Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 266: Get ruthless and stab yourself with a knife

"Baile Gang, let's cooperate!"

A small voice sounded suddenly, and the words contained a hint of temptation.

Seeing Susuke Amagai suddenly expressing his stance, the expressions of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou suddenly changed dramatically.

"Amagai Shusuke, you are simply crazy. You dare to join forces with Kyon. Are you not worried that Captain Yamamoto will know about this?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's face darkened and he was the first to shout angrily.

"Don't forget, our mission this time was personally assigned by Captain Yamamoto. If there is no regular report after the time, Captain Yamamoto will definitely investigate thoroughly, and you will not be able to get away by then."

This time Hitsugaya Toshiro came to rescue his childhood sweetheart, and he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

If the swastika hadn't been sealed, he might have already taken action and tore apart Tianbei Xiu's assistant.

They never thought that as the captain of the Hueco Mundo Expedition, Amagai Susuke would rebel at such a juncture.

He secretly felt the unresponsive Zanpakutō in his hand.

Hitsugaya Toshiro subconsciously looked at Shiba Kuroha behind him.

It was just that thunderous snoring that instantly turned black on his face.

I thought I could find a turning point in Shiba Kuroba.

Now it seems that all this is nonsense.

"You want to cooperate with me?"

Bailegang showed a sadistic smile and walked out slowly.

The expression of Xu Xu who was present suddenly changed drastically.

Grimmjow couldn't hold back his anger and hurriedly planned to step forward.

"Let him be!"

Harribel reached out and stopped Grimmjow directly.


Grimmjow suddenly became anxious, but looking at the silence of the others, he could only snort and retreat angrily.

For people like Grimmjow who pursue the ultimate power.

Now it is rare to encounter a breakthrough opportunity, if he is allowed to watch Shiba Kuroba being obliterated.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.

"Grimmjow, are you crazy? Do you think Lord Kuroba will fail?"

Sun Sun lowered his voice and glared directly.

"Don't forget why we followed him..."

Grimmjow was stunned for a moment, and he immediately thought of the clue.

Looking at Bailegang who quickly landed beside Tianbei Xiuzhu, his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

"Baile Gang, I didn't expect that you would be able to recover all these thorns during this period of time, and the changes that have taken place on your body are simply amazing."

The smile on Amagai Susuke's face became even bigger.

"However, if our cooperation is successful this time, the next counterattack against Jinglingting and the Guarding Team 13 will be the greatest masterpiece. You will also understand that this cooperation is very wise."

"Now I have blocked the power of the swastika from all of them, including that arrogant brat."

"For you, if you want to deal with several broken-winged gods of death, you should be able to do it at your fingertips!"

In the eyes of Amagai Shusuke, his plan has not yet reached the critical stage.

If he takes action personally, it may cause flaws in his plan.

But for Bailegang to take action, even Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni personally traced it and got to the source.

Then all the unfavorable evidence will also fall on Bailegang.

What's more, two Shinigami captains fell into the hands of a King of Hueco Mundo because of an arrogant person.

And it’s an extremely luxurious lineup.

This result is irrefutable.

"Captain Ambei, your invitation to cooperate is really tempting."

Bailegang showed a cruel smile, and his gloomy eyes swept over Shiba Kuroha's body.

This scene made Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaihou's nerves tense to the extreme.

Just now they had tried again and again to activate the Zanpakutō.

Unfortunately, all actions seemed in vain due to Amagai Suisuke's inexplicable methods.

If Bailegang is successfully persuaded by Ambei Susuke again.

Then, this place will indeed become their burial place.

"Damn Shiba Kuroba, can't you wake up? This is a time of life and death, and we really can't let people worry."

The teeth of the broken bee bite lightly. She and Toshiro Hitsugaya ran to a place like this, all because of Shiba Kuroha.

Now not only has no one been saved, but he himself has been buried here.

That is simply losing his wife and losing his troops.

"Haha, this guy is indeed troublesome, but it is precisely because of this reason that I have the opportunity to take advantage of him."

Bailegang smiled ferociously, and the black mist wrapped around his right hand was discharged directly without any trace of fancy.


The air is tearing, and the black mist is rolling back.

Seeing the sudden blow from Baile Gang, everyone present was startled at first.

The next moment, the pupils of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zuihou suddenly shrank.


It should be said that even Amagai Suosuke and Kibuneri were confused.

Bailegang suddenly attacked, but the target of his attack was not Shiba Kuroba and Hitsugaya Toshiro.

Instead, he patted Amagai Xiusuke with a resolute gesture.

"Bailegan, you are crazy!"

Ambei Xiuzhu roared urgently.

Unfortunately, at such a close distance, there is no way to hide.

The only thing he could do was to casually explore, grab Kibuneri who was standing behind him, and send him in front of him.


Black mist instantly enveloped your ship.

The violent scene made it impossible for him to recover.

Kifune never thought that as a confidant, he would stab himself in the back when Amagai Suisuke became ruthless.

"Captain Amagai, you betrayed me."

Kifune struggled and roared.

Unfortunately, facing the black mist that quickly spread throughout his body, there was no way to hide.

The only thing he could do was to watch helplessly as his body shriveled up quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a mummy-like posture.

The next moment, with the breeze blowing, it was directly annihilated into ashes and scattered between the sky and the earth.

Taking advantage of this chance to breathe, Amagai Suisuke quickly withdrew and retreated.

After landing dozens of meters away, he quickly swung his knife to cut off the corner of his body that was stained by the black mist.

Looking at the corners of the clothes that fell to the ground, they rotted and decayed, and finally turned into ashes.

Amagai Susuke's face was extremely gloomy.

Especially when he saw Kifune, whom he had worked so hard to support, being knocked down immediately by someone looking at him.

For him, this made his heart bleed.

When I thought about it, my carefully planned plan actually fell apart at a critical moment.

Ambei Xiuzhu was the first to lose his composure and said coldly: "Okay, you're such a good Balegang, are you planning to do this to me too?"

"But don't forget, they don't dare to take action at will, but it has something to do with me."

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