The machete of the Tubo people passed through his body.

Xu, Xu Sange Cheng Chusi suddenly realized something, and he suddenly looked towards Xu San.

And Xu San was also looking at him.

Seeing Cheng Chusi's gaze, Xu San said with a smile: "Boy, see if you don't, handing your back to Paoze is... the greatest luck!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 269 269: Revenge, kill a hundred enemies [Subscribe]

Xu Si told Cheng Chusi that what is most needed on the battlefield is not strength, but luck! Cheng Chusi heard this as if he had heard the biggest joke.

But now, Xu San told him with his life: "It is my greatest luck to give my back to Paoze!

What bullshit luck! That was Xu Si deliberately bluffing you.

On the battlefield, the greatest luck is to hand over the back to a trustworthy person! Cheng Chusi didn't understand this sentence, but now he understands it.

Xu San regarded him as his robe.

So I am willing to use my life to protect Cheng Chusi!! In an instant, Cheng Chusi cried hopelessly.

He once said, "I will never cry

, I will never cry when my father breaks the rattan.

But now, Cheng Chusi couldn't bear it anymore.

He finally understood what Lin Hao meant when he said 'good fighters fear war'.

Good fighters, when they see many partings of life and death, their hearts are not made of stones, and everyone's heart will soften.

Farewell to wives, goodbye brothers! What can't make: I become: I no longer like war Cheng Chusi's instant boredom, tears are streaming! Xu San opened his mouth to laugh, but at this time he didn't even have the strength to raise the corners of his mouth , he could only look at Xu Si, and tell him what he wanted to say with his eyes.

I don't want to see that kid cry! "Well, I see.

Xu Si nodded vigorously, looked at Cheng Chusi and said, "Don't cry, my brother doesn't want to see you cry.

Cheng Chusi turned a deaf ear.

Pa! Xu Si didn't hesitate any more, slapped Cheng Chusi in the face with a slap and said, "Don't cry, my brother doesn't want to see you cry!

"I didn't cry, I didn't cry!

Cheng Chusi howled, he looked at Xu San and said, "Xu, third brother Xu, wait for me!

"I will avenge you!

"I'll let the barbarians of Tubo bury you with me!

Buried with him! Qin Huaidao has already killed his madness! He never thought that his robe would leave before his eyes.

In terms of personality, Qin Huaidao and Xu San have many similarities. They don't like to talk, but they are very clear about the world. They don't say much but have similar ideas.

Qin Huaidao treats Xu San as his eldest brother! Now that the eldest brother is dead, how can Qin Huaidao not kill like crazy! Kill all the barbarians! Avenge my eldest brother! I want to kill a hundred of them and bury Xu San with me! Those who have a tacit understanding did not leave too far, they still have to protect Xu Si, the third brother has already died, and they do not want the fourth brother to die here.

In war, no one knows that there are undead people, as long as they are still on the battlefield, the day will come soon.

Although I was prepared in my heart, I would die if I died, but seeing the relatives around me die... I can't stand it! Xu Si feels that his life is collapsing at this moment...

Tubo is defeated! For the first time, the Tang army raised its eyebrows and hunted down the defeated Tubo.

Killing is not the goal, it is to make them fear, surrender is! Lin Hao didn't care about that.... He has already done the best he can.

If you lose your life in the pursuit, it would be really bad luck! Of course, Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao, as well as Xu Sisan and others, quickly caught Lin Hao's attention.

Everyone else went to chase the Tubo barbarians who were fleeing, leaving only the wounded.

He was the only one who howled like Cheng Chusi.

Is his comrade dead? Lin Hao was helpless in the face of this situation.

The deceased has passed away, and the living will live a better life to be worthy of it. … the sacrifice of the deceased.

"Brother Xu, open your eyes and look at me.

Cheng Chusi cried into tears, he was not afraid of fighting, but he was very afraid of the death of the people around him.

If it was him who died, then don't worry.

The dead are liberation, the living is suffering.

Xu Si hugged his brother's gradually cooling body, facing Cheng Chusi's mourning, he didn't say a word, his eyes were red but not a single tear could fall.

Pain, nothing more than that.

When You Paoze died, Lin Hao was also very sad.

But the dead are gone.

"Hope......the fat brother can know more.


Great victory! A total of [-] selected front troops and [-] old soldiers.

A total of 324 people were killed[-]. Each of the living soldiers had more or less... less injuries, but no serious injuries. A chi long wound is there.

Others have nothing.

The Tibetans were beheaded more than [-]! [-] were captured! In the end, less than [-] escaped.

Seeing such a brilliant record, Chang Ren couldn't help but grin.

Such a victory has never been seen before in the history of the war with Tubo! Great victory! Really great victory! As for Chang Ren's distrust of Lin Hao's choice before the attack on the Tubo camp, such a matter is directly ignored.

However, when Chang Ren took the final statistics and handed it to Lin Hao with a smile, he found that Lin Hao did not have the joy of winning the war.

Even a little bit of disappointment.


Chang Ren looked at Lin Hao and asked inexplicably, "Sir, you are sad for the soldiers who died.


Lin Hao nodded and said Nunu to the side: "There are two more saddened than me, and one of them seems to have lost his soul.

". . .

Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao were the people who Lin Haoan inserted into the frontier army.

In addition, the two were with Lin Hao a lot of the time, and Chang Ren still had some understanding of the two.

Seeing the two of them so sad, Chang Ren shook his head and said, "They are both new recruits after all.

"In the beginning, I was the only one left in the team when I first entered the camp.

"Slowly, you'll be hard-hearted.

Lin Hao helplessly shook his head.

He didn't want his people to become hard-hearted.

In that case, what he taught Cheng Chusi and Qin Huaidao about 'good fighters fear fighting' would be of no use.

Chang Ren is an old-school soldier, so don't expect to reason with him.

Waving his hand, Lin Hao said, "Tell me what's the matter.

After speaking, Lin Hao paused for a while, and waited: Chang Ren opened his mouth to speak, and he continued: "If it's such a trivial matter as reporting our victory to Chang'an, you don't need to report it to me.

I don't want to get involved in this shit.

After a battle, Lin Hao was exhausted to death.

He needs to salt the fish well for a while to bring himself to a higher level.

Even if Lin Hao lost for his dead brothers, this battle was an unprecedented victory.

For the time being, the Tibetans dare not invade again.

It is estimated that when Garqin Mausoleum and Lu Dongzan return to Tibet and deal with the internal affairs of Tibet, the new city of Songzhou City will be almost established.

At that time, he Lin Hao guarded the city.

If they can attack the city wall, Lin Hao loses! "Uh!

Chang Ren didn't expect Lin Hao to be so thorough in throwing his hands at the boss, but when Lin Hao did it, he could only listen.

Cross out the things that Lin Hao doesn't want to hear, the permanent director only has one thing left, and he must ask Lin Hao.

"What should we do with the five thousand prisoners we have captured?


To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 270 270: Governor Lin, are you lying about the military situation [Subscribe]

Hearing Chang Ren's words, Lin Hao almost vomited! It's not a trivial matter what to do with the five thousand prisoners "According to the old rules!

Lin Hao looked at Chang Ren and said, "Do you still need me to teach you something so simple?


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