Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 236 Hitsugaya Toshiro’s Suspicion


Dong Xianyao's expression couldn't help but froze.

As a companion, Tōsen Kaname certainly knew how perverted Ichimaru Gin's swastika interpretation was.

If, as Aizen Sosuke said, he was sent to assassinate Shiba Kuroba in order to test Ichimaru Gin.

That's definitely a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay, Dongxian, don't be too nervous. Our plan has reached the final moment. If Yin is serious about it, the brat will be easy to catch."

The smile on Aizen Sosuke's face became even wider.

Dongxian was about to be silent and said after a long time.

"Aizen-sama, you are right. This time it is me who is worried."

"I also believe that Yin will come back with good news soon. A mere brat is nothing to be afraid of."

Aizen Sosuke's unusual emphasis on Ichimaru Gin made Tōsen Kaname feel unbalanced.

However, if you really have to evaluate it from the perspective of strength, Dongxian Yao is convinced enough.


The fluctuations in space sounded without warning.

Aizen Sosuke raised his eyebrows and smiled warmly.

"It seems that Yin's ability to do things is still as fast as ever. I hope he can bring us good news."

As the words fell, the space collapsed, forming a black cavity connecting Hueco Mundo.

Looking at the deep and void darkness, it exudes the power of sadness and silence.

The smile on Aizen Sosuke's face suddenly stiffened.

"Let's go!"


Dong Xian was confused.

The fifth division has always been the most important stronghold of Aizen Soyousuke, and can be called the safest place.

Now go and let him escape.

Could it be that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the commander-in-chief, discovered some clues.

Take action against them.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Dongxian Yao's mind.

However, the keen sixth sense accumulated over the years made Dongxian subconsciously turn his head to "look" at the location of Heiqiang.


The thunderous explosion sounded like it hit the depths of the soul.

He was blind and could not see clearly the approaching scene.

However, the overwhelming and inexplicable suffocating impact made his nerves suddenly tense.

Without any time to think, Tōsen Kaname grabbed the Zanpakuto in his hand with his backhand and roared urgently.

Return to the blade!


The rolling impact poured out like a furious wave.

Dongxian will be directly submerged in it.

The huge team building, the barrier that was raised with difficulty, instantly collapsed like paper.

Aizen Sosuke's expression changed drastically as he fled outside. He quickly reached out and took out the half-finished jade before he had time to think about it.

"Bound the four walls of the iron cage!"


Violent spiritual pressure surged out of Aizen Soyousuke's body.

The barriers that had been laid all around immediately responded.

Four huge iron pillars broke out of the ground in an instant.

A series of black chains instantly blocked the violent spiritual energy that broke through the team building.

Looking at the dark cell that was shaking violently but not breaking through, Aizen Sosuke's expression not only remained unchanged.

Instead, it was covered with cold frost.

He took out the Zanpakutō from his waist with his backhand.

"Break it into pieces, Jing Hua Shui Yue."

The blade fell to the ground, as if it had pierced the surface of a rippling lake.

The ripples quickly covered the entire fifth division team building before gradually dissipating.

After finishing all this, the coldness on Sosuke Aizen's face was instantly replaced by a helpless smile, and he shook his head and looked towards the entrance of the courtyard.

"Captain Aizen, what happened just now? Are you okay?" Hinatamori rushed in hurriedly.

His right hand was still clenching the Zanpakutō at his waist.

However, the first thing that came into view was the complete team building and the courtyard that had a big hole blown out.

At the same time, Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was on patrol, also broke in.

Looking at this scene, a hint of coldness flashed through the depths of Aizen Sosuke's pupils.

However, this hint of coldness was quickly hidden.

In Aizen Sosuke's eyes, Hinata Mori had already been completely brainwashed.

It is not a problem to easily brush aside what just happened.

But because of Hinamomori, Hitsugaya Toshiro has always been hostile to Aizen Sosuke.

This kind of targeting is the most likely to cause things to change.

Especially thinking about what happened in the black chamber just now, Aizen Soyousuke had no intention of dealing with Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Captain Aizen, Captain Hitsugaya, you are here to visit me this time..."

Hinatamori hurriedly explained.

Each squad has its own authority.

At least trespassing is not allowed.

"Captain Aizen, I don't mean anything else. It's just that the explosion was too loud. What happened?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's face darkened, and he said coldly: "You won't see anything happening here again, about the attack by the mastermind behind it, right?"

"I will notify you immediately..."

As he spoke, Hitsugaya Toshiro took out the communicator with his backhand.

"Captain Hitsugaya, no need. If you do this, aren't you worried that you are invading the affairs of each division?"

"If you intervene forcefully, I'm afraid there will be unpleasant consequences!"

A figure, like a ghost, landed beside Hitsugaya Toshiro.

He grabbed his arm instantly.

So fast!

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

Aizen Sosuke has always given people the impression of being gentle and gentle.

Apart from performing a show on others from time to time, there are very few opportunities to do it.

The sudden attack and the speed it showed made Toshiro Hitsugaya have a series of questions flashing through his mind.

It can be said that in the original work, Toshiro Hitsugaya is a rational and calm person.

He was also the first person to discover that there was something wrong with Aizen Sosuke and Ichimaru Gin.

All because of the hostility caused by the brainwashing of his childhood sweetheart, Hitsugaya Toshiro deliberately kept a few eyes on Sosuke Aizen.

Thinking back to the several virtual attacks that happened before, as well as the time and method of the appearance of Sosuke Aizen and Gin Ichimaru.

There was also the inexplicable huge explosion impact just now, but it gave people a vague feeling that it did not belong to Soul Society.

And the attitude shown by Aizen Sosuke in front of me.

An extremely ridiculous idea flashed through Hitsugaya Toshiro's mind.

However, this idea just flashed through Hitsugaya Toshiro's mind.

Soon he noticed Hinata Mori behind him, and his expression changed slightly.

Hitsugaya Toshiro knew it very well, judging from Hina Momori's admiration for Aizen Sosuke.

If he were to postulate now.

I am afraid that not only will Aizen Sosuke be hostile, but Hinamori will be no exception.

For a moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro became hesitant.

Subconsciously, he met Aizen Soyousuke's cold gaze.

"Haha, Captain Hitsugaya, I didn't expect you to come here. If Rangiku hadn't told me, I wouldn't have been able to find you."

A burst of laughter sounded unexpectedly.

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