Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 237 The plan finally begins

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Aizen Sosuke's expressions changed slightly.

Soon he saw Kyōraku Shunsui wearing a floral blouse and bamboo hat walking outside the door.

Seeing the entangled postures of the two, Kyōraku Shunsui showed a hint of surprise and couldn't help but laugh and said: "Captain Hitsugaya, you are not jealous again, just take action against Captain Aizen."

"If this kind of thing gets back to Captain Yamamoto, you two will inevitably be punished."

"Why don't you stop quickly..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly came to his senses and quickly broke away from Aizen Sosuke's hand and said.

"Captain Kyōband, I just happened to hear a huge explosion in Captain Aizen's team building. I was worried whether it was related to the false attack not long ago, so I planned to inform Captain Yamamoto. "

In the eyes of Hitsugaya Toshiro.

Aizen Sosuke made him dare not act rashly.

But now Kyoraku Shunsui happened to visit.

In a two-on-one situation.

Hitsugaya Toshiro believes that ensuring Hinamori's safety is not a problem.

As for whether the mastermind behind the scenes is related to Sosuke Aizen.

After subduing him, he can be interrogated slowly.

The most important thing is that if this incident can be passed and suppressed, Aizen Sosuke's image in Hinamomori's heart.

This is also a very good method.

Aizen Sosuke's expression could not help but darken slightly.

Of course he knew the magnitude of the impact that had just occurred in the black cavity.

However, in order to avoid the clues being discovered by Hinatamori who came over.

Aizen Sosuke hurriedly used the barrier technique to block the spiritual impact.

At the same time, it also used the Mirror Flowers and Water Moon to hypnotize everyone who set foot in this area.

Create a small illusion of explosion.

Originally, in the eyes of Aizen Soyousuke, it was not difficult for these cover-up methods to fool a silly Baitian who had already been brainwashed.

He never expected that Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was always targeting him and being meticulous, would come to the fifth division as a guest.

As long as you observe carefully, you will definitely find that the size of the explosion traces is inconsistent with the momentum of the explosion just now.

This is exactly the flaw Aizen Sosuke rarely showed this time.

certainly. This does not mean that Aizen Soyousuke is not cautious enough.

It's just that he originally thought that sending Ichimaru Gin to assassinate Shiba Kuroba would be a sure thing.

I never expected that after the black cavity was opened, such a scene would be revealed.

It was precisely because of this miscalculation that Aizen Sosuke made one step wrong and every step wrong.

"Haha, Captain Hitsugaya, this is the fifth division. I think Captain Aizen should be focusing on honing his skills, so the movement is a little louder."

Jingraku Shunsui raised his head and took a sip of wine before saying.

"Look at the team buildings over there. They are all intact. Something can happen."

"You kid, aren't you jealous all of a sudden?"

"Yes, Hitsugaya, did you go out of your way to embarrass Captain Aizen? Apologize quickly, otherwise I won't let you come next time!"

Hinatamori came back to her senses and said angrily.

Seeing this scene, Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't help but want to shout.

The old man is heartbroken!

The most painful thing in the world is to look at your childhood sweetheart and care about another person.

"Hinaotao, I didn't mean that..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro opened his mouth hurriedly.

Unfortunately, before he could speak, his expression froze, and he immediately felt as if his soul had been electrocuted.

Everyone else present was no exception, and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

"This is the seventy-sixth heavenly trap of the Binding Dao. What emergency happened to require such a method?"

Hinatamori was the first to lose his temper.

"Isn't it related to that arrogant person again?"

"It would be great if he had an accident in Hueco Mundo and couldn't come back..."

All along, in the 13th Guards Team, only urgent orders and major events would be reported through the Tianting Net.

"Hina Tao, please be patient. You will soon know what happened."

A glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Aizen Sosuke's eyes.

Various possible things that could happen flashed through my mind.

Hinamomori also quickly noticed that what she just said was inappropriate for the occasion, and secretly glanced at Kyoraku Shunsui.

I found that he was looking at the sky solemnly, as if he didn't care, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Hinatamori clearly remembered that the captain in front of him was also an alcoholic who gave in to others.

"Everyone, I am the deputy captain of the First Division, Takuchojiro!"

"This time I have taken the liberty to use the Tianting Snare to connect with everyone spiritually, because unexpected events have occurred in this world."

"The Thirteenth Division, the seven seats stationed in the present world, Kuchiki Rukia lost contact with the Technology Development Bureau after being attacked by a Hollow."

"Due to the urgency of the matter, we need to immediately dispatch manpower to the present world for investigation. We must thoroughly investigate the root cause of this matter."

"As for Kuchiki Rukia's spiritual pressure, it has been extinguished under the monitoring of the Technology Development Bureau. There are only two possibilities for this kind of thing."

"The first is that Rukia Kuchiki has been killed, and the second is that she took the initiative to turn off the Death God's armband, betrayed the 13th Guards Team, and evaded tracing."

"The details of the report are as follows. Once Rukia Kuchiki is found, she must be brought back to the first team building immediately. If there is resistance, force can be used if necessary!"

"The above is the content of this report!"

E Chang's words echoed in everyone's mind.

With that soul-touching feeling receded.

Everyone present showed different expressions.

Kyōraku Shunsui's expression also changed slightly, and he subconsciously looked at Sosuke Aizen.

I thought it would take some time before Sosuke Aizen's plan would take off.

He never expected that something would suddenly happen to Kuchiki Rukia.

Now it seems that the plan will begin!

"Captain Jingyuan, it seems that this period has been really troubled."

Aizen Sosuke took the lead and sighed quietly.

"My Kyoka Suigetsu is just an illusion-type Zanpakutō, and it is not very powerful. I just planned to develop some new ghost swords to enhance my own strength."

"Everything is to do an extra job in the face of what may happen next."

"I didn't expect that something would happen to Kuchiki Seven Seats even if I still couldn't catch up."

"If I were more capable, maybe I wouldn't have let those guys escape that day."

Those guys?

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression changed slightly.

He still knew a little about the people Aizen Sosuke mentioned.

More than 110 years ago, Urahara Kisuke betrayed Seireitei.

The anonymous whistleblower did not show up.

But many people have objects of speculation in their minds.

And the candidate that Hitsugaya Toshiro had in mind was Aizen Sosuke.

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