"As long as a special mark is found, it will be torn up directly and the candidate's qualification will be disqualified.

Li Shimin nodded: "That's it, it's really safe, just do it!

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Yaojin and laughed: "It is a wise choice for you to be the chief examiner!

"Cheng Aiqing, you have offended people again!

Cheng Yaojin said loudly: "My old Cheng Fu has a great life and good fortune, and I'm not afraid of who will fix it.

Hmm! "That's it!

"Just do it!

"Come, drink tea, drink tea!

After the three people 3 agreed on the main things, they began to enjoy tea with peace of mind.

After drinking tea, the two are about to leave.

At this time, Li Shimin suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something.

He looked at Li Jing who was about to leave, and winked deliberately.

After the two left, after a while, Li Jing came back.

"Your Majesty, what is the important thing for you to let the old minister come back?

Li Shimin smiled and said politely, "Brother, do me a personal favor.

Big brother Li Jing rolled his eyes and understood.

"About the Inspector Lin Haolin

Li Shimin nodded, Li Jing is... Li Jing, he never needs to make it clear, people just think about it.

Li Shimin took out a contract and said, "Sign it for me.

Li Jing took a closer look, followed by reading: "Potato Planting Technology Rental Contract

"Paying Lin Hao every year, the country's potato planting gets three percent of the net profit.

"The renter, Li Zitian

He looked at the thumbprint, and then looked at an inscription below.

Guarantor..."Your Majesty, why are potatoes a crop?

"He, Lin Hao, is still an agricultural talent.

After Li Shimin explained, Li Jing nodded.


"This kid, give him this money, maybe he can develop more and better new breeds.

"I sign!

"its not right!

"Your Majesty, do you want to keep the old minister's signature without putting your seal on it?

Li Shimin helplessly pulled a shoe and raked his face and said, "This bastard is very disappointed with the imperial court, it's not the time for now.

"Sign it!

"I won't make you lose money.

Li Jing nodded, signed directly, and stamped his handprint.

In the end, he also took out the personal seal of the Hussar General from his arms and affixed it directly.

"Then, the minister will retire!

Li Shimin accepted the contract with satisfaction, and joked: "Thank you, big brother.

"Don't dare, don't dare, the minister retire.

After Li Jing left, Li Shimin looked at the contract again and was in a good mood instantly.

I must be in a good mood, the preparations for the imperial examination pilot are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The contract is also done.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"My son, meet the emperor!

Li Shimin took the contract and turned around to see that it was his precious daughter.

"Changle, are you coming to see the royal father for his business?

Li Lizhi walked in and said worriedly: "Father, do you think he will come?

Li Shimin smiled confidently: "It will come.

"Father is very accurate when looking at people!

"This person doesn't pay attention to the official voice at all, but he pays great attention to the voice of the people!

"For the people of Shanzhou, he will come!


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Chapter 57 57: When I returned to Hanqiang, it started with the imperial examination [Subscribe]

"For the people of Shanzhou, he will come!

Li Lizhi stood at the door of the imperial study, looked in the direction of Shanzhou City, smiled lightly, and said to herself.


"My father heard it right, he is not used to the many ills in the imperial court, and he is not willing to intervene.

"Maybe, he won't listen to the emperor, but he will definitely listen to the people.

Li Shimin's writing hand stopped.

He looked at his daughter looking in that direction expectantly, and said those words.

Although a little disappointed, although a little uncomfortable.

But if there are more people in this country who don't love the king but only love the family and the country, it's not a bad thing! If you don't love the king, it can only prove that the king is not good enough.

Why, it's not another human mirror! Thinking of this, Li Shimin began to practice calligraphy again.

Vigorous and powerful brush strokes, a horizontal pole like a shoulder, a vertical spine like a towering spine, a sharp sword like a slashing general, and a long sword like a flag.

"Heavy, Hui, Han, Qiang!

Li Shimin stood up and said, word by word, sonorously: "From now on, this imperial examination begins!

Twenty days later, the ten-day countdown to the imperial examination begins! In the afternoon, Shanzhou Prefecture! Lin Hao is making tea on the stone table in the yard.

"grown ups!

Lin Hao looked at Wu Yong who came from the ya before and said, "Sit down and drink tea.

Wu Yong drank a cup of tea, nodded and said, "Good tea, good tea.

"Pine branches are used as firewood, purple sand is used as a pot, Tianshui is used as a guide, and the wild tea material on the mountain is used.

"Slow fire for nearly half an hour, just for this good fortune, you are the only one left.

Lin Hao tilted his head to look at Wu Yong, and said lightly, "Why do I feel that you are sour on me?


Wu Yong really envied Lin Hao.

Back then, when he participated in the nominal imperial examination, he clearly won the jinshi, but he wanted to become a petty official.

In fact, when an official is to do things for the people, it's just that he is not angry.

People who have no virtue and no talent can start from five-rank officials because of their family background.

What is the concept of five grades, the concept that descendants are entitled to hereditary.

He felt it was unfair, so he gave up the job and didn't do it.

Later, I met Lin Hao and followed Lin Hao all the time.

In fact, he really wanted to take part in the scientific examination of this reform.

But this time it is a pilot for the second generation of officials, and he is not qualified.

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