Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 862 875: Misfortune depends on blessing!

Chapter 859 875: Misfortune depends on blessing!

Unexpectedly, the target of the attack was himself. Chen Feng was startled. However, although the power of the fireball was amazing, Chen Feng was not afraid at all. When he stretched out his hand, more than a dozen gray rays of light rushed straight out and penetrated instantly. The fireball, the fireball suddenly shattered like a balloon, turning into pure fire elements and scattered in the air.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng sneered, and then the death ray in his hand was like a laser gun and was fired at Azmodan. Although Azmodan's combat power has become stronger, there are so many people on Chen Feng's side that he can't stand it. .

Azmodan hurriedly flew to the ground. Suddenly he roared and thrust his hands into the ground. Suddenly, there was a layer of black oily object on the ground, as if it were oil. Chen Feng didn't know what it was, but he It can be clearly seen that the black "oil" contains an astonishing temperature. When it touches the building lightly, it seems to burn directly.

"Hahaha, come here if you can!" Azmodan laughed crazily, and the dragon knight was immediately angry. It was not afraid of flames and flew directly over. But as soon as it reached the sky above the black kerosene, the dragon knight It fell straight down, and Chen Feng knew instantly that the kerosene still had an amazing attraction, and the dragon knight could not fly.

The flames instantly burned from the dragon knight's body. At this time, the dragon knight was no longer immune to flames. However, the dragon knight with the highest flame resistance present was still the dragon knight. The flames slowly burned the dragon knight. Chen Feng could clearly feel it. The dragon knight is slowly getting weaker, obviously losing blood.

"Dismiss, summon!" Chen Feng immediately dismissed the dragon knight, and then summoned it from the side. The dragon who sat down on the dragon knight immediately flapped its wings and looked at Azmodan angrily, but he did not dare to step forward easily. Got it!

"I'll do it!" As if Azmodan had found a natural fortress, he was no longer afraid. He attacked Chen Feng with confidence in the kerosene. Countless fireballs sprayed towards Chen Feng crazily. Bulkai Thor suddenly became angry, splitting the fireballs with one sword after another, and rushed towards Azmodan.

"Be careful, Izek, help!" Izek had already turned on all the halos that could offset fire damage, and also turned on the freezing blessing halo, which was also a lost halo that added a freezing effect to friendly forces' damage.

In this case, 33% of the friendly weapon's weapon damage will be converted into freezing damage. It is particularly refreshing to fight against a demon like Azmodan.

Bulkiso rushed over. What surprised Chen Feng was that Bulkiso had really rich combat experience. The two weapons were dragged on the ground. The weapons carried Izek's ice damage, and the whole fire was suddenly on fire. The oil actually froze slightly.

"Good idea!" Chen Feng flashed and turned into the Ice Skeleton King. The enemies of the Flame Skeleton King and the Ice Skeleton King started fighting again. With a wave of his hand, countless cold air came out, and the temperature of the fire oil Dropped suddenly.

Azmodan naturally refused to agree. He roared angrily and the temperature of the oil rose again. As a result, Chen Feng and Azmodan started a tug of war. One of them heated up and the other cooled down. But Bulcaisel had already reached Azmodan came forward.

"Hmph, Bulcaisel, if it was last time, I might be afraid of you, but now, you are no match for me!" Azmodan roared angrily, and saw a huge flaming sword appear in his hand. He slashed hard at Bulkesso.

Chen Feng was shocked. Azmodan has always been a demon king in the legal system, but he didn't expect that he could fight at close range, and he was on par with Bulcaisel. It seemed that Azmodan could fight at close range. He has always been hiding his strength, but this time he was forced to reveal it.

"It's amazing!" Chen Feng had to praise him. Azmodan's melee skills were indeed very powerful, and he was even on par with Bulcaisel for a while. However, for Chen Feng, now was not the time to watch a show. , waved his hand, and countless cold air instantly condensed into the Snow Thorn. At this time, the Ice Spear was too big to be useful.

The Snow Thorn had no cooling time. Chen Feng kept throwing it out. Suddenly Azmodan started to panic. Suddenly, he roared and saw countless flames rising from the ground to the sky. The Snow Thorn was melted all of a sudden. A clean one.

"Good guy!" Chen Feng stretched out his hand again, and saw a large amount of blizzard falling from the sky in the afternoon. The blizzard was also mixed with countless ice edges, and the blizzard began.

Azmodan was not a bad person either. The sword in his hand suddenly changed and turned into a big hammer. He severely knocked back Bulkatho. Then he roared and countless fire rain fell from the sky. In an instant, the blizzard turned into a big hammer. It turned into a downpour.

"Damn thing!" Sure enough, the flames and ice just couldn't deal with it. The two sides restrained each other, and the battle reached a stalemate for a while. Chen Feng was okay. Azmodan took a few breaths on the side and fully recovered. In comparison, I'm not tired anymore.

