Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 830 843: Kill the enemy’s long-range army!

Chapter 827 843: Kill the enemy’s long-range army!

"Oh my God, isn't this too scary?" Chen Feng has never seen such a terrifying rain of arrows, overwhelming the sky. Chen Feng believed that even from the universe, he could see a dense black cloud. It was really scary.

"So you know why I said this is the most difficult area, right?" Marshall smiled bitterly. Everyone rested for a while and then rushed out again. In fact, the main reason was that there were too many arrows and everyone was blinded for a while.

Now that he was prepared, he rushed out again, using energy to protect his body. Even the arrows could not break through the defense. He rushed into the demon army and began to slaughter them crazily.

Chen Feng was dumbfounded because he was no longer looking for him. Chen Feng was nothing without his skeleton. For a moment, Chen Feng was completely controlled. Chen Feng himself didn't believe that he was actually restrained by the enemy for a moment.

This can be said to be the first time that Chen Feng was truly restrained by the enemy.

"When I went to the cemetery, I couldn't believe it. I was actually restrained like this!" Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes, and the time around him suddenly paused. Chen Feng entered the cemetery, and the dragon turtle appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Have you encountered difficulties again?" Long Gui asked with a smile. Chen Feng rolled his eyes and then told the story. Long Gui was also stunned. He thought that Chen Feng could not defeat the enemy. Long Gui even wanted to defeat Chen Feng. A new golden skeleton was contracted, but Chen Feng was suppressed on the whole, and Dragon Turtle didn't pay attention for a while.

The main reason is that there are too many skeletons in the cemetery. Everyone relies on numbers to fight. If there are several trillions of skeletons, they will not be able to exert their power without the rain of arrows. Therefore, for the legion commander in the cemetery, All the rain of arrows is bullshit.

Because it is based on the same basis. After all, both sides are fighting a battle of several megabytes. You come and go. A few megabytes of long-range cannot cover the area of ​​a few megabytes of skeletons. Therefore, as soon as the melee skeletons approach, the enemy will be destroyed. .

But Chen Feng's side is different. First of all, the difference in the number of soldiers between the two sides is countless times. There are 100,000 angels, 1 human, 400,000 skeletons, and the total is only 500,000. On the enemy's side, there are 10 trillion.

To use a more obvious number, it is ten trillion, that is, one hundred million is one trillion, and you can calculate ten trillion by yourself.

This is completely unequal. If Chen Feng has ten trillion skeletons, the army will charge regardless of whether you live or die. Just rush in and there will be a battle. Then Chen Feng will replenish his numbers from behind, and it will be easy to capture the city.

But Chen Feng doesn't have this amount.

"There is no way!" Dragon Turtle shook his head and asked him to think of a way. It was really a loss. If he wanted some skeletons, Dragon Turtle could still think of a way, but let him go to fight, forget it.

"Hey!" Chen Feng covered his head helplessly. It seems that there is only one way left, and that is the Poseidon Barrier. Use the Poseidon Barrier to control certain demons and kill them first, or Chen Feng drives the Gale Skeleton King into the city. , use the Poseidon Barrier to cover the three trillion long-range demons, and then kill them.

But he didn't know if his barrier could block the attack of eight inferior demons.

"I estimate that you can support it for about three minutes. Your current strength to open the Poseidon Barrier is no longer something that ordinary demons can break, but there are eight inferior demons. I mean three minutes!" Dragon Turtle said.

"What if there are three with defense expertise?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Ten minutes!" Long Gui immediately changed his words, and Chen Feng waited for Long Gui's explanation.

"Actually, whether they are demons, humans, or angels, quantity can change quality. If eight of them attack together, you may be able to sustain it for three minutes, but if they attack together, there are only five of them, so the reduced damage will be shared equally. For other demons, it would take a few more minutes to create!”

Chen Feng nodded, smiled immediately, and walked out of the cemetery. He had to kill those damn remote skeletons first. In an instant, the hurricane opened and transformed into the Gale Skeleton King. Chen Feng walked towards the city, but unfortunately the Gale Skeletons It's not strong enough, otherwise it can control the hurricane to appear within a certain range.

The hurricane can blow away all the arrows. Indeed, Chen Feng can now blow away the arrows, but the result of blowing away the arrows is to blow away the angels, because it is too difficult to control the hurricane.

A hurricane was a completely rotating storm that was harder to control than anything else, so Chen Feng did not dare to use it, otherwise the angel would be accidentally injured by Chen Feng, which would be terrible.

There was no way to use hurricanes to contain the enemy's arrows, but the invisibility of the Gale Skeleton King immediately came into play. Chen Feng swaggered into the city. The demons passed by Chen Feng without noticing Chen Feng at all.

As a result, Chen Feng successfully arrived at the place where countless remote demons gathered. Seeing the numerous demons in a dark area, Chen Feng suddenly began to chuckle in his heart, because countless demons suddenly gathered together, that is to say, they were all in a pile. .

