Demon Royal Family

Chapter 409 Chasing Troops

After the Yamo Ten joined, no sailor dared to apply for a position on Ivo's ship.

Estimating that ten sailors were enough to sail the ship, Ivo left the tavern with ten people from Yamo and headed for the port.

The sailors in the Sailor's Scimitar Tavern all felt that Ivo was looking for death. This time it would be like before, when Yamo drove the ship that belonged to the captain back to the port, but the captain was thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

The reason why Yamo and others were not judged by the Sheriff was because they committed crimes at sea and dumped their bodies into the sea. Every time they claimed that the captain had an accident, the Sheriff had no evidence at all.

Ivo was also the first captain who dared to recruit Yamo this year, and the sailors lamented that he was a fool.

The group of people came to an empty pier in the port. Yamo and others looked around and saw no ownerless ships, only a row of privateers in the distance that no one dared to mess with.

"Captain, where is your ship?" Yamo couldn't help but ask.

Ivo smiled, took out Neptune's collection bottle, and poured it into the sea. The Changfeng, which was shrunk into a model in the bottle, fell to the sea and quickly expanded, turning into a brown-red three-masted Gaelic sailing ship. , the mottled canvas flutters in the wind, and the old marks on the hull show the adventure of this ship.

"Old friend, I haven't seen you for a while." Ivo raised his eyebrows.

Yamo and others were startled, and then stared greedily at the Neptune collection bottle in Ivo's hand. They knew that this bottle was definitely a priceless treasure, and their breathing quickened slightly.

A fierce light flashed in Yamo's eyes, and he stopped his men's imminent ambitions with his eyes. As long as he followed Ivo to sea, all Ivo's wealth would belong to him, and there was no need to rush.

A group of people got on the boat, and ten sailors began to clean and maintain the boat, which was completed in a short time. Ivo watched from the sidelines and nodded secretly. Although Yamo and the others were a group of thugs, their abilities as sailors were also extremely outstanding. They were all old sailors.

Ivo gathered ten people and said: "There are still some supplies on the ship, such as dried meat, rum, citrus, fishing bait, spare canvas, cables, etc. You go to the town to purchase them. This is the fund for you." Then he threw out a money bag containing one hundred thousand benas.

Yamo and others had no objections and took the money to make purchases. There were only two people left on the boat.

Luna stayed on the ship while Ivo returned to the dock to view the bounty board.

The bounty fence is a few wooden boards connected together, with the bounty prisoners in the nearby sea nailed to it, and is located in the center of the pier.

People were coming and going on the pier, some were residents, some were sailors, and some were dock workers. The former were chatting in small groups, while the latter two were busy working.

Ivo stood under the bounty column and saw many bounty lists for famous pirates of the Emerald Sea. The bounty list for the Pirate King of the Emerald Sea, Rothschild, hung prominently at the top. The bounty amount was 1.3 billion, which made Ivo secretly stunned. This It's just Rothschild's single bounty.

Pirates have existed since ancient times and have been a huge threat to every coastal kingdom.

"I hope I don't meet Rothschild." Ivo curled his lips. He and Rothschild had an unpleasant encounter. It was best not to meet him again. He was quite afraid of the Pirate King's fleet, with hundreds of ships covering the sea. The shocking scene is still fresh in my mind when I think about it now, and Rothschild's own strength has exceeded level ten. The man who looked like a tiger shark even "killed" himself once. Ivo has not forgotten this grudge. I will definitely find my place again if I have the opportunity in the future.

At this time, a faint sense of danger arose in Ivo's heart. He turned his head and glanced at the dock and noticed something strange.

Some passers-by on the pier who looked like residents had far more aura than ordinary people, and they had been deliberately restraining their aura. Just by glancing over, Ivo found no less than thirty such guys, and the number would only be more.

He suddenly understood that this was finally the time when a force discovered his traces, and a large net was quietly opened to capture him.

"Interesting, which force will it be?" Ivo smiled. He was about to go to sea, and it didn't matter even if he was discovered.

He twisted his neck and smiled slightly, "It's okay, I haven't been active for a while."

The ten Yamo people purchased enough resources and walked slowly towards the dock.

The subordinate nicknamed "Knife" sneered, "It's our first opening this year, I can't wait."

With no acquaintances nearby, they chatted freely.

Yamo licked his lips and said, "You can throw out one hundred thousand benas at will. It seems that the captain this time is very rich. Brothers, we are going to make a big fortune."

The rogue sailors laughed evilly.

"I didn't expect to meet such an easy-to-deceive captain."

"As pure as a sheep."

"After we go to sea, we have to teach him a lesson...if he can survive."


Yamo grinned and said: "Don't take it lightly. After this job is done, I invite everyone to play with the most beautiful girls in Lutland Port."

Daozi smiled sinisterly, "I think the little girl following the captain is pretty enough, so don't try to steal her from me."

"Haha, we only like big butts and big ****, no one will compete with you."

The sailors laughed, as if they thought they were sure of Ivo.

After the group of rogue sailors left, a man in ordinary clothes walked out of the street, with an iron-blooded aura that could barely be concealed. Tis is an officer of the Odin Empire and is in charge of a patrol team of fifty people. A few days ago, they accidentally discovered Ivo's whereabouts and followed them quietly until they arrived at Lutland Port. After discovering Ivo After the possibility of going to sea, they immediately became anxious. On the one hand, they sent people to contact their superiors, and on the other hand, they secretly took encirclement and suppression measures.

Tis's military rank is a false lieutenant colonel, and he reached the rank of lieutenant colonel due to his outstanding military strength. Among Odin's dozen legions, there are many false officers like him, and their personal strength is generally very strong.

Tisi frowned and looked at the direction Yamo and others were leaving, "Are you really going to go to sea? I can't let you run away!"

In addition to the 50-man patrol team, there were also 300 guards from Lutland Port and 12 Templar Knights from the Holy See. He felt that no amount of vigilance was too much. At this time, almost all the people involved in the encirclement and suppression effort had sneaked into the dock.

"Even if I can't beat you, I will at least pierce your ship." Tisi's eyes flashed.

The ten members of Yamo returned to the ship carelessly with supplies, only to find that only Luna remained on the ship. She was sitting on the side of the ship, with her back to the dock, looking at the sea. A pair of calves protruding from the black robe were as white as lotus roots. , swaying on the side of the ship, really cute.

Daozi secretly swallowed a sip of saliva. His favorite was the young girl. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked, "Where is the captain?"

The sailor looked around, and someone pointed to the center of the pier, "I saw it, he was there."

Yamo and others followed their fingers and looked over, and sure enough they saw Ivo standing under the bounty fence.

Yamo suddenly let out a sigh and said doubtfully, "Have you noticed that there seem to be a lot of people on the pier today."

The sailors nodded one after another. Many of them were very strange. They were very close to Ivo, and they seemed to be surrounded.

Just when they were about to call the captain, a sudden change happened!

Only half of the people in the entire pier suddenly pulled out their swords from under their clothes and rushed towards Ivo in the center of the pier. There were hundreds of people, with the momentum like a ten thousand army charging, and the shouts of killing exploded. Everyone else on the pier was suddenly was shocked by the turn of events.

Hundreds of people rushed towards the same person from all directions at the same time, like a wave. This scene was so shocking that Yamo and others on the boat were dumbfounded.

"What's going on?!" Yamo looked confused.

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