"Damn it, your physical recovery is amazing!" Chen Feng looked at Azmodan, but the next scene made Chen Feng dumbfounded. Azmodan actually escaped. Chen Feng suddenly roared, but Azmodan's But the speed was astonishingly fast, and it was a flickering type of escape, moving instantly and disappearing after a while.

"Fuck!" Chen Feng immediately cursed angrily. He didn't take such a cheating person, but he ran away like that. Wasn't this too much of a joke?

"Chen Feng, just wait. When I have completely integrated this treasure, I will come to you again. When the time comes, you will definitely not be my opponent! Duriel's Soul Stone is in the palace!" Azmodan Suddenly another projection was thrown out and roared at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng immediately looked towards the palace, and saw several humans inside the palace staring at the projection in stunned silence. Then he glanced at Chen Feng, who hurriedly chased after him. The fallen ones turned around and ran away.

When Azmodan escaped, Chen Feng didn't expect it. In fact, Chen Feng had nothing to do. Azmodan's strength became very astonishing. Although he would not defeat himself, if the two sides continued to stand in a stalemate, it would be a waste of time. So, Chen Feng was also a little passive in preparing for the war.

However, Chen Feng could never give up on the fallen ones. He immediately rushed forward and sent Bulcasso back to the cemetery. He then called out countless skeletons. In an instant, the entire castle was controlled by Chen Feng.

After a while, the battle broke out. Chen Feng knew that he had found someone, so he hurriedly flew over. He saw five fallen people being surrounded by Chen Feng's skeletons. They were very unlucky, and among them was a nine-tailed spirit fox.

"Hmph, traitor, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Call out the soul stone of Duriel, and I can leave you with a whole body. Otherwise, my skeleton will tear you into pieces alive!" Chen Feng said with a sneer. .

Chen Feng has never been a kind-hearted person towards traitors. Several fallen people took one look at his opponent and immediately started shouting injustice at Chen Feng.

"The Soul Stone is really not in our hands. It was taken away by that bastard Azmodan a long time ago. We are just people serving here!" Chen Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense. The Fire Orb was absorbed by Azmodan. , Chen Feng was in a very bad mood.

Immediately waving, a group of skeletons swarmed forward and instantly tore the fallen person who spoke into pieces. The four remaining fallen people on the side suddenly turned pale and looked at Chen Feng in horror.

"Who else wants to quibble?" Chen Feng said lightly, and the four fallen people were trembling.

"My lord, it is really not in our hands. If it were in our hands, we would have given it to you long ago. But it was really taken away by Azmodan. He had already let his subordinates take the soul with them. The stone escaped! We are really just bait!"

A fallen person said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng frowned. It seemed that Azmodan had wanted to escape a long time ago. He had already arranged everything when the battle started. This damn guy, what a pity, let him give it to him. Calculate.

Chen Feng couldn't let go of any hope, so he didn't chase Azmodan. After all, he might not be able to catch up, but he didn't expect that he would be tricked by Azmodan.

"Forget it, let's get on your way!" Chen Feng sighed helplessly. He lost the Fire Orb, and ended up not getting Duriel's Soul Stone. I really don't know why Azmodan took Duriel away. Your soul stone, what's the use of it?

Several degenerates were instantly hacked to death by Chen Feng's skeleton. Chen Feng did not dismember the bodies. Although these guys were unforgivable, Chen Feng still gave them a decent way to die. After burning the corpses, Chen Feng thought for a moment. Finally prepare to go to Hell's Forge.

He wanted to take away the iron felt from the Hell Furnace, because only that iron felt could withstand the beating of the Hell Forge's hammer, but the iron felt was so huge that Chen Feng didn't expect it at first, but now the Soul Stone is gone. After getting it, Chen Feng prepared to destroy the hell furnace and took away everything he could.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Chen Feng immediately set out for the Hell Furnace. After three months, Chen Feng arrived at the Hell Furnace and saw an iron felt like a lake. Chen Feng walked away without saying a word and stuffed it into his backpack. But he was surprised to find something on the ground.

"Haha, parts of the Gale Skeleton King?" Chen Feng was suddenly surprised. In the Hell Furnace, the only thing Chen Feng couldn't penetrate was the hell iron felt. Unexpectedly, there was a part of the Gale Skeleton King underneath.

In this way, only the last piece of the Gale Skeleton King is left, and Chen Feng has another Skeleton King completely resurrected.

"Sure enough, life should not be cut off, no, it is blessings and misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings!" Chen Feng shook his head. Unexpectedly, he lost the Flame Skeleton King, but got one of the two remaining parts of the Gale Skeleton King. At this time, the Gale Skeleton King has become Chen Feng's inevitable goal.

"Go home, hahahaha!" He lost a watermelon, but Chen Feng picked up a cantaloupe. Chen Feng's mood suddenly improved a lot. With the help of Skeleton King Gale, when Chen Feng meets Azmodan again, I can’t believe I can’t catch up!

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