But this qualified person, obviously capable of high school, does not want to go.

Some people regard it as a treasure, and some people regard it as a mustard,,, just...that's what it means.

Lin Hao saw through Wu Yong's thoughts and smiled lightly: "Don't worry!

"The pilot will be successful, and the talents selected by the pilot examination will definitely bring practical results to the country.

"At that time, the national imperial examinations will be unstoppable!

"Double: When the time comes, you can go now, you genius in plain clothes.

"At that time, you will be able to become a high official.

"Do not!!!

With a sudden noise, Wu Yong made Lin pour a cup of tea into his collar.

Lin Hao gave Wu Yong a white look: "You are so excited!

Wu Yong cupped his hands and said: "My lord, I am not someone who values ​​fame, I just want to do something practical for the people.

"Following you is better than being an official yourself.

"I won't enter officialdom again, but I want to take the imperial examinations and prove my ability!

"On that day, I will definitely participate in the first real imperial examination.

After speaking, Wu Yong said again: "Sir, I think you should also prove your strength.

"Go to the capital and let those... people who say that you are not that or not, shut up!

"Let the high-ranking emperor Lao Tzu see that the most capable people in the world are not his five surnames and seven Wangs.

"Let people with five surnames and seven looks to see how bad they are and how famous they are!

Lin Hao looked at the impassioned Wu Yong, smiled at the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "I just said, we are both so familiar.

"There are no outsiders here, and you still call me you.

"It turned out to be the idea!


Just then, a clerk ran in.

"Mr. Qi, Geng Gong brought Liu Cheng and the others here, and I hope your lord will sign and seal them to prove their identities.

It was only then that Lin Hao remembered that he also had ten fathers in Shanzhou who were five-rank officials and above.

They are also going to participate in the imperial examinations.

As far as the head coach Geng Gong was concerned, when his father was alive, he was the fifth-rank General Dingyuan.

"It should be supported!

With that said, he walked forward.

Wu Yong chased after him and said, "Sir, are you going?

"Say it again!

After arriving at the front office, I saw ten young people all carrying burdens, dressed as if they were going to go out.

"Last general, see Lord Lin.

"Caomin, meet Lord Lin.

Lin Hao waved his hand and said: "Okay, the magistrate has signed it, give it to me!

They took out the identity certificates issued by the county government and put them all on the desk.

Geng Gong smiled and said tentatively, "Sir, you really don't want to go.

Lin Hao didn't answer, just signed.

"No, you won't go, but you will be dismissed and go home!

Lin Hao didn't answer, just stamped it.

After everything was ready, Lin Hao instantly became serious.

He walked up to them, and gave them their well-formed identifications respectively.

Lin Hao solemnly warned: "This trial is for all the second-generation officials who are eligible for hereditary inheritance.

"Some people belong to aristocratic families.

"Some people, no.

"But the fairness this time is absolute.

"Don't embarrass me in Shanzhou, take the test well.

"Let those in the imperial court... Because you are from Shanzhou, you will not hire high-ranking officials in public office, and you will be severely scolded by your majesty in the imperial court!

"After the exam, there are naturally arrangements.

"Best, take the positions of those... the sons of senior officers.

"Those who leave Shanzhou and become officials in Beijing should be good officials.

"Anyone who becomes an official in a local area will benefit the military and civilians of one party!

"Come here!

"One person sends consistent money entanglement!

After the yamen gave them the money, everyone's eyes were red.

Lin Hao turned his back to them and said solemnly: "If you don't do well in the test, you will lose Lao Tzu's ten thousand dollars each!

As soon as the words fell, Lin Hao walked away with great strides.

"grown ups!

"Let's go together, my lord!

"If you don't go, you will be dismissed and go home!


At night! Lin Hao was lying on the bed, unable to sleep.

He was hesitating whether he should go to Beijing to become an official, he would not do it even if he was killed.

Don't go! Just go home when you go home, it's better when you go home, you won't need to upgrade soon, and your life is still comfortable.

But this imperial examination pilot was proposed by him, and he took the lead in breaking his own rules, that is, slapped himself in the face.

Go! If you fail the exam deliberately, that's definitely not possible, then it's not really like that... It's just a piece of shit in the mouth of the boss! If you fail the exam deliberately, it will also embarrass Li Jing, who has been speaking for himself in the court.

Salted fish are salted fish, and being ungrateful is not his style.

But once you pass the test...., ask for evaluation, ask for support, thank you for subscribing to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 58: 58

Counting the time, it has been almost a year and a half since I came to the Tang Dynasty! In such a long time, Lin Hao has never encountered such a thing that made him hesitate.

This time, he really hesitated.

He didn't know whether he should go or not.

After hesitating like this, he finally fell asleep! Dong Dong Dong! Early the next morning, there was a hurried knock on the door.

The usual knock on the door is a polite inquiry.

The knock on the door this time was a feeling of not being able to get up.

"What are you doing, you knocked on the door again early in the morning.

Wu Yong said anxiously: "Sir, I can't hold it anymore, the people want to see you.

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