It is a must! It is irrefutable.

This is the first time Songtsen Gampo used the word 'must'.

Lu Dongzan immediately praised.

realized, yes.

If Garqin Mausoleum does not go again, then there is really no way to explain it.

However, if Garqin Mausoleum was to swallow the words it said, it would not be able to lose face.

"Marshal, go.

Lu Dongzan saw that Garqin Mausoleum was taken back because of what he said, and he couldn't hold back, so he opened his mouth and gave Garqin Mausoleum a step down.

Although Garqin Mausoleum was displeased, at least he had a step to go down, so he stopped arguing, and went to see Songtsen Gampo with Lu Dongzan honestly.

After arriving at the palace, Lu Dongzan saw that Songtsen Gampo breathed a sigh of relief, and he knew it in his heart.

Their king already had the desire to be in power.

Songtsen Gampo was very unhappy with the troubles of the barbarian generals.

However, these...what does it have to do with him? Even if there is a war, he will not go to the battlefield, nor will he lead troops.

It's just that Garqin Mausoleum doesn't... change his temper, and let the soldiers below listen to Garqin Mausoleum but ignore Songtsen Gampo's orders, which is definitely a huge disaster for Tubo.

You are not the king of Tubo, so you can't do things according to your own ideas! Lu Dongzan has already reminded Garqin Ling to pay attention to Songtsen Gampo's current attitude, and he will not say it again.


Lu Dongzan shouted respectfully, and the Garqin Mausoleum next to him was in a bad mood, and he didn't feel bad when he shouted: "Zanpu!

There seemed to be deep resentment in the words.

Songtsen Gampo, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help but turn dark again.

Proud warriors! You have to beat and beat! "Hmm.

Songtsen Gampo's answer seemed rather perfunctory, and he first found a topic to ask Lu Dongzan, and put the Garqin Mausoleum aside first: "Prime Minister, I heard that you are in Chang'an, you are not embarrassed, right?

"I heard, how did they detain you in Chang'an?


Lu Dongzan directly vetoed, "Tang State respects etiquette and law, and if the two countries don't kill the envoy, the Tang State will not embarrass our mission.

It's just that there were some changes in the middle, which made the marriage unsuccessful this time. I did not do well, and I asked Zamp to punish me.

Others didn't learn very well, but... I learned the hypocrisy in the Tang officialdom.

But Lu Dongzan's words made Songtsen Gampo very useful.

He is the Zamp of Tibet and should be respected.

Unlike the Garqin Mausoleum next to it, everything is shown on the face.

"This marriage has not yet been achieved, and there must be a misunderstanding.

He didn't go to discuss whether or not to marry in the future, and Songtsen Gampo didn't mention whether he would send an embassy again, but asked Lu Dongzan: "The Prime Minister is going to Chang'an in Tang State, what is the strength of Tang State?

"It's... peaceful, the people of Tang country don't like war, if we go to war with them, the resistance within Tang country may not be small.

Lu Dongzan told Songtsen Gampo what he had discovered: "In the Tang army, the veteran generals were eager to fight, but the aristocratic families and scholar-officials did not want to see the generals gain more power again.

Songtsen Gampo and Ludong praised your every word, and put the Garqin Mausoleum aside.

Garqin Ling was unhappy at first, and now he has become even more unhappy.

Shouldn't we talk about the war now , and did not interrupt.

As everyone knows, this kind of silence has temporarily stabilized his situation a lot, otherwise it will only make his impression in Songtsen Gampo worse.

After Songtsan Gampo and Ludongzan finished chatting slowly, it seemed that they realized that the Garqin Mausoleum was still on the side, and Songtsen Gampo was very satisfied with the silence of the Garqin Mausoleum.

Let him know that this is Tubo, and I, Songtsen Gampo, are the king of Tubo.

Looking at the Garqin Mausoleum, Songtsen Gampo said slowly: "Marshal, the soldiers are in a very eager mood to fight, you have to control more.

Now is not the time to go to war with Tang.

"What not to fight now

Garqin Ling did not expect that Songtsen Gampo's first sentence turned out to be this, and he was dissatisfied and expressed his thoughts at that time: "Zamp, now is the best time to attack Tang!

"Why not

"Wait until the city walls of Songzhou City are reinforced

"Isn't that adding to the casualties of the soldiers?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 273 273: The powerful Tubo king, cleaning [Subscribe]

After asking three times in a row, the upright Garqin Ling turned Songtsen Gampo's face black.

