This is the passion and vitality brought by the victory over the Tubo barbarians.

When Lin Hao defeated Tubo, he announced loudly in front of the people: "Build a city fortress that will never be breached, and make Songzhou City a permanent home!

In an instant, the crowd was excited! One by one, they were eager to participate in the construction of Songzhou City.

The five thousand Tibetan barbarians who were captured did not cooperate at first, but Chang Ren took his old soldier camp and executed seventy-three Tibetan prisoners in front of all the Tibetan barbarians. The bloody scene made the Tibetan barbarians stunned.

Just work hard.

Work to live, to have food to eat and water to drink.

If you don't work, you will only die! More than [-] civilians, [-] Tibetan captives, and the entire city's people serve as backup labor, bring water to cook, pick soil and dig pits, and everyone will not be idle easily.

This is not building Songzhou City, this is protecting one's own home! No one is left behind.

The speed of construction is fast, and the speed of spending is naturally very fast. The money that Lin Hao brings is spent like water, making Songzhou Zhou Cheng, who is in charge of accounting, feel distressed like gouging out meat when he records every day. The speed of the city's construction can't help but be satisfied.

The Tibetans didn't know what the hell they were doing, but they didn't take any revenge after the defeat, which made Lin Hao seem to be doing nothing in Songzhou City.

I sleep until I can't sleep every day, go to a simple inspection circle and continue to sleep.

Oops, sleep hard every day.

But look at the duration of the salted fish that slowly rises... Painful and happy.

Changcheng patrols the city every day, but what he does is not to supervise the speed of Songzhou city expansion, but to prevent the retaliatory military actions of the Tibetans.

But after waiting for more than half a month, he didn't see any sign of any movement of the Tubo savage soldiers. Instead, he retreated [-] miles, which made people puzzled.

Hearing that Garqin Mausoleum and Lu Dongzan had returned to Tubo, Chang Ren's heart that he had put down had been raised again, and the whole army had to be more vigilant.

However, Tubo still did not move.

"Why haven't you moved?

The permanent man who was on the defensive mission on the city wall took off several locks of hair: "Garqin Mausoleum is so revengeful, there is no movement now, it shouldn't be.

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Chapter 274 274: On the way back, the growth of Cheng Chusi [Please subscribe! 】

If you don't understand the matter, you can only go to Lin Hao.

However, seeing that Lin Hao had already packed his bags and seemed to be leaving, Chang Yi was stunned.

Hmm "General!

Chang Ren changed his name to Lin Hao after the war, and he believed that Lin Hao was a person worthy of trust: "You, are you leaving?

"There is no war in Songzhou, so of course I have to go back.

Lin Hao said: "I am the governor of Yizhou, not the governor of Songzhou.

"How come there is no war?

Permanent immediately.

Unhappy, he forgot the purpose of his coming to Lin Hao.

The permanent director, who was reluctant to leave Lin Hao, quickly said to Lin Hao: "We just won the Tubo battle, which caused them to be hit hard.

"The Tubo Marshal Galqin Ling is a man with a strong sense of revenge, and he will definitely take revenge.

"I also ask the general to stay in Songzhou City to stabilize the morale of the army.

Lin Hao looked at Chang Ren: "Staying in Songzhou City to stabilize the military's morale has no battle, so what kind of military morale is there to stabilize?

"Besides, doesn't Songzhou City have your permanent office?

"With you here, it is enough to stabilize the military's heart!


Chang Ren was stunned for a moment, then shook his head frantically: "No, I can't.

"Songzhou City is inseparable from the general.

Speaking of this, Chang Ren was moved with real emotion.

He had just found another general who could entrust his fate, so he had to leave Chang Ren and couldn't bear it, he said frankly to Lin Hao: "General, when you first came to Songzhou City, it was indeed because of your youth that you had something to do with you. Contempt, but after this battle, I no longer have any opinion on you, but admiration from the bottom of my heart.

It was very sincere, but Lin Hao was very uncomfortable when he heard what he said: "Fuck off!

"Because of this rubbish thing, I and you are so careful with the Governor.

Lin Hao didn't intend to be polite to him, but took out a letter: "This is a letter from Chang'an Lao Li to me, he is an old friend of the emperor, take a look at what is written in it.


After opening the letter and scanning it, Chang Ren knew why Lin Hao left.

