Beast, let's start the game. Phil stood on the bow of the spacecraft, looking down at Hatsuse Ino with a proud smile on his face: The bet is the entire territory of the Eastern Union and all the talents on the territory!

Yes, this is the revenge plan that the two of them have been preparing to implement from the beginning - anyone who has watched TV knows that Sora and Shiro once made a bet with Kurami before they fought against the beastmen. The bet was A chance for Phil to revise his memory!

Tsk, so Sora is really a bad guy. At this time, Phil should modify his memory to Sora is my favorite person, and I will do anything for him. Doesn't this mean there is one more pervert species... Oh, even the demon species can't hold it, but Sora is a human species? That's okay.

In short, it was because of that bet that Sora and Shiro modified Phil's memory, causing it to pass wrong game information back to the kingdom of the elves - in this case, once the elves were ready to attack If the orcs start to attack, such wrong game information will definitely deceive them severely.

That's how it should be.

But... why... Hatsuse Ino tugged at the corner of her mouth.

We did pass on wrong information to the parliament, but... Phil showed an evil expression like a black man on the set of Conan, but there is no rule... we will be the ones to challenge, right?

Yes, this is the most fatal part - it is Phil and other members of the elf species who know the wrong information, but Kurami next to Phil knows the content of the game clearly!

In order to compromise, how about the orcs turn to us, the elves, and then fight against the Elkia Alliance together? Kurami crossed his arms, with an annoying smile on his face that made Hatsuse Ino look familiar, Of course , if you don’t agree, we will actually report the game content to the elves~

Kurami's words stunned Hatsuse Ino. He couldn't believe that these two people were so annoyed, and it happened to be at this time that all the high-level combatants on his side were trapped in the game...

Why is the other party's time so accurate?

Why is it now? It's because it's now... Kurami looked at the shocked Hatsuse Ino, and couldn't help but raise his right hand with a proud look, pointing at his head, and said: Because of your plan, but It’s all in my head!”

Don't forget, in the game where Phil's memory modification rights were obtained, Sora and Kurami exchanged their memories with each other, so Kurami was very aware of Sora's full plan.

It's really shocking. Kurami looked at the old man with a confident look on his face and said, Did you know? At that time, Sora had already made plans to challenge the gods! So, in order to To defeat the gods, our two foreign aids are indispensable——

These are all information obtained from Sora's memory.

But, he didn't expect that we would attack him at this time, right? Kurami's voice was filled with a kind of joy, which is the joy of a person who has been suppressed to gain the upper hand, Sa, little dog~ in the absence of Without me and Phil, their game with the gods cannot end! So...make a decision~

‘Sora...did you make a miscalculation? ’ There was a trace of cold sweat on Hatsuse Ino’s forehead - what appeared in front of him now was undoubtedly a dead end!

Without the help of the elves, the Shuangliu game cannot end; if the Shuangliu game cannot end, then Blank and others cannot come out; if Blank and others cannot come out, he must face the elves in front of him alone...

Fuck Li Liang! How am I, an ordinary bad-blooded individual, going to fight against the elf species!樄youyanxiantwilight芑the first collapse』Therefore, the lamp is dripping, the vinegar is about to be recovered, and the disease is restored. Lai Nabeng 埽bad ┍⒊隼淳贳贳謬厅综合蕉錾正�

Just when the old man was thinking wildly, a clear and melodious voice that made people think of a beautiful girl just by listening to the voice came from behind the old man: So~ From the beginning, your imagination has been Is there something wrong? Uncle who is not clear-headed! The setting that the dice equals equal parts of the mass of space was not proposed by Blank from the beginning, but by me~

The figure that appeared behind Hatsuse Ino was a petite and slender figure with snow-white skin and short light blue to red hair... a vampire Bram.


Seeing Bram appear in sight, not only did he enter a state of bloodshed, but the old man who had his five senses reached the extreme showed a surprised expression. Phil in front of him was even more unbelievable than him - she had already Entering the state where the sixth level of magic was fully activated, he actually didn't notice that Bram appeared like this.

