Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 261 The troublesome disaster body is triggered

Seeing that Achiukas, who was not hit in the first place, was killed instantly, Kifuri's expression changed.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's voice sounded first.

"Captain Shattering Bee's two-hit kill is indeed extremely powerful. This time it opened my eyes."

Among the Thirteen Eye Protection Teams, each team has different tasks and responsibilities.

Moreover, in the past hundred years, there have been very few things that have allowed various teams to join forces.

It is precisely for this reason that although they are both captains, most of the strength of both sides is still heard through hearsay.

Especially the underachievers like Toshiro Hitsugaya.

I have never seen Broken Bee take action.

"Captain Hitsugaya is indeed known as the owner of the strongest Zanpakutō after Captain Yamamoto. The outward release of spiritual pressure alone is already daunting."

Broken Bee solved Shijie and replied in a nonchalant manner.

However, after saying these words, his brows obviously couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

After all, there is now a monster-like Shiba Kuroha in the Serenity Courtyard, and that guy is indeed always drunk and causing trouble.

However, during this period, regardless of the talent or strength he showed, he even had three Zanpakutō.

One of them was confirmed to be the strongest Zanpakutō with dark attributes.

Not to mention the other two Zanpakutos that are just like accessories.

However, by the way, Shiba Kuroba rarely uses these two Zanpakutō, and they don't know the pros and cons.

We really have to discuss whether these two Zanpakutos also have extraordinary combat power.

Or another way of saying it.

However, Zhifeng can be sure that among the Thirteen Guardsmen, the one who is most likely to be second only to Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who is known as the strongest Shinigami.

I'm afraid it's Kuroha Shiba, not Toshiro Hitsugaya.

A glint flashed in the depths of Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes. He was not a stupid person. Of course he knew what Suihou had been thinking in his mind just now.

However, face this almost established fact.

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't make any rebuttal. The best thing he could do now was to find Shiba Kuroba as soon as possible and bring this troublesome guy back to the 13th Guards Team.

Then he disintegrated Aizen Sosuke's brainwashing of Hinata Mori and restored his childhood sweetheart.

"Captain Shattering Bee, you deserve the award. This title should be reserved for that troublesome body!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro replied calmly.

"Trouble with the Calamity Body?"

Broken Bee was startled for a moment, not expecting Toshiro Hitsugaya to be so interested.

However, in the face of this title, Broken Bee still nodded in agreement: "Hisugaya Toshiro's evaluation is indeed correct. With that guy's troublesome disaster body, Hueco Mundo should not be left deserted."

As someone who had fought against Shiba Kuroba, and because she was imprisoning this troublesome calamity body, her second division team building was also overturned.

This troublesome and calamitous body is something Sui Feng understands deeply.

"The battle between the two captains just now was really outstanding. This one-hit kill method opened my eyes even more."

Kifuri raised his hand to press his glasses and said with a smile.

"I believe that bastard Shiba Kuroha cannot achieve this kind of style."

"However. We have been looking for him all day and there is still no whereabouts of him. Could it be that the information given by Captain Yamamoto is wrong?"

"That guy has been missing for a while. Could it be that he couldn't even make any movement? He was already drunk in the desert and was swallowed up by those voids."

As a chess piece of Amagai Suosuke, Kifune knew exactly what Amagai Suosuke's plan was.

It's been a day now. If we continue to delay, I'm afraid things will change.

"Let Xu swallow it?"

Broken Bee's expression darkened, and he quickly shook his head.

When he was imprisoned in the Second Division, Zaihou clearly saw that Shiba Kuroba started fighting when he was drunk, but it was more violent than when he was sober.

If Shiba Kuroba was drunk, he would be overcast.

Broken Bee was the first one not to believe it.

"Captain Broken Bee, don't you believe it?"

Riko Kibune replied with a smile.

"Hueco Mundo is not as peaceful as everyone imagined. The Xuong you just eliminated is indeed an upper-middle-level Achiukas."

"However, its strength is at the beginning level among Yachucas."

"If Achiukas is truly at the peak level, his strength is such that even Captain Amagai would find it difficult and it would take a lot of effort to solve it."

"On top of Achukas, there is also Vastod. There are not many of those beings in Hueco Mundo, but in a real fight, they are enough to be on par with the captain, and even more likely to overwhelm him, especially Which King of Hueco Mundo, no exception."

"That arrogant person is very strong, but if he encounters someone of that level, he's probably already dead."

"What's more, he has been missing for so many days. I think the chance of survival is very slim."

"Perhaps, it has become a pile of bones somewhere..."

Looking at Kifune with a sneer on his face, Zaihou frowned slightly. For her, Shiba Kuroha was the only person in the Seiling Court who was currently connected with Kaede Yoichi of the Fourth Courtyard.

She is tsundere, but that doesn't mean she has truly put down this idol.

What's more, now that the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes of Aizen Sosuke has been revealed, Feng Ye and others from the Fourth Courtyard have already been rehabilitated.

Next, she can also meet Siyuan Feng Yeyi openly.

She didn't want Shiba Kuroba, who was the only hub, to burp at this juncture.

"Well, anyway, it's only been a day, and it's still unknown whether that guy is still alive."

Broken Bee withdrew his gaze and spoke again calmly.

"There's no movement yet. Maybe it's just that his troublesome disaster body hasn't been triggered. Let's look deeper and find something. Maybe we can gain something!"

In the face of Kibuneri's resentment towards Shiba Kuroba, Zaihou clearly blames his troublesome Calamity Body.

After all, on the first day we arrived at the expeditionary force stronghold, we almost overturned it.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Haha, since Captain Broken Bee is so insistent, then I'll see if the so-called Trouble Disaster Body is really that magical..."

Kifuri raised his head and adjusted his glasses, laughed lightly, and was about to raise his head and continue leading the way.

After all, for him, if Shiba Kuroba dies, then the next plan will be smoother.

However, as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the next moment a terrifying wave of air that was so huge that it was difficult to describe rolled back in the distance.

The sudden big movement made a ridiculous thought flash through his mind.

Is the Trouble Calamity Body triggered?

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