
Luochuan cursed inwardly, unable to gain leverage in the air, and quickly turned around and swung his sword.

The speed of Kokushibo's dual forms was too exaggerated, and it was not something that could be avoided by reaction alone.

If Luochuan had not made sufficient preparations, it would be difficult for him to continue.

Tamayo's blood demon technique was effective the first time it was used, but Kokushibo was prepared, which would give Luochuan the opportunity to continue using it.

The hasty resistance caused Luochuan's forearm to twist slightly, and the strong pain stimulated Luochuan's nerves crazily.

Seeing that Luochuan still had the strength to fight back, Kokushibo was a little surprised.

But it was just surprise, and the next moment Kokushibo gently twisted the Hollow God.

The blade on the side of the Hollow God bypassed Luochuan's Sun Wheel Sword and stabbed Luochuan's chest.

Luochuan clenched his teeth and felt the severe pain in his chest.

He knew that he couldn't go on like this, otherwise, let alone waiting for dawn, it would be difficult to wait for five minutes.

The Sun Wheel Sword in his hand burst out with a dazzling thunder and fire, illuminating the surrounding battlefield.

The brief burst of thunder and fire forced Kokushibo back, giving Luochuan a chance to catch his breath.

Luochuan stood breathlessly in front of Kokushibo, holding the Sun Wheel Sword, and the wound on his chest was still in great pain.

He was now in a state of anxiety and realized that he had reached his limit.

But at the same time, Luochuan did not realize the changes in his body.

With his impatience, Luochuan's body temperature was also rising rapidly.

This change was not obvious, and Luochuan, who was fully committed to the battle, had no time to care too much.

He had to concentrate and defeat the Kokushibo in front of him.

Kokushibo did not make a sound, holding the Hollow Crying God in his hand and attacking Luochuan again.

The two fought in a group, with sword shadows entangled and flames splashing.

Luochuan was suppressed by Kokushibo throughout the process, and was completely in a passive defensive state.

There were more and more wounds on his body, and small bloodstains almost covered Luochuan's entire upper body.

The appearance of wounds is not all bad for Luochuan now. At least the stinging feeling like scraping flesh can prevent Luochuan from falling into numbness in Kokushibo's intensive attacks.

Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation on the field, the hearts of the three players on the sidelines were also tightened involuntarily.

They didn't understand why Lord Luochuan, who had the upper hand just now, was suddenly suppressed by the ghost counterattack. They could only worry in their hearts. With their strength, if they rashly entered the battlefield, it would not be to help, but to harm Lord Luochuan.

Luochuan's whole body was shaking violently, but he still didn't fall down.

He used all his strength and tried his best every time he swung.

Kokushibo's attack became more and more fierce. He seemed to have noticed Luochuan's weakness and continued to increase the intensity of his attack.

Luochuan's breathing became rapid. Every time he avoided Kokushibo's attack, he could feel the pain in his chest. Willpower became Luochuan's last support at this time.

After a short fierce battle, Kokushibo suddenly stopped the knife in his hand.

An imperceptible chill permeated the battlefield, like the breath of the god of death.

Kokushibo whispered:"Although I feel it's a pity to end your life, fate is so cruel."

Although these words were calm, Luochuan's heart sank. He knew that Kokushibo didn't want to drag it out any longer.

The blade of the Void God in Kokushibo's hand condensed countless crescent-shaped blade qi around it, waiting for Luochuan's life and death judgment like the sickle of the god of death.

Luochuan felt the terrifying pressure from Kokushibo, and his face was as gloomy as water.

Although he was likely to be seriously injured or even killed by Kokushibo's knife, Luochuan had no intention of giving up.

Kokushibo gently waved the knife, and the knife qi whistled like a gust of wind, enveloping and swallowing Luochuan.

Luochuan was trapped by the knife qi all over his body, and he felt the crisis of life, but his will remained firm.

Kokushibo slowly put away the knife after slashing this knife. The process of fighting with Luochuan was also the process of understanding Luochuan.

He knew very well what Luochuan's current state was. If he wanted to survive this knife, Luochuan had to have other trump cards.

But if Luochuan really had other trump cards, would he wait until now?

Using the trump card when the power was exhausted was not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but real stupidity.

The three team members who were watching the game also fell into despair. They watched Luochuan's situation helplessly.

If Luo Chuan dies, they will have no chance of survival.

"What should I do? Lord Luochuan....It seems to be failing," one of the team members said with a trembling voice.

"Don't worry, it's not the last moment yet. Besides, since you chose to join the Demon Slayer Corps, you should have expected this moment to come," the team member who was supported comforted him. His voice was particularly firm because he had just experienced life and death. Although his mood fluctuated greatly after surviving by chance and facing life and death again, he did not have too many regrets.

He should have died, and he survived because of Lord Luochuan's help.

Dying now would be like repaying Lord Luochuan's favor.

Luochuan seemed to be trapped in endless darkness, and the severe pain pierced his body like a knife, but the light in his eyes did not go out.

Even when facing Death, he was unwilling to give in easily and fought for his own survival.

At the critical moment, Luochuan suddenly felt a strong energy surging in his body, as if a ball of fire was burning in his body.

His cheeks began to heat up, and the flaming feeling surprised Luochuan a little.

But the surprise was only a moment, and Luochuan realized what happened.

Marks! Finally appeared!

There is always a way out!

Before his eyes, a dark red mark began to spread on Luochuan's cheek, like the interweaving of thunder and fire, exuding amazing power.

The energy of thunder and fire interweaves Together, they formed a new power, a power he had never experienced before.

The markings spread rapidly on Luochuan's cheeks, like flames dancing in the dark night, flashing dazzling light.

Luochuan felt the energy in his body gather to a peak, and then suddenly burst out.

An astonishing lightning burst out from Luochuan's body, like a lightning bolt splitting the sky, dispersing the sword energy around Kokushibo.

The lightning carried destructive power and instantly changed the pattern of the battlefield.

Feeling the power increase brought by the markings, Luochuan raised the corner of his mouth.

The smile that was originally very ordinary was now... However, he seemed a little evil.

The reason why he was suppressed by Kokushibo was because of the blessing of Kokushibo's markings and the dual forms of the Hollow Crying God.

Now that he has also awakened the markings, the gap in strength between him and Kokushibo has been narrowed instantly.

Not to mention being able to counter Kokushibo, but it is still possible to be evenly matched.

Looking at his sword energy being dispersed by the lightning and fire, Kokushibo was stunned.

Luochuan still has strength? How is it possible?

With such a strong spare strength, he attacked before being wrapped by the sword energy, and then attacked after being hurt by the sword energy? Isn't this an idiot?

Kokushibo frowned. Luochuan did not give him the impression of a stupid person, but why?

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