I am the king of Tubo, do I have to tell you if I do anything, and Lu Dongzan heard the questioning of Galqin Mausoleum and Songtsen Gampo's increasingly dark face, immediately.

Realize, I will suffer! Lu Dongzan scolded in his heart, is Garqin mausoleum brainless? Didn't see Zanpu deliberately targeting you. There is no doubt that Garqin mausoleum is a military genius, precisely because of him The superb ability of using soldiers gave Tubo the upper hand in the battle with the Tang Dynasty for many years.

But outside the battlefield, the marshal of Garqin Ling is a fool! He doesn't understand anything!" Don't worry about the marshal, Zamp did it with good intentions.

Lu Dongzan didn't wait for the dark-faced Songtsen Gampo to speak, and hurriedly explained to Garqin Mausoleum on his behalf: "The Tang army has just won, and its morale is high. I am afraid that fighting now will increase casualties, it is better to slow down.

"Furthermore, our siege is a disadvantage, so it's not too late to train a lot to find a way to attack the city, and then fight.

"Tang is a country with a vast territory and dense population, and defeating the Tang Dynasty is by no means an overnight achievement, it is better to take a long-term approach.

"What's the long-term plan

Garqin Ling was in a fit of anger and ignored the steps that Lu Dongzan gave him: "Our Tubo soldiers were killed on the battlefield, not by practice. When attacking a city, there will be casualties, but as long as we have experience in attacking a city. Enough, you can take Songzhou City completely.

"If the mere small town of Songzhou is not defeated, how can it be possible to swallow Yizhou and defeat the Tang Kingdom?

Anyway, not fighting now is... not right.

Lu Dongzan and Songtsen Gampo never fought or fought on the battlefield.

What do they know about things on the battlefield? "Marshal!

Songtsen Gampo called out the Garqin Mausoleum, and Lu Dongzan, who was next to him, realized that things were going to get worse, and secretly scolded the Garqin Mausoleum for being brainless, but at this time he couldn't say anything else.

If he speaks for Garqin Mausoleum again, then there is no difference between him and Garqin Mausoleum in Songtsen Gampo's heart.

"You know what happened here after you went to Chang'an

Songtsen Gampo suppressed the anger in his heart and told the story that the generals insisted on attacking Songzhou: "Some generals will fight before you come back, what are you going to do?

Gradually, Songtsen Gampo couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and gradually raised his voice: "No matter...  

They don't even listen to me

He didn't even listen to Zamp's words. Is this a rebellion against Songtsen Gampo's words at the Tomb of Garqin, and he was speechless when he was refuted.

When he was leaving, didn't he tell them that he should obey Songtsen Gampo's words during his absence? Why didn't he obey the military orders... sons, it's time to clean up! Garqin Ling did not take this as a serious matter. Go back, go back and teach a lesson.

But it is urgent to attack the Tang Dynasty now! Waiting for the Tang Dynasty to take countermeasures and build the city wall will be even more unfavorable for... the Tubo attack.

"Zamp, you're right, go and teach those... rascals.

Garqin Ling casually ignored it, and then said: "However, I still think that attacking Tang is the best opportunity now, and I hope Zamp can think about it more.

"There is no need to rush for a moment when it comes to attacking the Tang Kingdom. . . .

Songtsen Gampo did not change his mind, he wanted to let Garqin Mausoleum remember this lesson.

Even if the battle against Tang in the future may cause more casualties, it would be impossible for Garqin Mausoleum to lead the troops.

You can't fight the Tang Dynasty now, mainly because of the soldiers of your Garqin Ling, who listen to your words too much! Speaking of which, if the Garqin Ling does not understand what Songtsen Gampo means, he will live in vain! Some people, destined to be cleaned up, must never be left behind.

Even if Garqin Ling wanted to control the Tubo barbarians and not be interfered by others, he had to give up this idea now.

For the first time, Songtsen Gampo was strong in front of the two most important civil and military ministers in Tubo. After seeing that Garqin Mausoleum finally had to tacitly submit to his orders, Songtsen Gampo felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in his heart. .

Is this the satisfaction that the supreme kingship brings to people? So refreshing! Thinking of the former generals... who treated him as nothing, Songtsen Gampo secretly felt ruthless in his heart.

Don't even want to keep any of them! Kill the chickens to show the monkeys, and let all the savage soldiers of Tubo see who is the king of Tubo! If you dare to ignore him in the future, try it... Songzhou City.

The cleaning and rolling of the interior of Tubo did not affect the construction speed of Songzhou City.

A fortress city twice the size of the original is rising from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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