Rumble, rumble!

Boxes filled the sky, rushing towards the battlefield below like a storm.

Along the way, ripples in space surged, rolling back like a hurricane.

Some weak points were directly shattered by the fist shadows all over the sky.

The rolling waves directly penetrated the space, causing the fist to chase the Arrancar below as fast as thunder.

Facing this overwhelming offensive, the Arrancars that had been gathered by Nnoitra.

They were already terrified, and they all activated the spiritual power in their bodies to the extreme, and used the strongest means to return the sword.

The intention is to use this to save a glimmer of hope.

As the leader, Nnoitra went crazy and broke through the spiritual pressure step by step.

After all, as an Arrancar, Nnoitra had just mastered the Gui Ren, and it was obvious that he had not yet reached the level of proficiency.

But faced with a life-and-death moment, Nnoitra clearly broke through his own strength and boundaries step by step.

The spiritual pressure that originally enveloped the body surface quickly bloomed with dazzling golden light among the blue.

His whole body exuded a strong and unrivaled sense of defense.

It gives people a feeling of invincibility.

"You bastard brat, I don't believe you can kill me. With my current steel skin, I can definitely become the strongest in Hueco Mundo!"

Nnoitra roared with a twisted expression.

The dormant spiritual power within his body exploded like a frenzy.

Facing the oncoming attack, he advanced instead of retreating, rushing towards King Fudo.

"Hiccup, is this a scarab beetle? If you can't smash it, just chop it!"

Shiba Kuroba was drunk and burped after drinking.

The clasped hands suddenly stood up and thrust forward.

Implicated by Kuroba's actions, Fudo Meio instantly turned from laughter to sadness.

The heavy punch he swung directly turned into a palm knife, and the powerful punch turned into an unparalleled sharp sword in the blink of an eye.

The space that was originally under the powerful fist was already overwhelmed.

Under the palm knives that filled the sky, he was torn into pieces in an instant.

Faced with the sudden change of tactics, Nnoitra's expression froze for a moment.

The next moment, it was obviously too late.

Bang bang bang bang!

The palm knives all over the sky, like afterimages, crashed into Nnoitra's body in an instant.

The huge group of swords directly penetrated the ruins.

Nellie was waiting in the distance, but she could only vaguely see Nnoitra's body, and the first blood arrow spattered out, and she finally came to her senses.

The entire world has long been submerged by billowing sand and dust.

This huge momentum can be heard even from dozens of kilometers away.

The huge spiritual pressure emitted caused those low-ranking Hollows to flee one after another.

That gesture seemed to be trying to escape from this terrifying place.


Ayachukas, in the form of a giant python, let out a hysterical roar.

The huge tail turned into whip shadows and suddenly whipped towards the three figures in front of them.

In an instant, whip shadows all over the sky gathered, and the sound of sonic booms was simply endless.

"Birds of icicles!"

A cold drink suddenly sounded.

The little man in the white captain's uniform took the lead.

The Zanpakutō in his hand instantly burst out with powerful spiritual pressure, a biting cold air, and even the air felt like ice crystal fragments.

Facing the sweeping whip shadow, there was no showiness whatsoever, and it was struck head-on.


The biting cold wind was blowing back, and the blast of air caused Kifune, who was not far away, to be forced back more than ten meters.

Watching Hitsugaya Toshiro take action, a trace of lividness appeared on his face.

Originally, in his eyes, Hitsugaya Toshiro was the noble captain.

However, he is young and has little qualifications, but it is only right that he shows up here.

Therefore, Kifune has always believed that his efforts can bring him closer to such a young genius.

Unfortunately, the emergence of Shiba Kuroba made Kibuneri feel like a disastrous defeat for the first time.

Now I originally planned to find some presence in Hitsugaya Toshiro.

He didn't expect that the fluctuation of the other party's spiritual pressure alone would make him unable to face it directly.

This huge gap in psychological expectations undoubtedly made Kibune feel unacceptable.

When he thought of this, Kifuri tightened his grip on his Zanpakutō, subconsciously tightening it.

After a ferocious light flashed through his pupils, he subconsciously licked his dry lips, revealing a cruel look on his face.

Thinking of Amagai Shusuke's plan, Kifune suddenly felt an inexplicable expectation.


The dust was rolling back all over the sky, and the biting cold wind caused the already low temperature to drop sharply again.

After allowing Kifuri to see the battlefield clearly, the tail of the giant python Achiukas that was originally attacking was frozen in place as it was waving as a weapon.

No matter how hard it struggled, that half of its body felt like it was being crushed by a heavy mountain, and it was unable to move.

"Captain Broken Bee, I leave it to you!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes flashed, and he sheathed his Zanpakutō with his backhand.

He is different from other captains because he has had spiritual pressure that is so powerful that it exceeds his own since he was a child.

Once fighting, it will be released irrepressibly.

If the spiritual pressure is allowed to leak out for a long time, even his own body will be unable to bear it.

Ultimately it hurts the roots.

This allowed Hitsugaya Toshiro to settle every battle quickly.

Otherwise, once we fall into a war of attrition, I am afraid that the first person to lose will be Toshiro Hitsugaya.


Broken Bee replied coldly.

In fact, she had been waiting for Achiukas to reveal her weakness.

However, Hitsugaya Toshiro now blocked Achiukas to death as soon as he took action.

This undoubtedly saved her a lot of effort.

With a sudden step, the whole person disappeared into thin air like a ghost.

Achiukas, who was struggling hard, suddenly raised his head and let out a roar as if he was sensing something.

Beneath the bluffing mouth, dazzling spiritual power was compressed and condensed crazily.

Astonishingly, it was their best killing move, the false flash.

Unfortunately, as soon as the blow came out, a petite figure appeared on its chin.

"It's too late, two hits will kill!"

Broken Bee spoke indifferently, and the bird peak in his hand, without any hint of fancy, penetrated directly through Achiukas' body.

When she appeared behind Yachukas, two strange patterns bloomed one behind the other on its body.


Yachukas let out a hysterical roar.

Unfortunately, before it and Kifuri could react, the huge python's body suddenly cracked like a spider web.

The next moment, it exploded into pieces and turned into fragments of flesh and blood scattered across the desert.

The strange scene made Kifuri look stiff.

Just now, he had widened his eyes as he watched the Zombie Bee's attack.

The speed of this instantaneous body is fast, but the place where it hits is too high for a Hollow of Achiukas' level.

It should not be fatal...

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