Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 861 874: Azmodan fused with the Fire Orb!

Chapter 858 874: Azmodan fused with the Fire Orb!

Finally arriving at the foot of the city wall, Chen Feng asked Beamon and the Assault Beast to start destroying without saying a word. Even though the Assault Beast was specialized in attacking cities, it was far inferior to Beamon in terms of destruction.

War Beamon has a special skill. With this one move, War Beamon can enter the top five of the legion commander rankings by basically relying on melee combat alone. That is Beamon's claws. Beamon's claws have a special effect. , that is to ignore defense.

In fact, it is said that it ignores defense, but it is actually extremely sharp and sharp. With a slight pull, even a diamond will be broken into two halves. This is just an ordinary city wall. In front of Behemoth, it is like paper. Just swipe it a few times. With his claws, the entire city wall collapsed. Behemoth walked in swaggering and rolled his eyes at the assault beast. That guy was still hitting the wall. Unfortunately, they had already destroyed a 100-meter gap. Only a fist was seen on the assault beast's side. Big and small holes.

Chen Feng and others were also very calm and countless assault beasts walked into the city. Countless demons looked at Chen Feng in horror. Chen Feng gave a cruel smile and waved his hand. When all the skeletons came, they attacked and destroyed crazily, especially Behemoth. , spread his hands, bent down, and rushed forward, just in front of the paws were the houses on both sides.

But is there anything in this world that can block Beamon's claws?

No, all the houses were destroyed by Beamon. Chen Feng suddenly laughed. This scene is very familiar. Isn't it the scene in the prequel of Wolverine where Wolverine enters the dam base to save people?

Good guy, I raised a guy who is more domineering than Wolverine. Wolverine's claws are made of some kind of metal, known as the hardest metal, and Chen Feng's Behemoth, I guess the claws are definitely not weaker than that metal.

There were thousands of demons trampled to death by Beamon along the way. Chen Feng rushed over with his army of skeletons. The Flame Bone Dragon and the Dragon Knight were the masters of arson. Each of them kept spraying flames, and the whole city was gradually destroyed. Devoured by flames.

"Chen Feng!" A shocking roar came from the city. Chen Feng sneered, could he give up now?

"You" Azmodan appeared above a castle, and immediately pointed an angry finger at Chen Feng. Chen Feng sneered. It's too late to come out now. Chen Feng must destroy this city.

In an instant, his body changed, and Chen Feng turned into the Skeleton King of the Earth. Then he raised his hand gently, and Azmodan felt an astonishing wave coming from the ground, and then the entire earth began to tremble.

"The Wrath of the Earth!"

It has the same skills as Frozen Miles and Flame Storm, with an impact range of one thousand kilometers, but the body of the Earth Skeleton King is incomplete. The cooldown time of this skill is as long as a month, but this time it was used particularly appropriately.

The whole ground began to tremble crazily, and soon a huge crack suddenly tore on the ground. The crack was actually right in the middle of the city. What Chen Feng didn't expect was that water poured out of the crack. Countless molten magma was absorbed and began to spread crazily in all directions.

"Hahaha, if God wants to kill you, you really don't blame me. My skills can't bring out the magma!" Chen Feng laughed. He didn't expect that there was actually a channel of magma under the city. Once the crack opened, it was just right. It was in that passage that countless amounts of magma began to fill up.

The fire, the monstrous fire instantly filled the entire city. Chen Feng also transformed into the Skeleton King of Gale. Looking at one direction that was not on fire, a hurricane blew over, and the entire city was instantly ignited by Chen Feng.

"Okay, you are very good, Chen Feng, do you really think that I can't restrain you? Extinguish them all!" Azmodan roared, and saw that countless flames actually started to extinguish. Chen Feng immediately waited. His eyes looked at Azmodan in disbelief.

Azmodan looked at Chen Feng with a wild laugh. He raised his hand, and the countless flames began to slowly decrease as if the air valve had been turned off. Finally, they really disappeared, and countless molten slurries began to solidify. After a while, The crack was suddenly blocked by lava.

"Fire Orb, you actually absorbed my Red Lotus Orb!" Chen Feng looked at Azmodan angrily. Unexpectedly, Azmodan actually succeeded. The orb is more difficult to absorb than the Skeleton King's body. .

What Chen Feng really didn't expect was that the Orb would actually identify with Azmodan, which puzzled Chen Feng. But the fact was right in front of Chen Feng. With the Fire Orb, Azmodan had already mastered it. It is about one-tenth of the power of the Flame Skeleton King. If this power is placed on Chen Feng, it will be 100%, but if it is placed on Azmodan, it will only be 10%.

However, don't underestimate this 10%. Azmodan's own strength is astonishing. Now integrated with the Flame Orb, his control over flames is even more powerful. And the most critical point is that Chen Feng's Flame Skeleton King, It was restrained by the Flame Orb.

