincidence, and so did we." His tone was obviously very eager, because this Guitian Zang did not have any breath-holding techniques, and his aura of the peak of the post-heaven was completely unobstructed. Obviously, this brother and sister were moved.

Next, the brother and sister talked to Guitianzang one by one, and asked a lot of interesting things about martial arts and rumors about martial arts. Guitianzang all answered fluently, which made the brother and sister very happy and praised them repeatedly, no longer caring. Go to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan looked on coldly and saw some clues.

"Are these two people trying to win over the masters of the world and form a force? Judging from the information revealed by the White Crane Sect, this time the five sects of the Outer Worlds gathered in Jiangzuo. In addition to the leaders and elders of each sect, there are also elite disciples of the sect. This Zhu family The brother and sister may be one of them. Judging from their words and deeds, their status in the sect should be unusual, so they would have such a foundational behavior. "

Just as they were talking, the brother and sister asked about the situation in Jiang Zuocheng.

Guitianzang said: "I don't know much about a certain sect. I just heard that a new sect suddenly emerged in that city. There are many masters in the sect. Although it did not rise for a long time, it almost dominated the Jiangzuo Wulin! The only one who can compete with it is Apart from Daning's yamen, the only one who can compete is the Jingyang Marquis Mansion, the hometown of the No. 1 man in the world. "

Zhu Yun's eyes lit up and he asked: "Brother Gui is familiar with the number one person in the world? Do you know how far his cultivation is?"

"I've never seen him before, but he is probably a land god! I have a junior brother who was in Zhongyue City a while ago. I read his book The Five Thousand Words of Humanity. He broke through the bottleneck and set foot in the innate world that day!" Guitianzang! When he said this, his eyes were full of envy, "Oh, I was busy with something important at the time, so I wasn't there!"

"Is it really that powerful?"

The Zhu brothers and sisters looked at each other.

"Can this be false? I just met my junior brother a few days ago!" Guitianzang said, his words full of admiration and respect, "My junior brother was not the only one who advanced and broke the bottleneck that day. It’s a true humane event! That Chen Jun is the real grandmaster. Compared with it, the original great masters are just in name.”

"You can't say that." Chen Yuan spoke at this time, "Several great masters also have merits, and they are not complacent people. In the future, as long as they can calm down, they will make progress."

"What? From what Xiongtai said, how many great masters do you have friends with?" Guitianzang looked at Chen Yuan with an inquiring look in his eyes, "Who is this?"

Zhu Yun said: "Brother Chen, like Brother Gui, is also a fellow traveler." Then he asked Chen Yuan, "Isn't Brother Chen the nephew and descendant of that great master? I wonder if you can recommend him?"

"I am not a descendant of the Grand Master." Chen Yuan shook his head and told the truth.

Zhu Yun showed disappointment again, but he just smiled and didn't go into details. However, he mainly talked with Guitianzang next.

An hour later, the carriage stopped. There was a lot of noise and shouting from people outside. They had arrived at Huacheng Pier.

This flower city is not a big city at all. It is built on the water, but it has a certain charm.

The Zhu brothers and sisters planned to take a stroll in the city, and still invited Chen Yuan and others to accompany them.

Zhu Yun said bluntly: "We will take a boat to Jiangzuo in the afternoon. Why don't you two go with me and walk around the city first? When we get to Jiangzuo, you can also visit my home. Martial Arts The more we communicate and learn on the way, the more progress we will make. I have many good players in my family, and I will be able to introduce them to you when the time comes.”

Guitianzang was a lively person, and he treated the brother and sister favorably along the way, so he agreed, but Chen Yuan was unwilling to waste time, so he said goodbye and left.

"In that case, let's wait until we get to Jiangzuo before contacting him." The Zhu brothers and sisters did not try to persuade him to stay, but they planned to offer Chen Yuan money to refuse.

After Chen Yuan left, Zhu Junshu looked at his back and said, "Brother let him go just like that? I think he may really be related to those great masters, but he just doesn't want to reveal it."

