Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 829 842: Damn, this is the long-range army!

Chapter 826 842: Damn, this is the long-range army!

"The demons don't give us any chance to surprise us. Instead, they can use flying demons to surprise us. Therefore, there is basically no way to fight in this city except hard attacks!" Marshall said. Chen Feng looked around and frowned.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, there is. That is to restrain the enemy's long-range units, destroy the city walls, and enter the city to engage in urban warfare. In this way, the demon's long-range and flying units will be contained. In close combat, we are not afraid of these demons! "Marshall said.

"That's good, leave the task of destroying the city to me!" Chen Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it would be something difficult, but it was too simple to destroy the cities.

"Don't be careless. I know your skills. Although they are powerful, there are eight lesser demons in this city. Three of them are actually good at defense. Your tricks may not work. My judgment can be accepted. Stop!" Marshall said to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's brows, which had finally soothed, wrinkled again.

"Have all the judgments been caught?" Judgment is the most powerful trick of angels. Especially after the Senator Angel understands the law, he will integrate the power of the law into the judgment. At that time, the power of judgment will increase exponentially.

In other words, if the most powerful trial hits Chen Feng, Chen Feng still doesn’t know whether he can survive. If it hits Chen Feng’s skeleton, the only ones who can survive are the dragon knights with damage reduction, and the other skeletons are basically All will die.

However, such a trial attack was actually blocked. It can be imagined how strong the enemy's defense was. Chen Feng immediately understood that this was obviously the area where the most powerful unit of the Angel Legion was held back.

Just like soldiers, there are infantry, artillery, and special forces. Obviously the angels who attacked Ravenclaw City were all special forces, but the enemy was not a vegetarian, and completely held back this troop.

"Look at me coming to break the city, I don't believe it!" Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly. With a flash of light, he instantly turned into the Ice Skeleton King. An astonishing cold air immediately filled the air, followed closely by Chen Feng With a wave of his hand, a huge icicle appeared instantly, and the spear of ice sprinted.

The huge ice spear was much stronger than the previous ones, and it smashed towards the city wall with great force. The icicles, which were over 3,000 meters long, could really make a hole if they hit the city wall. Come, but the devil doesn’t agree.

With a roar, a demon suddenly appeared in the city, holding a two-handed sword, and smashed it hard at the Ice Spear. In an instant, the Ice Spear was completely shattered, and ice shards and ice shards flew all over the sky. .

"What a powerful force, it was all shattered all of a sudden!" Chen Feng was immediately shocked.

"Be careful, those are shock demons. Their attacks contain layered shocks, which are amazingly powerful and have amazing penetrating power!" Marshall shouted loudly, and Chen Feng immediately understood that this was a man who beat cattle from across the mountain. legend.

It attacked countless times in an instant, using tiny vibrations to shatter the entire icicle. It looked powerful, but in fact it launched countless attacks in an instant. The attack was quite terrifying.

"Good guy, this attack method is very difficult to learn!" Chen Feng exclaimed. In fact, it is equivalent to attacking countless times in one second. Such a speed is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

The demon looked at Chen Feng and roared, then stood on the city wall, obviously on guard against Chen Feng. Chen Feng sneered, took out the time potion in his hand, drank it in one gulp, and the white light in his hand began to flash crazily, and he saw a Huge ice spears appeared crazily.

An astonishing scene suddenly appeared in the sky. Huge ice spears were seen rushing out crazily. One by one at that second, they rushed directly towards the city. The huge city was completely unable to escape. Fortunately, There are times when demons come out to help. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

However, the number of ice spears is increasing. It takes several seconds for the ice spears to fly out, and those few seconds are enough for Chen Feng to create more ice spears. As a result, the number of ice spears continues to increase. , and soon the ice spears filled the sky, completely dumbfounding the lesser devil.

How to block?

"Roar!" A roar appeared from the city, and then ten huge heads emerged from the city. The ten heads looked at Chen Feng and roared, and then groups of fireballs sprayed out crazily. Chen Feng's ice spear hit Chen Feng instantly, followed by bursts of explosions. The huge explosion carried powerful force, causing Chen Feng's ice spear to immediately fall to the ground and lose the momentum to move forward.

But Chen Feng was not nervous at all, because those ice spears did not disappear after they fell to the ground. Once the ice spears were formed, unless they were destroyed, they would not disappear until Chen Feng took control of them himself. Chen Feng would not control them now. .

Countless ice spears were knocked down. Suddenly, the entire city was filled with ice spears. The ten-headed demon snake inside smiled disdainfully at Chen Feng. Apparently, he thought that Chen Feng's little trick could not hurt his city, but Chen Feng But it was a weird smile.

