
Golden spiritual pressure exploded like a tide.

It turns into a chain that runs through heaven and earth.

The huge battlefield was instantly enveloped by an inexplicable depressing aura.

Yachukas in the field was trembling all over.

Looking at Shiba Kuroha, whose whole body was shrouded in golden light, even those who were not strong enough couldn't help but kneel to the ground with a thud.

This comes from the suppression of blood and soul.

It is the purest fear from the bottom of my heart.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it doesn't matter if it's Hollow or the God of Death.

I absolutely don’t want to believe that the scene in front of me is real.

Yachukas, who was born with spiritual intelligence, was actually convinced by the fear coming from his bloodline.

There is only one reason for this!

It is the virtual source power exuded by Shiba Kuroha. Its purity is far beyond the comparison of Vastod, an Arrancar like Bailegang.

what on earth is it?

The suspicious years appeared in their minds, and they looked at Shiba Kuroha, whose eyes were red and seemed to be in a state of madness.

Whether it was Harribel, Balegang, or Hitsugaya Toshiro, they couldn't help but take a few steps back and directly distanced themselves.

Normally, the drunk Shiba Kuroba would have made them feel numb.

The current situation is obviously not right.

If he really goes berserk, no one knows what Shiba Kuroha will become.

"Ding Dong, the host's anger value has reached the limit. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the black void state..."

"Ding Dong... the host's anger level has exceeded the sky. Congratulations to the host for achieving a semi-complete state."

"Ding Dong... Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the complete body of virtualization (temporary)"

The system's ethereal prompts sounded one after another.

However, Shiba Kuroha, who was in a violent state, obviously didn't care.


It should be said that under the craze for wine, the only thing left in Shiba Kuroba's mind now is the resentment from a drop of wine.

"Haha, a drop of wine can make you fall into a rage that loses your temper. It seems that you, a brat, really can't stand on the stage."

"I don't know why I can't break through your defense, but you think you can defeat me with your drunken state and the loss of your Zanpakutō. That's a big mistake!"

Amagai Susuke licked his dry lips and said.

"Originally, I was still thinking about what means I would use to escape from here, but now you have given me hope!"

Thunder Flame Bullet!

The huge blade in his hand was suddenly shaken.

The blazing fireballs shot towards Shiba Kuroha like a barrage of cannonballs.

At the same time, the Zanpakutō in Amagai's assistant once again erupted with blazing heat, and the next moment it stomped down to the ground without any trace of fancy.

"Hangyan Dragon Fang Flame!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Pillars of flames penetrated the earth again, while blazing flames surged out.

It turned into a huge flame formation and rolled towards Shiba Kuroha again.

The two major moves were launched at the same time, which undoubtedly made the battlefield become more powerful in an instant.

"Kid, I just want to see if you still have the strength to take my move."

Amagai Susuke roared and took a sudden step forward.

What he most urgently needs now is to force out Shiba Kuroba's flaws.

Only by doing this can he find a chance of survival.

However, facing all this, Shiba Kuroba raised his head suddenly with red eyes.

A pair of eyes were locked tightly on Amagai Xiusuke's body.


The vibrations in the air surged like a tidal wave, and the terrifying spiritual pressure exploded in Shiba Kuroha's body.

He took out the Zanpakutō from his waist with his backhand, and a fierce aura filled the air.

Seeing this scene, Ambei Xiusuke's eyes couldn't help but light up.

He laughed ferociously and said: "Kid, it seems that you are really drunk. You clearly know that in the realm of my Zanpakutō, the power of the Shinigami that you believe in will not be able to be released."

"To pull out the Zanpakutō now is just like drinking and losing your mind."

"Since you are so stupid, just go to hell."

After the words fell, Ambei Xiuzhu suddenly grabbed his right hand from the air.

The speed of the lasing attack suddenly increased.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared directly in front of Shiba Kuroha.

However, in the face of all this, Shiba Kuroba seemed completely unaware and uttered two cold words in his mouth.



The jet-black mask instantly covered Shiba Kuroha's face.

The huge spiritual pressure exploded once again.

The oncoming attack seemed to be unable to withstand the spiritual pressure and exploded into pieces.

Accompanied by the spiritual pressure and the strong wind, it turned into flames that spread across the sky and the earth.

Endless black rain fell from the sky.

Purple-black arcs of electricity quickly traveled across the sky.

The disembodied mask quickly spread to the left side of Shiba Kuroha's body in full view of everyone.

Wait for everyone to react.

Shiba Kuroha, it seems to people now, that he has transformed into a black half-cow head posture.

The terrifying spiritual pressure emitted caused strong winds throughout the entire world, giving people the feeling that black clouds were crushing the city.

Yachukas, who had barely adapted to the suppression of this huge bloodline, barely stood up.

Another bang, and he fell to his knees heavily.

The huge impact made two deep pits kneel out of the sand dunes. Looking at Shiba Kuroha, his lips and body were trembling.

Even Bailegang and other top leaders Daxu were filled with lingering fears.

Even though Amagai Suisuke was rushing toward him, his steps suddenly stopped.

In their eyes, the Shiba Kuroha in front of them felt like he could no longer be regarded as a Shinigami at all.

It gives people the illusion of being alive and well.

Is this his second power?

Before he had time to think about it, a trace of determination flashed across Amagai Susuke's face.

He pulled away and quickly retreated.



Amagai Susuke's movement speed suddenly increased to the extreme.

At this moment, he simply used his strength and potential to the extreme.

Only in this way can Ambei Xiusuke feel a sense of security.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Amagai Suisuke's mind.

Without any time to think about it, he subconsciously looked behind him.

The first person to catch the eye was Shiba Kuroha who stepped out.

Looking at the distance of five to six hundred meters, Ambei Xiusuke quickly measured the time in his mind.

According to his calculations, it would take at least five breaths for Shiba Kuroba to catch up with him.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Amagai Suisuke's nerves were instantly pried, without any hint of fancy, he hurriedly turned back and looked ahead.

But it made his pupils shrink.

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