This is definitely great news for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes immediately flashed, he came to a corner, transformed into the Azure Skeleton King, and then instantly opened the Poseidon Barrier. All arrow attacks stopped for a moment, and then the Poseidon illusion instantly appeared behind Chen Feng, with a roar. , the Poseidon Halberd appeared.

The halberd stabs with the halberd and kills with the reverse halberd!

Two crazy attacks immediately cut a bloody path through the countless stupid army of demons.

"Human, Chen Feng!" A scream came. Among the countless long-range demons, there was actually one who knew Chen Feng. When Chen Feng saw it, he turned out to be a lesser demon. Chen Feng's face immediately became much prettier, which meant that outside There are only 7 demons left.

And there are only 4 that can actually achieve output.

"Damn it, I have to kill you today!" Chen Feng immediately pointed towards the void, and countless void water began to fall down. These are not used to kill the enemy, but to make the enemy unable to Stand firm.

The water of the void was so light that it felt unsteady to step on it. Countless demons suddenly slipped to the ground. It was a pity that Chen Feng could not use other skeleton kings when the Poseidon barrier was turned on, and the ice skeleton king's ice seal Although Qianli and the Flame Skeleton King's flame storm had cooled down, it was Chen Feng's last killing move and Chen Feng had to keep it.

When the barrier is broken and all the demons are not killed, Chen Feng can use those two moves.

The power of those two moves is too astonishing. Although it can kill the demon quickly, it will be terrible if there is any change. Chen Feng used the most reliable method. After all, Chen Feng does not have so much time to cool down. Skill.

Chen Feng's battle immediately began to break out, and the Azure Skeleton King's skills began to explode. The sea water surged into the sky, and countless void water began to churn, suddenly turning into a tsunami. A large number of tsunamis swept the enemy demons crazily.

Then Chen Feng controlled it again, and the void water on the ground began to spin. In fact, this is what Chen Feng wanted, which was to use the vortex to gather monsters, and then either use Frozen Thousand Miles or Flame Storm to kill instantly.

The range of the Poseidon Barrier is only twenty kilometers, but now it is more than 3,000 kilometers. After Chen Feng's strength increased, the Poseidon Barrier became even larger. However, the range was increased, but the intensity was still not increased. What was the hardness before and what is the hardness now.

Chen Feng's wretched magical skills started again. The rain became heavier and heavier, and the whirlpool became bigger and bigger. Countless demons were gathered together. Fortunately, they were not at the same height. More demons were submerged by the water, and a large number of demons were gathered together. The demon raised his head and shot at Chen Feng, but within the barrier was Chen Feng's territory. The illusion of Poseidon slapped him, causing a stormy sea and all the arrows were ineffective.

Then naturally came the invincible skeleton sneak attack. Countless skeletons were summoned by Chen Feng, and they were pulled towards the enemy's ankles like water ghosts. Suddenly, a large number of demons were pulled into the water. This time, they were not trying to establish their power. Instead, they wanted to kill the enemy. All the skeletons killed the enemy as quickly as possible. After a while, there were a lot of dead corpses on the ground.

Chen Feng was naturally able to control it. Countless corpses were thrown out by the whirlpool. At the far end of the barrier, there were still living demons in the middle. The result was like a production chain. The dead ones were thrown out and the alive ones came in. Killed by Chen Feng's skeleton.

Chen Feng's skeleton stood there as if it were at work. He pulled on his head and pulled out a demon. Then four or five sharp knives were inserted into it. The struggling demon was stabbed to death in a few strokes. Chen Feng naturally gained a lot of honor points.

The most tragic thing was the inferior demon. Under the attack of Chen Feng and several skeletons, he even died faster than ordinary demons. In the water that can float everything in the world, the inferior demon could not escape no matter how hard he struggled.

A wave rushed over and entered the water. As a result, he was caught by Chen Feng's skeletons and beaten randomly. Finally, he died tragically in the hands of Asura. Asura's four swords shone with the light of death.

The appearance of the barrier naturally made countless demons aware of it. Suddenly, several demons roared and attacked the barrier one after another. However, it is easy to defeat the defense of the barrier from the inside, but it is difficult to defeat it from the outside. .

It's a pity that Chen Feng shut down Hailong in order to ensure that the barrier time is sufficient. Otherwise, as soon as the enemy attacks the barrier, the Hailong who still has the Poseidon barrier will automatically fight back, and several lesser demons will not be able to do so. So easy.

At this time, Marshall naturally saw the barrier and immediately guessed what Chen Feng was going to do. The arrows in the sky disappeared, and the anger of Marshall and others suddenly broke out.

"Kill me, kill me crazily!" Marshall roared loudly, and the angels immediately broke out. Without the interference of arrows, the combat effectiveness of all angels skyrocketed. Originally, everyone had to rely on energy to protect their bodies from arrows. Penetration, but now it is no longer needed, and the attack power has naturally increased.

"Team 10, follow me. We will protect the barrier and buy Chen Feng time!" Marshall shouted, and immediately a hundred angels quickly flew over and flew towards the barrier.

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