In Chang'an, the Tubo embassy suffered a big loss, being played by Li Shimin, and then when the Tubo embassy was about to leave, they discovered the messenger of Songtsan Gampo, who went to Chang'an to find Ludongzan and Garqin Mausoleum.

It is understood that the reason is because the Tubo generals did not follow Songtsen Gampo's order to send troops without permission.

Lao Li was very sure in his heart that there would be civil strife after Tubo returned.

Their master, Songtsen Gampo, will definitely not be left to the power.

Since the Tibetans are fighting infighting, and there is still an air traffic control in Songzhou City, no matter how small and strong Galqin Mausoleum is, he will not have the extra energy to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

As for the other things mentioned in the letter, Chang Ren will not read it anymore.

"Oh, it turns out that the Tubo is quite civil strife

Chang Ren scratched his head, secretly dissatisfied in his heart.

It's really not the right time for the civil strife in Tubo, it's chaotic, wouldn't it be better to let Lin Hao stay in Songzhou City for a few more days?" You won't think about it, let Tubo call over, and then take this opportunity to keep me

Lin Hao opened his mouth and seemed to have guessed Chang Ren's mind. Chang Ren lowered his head embarrassedly when he heard it.

Lin Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Are you a fool, why do you have such a strange idea?

"Chang Ren, you are the defender of Songzhou City, not the Tang army who wants to wrap the body in horse leather. The first thing you have to do is to be responsible for the people of the Tang Dynasty. Do you understand?


Chang Ren didn't even have a chance to explain, so he could only humbly settle the matter.

However, for... Lin Hao's reluctance is even worse.

It was just two words of scolding, it was no big deal: "General, will you come back then Tubo... He will definitely call again, right?

"Of course I will come back, how can I feel at ease when the Tibetans are not destroyed?

Lin Hao won't beat Tubo once, and this matter is over.

Not to mention the impact of the immortality of Tubo on the Tang country, but to talk about family feud, Lin Hao has no reason to let Tubo go.

The Tubo Marshal Galqin Ling must be killed by his own hands! Then, let the entire Tubo be buried with the cheap father! Lin Hao came to this world and has no feelings for Lin Feng.

However, after seeing the second mother Liu, the kind of affection...from the bottom of my heart, made Lin Hao unable to let go.

He also knows that when he comes to this world, he wants to have all the love and hatred of this body.

Lin Feng's revenge must be avenged! This is Lin Hao's promise and fate! "Okay, I'm leaving.

Lin Hao patted the permanent office's shoulder and said, "The foundation of Songzhou City, I've beaten it down for you, if you dare to ruin it for General Ben, I'll kill you alive!

"Don't worry, General!

Chang Ren tapped the top of his heart with his right hand and vowed: "If Songzhou City loses a stone in the city wall, the general can only ask me!

Lin Hao is still somewhat reassured about Chang Ren.

Because of his too conservative character, he won't be an excellent general, but he is definitely an excellent defender. It would be more appropriate to put him in the position of Songzhou defender.

"The stuffed gourd and the fat brother that I sent in are going to be taken away, and the other selected frontiers will stay in Songzhou City.

Lin Hao made his arrangements: "You have to have a specific plan for Songzhou City, the city has doubled, and your responsibilities have also doubled. How can storage, drinking water, sanitation, and accommodation be able to be accommodated when the city is besieged? To stabilize the emotions of the people in the city, how much to store... food, you must have a reasonable plan.


The permanent promise was particularly refreshing. He felt that anyway... he was just a guard. As for things like internal affairs, it would be fine if the state prime minister did it.

Anyway... he didn't need to be in charge, so he agreed very readily.

Lin Hao didn't arrange too many permanent appointments. The current Songzhou City can only become a fortress, and the other functions are very small.

As for building Songzhou City in the modern way of later generations, it is not yet time.

Unless Tubo is defeated, can we plan in the way of later generations...

Lin Hao was arranging Chang Ren to do things after he left Songzhou City. On the other hand, Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao were not idle either.

They are very nostalgic in Songzhou City, but the two also understand that their roots are not here.

Lin Hao was going to leave, and they had to leave as well.

It took [-] cattle to learn from Lin Hao for two months, and both of them felt that this cattle flower was particularly worthwhile.

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