Demon Royal Family

Chapter 408 Thug Sailor

Lutland Port, a small port city east of Odin, is adjacent to the most chaotic area of ​​the Emerald Sea. Pirates are rampant and public security is very poor. There is only one word difference between Lutland Port and Intland Port, but their status is completely opposite. Lutland Port has completely opposite status. Langang was a place of chaos, divided into privateer harbors.

Privateers and pirates are both plunderers on the sea. The difference is that privateers are legal organizations with a privateering license from the Odin Empire. Although privateer captains are not favored by Odin's nobles, they are prestigious on the sea. Awesome presence.

It took nearly two months. On the third day of autumn, Ivo and Luna came to Lutland Port in disguise. Along the way, Ivo saw how the Holy See and the Odin Empire were afraid of him. Strict identity checks were implemented in the cities he passed through. If the quality of the disguise dust in his hands was not high enough, his identity would be exposed. In addition to cities, you can occasionally encounter night watch search teams and well-equipped imperial patrols in the wilderness mountains and forests. It is obvious that these two forces are afraid of him.

Not only the empire and the church, but also elves, vampires, werewolves, dwarves, brotherhoods, heretics and other forces are looking for him. Some of them act spontaneously, some are requested by the empire, and some have ulterior motives.

After two months of fermentation, the shocking deeds have spread to 60 to 70% of the world's inhabited areas, causing an unprecedented impact on public opinion. Everyone is discussing this matter hotly, and the popularity has not subsided after two months. , all the major kingdoms have issued a bounty for Ivo, among which the Odin Empire's bounty is the most enviable. Regardless of life or death, it will reward the title of viscount, and there is also a huge bounty. Even if it only provides clues, if it is confirmed to be true, it can also become Jazz.

The title of the Odin Empire is extremely rare and has a noble status. Countless adventurers and mercenaries who dream of becoming a noble are frantically looking for traces of Ivo.

However, Ivo has disappeared since then, like a drop of water returning to the sea. He has been missing for two months, leaving many people to return without success. There are also new rumors that Ivo is avoiding the pursuit of major forces, so he does not dare to show his face. This kind of statement is very popular and popular.

The whole world is waiting for Ivo to appear again. Countries will never tolerate a thug who committed such a horrific act as destroying the Holy Land of the Holy Church. Maybe he will appear in a dead state next time, which is best.

It has to be said that the manhunt by the major forces did make Ivo feel a little troubled, and he felt more and more that his decision to go to the sea was correct. Once he went to the sea, the sea would be as wide as the fish could leap, and the sky would be as high as the birds could fly.

The "Sailor's Scimitar" pub in Port Lutland welcomed two uninvited guests, a stalwart man with an unshaven beard and a scar on his face. He was wearing a burgundy-breasted captain's coat and a pleated cassock. He wears a petaled white scarf and a three-cornered hat, and wears a sailor's scimitar with a gauntlet hanging from his waist. If you just look at the attire, you will think he is a captain. Behind the strong man is a little girl.

The burly man who looked like a captain was naturally Ivo in disguise, and the little girl was Luna in disguise.

The Sailor's Scimitar Tavern, as its name suggests, is a tavern where sailors wait to be hired. It is the most famous tavern in Port Rutland. When Ivo, who looked like a captain, walked in, the noisy atmosphere was interrupted. Inside, he was drinking, bragging and touching the maid. The sailors stopped and looked over.

Ivo came here to recruit a group of sailors. To sail a ship, at least eight to twelve skilled sailors were needed. Although he had the Changfeng, it was difficult for him to sail the ship by himself. Recruiting sailors was necessary.

Ivo came to the bar with ease, threw out a bag of beignets, and directly ordered twelve bottles of golden rum, which was very expensive for sailors. He pulled a table in front of him, and the twelve bottles of wine were lined up. , he knocked on the table and said loudly: "Boys, I need twelve strong senior sailors, the first mate, the second mate, the helmsman, the sailman, the lookout... who can sail a ship smoothly. Up, the remuneration is 20% higher than the market price.”

The tavern immediately became a sensation, and the idle sailors were unwilling to miss any job opportunities, not to mention that Ivo's conditions were very favorable, and many people immediately crowded in front of Ivo.

"Don't squeeze, I want to take assessments one by one." Ivo said calmly.

Soon the sailors formed an order and introduced their abilities like an interview. This pattern became a routine.

There were dozens of sailors in the whole tavern, as well as some novices who wanted to go to sea. Ivo took the trouble to ask, and after seven sailors with excellent resumes and skilled skills, he was not selected. Everyone else was secretly surprised by Ivo's selection. What exactly are the conditions.

It was the turn of the eighth person. He was a burly man with a sinister face and a fierce look. He looked like he was not a good guy. He licked his lips and said in a low voice: "My name is Yamo. People here call me 'Piranha'." ', I have thirteen years of sailing experience, and I am applying for the position of first mate."

People around were whispering.

"Ya Mo actually dared to apply. Who doesn't know that their team is famous for being thugs who specialize in robbing captains who recruit them? They are simply a group of pirates."

"Yes, I don't know how many captains have been killed so far."

"Hey, this captain looks like a foreigner. He probably doesn't know Yamo's deeds."

These whispers did not escape Ivo's ears, and his eyes lit up, "Sounds good, okay, you are recruited."

"Wait a minute..." Yamo smiled and pointed at a group of sailors in the corner who were incompatible with others. "Those people are my team members. In Lutland Port, our team is the best sailors and we want to recruit them." Me, let’s recruit my team as well.”

Ivo glanced at it and saw that there were nine members of Yamo's team. All of them looked fierce and smelled of blood. They could tell at a glance that they were a group of villains. Ivo felt satisfied. What he wanted was villains. He nodded and said: " OK, I want all ten of you."

Yamo raised a hint of joking at the corner of his mouth, smiled, and each of the team members picked up a glass of golden rum, sat next to Ivo and enjoyed it, laughing loudly, looking very rude and uncultured.

Ivo didn't take it seriously and knocked on the table, "Is there anyone else here to answer the call?"

The sailors in the queue looked at each other and dispersed. Who didn't know that Yamo was a group of greedy villains, and boarding the ship with them was definitely seeking death.

One sailor seemed unable to bear Ivo being kept in the dark and said: "Mr. Captain, you may not know Yamo's deeds. They are villains who specialize in robbing hired captains. If you are targeted by them, you will have to escape even if you don't die." Layers of skin.”

"Asshole, shut your mouth!" Yamo angrily drank his wine glass and glared fiercely at the enthusiastic sailor. He finally got a fool, how could he sit back and watch others destroy their chance to make money.

Ivo didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "I believe the sailors in Lutland Port will abide by professional ethics."

All the sailors in the tavern burst into laughter.

"You're such a naive captain, don't you know where Port Lutland is?"

"Haha, it seems that he is a novice captain, recruiting sailors so carelessly."

Yamo glared at them coldly, smiled at Ivo and said, "Don't listen to the nonsense of those idle and panicked sailors. Of course you can trust us, Mr. Captain."

Ivo seemed to believe it and nodded.

The enthusiastic sailor was speechless, sighed and left, "Forget it, you are seeking death yourself, no one can save you."

Ivo glanced at Yamo and the others and smiled. He preferred this kind of villain to an upright sailor. An upright and religious sailor, with his bad reputation, is actually a time bomb that can be better controlled by villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

No matter what means he uses to intimidate these villains, he will not feel a trace of guilt. Sooner or later, these villains will be subdued by him.

Ivo took a sip of wine with a smirk in his eyes.

These villains would probably wet their pants if they knew who they were working for.

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