Kokushibo's doubts instantly vanished when the lightning flames dissipated and Luochuan's face came into view.....Awakening the stripes at such a young age....

For a moment, Kokushibo didn't know whether to sigh at Luochuan's terrifying talent or feel sorry for him.

Except for Yoriichi, all those who awakened the markings did not live past the age of 25.

"Now, it's my turn."

Luochuan waved the Sun Blade at his side and said calmly while looking at Kokushibo.

He admitted that it was a bit rash to come to Kokushibo rashly and almost died here, but this battle also made Luochuan feel the collision between life and death.

This experience may not be as great as the strength improvement brought by the awakening pattern, but it is also a very good gain.

As Luochuan's voice fell, Kokushibo's heart tightened.

He felt a strange breath in the air around him.

Just as Kokushibo hesitated, suddenly, a The explosion of electric charges resounded throughout the battlefield, and an irresistible force locked onto Kokushibo. Kokushibo looked up blankly, and saw several lightning bolts dancing in the air, like winding thunder dragons.

When he moved, the lightning also moved with him, enveloping him.

Kokushibo frowned, realizing that his situation was not good.

On this cloudy battlefield, Luochuan's smile became more and more evil, and the power of the stripes made him feel extremely excited.

He stared at Kokushibo, with a hint of fanaticism and fighting spirit in his eyes.


A deafening thunder roared in the battlefield, and then Luochuan's figure turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards Kokushibo.

The dense thunder and lightning, the roaring flames illuminated the night sky.

In the scene that looked like a natural disaster, Luochuan and Kokushibo's figures kept flashing.

This time, Luochuan didn't feel the frustration just now, but Kokushibo was a little flustered in response.

In the battle, if Luochuan only used breathing methods, Kokushibo would not be like this.

But the strange blood demon arts that Luochuan learned from nowhere gave Kokushibo a headache.

These blood demon arts would distract Kokushibo's attention if he defended against them. If he didn't defend, even he couldn't ignore the damage caused by the blood demon arts.

Seeing Kokushibo like this, Luochuan's fighting spirit became stronger.

Now he doesn't have to worry about whether the delay time is enough to wait until dawn. As long as the state of the stripes does not retreat, he and Kokushibo are evenly matched.

He can't kill Kokushibo, and Kokushibo can't kill him.

As the sky gradually darkened, Luo Chuan looked at the white clouds rising from the horizon, and then looked at Kokushibo.

When he had just activated the stripes, he had already enjoyed the fight. Now if Kokushibo wanted to fight back, he would have to face the risk of dying under the sun.

"I won't give you another chance next time, Luochuan."

Kokushibo's voice was calm, but Luochuan could clearly smell the unwillingness coming from him.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, Kokushibo did not get angry and chose to fight to the death with Luochuan. After saying that, his figure disappeared.

Luochuan curled his lips. Next time? Next time, Kokushibo will only be beaten harder by him!

This time he underestimated Kokushibo's strength, but the next time they meet, he will have the fusion of the Moon Breathing and his improved strength.

Not to mention anything else, it is still easy to beat Kokushibo.

Superb qualifications and comprehension are not for decoration.

Seeing the scene The situation was reversed again. After Lord Luochuan defeated the Upper Rank One, the three team members finally relaxed completely.

They never wanted to experience this kind of roller coaster-like mood swings again.

While breathing a sigh of relief, the three of them had a new understanding of Luochuan's strength.

That demon was the Upper Rank One, and Lord Luochuan could actually fight back and forth with him. Although they did not kill it, they saw the strength of the demon with their own eyes. It was so powerful that they dared not breathe when they watched.

It was not easy for Lord Luochuan to achieve this.

"After settling the residents whose houses were destroyed, I will go back first.

Without exchanging excessive greetings with the three team members, Luochuan waved his hand and walked towards the Demon Slayer Corps' base in Kawamoto City.

After the battle with Kokushibo, Luochuan's desire to improve his strength became more urgent.

The team member rescued by Luochuan stretched out his hand to stop Luochuan, but opened his mouth and finally did not say anything.

He wanted to know whether Luochuan had rescued him, whether Luochuan had intentionally caused the death of Gyoku, etc.

But when he saw Luochuan's slightly tired figure, he suddenly felt that these problems were not important.

Lord Luochuan was trying his best to protect them, and just based on this point, he should not question Lord Luochuan's behavior.

After returning to the base, Luochuan found a room for temporary rest.

The room was not big, and Luochuan didn't care. He just came here to rest for a while, and after integrating the Breathing of the Moon, he would return to the headquarters.

Ubuyashiki Yoya urged him to go back for training more than once.

Sitting down, Luochuan took a long breath and prepared to integrate the Breathing of the Moon.

The Breathing of the Moon is different from the other five basic breathings. It is directly derived from the Breathing of the Sun. It is slightly stronger than the five basic breathings.

Although Luochuan has roughly imitated the Breathing of the Moon in battle, he is still a long way from mastering the Breathing of the Moon.

【Do you choose to fuse Moon Breathing Type 6·Changye Guyue·Wu Jian (Masterful) now?】


As soon as Luochuan confirmed it, his vision suddenly darkened.

A soft moonlight appeared from nowhere and enveloped Luochuan, and a breeze blew by, bringing a hint of coolness.

The vision in front of him seemed to have changed slightly. Luochuan felt that his body seemed to be floating in the air, and behind him, a crescent moon rose quietly.

This crescent moon emitted a faint fluorescence, wrapping Luochuan, as if protecting him.

Under the moonlight, Luochuan vaguely saw a figure dancing in the moonlight, as if it was Kokushibo?

As Kokushibo's figure danced, a strange power began to flow into Luochuan's body.

Luochuan could feel the information about the land-type sword skills gradually emerging in his mind.

Not only because Luochuan had a certain understanding of the moon's breath, but also for other reasons, the process of integrating the moon's breath into the land-type was extremely smooth.

In dozens of breaths, Luochuan completely integrated the moon's breath.

Holding the Sun Wheel Sword, Luochuan looked at the crescent-shaped sword energy that was looming around him and nodded with satisfaction.

Luochuan has not only mastered the sixth form of Moon Breathing, but has also advanced a lot towards the super pillar in terms of realm. This trip was not in vain!

When we return to the headquarters and deduce the other forms of Moon Breathing, Luochuan's strength will be greatly improved.

A mere Kokushibo, I will beat you up every time I see you!

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