Zhu Yun said, "It's good to be able to recruit a great master, but we can't be too low-key. Moreover, we have been a bit neglectful of this person along the way. He is not old, and maybe he has a young mind, so he deliberately said Something amazing to say to attract attention.”

Zhu Junshu listened and said with a smile: "Brother has an idea."

Zhu Yun smiled and said: "This is all experience. Don't forget. Why did our eight sects where the original mountain gates were located, all fall, and people's hearts turn away? Isn't it because we have squeezed the ordinary people too much, and when those people come, they will all Rebellion! Now that there is a path to the Shenzang Realm, once the passage between the two realms is stable, it can be turned into the rear. Mining the mineral deposits and collecting heavenly materials and earthly treasures are secondary. The people in this realm are the key. If you are more tolerant, you can coexist peacefully. Don’t make the same mistake again.”

Zhu Junshu smiled and said: "I understand what brother means. We are kind to others, even those who cannot be won over, and we treat them with courtesy. This has spread our reputation. In the future, when people from other sects violently exploit us, everyone in this world will know about us." When the benefits of home come, the world will naturally return to its center.”

"Although these two people have plans, they are not evil people. They are somewhat worldly, but they are good at it. It can be seen that the people who invade from outside the world are not all arrogant people."

After bidding farewell to his brother and sister, Chen Yuan went straight to the river boat bound for Jiangzuo and sailed down the river.

During this period, he was somewhat curious about He Bo's affairs. Unfortunately, the journey was uneventful and he arrived at Jiangzuo Pier after noon.

After getting off the boat, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the noisy port and the crowds of people coming and going. He raised his foot and stepped lightly on the ground, whispering: "Xiao Zhuzi, it's time for you to appear. Go and find out for me. The people with the highest cultivation levels in this city are gathered somewhere.”

The bluestone bricks on the ground trembled slightly, then calmed down again.

Beside, two men came over and asked: "Sir, this is your first time in Jiangzuo. Do you want to stay in a top-notch accommodation? Our home has a comfortable environment and the price is not expensive."

"No, I am a local."

After sending away a few people, Chen Yuan found an open space and sat cross-legged, waiting quietly. At this moment, the jade token in his arms trembled again.

He picked it up and held it, his consciousness trembled, and he fell into a dream, and met Ma Zhen, the elder of the White Crane Sect again. In addition to him, there are many disciples in the sect, including senior brother Yun She and the slender girl Xu Yuemei.

When the three Xu Yuemei girls saw Ma Zhen, they said, "Uncle Master, we have arrived at Jiangzuo, where should we go?"

After hearing his words, Chen Yuan suddenly became energetic.

"You're here just in time, you can come to Wushan Villa in the north of the city. Several elders and I are now in the village, and there are many disciples of the Eight Sects." Ma Zhen sat on the clouds and spoke calmly, "I'm here this time to teach you Waiting for some hard work, this is a rare opportunity.”

All the disciples nodded repeatedly.

Xu Yuemei hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked: "Uncle Master, are you going to take action against Chen Shiji?"

Ma Zhen shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. Uncle Master is just a foil in this matter, and it depends on the intentions of the other people. What, do you have any information to tell me?"

Xu Yuemei said: "Information doesn't count. After all, the disciple didn't stay in Zhongyue City for long, and in total, he only met Chen Shiji once, but he was always uneasy in his heart. Even though it was only once, he always felt that he Inscrutable…”

Before Ma Zhen could answer, Pan Ling'er who was traveling with him shook his head and said, "Senior sister, you are worrying too much. There are many senior uncles and senior uncles here. No matter how powerful Chen Shiji is, he can't make waves! If the real people here on our side are If you reveal your strength to him, I'm afraid he will be scared back to the northwest now!"

"So you must keep a low profile. If the news is revealed, I'm afraid that Mrs. Chen will not dare to come to Jiangzuo." Ma Zhen said, then changed the topic and said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about this. We will make arrangements for you, just rest assured.”

After the dream dissipated, Chen Yuan opened his eyes.

"Five Villas?"

There was a tremor under my feet, and a section of green bamboo grew out.

"We found the place."

There are a lot of words, so it’s late…

The second update will be before ten o'clock...

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