At this moment, Chen Feng roared angrily, his eyes widened, and he clapped his hands fiercely. The ground shook, and countless ice spears moved instantly. The ice spears that were lying peacefully on the ground quickly moved toward He rushed towards the city wall, and before the demons could react, ice spears quickly penetrated into the city wall, followed by a collision from behind, with countless rear-end collisions, and finally the city wall was broken open countless times. The cave was finally overwhelmed and collapsed heavily.

"Hahahaha, idiot!" Chen Feng laughed crazily, as arrogant as he could be, but all the demons were dumbfounded. They thought they had blocked Chen Feng's attack, but they didn't expect Chen Feng's killing move. It's here.

The ice spear needs to be controlled by Chen Feng before it can move. As soon as the fireball appeared, Chen Feng already had a trick. The main reason was that the ice spear was hit by the fireball. It really lost the power to fly, so it fell. of.

But no one noticed at this time that even if the ice spear fell to the ground, it fell towards the city wall.

In this way, Chen Feng once again controlled it. Even if the speed was not as fast as the original speed, it was still enough to destroy the city wall. As expected, Chen Feng's trick was followed, and a city wall collapsed very simply.

"Human, I want you to die!" The ten-headed demon snake roared, and a series of fireballs were sprayed out crazily towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and with a flash of light, he transformed into the Blue Skeleton King, followed by all The ice spear melted instantly, and countless water balls appeared in the sky, directly hitting the fire ball.

Suddenly countless explosions occurred, and Chen Feng burst out laughing. Could this fireball really hit him? Although the ten-headed snake had ten heads, it was still not enough.

"Okay, great, hahaha, I didn't expect you to really succeed. Great, all the angels obey the order and prepare to fight!" Marshall said with a smile, and at the same time, countless demons rushed towards the devil. Out of the city.

"Where is the enemy's range?" Chen Feng asked Marshall. Marshall looked at it and pointed at the last one. It was the center of the city! "

"According to the intelligence, that side is the center of the demons. The terrain over there is open, and a full three trillion long-range demons have gathered to attack together. It is overwhelming. Standing in that position, you can attack in all directions of the city. A few days ago, we After one attack, it was an overwhelming attack and more than thirty brothers were killed!" Marshall said.

Chen Feng immediately knew that in the middle, which he was worried about, the long-range was placed here, and any corner of the entire city could be defended, because that side was already in the middle. What surprised Chen Feng was that he did not expect that there was a whole Three trillion long-range units, it seems that the devil has invested a lot of capital here.

Demons basically focus on melee combat, with a small number of long-range units. There is not even one army, and there are even some that are all melee-combat units, and all of them are long-range units, and the number is really small.

The battle broke out instantly, and countless arrows rained down in an overwhelming manner. Chen Feng almost bit off his tongue, because the arrows were not from Chen Feng's skeleton, but from the enemy. Those arrows were the real overwhelming force. Arrows As soon as the arrow was released, the entire sky instantly entered a state of darkness, completely impermeable to light.

"Oh my God!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth and instantly transformed into the Skeleton King of the Earth. Then he waved and a barrier appeared. Countless arrows fell on the barrier and immediately made a "dinging, clanking" sound, but the entire barrier did not move at all. .

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but Chen Feng's skeletons suffered. Countless skeletons were killed instantly. For the first time in this world, Chen Feng's own skeletons were killed by a rain of arrows.

"Counterattack, you must fucking fight back, these idiots are too arrogant!" Chen Feng was furious, and all the melee skeletons died in an instant. Fortunately, Chen Feng didn't call out the long-range skeletons and cavalry, otherwise it would really be impossible. Know what to do.

When the arrow rain came down, it was good that Chen Feng could protect himself, but it came too fast and too hastily.

The main reason was that the range of Chen Feng's barrier was not large enough, but Chen Feng immediately called out one. The two barriers together were enough to accommodate only more than 10,000 remote skeletons.

As a result, Chen Feng's arrows started again, but Chen Feng was desperate. Compared with the enemy's arrows, Chen Feng's arrows were completely inferior. It was like the comparison between a small shrimp and a blue whale. They were completely different from each other. of.

Countless arrows were instantly blocked by the enemy's arrows. That's right, as soon as Chen Feng's arrow was launched, the enemy's arrow knocked down Chen Feng's skeleton arrow. Needless to say, the result was... Not even an arrow flew out.

"Holy shit, this is too fucking exaggerated!" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed. Marshall also ran into Chen Feng's barrier. Seeing Chen Feng's constant wry smile, Chen Feng canceled his remote skeleton, and countless angels entered Chen Feng's realm. Escape from the barrier.

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