If the other party hadn't taken the initiative to show up and then confirmed it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to capture the other party's movements.

In this river? is it possible? Is this science?

Faced with such Bram, Phil and Kurami couldn't help but use magic to conduct sound transmission analysis - However, with Bram's Use whisper magic in front of me who is at full strength... Who are you looking down on? ? voice, cold sweat dripped from Phil's forehead.

In the eyes of everyone, Bram has always been a loser who can only lie on the ground miserably due to excessive consumption after using magic a few times, sweating profusely, sticking out his tongue and panting, but no one realized that after entering In the state of his soul, how strong is Bram, who no longer consumes magic power and physical strength when using magic.

Shining Tiga with hands on hips.jpg

Then the question comes - among the characters participating in the game, Blank is to conquer the divine species, Stephanie and Jibril are to follow Blank; the miko is to remove the possession of the divine marrow, and Hatsuse Ino and Hatsuse Izuna are to help Miko.

So, what is the significance of Bram participating in the game? Help Sora and Shiro? Don't be kidding, he is not the loyal Jibril Mouth now!

My purpose is very simple... There was a cold smile on Bram's lips, I just need to lose the dice quickly, then appear outside the chessboard in a soul state, and then defeat the elf species in front of me, and obtain the Absorption She has the power of blood, and after evolving to the strongest state, she can KO all those seafood!!!

After hearing Kram's plan, the old man couldn't help but ask: What are you thinking! If Blank loses, everyone will have nothing!

Huh? What are you worried about? Bram looked at the confused old man with disdain and said, Of all the people here, you are the only one who has no confidence in Sora and Shiro, okay?

Yes, even Phil and Kurami never imagined the possibility of Sora and Shiro losing - so they rushed over quickly to trick them before Sora could win.

After saying that, Bram looked at Phil and Kurami with disdain, and said: As for these two guys who seem to be very unconvinced... Do you think that a sixth-level warlock can win the battle with Bayali? Are you arrogant in front of me? Please go to bed if you are dreaming!

Just when the off-board battle was about to begin, a red-haired woman walked over with a large fish tank, and her appearance made Hatsuse Ino and Bram exclaim in unison.

The person coming... is Stephanie Dora! And the fish tank she brought was the queen of sea-dwelling species. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she shouted loudly: Ah, Mr. Kongfu, my dear, where are you! Come insult me ​​and step on me! Ah, I am now I feel like I can't breathe, is it because I've been away from you for too long?'s just because you, a stupid fish, jumped out of the fish tank, so you can't breathe. Bram moved his fingers with a deathly look in his eyes, and the queen and the sea water that splashed out with her jumping out of the fish tank all returned. In the fish tank.

His hand made Phil's eyes shrink slightly - this was not a simple transport magic, but a high-end technique that directly allowed time to be partially reversed! But the other party actually used it without any pressure.

Surprised? Bram turned his head and smiled domineeringly, Elf of Cricket Forest, ha!

There is something about the villain inside.

End of this chapter

You guy... Phil gritted his teeth and looked at Bram with cold eyes, knowing in his heart that there would be a hard battle next.

Bram focused his attention on Stephanie who appeared on the stage, and said with a smile: I understand, the condemned person... no, is the impostor you?

What do you mean? Hatsuse Ino couldn't help but ask.

What the divine species said was 'there is a mole, and the mole's memory has not been confiscated', right? Bram looked at Hatsuse Ino and said: But, I want to modify it without hiding it from the current me. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to retain only one person’s memories of me and others.”

So, what if there is no mole whose memory has not been confiscated, but there are only six contestants? Bram said with a smile on his lips: That's right, the seventh person... It’s an imaginary mole created by the gods!”

And that mole is Stephanie.

Just when everyone was surprised by Bram's inference, Stephanie calmly took out a letter written by Sora and Shiro.

