Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 270 Two people put together are no match for one

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Amagai Suisuke's mind.

Without any time to think about it, he subconsciously looked behind him.

The first person to catch the eye was Shiba Kuroha who stepped out.

Looking at the distance of five to six hundred meters, Ambei Xiusuke quickly measured the time in his mind.

According to his calculations, it would take at least five breaths for Shiba Kuroba to catch up with him.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Amagai Suisuke's nerves were instantly pried, without any hint of fancy, he hurriedly turned back and looked ahead.

But it made his pupils shrink.

A trace of extremely dangerous aura sprouted in Amagai Suisuke's heart, and swept through his whole body in an instant.

At this moment, the thought of being killed countless times flashed through Amagai Susuke's mind.

The fear of death and the extreme desire to survive collided, and the body suddenly fell into rigidity, unable to move.

At this moment, Amagai Susuke had the idea of ​​shouting for help.

It's a pity that his throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and not even a whine could be heard.

The only thing he could do was to widen his eyes and watch the Zanpakutō move in Shiba Kuroba's hand.

There are no fighting skills or moves, only the most primitive chopping.

However, when this blow hit his eyes, it felt like the entire world was being crushed.

The huge spiritual pressure is simply suffocating.

"It's shameful to waste wine, damn it for damaging my wine!"

Simple words, mixed with an undoubted flavor, only added to the feeling of murderous intent.

Facing Shiba Kuroha with red eyes and expressionless face.

The only thing left in Amagai Susuke's mind was the thought of making his body move crazily.

When there was a slight reaction on the right hand.

Without any fancy words, he bit his tongue and with the help of the tingling feeling, the fear that shrouded his heart was instantly dispelled.

The next moment, when his body recovered its reaction, he quickly raised his Zanpakutō to block.


The huge spiritual pressure rushed towards me like a waterfall,

Scarlet blood flashed across Shiba Kuroha's pupils.

The Zanpakuto clenched tightly in his right hand suddenly increased its slashing momentum.

The space along the way not only feels like it is being crushed.

It also affected the whole world.

At this moment, it felt as if the world had turned into a sharp blade in Shiba Kuroha's hand.


The sonorous sound of metal clashing echoed between heaven and earth.

At the same time that sparks were flying like fireworks, Amagai Suisuke's pupils suddenly shrank, and an expression of disbelief appeared in his pupils.

Raising his hand, the Zanpakuto strengthened by the Tapir Yaotou was cut in two like paper.

While the cut blade was flying, the attack that was rapidly amplifying in the pupils fell with undiminished power.

Faced with this death-like attack, Amagai Suisuke's breathing came to a standstill in an instant.

Many thoughts of resistance flashed through my mind.

It's a pity that everything seems pale and powerless in the face of such a domineering and tyrannical attack.

Eventually it is lost in thought.


The ground shook violently, and the thousand-foot slash swallowed up Amagai Xiusuke in an instant.

The sand dunes that served as the battlefield were directly chopped open.

It quickly spreads at the end of the land as far as the eye can see.

For a moment, sandstorms and explosive air waves rose straight into the sky.

I don't know how long it took, but the shocking slash finally faded away in the world.

A slash mark extending at the end was the first to catch their eyes.

Like a towering giant using a huge giant blade to split the entire earth.

The breeze flows between heaven and earth.

Seeing this shocking scene, Achiukas, Grimmjow and others who had already fled far away felt dumbfounded.

What's more, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

In their eyes, anyone who stood in front of such a terrifying slash would be dead.

At least, they knew clearly that their bodies, under such a huge slash, were like ants in the clouds and mud.

At this moment, not only Ulquiorra, but also Balegang, and even Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou, their hearts were filled with chills.

"Captain Hitsugaya, I finally know that Captain Yamamoto has to wait for this drunkard to come back before he is willing to deal with Sosuke Aizen."

Broken Bee was the first to lose control of his airway.

"At least, the two of us combined, I'm afraid there won't be enough for him."

The voice was not loud, let alone Hitsugaya Toshiro, even the weak Bailegang couldn't help but swallow his saliva and nodded in agreement.

It can be said that this is also the first consensus reached between the God of Death and Hollow.

As for Amagai Susuke's fate, I'm afraid no one will doubt that he is still alive.

"That bastard actually hurt my last bottle of wine. I have to chop him to death."

After Shiba Kuroba became drunk, the scarlet in his eyes finally faded away.

He grabbed the Wine of the False God around his waist with his backhand and poured it into his mouth again.

The originally angry state of mind gradually eased under the wash of wine.

In the end, the violent spiritual pressure that penetrated the body and the half-bull-headed posture gradually faded and disappeared from the body surface.

What made Baile Gang and others feel most fortunate was that the suppression from the bloodline was gone in an instant.

"Dingdang, congratulations to the host for obtaining the complete virtual body!"

The system's ethereal prompt sounded again.

If Shiba Kuroba knew, the long-awaited method finally appeared.

His confidence in dealing with Sosuke Aizen has undoubtedly increased by a few points.

At least, after possessing the complete Hollow Body, Shiba Kuroha's method of dealing with Sosuke Aizen will be more complete and more reliable.

As the battle came to an end, Shiba Kuroba gradually drank up the drink in his hand.

When the snoring sounded, everyone's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou are no exception.

They swore that if they met Shiba Kuroba drinking in the future, they would never dare to make a mistake.

Otherwise, another rampage might be enough to make them walk away without food.

However, what Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou were most concerned about now was how to get Hueco Mundo's core combat power to look away from them.

The life and death of the only enemy, Amagai Suisuke, was uncertain, and the only thing that allowed the Shinigami, who had been opposed since ancient times, to rise to the level of the enemy.

If this matter is not clarified, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou will know it clearly. '

I'm afraid it will be too difficult for them to escape here intact.

"Ding ding ding, urgent message!"

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