Chang Ren was a little stunned by what Lin Hao said.

The old rules, when are the old rules again, where did Yizhou come from such old rules? Lin Hao saw Chang Ren opened his mouth and didn't say anything, so he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Is there any problem?

With a boss like me who is the boss, you are still not happy. Isn't this a good opportunity for you to make good use of it, and it will be good for you to go to Chang'an as a prince? Chang Ren was very embarrassed by what Lin Hao said, and he couldn't help but bow his head coyly: "I, we There are no such old rules.


Lin Hao suspected that his ears were wrong.

There is no such old rule, Yizhou and Tubo are so close, have they never caught a prisoner? Lin Hao just wanted to ask, but halfway through, Lin Hao couldn't speak.


There really is no such old rules in Yizhou.

After fighting with Tubo for so many years, the prisoners captured are not as many as those captured by Lin Hao in this battle.

Tell Chang Ren to follow the old rules, isn't this a face-slap? Lin Hao is also a little embarrassed, but he chose not to let Chang Ren continue to be embarrassed, so he asked: "Then, have you ever captured Tubo prisoners before?


Chang Ren nodded: "The prisoners were all sent to Chang'an, and the most were more than [-] Tubo barbarians.

More than [-] Tubo barbarians, this is probably the most brilliant record.

There were only more than thirty Tubo barbarians.

This, what else can Lin Hao say? Wouldn't it make the permanent director look ugly? After thinking about it, Lin Hao said to the permanent director: "Thirty 30 Tubo barbarians are selected and sent to Chang'an as prisoners, and the rest are divided into four 44 part and let them go to work.

"Tell them that if you're done, you'll have food to eat, and if you're not done, you'll be hungry!


Chang Ren couldn't bear it in his heart and said: "Just, let them keep working in the future?

"Besides...what else?

Lin Hao shrugged helplessly and said, "I can't control them forever, right?

"Well done, there is food to eat and water to drink.

Having said this, Lin Hao continued: "If you don't do it well, if you don't work hard, you will die!


Chang Ren did not object to Lin Hao's suggestion, although he felt a little cruel, but Chang Ren put away his wife's kindness in an instant.

How many Tibetans have harmed my people, and humiliated me, such as 5000 people, [-], that is... free labor! You can still manage their food, it is already very cheap for them.

"Okay, then I'll be fine.

' Chang Ren still can't get rid of his traditional style and said neatly: "Let's do things first, if there is anything new, I will report to the Governor as soon as possible.

"Well, let's go.

When Lin Hao asked Changren to leave, he couldn't help reminding him: "If there is anything in the future, learn to make up your own mind, and don't ask me for everything.

It's annoying that people come to me if they have any problems.


Chang Ren reluctantly left, and then found someone to write the memorial.

Thirty 30 prisoners were also ready, ready to be escorted to Chang'an to present prisoners to Li Shimin.

As for Cheng Chusi, who lost his soul next to him, Lin Hao pretended not to see it.

When he figured it out, everything would be fine. . . .

The memorial came to Chang'an earlier than the captives.

Eight hundred li, the post rider who delivered the good news, rushed to bring the news from Songzhou to Chang'an.

"Songzhou victorious, killing more than [-] Tubo barbarians and taking [-] prisoners!

"Songzhou victorious, killing more than [-] Tubo barbarians and taking [-] prisoners!

"Songzhou victorious, killing more than [-] Tubo barbarians and taking [-] prisoners!

The most important thing is the battle of Songzhou, won! And it is an unprecedented victory! The people living in Chang'an City can't understand the feeling of being oppressed in Songzhou City.

But everyone's inner feelings are the same. I used to hear that Songzhou City was attacked by Tibetans again, but now I finally raised my eyebrows and the smiles on the faces of the people of Chang'an City became brighter.

The people believed that the news sent by the chariots was true, but some people did not believe it.

When the officials in the court heard the news of Songzhou City's victory, their first reaction was...: This is fake news.

When did Tang and Tubo go to war, when did he get such a major victory? Lin Hao is the first time to be the governor of Yizhou, but his father used to be the governor of Yizhou.

When I wrote a memorial to His Majesty, didn't I first think about whether I wrote it right or wrong more, and more prisoners.

Such news is not to be believed at all.

However, Li Shimin doesn't think so.

He saw the memorial that was sent, and also the letter Qin Huaidao wrote to Qin Shubao.

I won! And the win was very enjoyable! Li Shimin also didn't believe that the officials gave Lin Hao's report on the results of the battle. He didn't believe that such a big victory could be achieved.

However, Qin Huaidao wrote the same words in his letter to Qin Shubao.

That's fine.

Qin Huaidao wouldn't lie to Lin Hao and lie to him. After that, do you still want to go home? Since there is no problem with the letter, it is a sure victory! Li Shimin flipped through the memorial over and over again, his eyes narrowed and he smiled. flower.

Li Shimin has been looking forward to such a great victory for a long time.

Tuyuhun has become the past tense, and Tubo is the strongest enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hao won the first battle before the news of their torn face reached Tibet.

I don't know if Garqin Ling and Lu Dongzan returned to Tibet, and whether they would be so angry that they vomited blood when they heard the news.

In Chang'an, I was very angry, but when I returned to Tubo, I was still angry.

Thinking of the scene where Lu Dongzan vomited blood with anger, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing along with him.

"Father, father!

When Li Shimin was preparing to read the memorial for the third time, Li Lizhi's surprised voice came from outside.

After arriving at the main hall, he didn't say a word immediately.

Running to Li Shimin's side, he asked excitedly: "Father, bastard Lin has won the battle again, right?

"He won the Tubo, didn't he?


There is no way, face the facts, only admit it.

It's just that he was very unwilling, and felt that his prestige in front of his daughter was taken away by that little bastard Lin Hao.

No! You have to call Lin Hao to Chang'an quickly, and then let him see his identity in the main hall, and find his own sense of accomplishment in Lin Hao! Li Lizhi is not interested in fighting, she I am more interested in the news of Lin Hao.

"Wow, it's only been a few months since I went to Yizhou, and Lin Hao won the victory against the Tibetans.

Li Lizhi was suddenly a little excited, looked at Li Shimin and said: "Father, I have won Tubo, can I go out to play?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 27 27: This is definitely not, the real military newspaper [Subscribe]

Li Shimin suddenly had a feeling: I feel so heartbroken, this kind of feeling is really uncomfortable! He has worked hard to raise a daughter, but he didn't think that there is no such old man in his mind, it's another one named Lin Hao's bastard.

Still: When asked in front of my father.

Li Shimin has a kind of feeling: the feeling of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart.

It's so uncomfortable! "No way!

The word 'no way' was squeezed out from between her teeth, and Li Lizhi's face with a hopeful expression collapsed instantly.

I knew that would be the result.

"But, it's so boring in the palace.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Lizhi started telling Li Shimin why she wanted to go out.

"There are flattering people everywhere, it's better to go to Yizhou, everyone doesn't know my identity, and I can get the most fair and just treatment.

"Besides, Duan Hulu and Fat Brother are still in Yizhou, I have to take care of my friend.

Bad excuses used a hundred times.

Li Shimin will not be fooled! "No!

Li Shimin refused again, looking at Li Lizhi who was becoming more and more unhappy, Li Shimin quickly said again: "Now is the critical moment in the war with Tubo, Lin Hao is fighting the Tubo barbarians on the front line, Yizhou has become: turbulent, How can I let you go on an adventure

"Isn't he fighting in Songzhou? I didn't go to Songzhou, I went to see Erniang.

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