The old voice echoed in my mind.

Most of the Shinigami were stunned at first, and then burst into uproar the next moment.

Rao, who was the captain, couldn't help but open his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Most of them did expect that the old stubborns in Room 46 of the Central Committee would get angry and get harsher punishments when something like this happened.

But they never imagined that this sentence would be so terrifying once it was handed down.

Yes, the God of Death, who had been waiting for a long time, came back to his senses and turned his eyes invariably, landing on the protruding mountain peak in the distance.

Here is the existence of double urgent punishment.

The two urgent blades hanging upside down and the cold light flowing around it make people feel breathtaking.

Just one look at it makes people feel their souls tingling.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, the people present would probably not believe it.

This small crime could actually send a god of death to his death.

It can be said that the punishment is no longer slightly increased.

I'm afraid it's a very, very severe punishment.

This can cost lives!


Renji Abarai's expression changed drastically and he turned around hurriedly.

However, when he saw Kuchiki Rukia, her face was already a little pale, she took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

His face had already become as pale as a sheet of paper, and the look he looked at Renji Abarai was filled with disbelief.

"Renji, please tell me that I heard wrong... I must have heard wrong. Central Room 46 must only intend to detain me for a few months, maybe a year or two..."

For Lucia, she originally hoped that Central Room 46 would be more open-minded so that the punishment could be shortened and the detention time could be shortened.

But now Lucia's only thought is to hope that the trial just now is fake.

I would rather the detention time be extended a little or two.

I don't want to hear such an extremely chilling answer.

"Rukia, don't be embarrassed!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at Byakuya Kuchiki who suddenly appeared at the gate of the first team building, Renji Abarai spoke first.

"Captain Kuchiki, you must not have pleaded with Rukia yet. The trial in Central Room 46 was simply too much..."

Before he finished speaking, Abarai Renji soon saw Kuchiki Byakuya's cold gaze, and the words that reached his mouth were suddenly stopped, and then he swallowed them back in his stomach.

As for the captain of the sixth division of the aristocratic team, the majesty exuded from his whole body obviously made Renji Abarai unable to utter a single word.

The only thing he could do now was to use his hopeful eyes to get Byakuya Kuchiki to intercede for Rukia Kuchiki.

However, as soon as this idea emerged in his mind, Kuchiki Byakuya's cold voice sounded again.

"You are the one who broke into this kind of thing, I will not plead for you, and facing the determined Central Room 46 this time, I believe no one can make them spare their efforts. What I can tell you now There’s only one.”

"Rukia's execution time will be set at noon three days later. I hope you can cherish the last time."

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic sound at this moment, directly hitting Kuchiki Rukia's soul.

For her, the double punishment was like a heavy blow.

Now a three-day deadline suddenly appeared.

For them, this is simply adding insult to injury.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, I'm afraid no one would want to believe that all this is true.

"Captain Kuchiki..."

Abarai Renji pursed his lips and spoke again.

However, when faced with Kuchiki Byakuya's extremely cold gaze.

The words that came to his lips were swallowed back again.

Byakuya Kuchiki spoke again coldly: "Don't have any delusions, this is the final verdict of Central Room 46."

"Unless someone dares to go against the entire Guard 13 Team and even the Jingling Court, absolutely no one can overturn this trial."

"It shouldn't be said that this trial cannot be overturned!"

He spoke categorically, and every word was like a heavy hammer, hitting Rukia Kuchiki's nerves and soul.

Her delicate body was trembling slightly as a ridiculous figure and thought flashed through her mind.

However, as soon as this thought flashed through her mind, Kuchiki Rukia suppressed it.

In her eyes, no matter how hard he tried, Shiba Kuroha was still the Shinigami of the 13th Guards.

Those are all my own fights.

But if he were to stand on the opposite side of Jinglingting.

It would be ridiculous to give up a great future for a woman.

At least, in the eyes of Kuchiki Rukia, even she wouldn't dare to do such a thing, let alone anyone else.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Kuchiki Rukia's mind, and she finally bit her lips and forced herself to be silent.

After Kuchiki Byakuya took one more look, he slowly left without saying anything.

"Let's go, it's getting late. Since you have been sentenced to Shuangji Prison, let Renji send you back to the Shuangji Cell to be temporarily detained."

As a god of death, once he is sentenced to double death, he will be punished.

Then what was waiting for her was no longer an ordinary cell, but a real torture chamber.

Once imprisoned, death awaits.

It can be said that this kind of waiting for death is more torture than ever.

Watching Kuchiki Byakuya leave, Renji Abarai hurriedly stepped forward to help Rukia.

"Rukia, don't despair. We can find Shiba Kuroba. Rumor has it that he is a confidant of Captain Yamamoto. He can definitely get Captain Yamamoto to speak up and negotiate with Central Room 46."

"Didn't that guy do a lot of things that are worthy of the death penalty? As long as we can invite him here, we will definitely be able to accomplish it..."

For Abarai Renji, after working hard for so long, he was finally able to climb to the position of deputy captain.

Although a large part of the reason for this position was that he was picked up from Shiba Kuroha.

But it was precisely because of this reason that he believed in Shiba Kuroba's ability even more.

"No need, didn't brother say that?"

Kuchiki Rukia shook her head with a pale face.

"This is the result of the trial of Central Room 46. Once anyone speaks out for me, the result will be confrontation with Central Room 46, and even the entire Jingling Court."

"That means that it is a grave sin to betray Soul Society. Who would be so stupid as to do it, not even Renji, let alone others!"

At the end of the sentence, Rukia deflated like a balloon.

After all, she knew clearly that there were some things she could do and some things she couldn't do.

At least, this matter is impossible.

Even the so-called childhood sweetheart has yet to respond.

Not to mention that cheap old doll.

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