Yes, this plan started long before the game started——

The real bets in the game against the gods are the racial chess pieces of the five races, namely [Human] Blank; [Vampire] Bram; [Flügel] Jibril (from Azriel after conquering the Flügel) The qualifications borrowed from there); [Beast-type] Miko; and [Sea-dwelling species] Laila, the mermaid who did not participate in the game but was willing to offer the chess pieces.

This game started with the premise that I would leave the game early. Bram looked at Phil with a smile on his lips and said, I realized the blank plan so I left the game early, while the old man was forced to leave the game early. Blank sent him off in person, and his purpose was...

The ostensible plan is to prevent the defeat of the war against the gods, so we let the old man quit early, and then play a fake game with the forest elves, and lose the resources of the Eastern United to the forest elves, so as to retain the resources for a comeback! Bram looked at Phil and Kurami and mocked: And you who are dissatisfied with Kong will definitely be fooled, right?

That's right, Sora's plan made Kurami think that Sora was fighting on the premise of failure, so here they are!

So, we can start the real plan. Bram stood up and said with a ferocious smile: Our bet is all the resources of the Eastern United, and your bet is all your power!

In other words, if the elf loses, then Phil and Kurami will become Sora's property - if this game is just a demented old man, he will naturally not be able to beat it, so Sora will be a huge blow to him. The obedient Queen Leila adds the human rights (chess pieces) of sea-dwelling species to this game.

If sea-dwelling species lose their human rights, vampires who are the property of sea-dwelling species due to contracts will encounter an even harsher environment than now, so Bram will definitely fight with all his strength in order not to fall into that step.

Worthy of being empty! If he didn't take this insurance, then Bram would definitely not mind uniting the forest elves to rebel against the sea dwellers - in fact, he had planned to do this, but all this was accompanied by Stephanie's appearance. And changed.

At the same time, Phil and Kurami also officially received the respectful diplomatic letter handed over by Stephanie and written by Sora and Shiro themselves. The content was probably Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Come here! You two have made all kinds of preparations for the attack, right? You have worked really hard! So, please allow us to express our highest gratitude to you two... You deserve it (laughs).

As expected of Sora and Shiro, they really have no plans left...

What a fart!

Hatsuse Ino: Tamatanku! I used to use the human race's own chess pieces as bets, but now I actually bring the beast race's chess pieces with me. I can kill you!!

Bram: Let's do Li Liang's job. I just let a weak vampire compete with the flying monster bird (referring to the Flügel). This time, the world is at odds with the divine species, and even the sea-dwelling species. You’re in trouble! Signe is a scumbag!”

Phil and Kurami: If possible, we want to blow up the Elkia Alliance directly, blow it up into fireworks, and send your mother to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

Laila: Kongfu-kun, come out and kick my feet, hehehehe~

I said, do you guys have any objections to killing Kong? Kurami, whose eyes had darkened, asked with endless killing intent.

I think it's okay. Hatsuse Ino nodded.

So, with everyone's will being unanimous, the second-generation improved version of loveorloved, the game between Blank vs. Hatsuse Izuna, was released!

Hatsuse Ino and Bram vs. Kurami and Phil, the battle begins!

The rules of the game are the same as before. Let’s see who can hit the other side first, Hatsuse Ino or Kurami! The only difference is that this time both sides have companions who can use magic to cheat unscrupulously outside the court, and...

All NPCs were 100% restored to their empty appearance by the two top magicians Bram and Phil and the improvement of the machine.

Honestly, it's disgusting.

Why did you only change your body shape and face, but not your clothes? Hatsuse Ino asked with a livid face as she looked at Sora, who was wearing a nurse's uniform, a long skirt, a short skirt, knee socks, and a sailor uniform in front of her.

Who knows? Kurami also felt a little nauseous.

In short, the hunt in the sky begins!



On the other side, Jibril sat up with a confused look on her face, and found herself lying on a plain, with the gentle wind blowing across her cheeks, making her heart feel particularly calm.

On her chest, a notebook was lying quietly on the bulge, and the line If you lose your memory, just look at page 3205 on the original cover was scrawled out and replaced by a line Simple font.

