Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 218: Calm down and calm down


The hurricane rolled back like a tidal wave, instantly covering the entire camp.

Seeing the two forces rising into the sky, all members of the expedition team were shocked.

In their eyes, Amagai Susuke, as the captain, is a powerful existence like a milestone.

However, now he was beaten to a draw by a fledgling brat.

This is too shocking.

Especially when I saw that Ri Kifune, the vice-captain, was unable to parry even a single move.

He was directly knocked away.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would want to believe it, the vice-captain they had always respected so much.

would be so vulnerable.

"Shiha Kuroba, you dare to cause trouble within the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, do you really think you don't take me as the captain seriously?"

The dust in the sky cleared, leaving a charred open space.

Shusuke Amagai, who was holding the swastikago Zanpakutō, had an extremely gloomy expression.

Now, he finally understood that he had been tricked by Aizen Soyou.

The drunkard in front of me was able to parachute into the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force as the deputy captain within the 13th Guards Team.

Not only does he have the background of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

I'm afraid it's because of his own strong strength.

"Captain Ambei, just hope you're fine, otherwise we don't know what to do!"

Muraki quickly stepped forward and said urgently.

"But, are all the freshmen now such scary guys?"

"Not only is it an instant high-level Kidō, but it also possesses a powerful initial ability. Even the vice-captain of Kifune was defeated instantly."

"Captain Amagai, do you think this guy knows how to swastika?"

The expressions of those present suddenly stiffened, and they were obviously caught off guard when faced with this problem.

At least in their eyes, the amount of information in this question is a bit explosive.

These old people have been training in Hueco Mundo for a long time, and they cannot reach the level of Shiha Kuroha.

Now, if a new student is born, he can still perform Swastika.

Do they, the older generation, still have the nerve to live?

"Shut up Muraki, this joke is not funny at all."

Kifuneri was in a state of embarrassment, rushing over from a distance, raised his hand and pressed it, saying with broken glasses.

"He is just a newcomer. It is already very good to be able to learn the swastika. Unless he is the son of God, otherwise a new student can use the swastika. I call him daddy!"

Thinking of the defeat just now, Kifuri wished he could kill the kid in front of him with his knife.

The vice-captain, who was usually calm and composed, seemed to be completely different today.

The team members present suddenly looked at each other.

However, when I thought about it, when I came back, Kibuneri boasted about Haikou and wanted to give Shiba Kuroha a head start.

The result now is a complete failure and a waterloo.

"Your ship is ready!"

Amagai Susuke spoke again.

"You are the deputy captain of our expeditionary force. Calmness and calmness are the basics. Now we must first find a way to make this brat surrender."

"Shiba Kuroba, I am the captain of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force. Even if you are the airborne deputy captain, you must obey my orders."

"Now I order you to put down the weapons in your hands immediately, and then wait for the results of the incident in the camp, and then give him a lighter sentence."

"Otherwise, don't blame me as the captain for being rude to you."

The awe-inspiring words came out, and there was an unquestionable flavor between them.

As the captain of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force, he wanted to ensure that his plan was foolproof.

Amagai Xiuzuke must not lose his dignity at this moment.

Otherwise, the dignified captain, even the newcomer Shiba Kuroba, would not be able to suppress him.

That would be very embarrassing.

If he could speak in such a strong voice, he would scare Shiba Kuroha.

This is definitely for the best.


A faint sound of snoring suddenly drowned out Ambei Xiusuke's harsh words.

Everyone present looked stagnant and hurriedly looked up at Black Feather.

What caught his eye was Shiba Kuroba, holding a knife in one hand and purring with his head lowered.

The scene in front of him made Amagai Suisuke's cheek muscles twitch rapidly.

He just gave a long speech, intending to brainwash Shiba Kuroba with all his heart.

Now he actually fell asleep in public.

Doesn't this make him perform a one-man show?

"Shiba Kuroba, get out of here!"

"You're such a bastard, you can still fall asleep standing up, maybe you don't know what bastard thing you just did!"

Amagai Susuke roared with a distorted expression.

What is the benchmark for a captain, calmness and composure are bullshit.

Faced with this kid in front of me who doesn't play his cards according to common sense at all.

Talking about being calm and collected with him is just bullshit.

Now, what Amagai Shusuke wants to do most is to kill this brat with a knife.

"Captain Amagai, we can't bear it anymore. This brat is just a new kid. Not only is he making a scene in the camp, but he is also openly dozing off and ignoring the captain. If we don't make him pay a price, I'm afraid no one will be able to convince us in the future."

Kifuri said angrily.

He was the one who was deflated just now.

Now even Amagai Susuke is in trouble.

With the captain's support, he can take action with confidence.

"Take down this brat first, but be careful, I'm worried about another accident."

Amagai Susuke said with a cold face.

In just seven or eight minutes of getting along, he finally understood what it meant to be angry.

However, after seeing Shiba Kuroba's methods with his own eyes.

On the contrary, Amagai Xiusuke felt uneasy.

At least, in his eyes, it was possible for Aizen Soyousuke to go out of his way to inform him.

Let him step on this trap.

I'm afraid, this pit is not shallow, right?

"Hmph, Captain Amagai, a mere freshman is still drunk and dozing off. What's there to be afraid of?"

"At this distance, I can capture him in an instant!"

Kifuri shouted angrily.

Taking a big step forward, the instant step was pushed to the extreme.

In his eyes, the short distance of seven or eight meters can be easily approached in just one breath.

Facing an opponent who dared to doze off while distracted on the battlefield.

Kibuneri absolutely believed that he could get it at his fingertips.


As soon as Kifune Riichi appeared at Kuroba's side, he grabbed Kuroba's shoulder with his right hand.

The scene of easy success made Kibuneri's face reveal a trace of ecstasy.

"Hiccup, who are you, where am I, and what do I need to do?"

Shiba Kuroba suddenly looked up.

The blown nose bubbles were punctured.

The next moment, an extremely dangerous aura sprouted out of Black Feather's body.

It feels like a ferocious beast that is gradually reviving.

Able to tear any prey into pieces in an instant.

"Instant coax!"

The spirit son was compressed to the point of being as solid as it was, and exploded in Kuroyu's body.

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