Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 219 The cry of God’s Father is final


The sound of thunder exploded, and the violent compressed spirit exploded in an instant.

The huge impact was like a tidal wave, heading towards Kibuneli.


With a dull crashing sound, Kibuneli's whole body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

In full view of everyone, it hit the rock wall dozens of meters away.

With disbelief on his face, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone present was stunned.

Especially when looking at Shiba Kuroba, who was shrouded in Reiko's coat, he seemed to be a different person.

This weird method was completely beyond their knowledge.

"Hiccup, I remember where this place is. I just had a life-or-death duel with a Xu."

Black Feather burped, struggled to raise Shula's eyelids, looked around for a while, and then said.

"As expected of the Hollow in Hueco Mundo, Killian has transformed into a human form. I seem to remember only the legendary Achiukas and Vastod."

"However, your strength is too bad. It seems that Achucas is the only one standing up to the sky. Let me kill you with one blow!"

The awe-inspiring words echoed between heaven and earth.

Seeing Shiba Kuroba getting drunk again and thinking the dignified captain was Kyon.

All the team members felt like they couldn't get back to their senses.

Most importantly, Shusuke Amagai, the captain of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, was actually looked down upon.

This scene made Amagai Suisuke's face suddenly become extremely gloomy. He clenched his Zanpakutō tightly in his right hand and said coldly.

"What an arrogant person. Since you don't drink the toast but drink the fine wine, I want to show you the difference between Shijie and Swastika!"


A violent spiritual light beam shot into the sky.

However, this scene made everyone who was full of expectations freeze.

Because the strong, high-density spiritual power in front of him did not come from Amagai Shusuke.

Instead, Zi Shiba Kuroba rushed out.

Faced with this huge amount of spiritual pressure, people feel a sense of unknown oppression.

Everyone present couldn't help but have a ridiculous idea in their hearts.

"Vice Captain Kifune, you don't really call him God Daddy, do you?"

"No, he can't really understand swastika!"

Murakami couldn't help but mutter.

Everyone who had been tensed up suddenly felt the hair on their bodies explode.

All eyes were locked on Kuroyu's body.


The sharp sound of a knife suddenly sounded.

The violent spiritual energy that filled the sky suddenly stopped.

The next moment, in full view of everyone, madness poured into Heiwu.

Along with the red lines, they lit up on the blade, forming a crisscross seal.

The limiter set on Black Nothing was instantly broken through the eight shackles.

An indescribable destructive aura came out directly from his body.

Everyone present felt as if they were in an ice cellar.

A shadow of death loomed directly over him.


I don't know who screamed in surprise.

The whole camp exploded.

Especially when he saw the ninth seal in Kuroyu's hand that was lit up.

The death energy that was already making people feel desperate suddenly rose to the extreme.

It was like an invisible heavy hammer that struck directly into the depths of everyone's souls.

Even the swastika's Amagai Susuke was moved by it.

"One Blade Style·The Other Shore..."

Kuroyu raised the black nothing in his hand above his head and muttered incoherent words.

Ambei Xiusuke finally couldn't hold back his anger, turned around and ran away.

Looking at the dignified captain, he also ended up with this result.

Everyone who was still watching could not help but be stunned for a moment.

He hurriedly ran away.

Faced with the person in front of him who had absolutely no idea of ​​the details, he repeatedly used methods that subverted people's perceptions.

It can be said that the people present did not dare to gamble at all.

Hundreds of people rushed out of the camp like wild horses.

The gesture without looking back was obviously frightened.

"Those Xus have all run away."

Hei Wu, who was chopping in Black Feather's hand, stopped for a moment.

"Hiccup, since there are no enemies, I won't fight, so as not to waste my's just the smell of alcohol."

After saying these words, the high-density spirit particles that came out of the body suddenly disappeared.

The powerful aura that filled the air from Black Supreme also dissipated.

The head that had been struggling to be raised almost fell down again when the snoring sounded.

"Hey, there seems to be something good there..."

Black Feather suddenly raised his head and sniffed deeply several times, his confused eyes suddenly brightened.

There was no time to think too much, and with one step, the whole person disappeared from the place like a ghost.

"What's going on? Why is there no movement inside?"

"Is the swastika you just said false?"

Murakami, who escaped from the camp gate and was a thousand meters away, couldn't help but muttered and looked back behind him.

At that moment, his small universe simply exploded.

Shunpo's speed and movement are simply beyond his capabilities.

If it were not for practicing the truth, Murakami would never have thought that he would make great progress if he was frightened.

People still need pressure.

The Shinigami who had been running away at great speed suddenly stopped, even Amagai Suisuke, who was carrying Kifune and escaping, was no exception.

Regarding the crazy compressed power just now, Amagai Susuke, as the captain, also felt the feeling of death urging him to die.

Although, he believed that the Tapiroko Blade in his hand could instantly seal Shiba Kuroha's Zanpakutō.

However, when he saw the three Zanpakutos on Kuroba's waist, he was worried.

Will this brat, who doesn't play by common sense at all, finish using one Zanpakuto's ability before moving on to the next one?

The most important thing is that this tapiroko sword is his trump card against Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni.

The Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force is indeed isolated from the Soul Society.

It's just that Amagai Xiuzuke didn't dare to bet on whether the 13th Guards Team had planted their own spy here.

In case, the method is exposed too early.

Let Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni know that the tapiraya sword still exists in the world.

I'm afraid that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni had already killed him without waiting for him to take action.

As for rescuing Kifune, it was a last resort.

After all, this was the medium through which he contacted Kasumioji's family.

At this juncture, there is no room for error.

"Captain Amagai, do we want to go back and take a look?" A Shinigami couldn't help but ask.

When he saw Kifune, who was covered in blood, he was already in a panic.

Many people present looked at each other.

Just a moment ago, the vice-captain whom they admired so much had said so categorically that Shiba Kuroba was unable to perform the swastika.

It's a pity that the aura that Black Feather burst out just now was so powerful.

It was completely beyond their knowledge.

Even Amagai Susuke, the captain, also chose to turn around and run away.

I'm afraid, that shout of "God Father" is what seals the deal.

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