Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 272 The Judgment of Room 46 of the Central Committee

"That rascal?"

Rukia was stunned for a moment.

The figure who took advantage of him all day flashed through his mind, and a glimmer of hope flashed deep in his eyes.

However, as soon as this glimmer of hope emerged, it quickly dimmed.

Finally, Lucia shook her head and said: "Renji, don't talk about this kind of thing. This time I have already embarrassed the Kuchiki family. If I find that guy again, I don't know whether he will take action."

"It will push the situation of the Kuchiki family into an even more critical moment."

"Moreover, Big Brother will only do it more difficult, and I believe Big Brother, maybe..."

"Will you plead for mercy?"

Renji Abarai couldn't help but speak.

But he quickly shook his head silently and said: "Lukia, I hope you don't have too high hopes."

"Now in the center is Room 46. The atmosphere it gives off is a bit cold."

"However, don't worry, I will ask Captain Kuchiki for more mercy. Although the punishment is unavoidable, there is at least a chance to reduce it."

"If you make more contributions in the future, you may be able to offset the punishment soon."

Speaking of this, Abarai Renji showed a hint of hesitation.

"What's more, that guy is missing in Hueco Mundo. The only thing we can do is to rely on ourselves."

After learning about this incident, Renji Abarai learned about Shiba Kuroba's disappearance.

"That guy is missing?"

Kuchiki Rukia's expression couldn't help but froze, and then she showed a helpless smile and said: "That guy is really unexpected all the time."

"However, with that guy's skills and temperament, I believe he will turn danger into good fortune."

"It's getting late. As for putting hope in that guy, we should fight for it ourselves. I will definitely fight for the opportunity to reduce the charge."

"And don't take me too seriously in that guy's heart."

"This incident is related to Central Room 46. Shiba Kuroba has been too troubled during this period."

"After those bad things happened, I don't believe that those old guys in Central Room 46 were not unhappy at all."

"If that guy intervenes forcefully, I'm afraid he will also be held accountable for the bad things he has done during this period."

"When that time comes, Shiba Kuroba will probably be punished even more than me. He might even be sent to the most terrifying Shuang Ji Xing. I will not plead for him."

Er Chang's words were mixed with a sense of ridicule.

After a pause, Lucia quickly regained her composure, smiled and patted Renji on the shoulder.

"Okay, Renji, it's getting late now. You'd better take us back to the temporary detention cell first. Don't worry, what I committed this time is just a minor crime. I will be able to fight for my release soon." .”

"You have the title of newly promoted vice-captain. Don't be kicked out of Room 46 of the Central Committee just because you chatted with me."

As she said that, Rukia took the lead and passed Renji Abarai.

Looking at this figure who was trying to relax, Renji Abarai was silent for a moment and then said.

"Rukia, don't worry. I believe Captain Kuchiki will try his best to fight for you. I will also work hard to get those old stubborns in Central Room 46 to exonerate you as soon as possible."

"Time does seem to be running out now, let's go!"

Renji Abarai quickly stepped forward.

This practice of the God of Death transferring power to ordinary people rarely happened in the long history.

But Abarai Renji believed that as long as he worked harder, he could still alleviate this problem.

However, this idea just flashed through Renji Abarai's mind.

A slight fluctuation of spiritual pressure directly connected with their consciousness space.

"This is the seventy-sixth heavenly trap of Binding Dao. Doesn't this usually appear when important matters and orders are announced?"

"It seems that it won't be related to Shiba Kuroba again."

During this period, Shiba Kuroba's ability to get things done gave Renji Abarai a headache.

Because of him, Ting Kongluo appeared more often than usual this day.

That's why he got it first.

Kuchiki Rukia's expression on the side was stagnant, but she clenched her fists subconsciously.

In her eyes, regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with her, she still subconsciously hopes that Shiba Kuroba, who disappeared in Hueco Mundo, can return safely.

"Don't worry, Lucia. You were forced to transfer the power of Death to ordinary people this time. I believe that Central Room 46 is a very enlightened existence. Captain Kuchiki is also interceding. I want to support him." At most, by being detained for a few days and then asking for some tasks, the crime and punishment can be eliminated..."

Renji Abarai saw the change in Rukia's expression and quickly spoke to comfort her.

But the words just came out of my mouth.

The next moment, the words that flashed through his mind made his nerves tighten.

"Everyone, I am the deputy captain of the 1st Division, Takuchojiro. This time, I am using Tenting's trap to contact everyone. There is only one thing, which is related to the seventh seat of the 13th Division, Kuchiki Rukia, secretly killing the Shinigami. Power, the judgment conveyed to the people of this world.”

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic at this moment, echoing in everyone's minds for a long time and unable to dissipate.

For Rukia Kuchiki and Renji Abarai, they felt even more caught off guard.

In their eyes, Kuchiki Rukia had just been escorted back from the real world, and her self-defense and court trial had not even begun.

Now a trial result suddenly appeared, which was undoubtedly beyond their cognition.

Facing this sudden judgment, Rukia Kuchiki obviously clenched her fists.

She knew clearly that this trial was not only related to her, but probably also had a lot to do with the Kuchiki family and even her eldest brother, Kuchiki Byakuya.

Now Rukia Kuchiki just hopes that Central Room 46 can be more open-minded like Abarai Renji said, so that her punishment can be less.

Chaotic thoughts flashed rapidly through their minds.

The next moment, the voice of Bird Chojiro sounded again.

"Now I will read out the results of the trial in Room 46 of the Central Committee."

"Rukia Kuchiki violated the highest prohibitions of the Central Forty-six Chambers in this world and passed on the power of the Death God to people in this world, triggering the highest punishment of the Central Forty-six Chambers."

"It also broke hundreds of years of regulations, so after discussion with all the people in the forty-sixth room of the central room."

"In order to show that we are listening correctly, all the Shinigami in the Guard 13 should take a warning, and at the same time, in view of Lucia's special identity."

"Because Rukia Kuchiki violated the highest prohibition, after discussion and deliberation in the Forty-sixth Central Office, it is now unanimously decided to sentence Rukia Kuchiki to double the severe punishment!"

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