If Chen Feng and Azmodan set fire at the same time, Chen Feng's flames would definitely be restrained. Azmodan could extinguish Chen Feng's flames, but Chen Feng could not extinguish the Flame Orb's flames. Chen Feng immediately covered his forehead. It was difficult at once.

"Chen Feng, let me see what else you can do. Now I am completely stronger than you. Even if Bulcaisel comes, you two are no match for me!" Azmodan roared loudly, With a wave of his hand, a huge fireball in the sky rushed straight down towards Chen Feng.

The dragon knight flew up directly and hit the fireball. A huge explosion was heard. The dragon knight was knocked to the ground by the shock wave, and suddenly there was a deep pit on the ground.

Although the Dragon Knight is immune to fire damage, it is powerless against shock waves.

"Damn, why did you let him fuse with the Flame Skeleton King!" The Flame Skeleton King, after the Thunder Skeleton King, has the most violent elemental damage. His combat power is very powerful, and Azmodan himself is good at using fire skills. As a result, Although the Fire Orb only provides 10% of Azmodan's power, for Azmodan, it is tantamount to a full double increase in power.

The power of the current flames has increased several times, and Chen Feng does not dare to take it head on.

A small mushroom cloud appeared in the sky. Fortunately, there was a dragon knight who was immune to fire, but Chen Feng was still worried that if Azmodan had the ability to reduce fire resistance, the dragon knight's fire immunity would also disappear.

There is a saying, good things don't work but bad things do. As soon as Chen Feng's thought flashed across his mind, Azmodan looked at the dragon knight in surprise.

"I didn't expect that I was immune to fire, but in front of me, I am not immune to fire. Fire deprivation!" Chen Feng's expression changed. Fire deprivation is a skill in the flame orb that instantly reduces the enemy's fire resistance by 100%. , that is to say, the fire resistance will become half of its original value.

In an instant, a series of red lights shone on Chen Feng and Chen Feng's skeletons. Chen Feng's face was particularly ugly. This was really adding insult to injury. I didn't expect that he would be restrained today.

"You three go back first, I'm going to summon Bulcaisuo!" Chen Feng said. Although Behemoth Flame Bone Dragon and Holy Light Unicorn were dissatisfied, Chen Feng was the master after all. After being dismissed by Chen Feng, Chen Feng was surprised to find that, The legion commander actually didn't leave any bones on the ground.

You know, if Chen Feng dismantles any skeleton, he will leave countless bones behind. Unexpectedly, the one he encountered today would leave no bones.

"I didn't expect there to be such a trick?" Chen Feng thought. Bulcasso was disbanded, leaving behind a lot of skeletons, but the golden bones would immediately turn white, as if they had not evolved.

After summoning Bul-Katho, Bul-Katho immediately saw Azmodan and immediately knew Azmodan's changes, and he immediately became serious.

"Chen Feng, what happened to Azmodan?" Bulcaisel asked Chen Feng. Chen Feng had a wry smile on his face. He didn't expect that Azmodan got the good thing in the end. It was really a shame.

"Azmodan has merged with the Fire Orb. You already know that among the seven demons of hell, Diavolo ranks first in playing with fire, and the second is Azmodan. Now that Azmodan has the Fire Orb, it's simply... The icing on the well is like adding wings to a tiger, and the combat effectiveness is at least doubled, so you have to be careful!" Chen Feng said.

Fortunately, Azmodan's "Fire Deprivation" comes from the Fire Orb, and without a torso-supported Fire Orb, any skill has a cooldown time, so Bulcaisel does not receive any reduction in fire resistance, which is an advantage.

The battle began, and the first one to rush forward was Bulcaisel. As soon as this guy came out, he threw it at Azmodan. The weapon in his hand was actually thrown directly. The sword suddenly whistled in the air, and then It hit the building hard, and Azmodan dodged.

But Bulcasso waved his hand, and saw that the two weapons returned to Bulcasso's hands again. Chen Feng was a little curious about the properties of these two weapons. Chen Feng had never seen the original properties of these two weapons. .

Azmodan dodged Bulkatho's attack and sprayed a mouthful of flames towards Bulkatho. The dragon knight instantly appeared in front of Bulkatho, raised his shield and blocked the flames, and then the Red Lotus Shield bloomed instantly. A burst of red light emitted, and then a beam of light shot straight towards Azmodan.

Azmodan hurriedly avoided, and then waved his hand, and three red fireballs appeared in the sky, hitting Chen Feng in the distance fiercely. The dragon knight hurriedly returned to defend, but the three fireballs turned around and one by one It hit the dragon knight hard, causing the dragon knight to stumble suddenly. The remaining two immediately bypassed the dragon knight and flew straight towards Chen Feng.

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