For an idiot like you, just reading the back cover is enough!

A big # symbol appeared on Jibril's forehead, and she decided that if the content on the back cover did not satisfy her, she would kill the person who wrote this line.

After Jibril turned the book over, she looked at the two lines of writing and couldn't help but muttered: This is... the language of the human race, right?

Don't worry, just wait there!

Jibril, sit down!

It was two lines of very sloppy handwriting that seemed to have been written in a hurry, but when Jibril looked at these two lines of words, her heart was filled with unimaginable peace.

She hugged the notebook quietly, and then showed a happy smile.



On the other side, unlike Jibril who had been redeemed, Sora and Shiro's current expressions were not very pretty.

According to the rules of the Shuangliu game, if you stay on a certain grid, you must complete the task of that grid! Otherwise, you will have to stay for 72 hours and lose a dice!

However, starting from the 301st frame, Sora, Shiro and Stephanie all saw the same topic——

[Choose one of the seven souls controlled by the gods and let it be abandoned, and then you can directly reach the end]

In other words, it is to kill one of your comrades and then... win.

Looking at the topic in front of them, the three fell into silence.

A few seconds later, Sora and Shiro looked at Stephanie, and Sora said, You should know the answer to this question better than we do.

... Stephanie had a puzzled expression on her face.

The content of the subject is to choose one of the seven souls controlled by the gods to give up. Sora repeated the title of the subject and said: Who are the seven souls? I, Bai, Steve, Old man, Izuna, Bram and Jibril.

That means... you have to give up... your friend's... life. Bai added, But this understanding is wrong.

That's right, because among the contestants of this game, there is one person who has never participated in the game from the beginning. That person is... Steve. Sora focused his attention on the person in front of him who had the appearance of Stephanie. A certain being, said calmly and cruelly: In other words, there are actually only six contestants in this game, me, Shiro, the old man, Izuna, Jibril and Bram - but, why do the gods Your Majesty would say... seven people?

Is it misleading? No, it's not. Bai showed a smile and said softly: Because, there is another hidden role.

That's right, the seventh character starts the game at the cost of her own life... the miko. Sora raised his finger and said: Our bodies have turned into dice, and our souls have been transformed by the gods. The seed is here to protect us! So once our souls are released by the gods, we will probably be shattered immediately.

But, miko, that's not right. Bai's mouth curved into a W shape, The miko's body is still there!

As long as the spirit species releases its control over the miko's soul, the miko's soul will return to her body... Sora looked at Steve in front of him and said, So, the correct option for this topic , just choose the miko.”

However, this answer cannot be chosen by us... Bai looked at Steve in front of him and said: The winner of this game cannot be us, nor can it be the victory of the gods!

The winner can't be me, Shiro, Izuna and the old man, or Bram and Jibril. It's you, and it can only be you. Sora looked at Stephanie and said with a smile on his face. : It can only be done by you as the 'betrayer'.

I... am... a betrayer?



Because, from the beginning, we were not prepared for Steve to participate in this game. Sora replied, How could someone who did not participate in this game appear in front of us?

In other words... The creature with Steve's appearance grasped her skirt with trembling hands. She lowered her head, tears flowing out uncontrollably, I... Am I... a doll that was created just for this game... to win this game? So, even if I disappear, it doesn't matter. Is it? Why... me?

Although she was indeed a created doll, she also copied Stephanie's memory. She was created by the gods and was exactly the same as Steve himself. It was a miraculous doll.

End of this chapter

For the doll, her birth was cruel! Because she was created based on Stephanie's memory, a doll with the same thinking mode, the same memory, and the same reaction - her birth was false.

How should I put it, it's a bit like Misaka's sister's feeling, because in Misaka's view, they were born for the purpose of experimenting, just to kill Accelerator.

Therefore, the doll showed a collapsed expression. She covered her face and made a sad voice: Why me? Why...

If she was just a doll created for this game, why give her a self? Why give her reason? Just to be more realistic, did you create a self that will definitely die?

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