Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 267 The existence of breaking the ceiling

After landing dozens of meters away, he quickly swung his knife to cut off the corner of his body that was stained by the black mist.

Looking at the corners of the clothes that fell to the ground, they rotted and decayed, and finally turned into ashes.

Amagai Susuke's face was extremely gloomy.

Especially when he saw Kifune, whom he had worked so hard to support, being knocked down immediately by someone looking at him.

For him, this made his heart bleed.

When I thought about it, my carefully planned plan actually fell apart at a critical moment.

Ambei Xiuzhu was the first to lose his composure and said coldly: "Okay, you're such a good Balegang, are you planning to do this to me too?"

"But don't forget, they don't dare to take action at will, but it has something to do with me."

"If you don't block their Zanpakutō without me, you're going to kill us all. I'm afraid you're joking."

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou were also confused.

It seemed that cooperation should have been successfully reached, but at this juncture, internal strife broke out.

This result caught people off guard.

However, now at least he can save his life.

They were happy to see this kind of internal strife.

At least, the bigger things get, the greater their chances of survival will be.

"Hiccup, what are you making a noise about? Are you still letting people sleep?"

Shiba Kuroba rubbed his eyes, and in full view of everyone, he walked to the side of Bailegang with staggering steps, raised his hand and patted its shoulder.

"Mascot, why are you here? What happened just now?"

The small voice, at this moment, seemed to be filled with magic sound, echoing between heaven and earth, and could not be dissipated for a long time.

Looking at Shiba Kuroba, he patted the shoulder of the dignified King of Hueco Mundo and exchanged greetings like a buddy.

There is also a so-called mascot title.

When I think of the scene where Kibune was killed by rapid aging just now.

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou's nerves were suddenly stretched to the extreme.

With his eyes fixed on Shiba Kuroha, he was always worried that Bailegang would lose his temper and directly burst out the black mist, killing Shiba Kuroha instantly.

Not far away, there was also rare hope on the face of Amagai Xiusuke.

However, as soon as this glimmer of hope appeared on his face, the next scene that came into view made Amagai Suisuke's expression stiffen.

The pupils shrank to the extreme.

I saw Baile Gang. After his cheek muscles twitched several times, he took a long and deep breath before completely suppressing his mood.

"Master Kuroba, the mascot's rescue came late, I hope you won't blame me."

"As for this low-life traitor, leave it to me to deal with it."

As he said that, Bailegang walked out of the crowd.

Seeing the self-proclaimed mascot, everyone present looked confused.

Rao is Harribel, Grimmjow and others.

I also have the urge to ask Bailegang where his moral integrity and bottom line are.

The majestic King of Hueco Mundo suddenly lowered his status to that of a mascot.

This gap is a bit too big.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it was true.

"Bailegan, this joke is not funny."

Amagai Susuke roared anxiously.

Looking at a god of death, a king of Hueco Mundo, it was supposed that as soon as they met, they would encounter a life-and-death existence.

Now this is the ending.

Amagai Susuke couldn't accept it.

"Hiccup, what's the point of joking? Can joking be better than wine?"

Shiba Kuroba burped and took out a crystal blue wine bottle.

Seeing this scene, Baile Gang waited for the void, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

They could still remember the magical Arrancar-like scene just a moment ago.

The key to all this was the wine brewed from the pot.

Now Shiba Kuroba suddenly took out a new bottle of crystal blue wine.

This undoubtedly stirred up all their weak nerves.

Especially Grimmjow, who had been thinking about a breakthrough, almost drooled.

His intuition told him that this bottle of wine was definitely related to his Arrancar.


The cork of the wine was pulled open in response, and the intoxicating aroma of wine dispersed with the wind.

The entire basin was instantly enveloped.

The strange fragrance, at this moment, seemed to turn into an invisible heavy hammer, hitting the depths of people's souls.

The Kyon present, as well as Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou, couldn't help but take a deep breath.


A crisp cracking sound came from Grimmjow's cheek without any warning.

A slight crack spread quickly, causing the expressions of Xu present to be greatly shocked.

Especially Bailegang, who was closest to Shiba Kuroha, was trembling with fat all over his body.

In his eyes, this kind of wine was nothing compared to the wine he greedily grabbed and mixed.

His intuition told him that as long as he could take a sip, he would definitely experience a qualitative change in himself.

However, this thought just flashed through Bailegang's mind. When he saw the person holding the wine bottle, that fantasy seemed to have been poured cold water on him.

It was gone in an instant.


Shiba Kuroba didn't notice the outside gaze or the changes in the situation. Now, all he could see in his eyes was the wine in his hand.

Especially attracted by the aroma of the wine, Shiba Kuroha poured the wine into his mouth without any pause.

As the drink entered his mouth, Shiba Kuroba felt a roar in his mind.

The empty power in the body has undergone qualitative changes.

Only then can one feel the coercion of being a Hollow, which belongs to the Hollow, sincerely generated in Shiba Kuroha's body.

It was as if it had become an invisible big hand, forcibly squeezing all the hearts of Xu.

Even an Arrancar like Balegang, who had transformed from the peak of Vastod, felt the urge to kneel down and worship.

This comes from the suppression of blood.

For the hierarchical Hueco Mundo.

This undoubtedly subverted their cognition.

At least, in their eyes, Vastod was the strongest being.

Bailegang, who has broken through to the level of Dao Arrancar, is the ceiling of the pinnacle.

However, the slight changes in Shiba Kuroha's aura now have become like breaking through the ceiling.

"There is a flaw!"

Amagai Xiusuke, who had been paying attention to the changes in the field, suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his pupils.

The energy that was tightly locked on his body shifted in an instant, allowing Amagai Susuke to catch a glimmer of a turning point.

The huge Zanpakuto clenched tightly in his hand, without any hint of fancy, suddenly hit the ground hard.

"Go to hell!"

"Hangyan Dragon Fang Flame!"


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