Isn't this too... cruel?

Looking at the crying puppet, Sora scratched his head helplessly and said: As expected, it is a puppet that copied Steve's thinking mode. It is as stupid as Steve.

How could such an outrageous thing? Bai Ye looked at Steve and asked.

You won't die. Sora squatted down, looked at Steve in front of him, and said softly: After the game is over, all the memories you have here will appear in Steve's memory, so... …It’s not goodbye forever, but see you later.”

Really...really? The doll raised its head and looked at Sora with tearful eyes.

Of course~ Sora showed a smile, raised his finger towards the puppet, and said: So...end the game quickly, and then, goodbye!


Out of trust in Sora, the doll did not suspect that Sora was deceiving her, but showed a reassuring smile and said loudly: I choose to liberate... the soul of the miko!

At this point, the Double Six game is over.



The camera then switches to the off-court game.

At this time, the old man and Kurami have officially entered the game, preparing to hunt Sora...

It should be like this, but the old man always felt that Sora was the one who saved him after all (referring to the sea dweller test). In addition, Sora was also working hard to save the miko in the game. If he killed Sora casually like this, what would happen? Wouldn't it be bad?

Just when the old man was thinking this, Sora in a short skirt suddenly came up to him, hugged him tightly, kissed him on the face with a pout, and made misunderstandings in his mouth. Speech: Oh, oh, although the old man's brain is not very good, and his IQ is not very good, he may have Alzheimer's disease, and he smells like an old man, but people like you very much.


In just an instant, Hatsuse Ino's glasses cracked. He stretched out his hand and pinched Sora's head next to him, and then roared ferociously: You scum, die!

Unlike the angry old man, Kurami on the other side is undergoing the most difficult test in his life.


An empty right hand was supporting the wall next to Kurami's ear, and then he looked at her with a smile on his face and said, Krummy, don't you know how sinful your beauty is?

Eh? Eh? Kurami felt the temperature on his face rising.

Oh kawaii kaido~ Sora's left hand gently touched Kurami's chin. This intimate movement made Kurami feel that his blood was gathering towards his face.

God, how could Sora attack like this? ?

Lovely Kurami... Kong looked at Kurami who was blushing and his legs were weak in front of him with an affectionate look on his face, and said, Your long silky hair, delicate face, charming voice...

‘Woah woah woah...’ Kurami’s eyes almost turned into the shape of mosquito coils, ‘I’m sorry, Phil, I can’t hold it anymore! ’

And my mediocre breasts are all mine...


I don't know why, but at this moment, Kurami's heartbeat suddenly returned to its original rhythm, the heat on his face disappeared without a trace, and the fluctuations in his heart quickly turned into murderous intent.

Ah da——

As Kurami screamed, she pushed her knee hard between Sora's legs, killing him instantly.

Phil, give me backup. Kurami moved his wrists expressionlessly and said, At this moment, Kurami joins the hunt!



While the two parties involved were frantically hunting Sora, Phil and Bram were engaged in a magical offensive and defensive battle! However, the situation of the magic battle was not very good for Phil.

Even if Phil had used all his strength, even overclocked the battle, and used the seven-fold chant of the attack, he was still no match for Bram - her magic had been broken by Bram the moment it took shape, and there was no chance at all. Ways to actually interfere with the game.

Although it seems at first glance that Bram did not interfere with the game, don't forget that the people participating in the game on both sides are completely different in nature! How can an ordinary human, Kurami, compare with the old man who can use blood damage unscrupulously without worrying about side effects because he has become a soul body? ?

In just a few minutes, the old man's number of empty kills was already twice or even more than that of Kurami.


The old man, who was in a bloody state, laughed wildly.


Bram, who was releasing magic unscrupulously, also laughed.

At this moment, Stephanie, who was watching the battle, suddenly received a strange memory. After she digested that memory with a dull look on her face, she wiped the corners of her eyes with tears.

Really, Sora, Shiro, you are too slow!

The next moment, the old man and Bram, who had regained their health because the game was over, fell to the street in an instant due to excessive consumption and were dying.

At this point, the Double Six game is over.

The God of Suspicion, Fanlou, officially joins the Elkia Federation!



The camera zooms back to Rick's world line.

The Sugoroku game ended very smoothly, because there was no special being like Jibril in the team, so Rick played the game with an easier difficulty than Blank.

As for the mole, it was not Phil as he had guessed at the beginning, but Ronnie - Ronnie had brought Lika back to the Goblins from the very beginning.

After letting the inner ghost Ronnie win, Rick also passed the test of Sail House, and the reward of the test was the addition of the Ex-Machina.


Rick lay on the ground and said, It finally worked.

Although the outside world and the inside of the game have different time flow settings, so from the outside world, the game of Blank and others only lasted one day, but he really spent several months inside the game.

And... well, to be honest, the two forest elves, Zhenhong and Phil, are really bad and bad, and the subjects they have worked on are really not done by humans.

What? Why do you think Rick was sure at a glance that those subjects were assigned by Phil and Zhenhong?

Damn it, take a look at the topic and then question it!

Please use a pair of napkins to pick up the wooden stick in front of you.

I say you ride a banana-bang-bang screw boat!

If this wasn't really popular or if it was a problem created by Phil, I'd screw my head off!

God knows what kind of tears Rick and Hubby shed when they looked at the subject in front of them, but fortunately, they finally used their extraordinary talents to overcome this difficulty.

ah? What? You asked Rick how a man with a flat chest could complete this subject? Simple! Please read the topic again——

Clamp the stick with a pair of napkins!

It doesn't say a person's nip, right? So Rick came face to face with Hubie... ahem, everyone understands, right?

That's great. Phil hugged Kurami tightly and whispered, Krummy, it's really great that you're okay~

It would have been alright. Kurami hugged Phil with his backhand and said softly: God has told me from the beginning that nothing will happen.

That's a lie. Fanlou looked at Kurami expressionlessly and said, If the game fails, you will really die.

Eh? Kurami's expression froze, she tilted her head and looked at Fanlou, and said weakly: Really?

Really. Fanlou nodded.


A few seconds later, Kurami, who had recovered from his stupor, suddenly collapsed on the ground, then hugged Phil with tears in his eyes, crying: Oh, oh, oh, Phil, you scared me to death! !”

On the other side, Rick, who stood up again, looked at the sail building in front of him and asked with a smile: Has the doubt in your heart been resolved?

Yes. Fanlou nodded and said, Then according to the plan, we will lead the Ex-Machina as your alliance.

That is to say...

Zhenhong on the side smacked his lips and said: Our alliance is now an alliance of forest elves, goblins and machine-kai species?

Not only that, there is also a god species joining the team. Rick stretched his waist and said, Huh, we can take a break for the time being.

Aren't you going to continue? Zhenhong licked her lips and said, According to this progress, we can take the opportunity to bring the orcs or demons into our ranks.

(At this time, the orcs have been taken under the command of Blank. Of course, the games played are also video games, but they are not contributed by the Ex-Machina.)

As for the orcs, they have already been captured. Fanlou tilted his head and said, Rick, your opponents have already taken over the sea dwellers, vampires, Flügels and orcs, and now they are Play games with the gods of the moon-singing species.

Huo... Rick raised his eyebrows and said: Human species, vampire species, sea-dwelling species, Flügel species, orc species and moon chanting species... In just a short time, the opponent has already collected six races. ?

In comparison, there are currently only forest elves, goblins and mechas on my side, so the progress is indeed a bit slow.

End of this chapter

Rick, what should we do? Coronie looked at Rick and said with a worried look: There are already six races over there.

But we only have three races here, so it will be very disadvantageous if this continues! And the other party has mastered the Flügel...please, are they Flügel?

Well... Rick touched his chin and said, Originally, I said I would take a rest, but the other party's progress is so fast, we must speed up a bit.

Hehe, I'll just say it~ Zhenhong walked to Rick's side with a smile and said: Boss, who do you think we should deal with next?

... Rick looked really red with a weird look on his face. You bastard still wanted to trick me during the Shuangliu game, and you also assigned some messy topics...

I'm screwing a DJ. The person who completes this project must wear a bikini. Is this really something that humans do? I won’t say anything about Hubie wearing a bikini, but what the hell...

As soon as Rick recalled the scene of himself wearing a bikini, he had the urge to twist off the real red skull - Signe, you pervert!


Zhenhong felt the malice coming from Rick. She couldn't help but tilted her head with a strange look on her face and said, What's wrong, Rick?

I just want to ask - Rick's eyes wandered between Zhenhong and Phil, and then asked: I once saw a topic about changing into a bikini. Can I ask who wrote it? Of?

Ah, that's me~ Phil said, raising his right hand with a smile.

Can I ask, Miss Phil, want to write those things? Rick tugged at the corners of his mouth, and then looked at Phil with a dark expression on his face.

Because, didn't you tell Grandma True Red before that you want all the elves to put on bikinis? Phil looked at Rick with an innocent face and said, So I just want to practice it first~ By the way, In addition to bikinis, I also wrote about a lot of other clothes? For example, nurse uniforms, policewoman uniforms, kimonos, JK, LO skirts, Hanfu and maid uniforms...


At this moment, Rick was extremely lucky that he didn't win the other options - this bikini was somewhat normal. If it had been a nurse uniform or a policewoman uniform, his reputation would have been ruined!

(Sora: I have never dressed up as a woman! What are you talking about... Wait, old man, and Kurami, why are your eyes so piercing?)


Coronie exhaled, then patted her chest and showed a relaxed expression - Fortunately, I gave all the dice to Rick at the beginning, otherwise... I want to die when I think of myself picking up those clothes!

By the way, I also gave some very interesting topics! Zhenhong gave her thumbs up with a smile on her face and said: For example, dancing, clamping things, singing, and the like.


Rick looked at Zhenhong and sneered - You said it very casually, but do you think I don't know who you are?

Dance? What the hell, doing a striptease wearing only a loincloth, is this something a human being can do?

Clamp something? Using a napkin to hold things is also considered holding things, right?

Sing? Does singing with grandeur, looking at someone with awe, and stripping and touching them all count as singing?

I really want to take off your Tianling Cap! !


No, you can't be angry!

The world is so wonderful, but you are so irritable, this is not good, not good!

After taking a deep breath, Rick suppressed his urge to unscrew the real red Tianling Cap, and then said softly: What, how about we set off to the next race first?

So, what is the next race? Zhenhong asked again.

Of course... Rick pointed his hand on the map in front of him, and then said with determination: The fourth among the sixteen races...the dragon spirit species!




There is a reason for choosing the Dragon Elf. Rick sat in the seat of the spaceship, looking at the map in front of him, and explained: During the late war, the Dragon Elf once cooperated with the Forest Elf. You will not forget it. Bar?

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